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Name:__________________________________ Date:______________
Permit Number:__________________________

I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the correct answer for each of the following item.

1. Which of the following gases are dissolved and held in chemical combination in the blood?
a. Nitrogen and CO2 b. Chlorine and CO c. Oxygen and CO2 d. Nitrogen and
2. The chemical of most significance in gaseous transport is
a. Acetylcholine b. Hemoglobin c. Adrenaline d.
3. Gaseous exchange occurs between the capillaries and the
a. Trachea b. Alveolar sacs c. Primary bronchi d. Terminal bronchioles
4. It is the movement of O2 from the lungs to the blood and CO2 from the blood to the lungs
a. External Respiration c. Systemic Respiration
b. Pulmonary Respiration d. Cellular Respiration
5. Movement of air into and out of the lungs is called
a. Systemic Ventilation c. Pulmonary Ventilation
b. External Respiration d. Internal Respiration
6. Which of the following is not a function of your nose?
a. Moisten and warms entering air c. provides an airway for respiration
b. Serves as resonating chamber of speech d. Facilitates exposure of the immune
7. The nerve that innervates (stimulates) the diaphragm
a. Cyatic nerve c. Phoenix nerve
b. Phrenic nerve d. Nerve cells
8. It is a condition characterized by an absence of oxygen supply to an organ or a tissue
a. Anoxia b. Anosmia c. Hypoxia d. Hyperventilation
9. It is a pathological condition in which the body as a whole or a region of the body is
deprived of adequate oxygen supply.
a. Anoxia b. Anosmia c. Hypoxia d. Hyperventilation
10.The normal Respiratory rate for adult is
a. 12-20 beat/min c. 20-28 breaths/min
b. 8-15 breaths/min d. 12-20 breaths/min
11.It serves as passageway of air and food
a. Larynx b. Trachea c. Pharynx d. Bronchi
12.Which of the following does NOT belong to the conducting portion of the respiratory
a. Alveoli b. Bronchioles c. Nose d. Pharynx
13.The structure which closes off the larynx is the
a. Glottis b. Adam's apple c. Epiglottis d. vocal cords
14.Which of the following describes a correct order of structures in the respiratory
a. pharynx, trachea, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles
b. larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchioles, bronchi
c. trachea, pharynx, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles
d. pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
15.The exchange of gases occurs in the
a. Trachea b. Bronchioles c. Alveoli d. Bronchus
16.Gas exchange in the lungs happens by the process of
a. Osmosis b. Diffusion c. Exocytosis d. Active transport
17.The disease referred to as anthracosis is caused by
a. Bacterial infection c. Inhaling sand particles
b. Undue exposure d. Inhaling coal dust
18.How many lobes does your right lung have?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. none
19.It is the respiratory center of human body
a. Lungs b. Frontal lobe c. Brain d. Medulla Oblongata
20.What is the main function of the C-shaped cartilaginous rings
a. Passageway of air to the lungs
b. Holds the trachea and bronchioles together
c. Prevents collapse of trachea
d. Prevents excessive air inhalation
21.The primary function of the respiratory system is gas exchange, but it also involved in
speech and smell. Which part of the respiratory system does air pass over to give rise to
our sense of smell?
a. Pharynx b. Olfactory Mucosa c. Larynx d. Nasal Cavity
22.The respiratory system has two functional parts: a conducting portion and a respiratory
portion. The conducting portion transports inspired air, but what is its other function?
a. It moistens the inspired air c. It filters the inspired air
b. It warms the inspired air d. All of these options
23.The respiratory system has a strong link to which other system in the body?
a. Immune System c. Digestive System
b. Genitourinary System d. Cardiovascular System
24.What important activity takes place in the lungs?
a. Food is digested. c. Liquid waste is filtered from the blood.
b. Oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide. d. The trachea is exchanged for the larynx.
25.A disease commonly found among construction workers, is caused by deposits of sand
particles in the lungs.
a. Silicosis b. Anthracosis c. Rhinitis d. Common colds
26. Outside layer of the heart wall that’s interspersed with adipose
a. Endocardium b. Myocardium c. Parietal pericardium d. Visceral
27.The The interior lining of the heart is called
a. Endocardium b. Myocardium c. Parietal pericardium d. Visceral
28.Uppermost two chambers of the heart is called
a. Ventricle b. Heart c. Atria d. Aorta
29.Valve located between the right ventricle and pulmonary artery
a. Tricuspid valve b. Bicuspid valve c. Superior vena cava d. Semilunar
30.The wall that divides the heart into two cavities is called
a. Valve b. Arterial Wall c. Septum d. Aorta

II. Identify the structures of the respiratory tract shown in Figure using the terms below.
Esophagus Larynx Nasal cavities Oropharynx Nose Right lung
Epiglottis Mouth Alveoli Nasopharynx Thyroid cartilage
Left lung Trachea Bronchioles Laryngopharynx Left bronchus

III. Essay (20 pts)

 Trace how the blood circulates.

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