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Nose Bleeding

It is bleeding from one or both nostrils due to
injury to the soft tissue of the nose, damage to
the blood vessels in the nose resulting to
Common Causes
• Blowing, picking or rubbing the
nose, and sneezing too frequently.
• Injury e.g. a hard impact on the
• Breathing very dry air.
• Nasal and sinus infection which
makes the nasal mucous
membrane even more fragile.
• Disease e.g. High blood pressure
What you can do
1. Keep victim quiet. Place him in a sitting
position, leaning forward whenever possible,
if that is not possible, place him in a reclining
position with his head and shoulders raised.
Lean forward- this prevents blood from running
down the throat and any clots from blocking
the air passages
2. Pinch the lower part of the nostrils just below
the bony part of the nose between the finger
and thumb for 10 minutes while breathing
through the mouth.
3. Release the nostrils slowly. If bleeding
continues, repeat the procedure. If available,
an ice pad can be applied outside the nose.
If bleeding continues, obtain medical assistance
or bring patient to the nearest hospital.
NOTE: After the bleeding has stopped, do not
touch or blow the nose for about 24 hours.

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