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What is a How are they

Nebula? formed?
A nebula is an astronomical Many nebulas form from
cloud of dust made up of the gravitational collapse of gas in
hydrogen , helium and space. As the material collapses
under its own weight, huge stars
other gases. Originally
may form in the center, and
the nebula was a broad name their ultraviolet energy comes
for any astronomical object, together with the surrounding gas,
including galaxies beyond the making it visible at great distances.
Milky Way .The Nebula often Examples of these types of nebula
are the Rosette Nebula and
makes star forming areas, for
the Pelican Nebula. These are some
example in the Eagle Nebula. of the sites where star formation
This nebula is shown in one occurs. The formed stars are
of NASA's most famous images, sometimes known as a young, loose
the "Pillars of Creation". In cluster.
these regions the formation of Some nebulas are formed as the
gases, dust and other materials result of supernova explosions. The
materials are taken off from
bunch together to make larger
the supernova explosion and they
masses, which attract more are connected by the energy. One
matter, and eventually will of the best examples of this is
become big enough to the Crab Nebula. The supernova
form stars. The remaining event was recorded in the year
1054. The solid object that was

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