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YF9.25 A flywheel with a radius of 0.300 m starts from rest and accelerates with a
constant angular acceleration of 0.600 rad/s . Compute the magnitude of the tangential
acceleration, the radial acceleration and the resultant acceleration of a point on its rim
at the start after it has turned through 60.0°
Ans. 0.180 m/s , 0, 0.180 m/s 0.180 m/s , 0.377 m/s , 0.418 m/s

YF9.43 Show that has units equivalent to joules.

YF9.44 An antique phonograph turntable has a kinetic energy of 0.0250 J when turning at
45.0 rev/min. What is the moment of inertial of the turntable about the rotation axis?
Ans. 2.25 kg.m
0.400 m ma I
0.200 kg


p.O b

Fig.1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3

YF9.37. (Fig. 1) Four small spheres, each of which you can regard as a point of mass
0.200 kg, are arranged in a square 0.400 m on a side and connected by light rods. Find the
moment of inertia of the system about an axis
through the center of the square, perpendicular to its plane (an axis through point O in
the figure)
bisecting two opposite sides of the square (an axis along the line AB in the figure)
that passes through the centers of the upper left and lower right spheres and through
point O Ans. 0.0640 kg.m , 0.0320 kg.m , 0.0320 kg.m

YF9.55* (Fig. 2) A thin, rectangular sheet of metal has mass and sides of length and
. Calculate the moment of inertia of the sheet for an axis that is perpendicular to the
plane of the sheet and that passes through one corner of the sheet. Ans.

YF9.85 (Fig. 3) The pulley in the diagram has radius R and a moment of inertia I. The
rope does not slip over the pulley, and the pulley spins on a frictionless axle. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between block A and the tabletop is . The system is
released from rest, and block B descends. Block A has mass and block B has a mass
. Use energy methods to calculate the speed of block B as a function of the distance
that it has descended. Ans.

YF10.17 (Fig. 3) A 2.00-kg textbook rests on a frictionless, horizontal surface. A cord

attached to the book passes over a pulley whose diameter is 0.150 m, to a hanging book

with mass 3.00 kg. The system is released from rest, and the books are observed to move
1.20 m in 0.800 s.
What is the tension in each part of the cord? Ans. 7.5 N, 18.2 N
What is the moment of inertia of the pulley about its rotation axis? Ans. 0.0160 kg.m

Fig. 4

YF10.19. A string is wrapped several times around the rim of a small hoop with radius
0.08000 m and mass 0.180 kg. If the free end of the string is held in place and the hoop is
released from rest, calculate
the tension in the string while the hoop descends as the string unwinds; Ans. 0.882 N
the time it takes the hoop to descend 0.750 m Ans. 0.553 s
the angular speed of the rotating hoop after it has descended 0.750 m Ans. 33.9

YF10.44 A solid wood door 1.00 m wide and 2.00 m high is hinged along one side and
has a total mass 40.0 kg. Initially open and at rest, the door is struck at its center by a
handful of sticky mud with mass 0.500 kg, traveling perpendicular to the door at 12.0 m/s
just before impact. Find the final angular speed of the door. Does the mud make a
significant contribution to the moment of inertia? Ans. 0.22 rad/s

Statics and Equilibrium

30 °

L/ 4

3L/ 4
2000 N
50 ° 30 °

Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig.7 Fig.8

SHM3.8 A uniform, 400 N beam is supported as shown in the Fig.5. Find the tension in
the tie rope and the force exerted on the beam by the pin at p.P
Ans. N, kN, °

Problem1. A shop sign weighing 245 N is supported by a uniform 155-N beam as shown
in the diagram (fig.6). Find the tension in the wire and the horizontal and vertical forces
exerted by the hinge on the beam. Ans. N N N

Problem 2. The force in Fig. 7 keeps the 6.40-kg block and the pulleys in equilibrium.
The pulleys have negligible mass and friction. Calculate the tension in the upper cable.
Ans. 71.68 N

Problem 3. In Fig.8, one end of a uniform beam that weighs 222 N is attached to a wall
with a hinge. The other end is supported by a wire.
Find the tension in the wire. Ans. 192.3 N
What are the horizontal and Ans. 96.15 N
vertical components of the hinge on the beam? Ans. 55.46 N

YF11.23 A circular steel wire 2.00 m long must stretch no more than 0.25 cm when a
tensile force of 400 N is applied to each end of the wire. What minimum diameter is
required for the wire? Ans. 1.4 mm


Problem 4. The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter consists of many fragments, once
hypothesized to have been a planet. If the center of mass of the asteroid belt is about 3
times farther from the Sun than the Earth is, how long would it have taken this
hypothetical planet to orbit the Sun? Ans. 5.196 yr

Problem 5. Comet Halley moves in an elongated elliptical orbit around the sun. At
perihelion (closest distance to Sun), the comet is 8.75 km from the sun; at aphelion
(farthest distance from Sun), the comet is 5.26 km from the sun. Find the period of
the comet. Ans. 76 yr

Problem 6. A meteor has a speed of 90.0 m/s when 800 km/ above the Earth. It is falling
vertically (ignore air resistance) and strikes a bed of sand in which it is brought to rest in
3.25 m.
(a) What is its speed just before striking the sand? Ans. 3.7 m/s
(b) How much work does the sand do to stop the meteor (mass=575 kg) ( -3.98 J)
(c) What is the average force exerted by the sand on the meteor? Ans. 1.23 N
(d) How much thermal energy is produced? Ans. 3.98 J

Problem 7. The Earth's distance from the sun varies from 1.471 km to
1.521 km during the year. Determine the difference in
(a) potential energy Ans. -1.7 J
(b) the Earth's kinetic energy Ans. 0.85 J
(c) the total energy between these extreme points. Ans. -0.85 J
Take the Sun to be at rest.

Problem 8. A NASA satellite has just observed an asteroid that is on a collision course
with the Earth. The asteroid has an estimated mass, based on its size, of 5 kg. It is
approaching the Earth on a head-on course with a velocity of 600 m/s relative to the
Earth and is now 5.0 km away. With what speed will it hit the Earth's surface,
neglecting friction with the atmosphere? Ans. 11.17 km/s

Problem 9. Determine the escape velocity for the Moon. (That is the velocity necessary
for a spacecraft to leave the Moon's gravitational field forever.) Ans. 2.37 km/s

Problem 10. What would be the gravitational acceleration on Jupiter? Ans.24.8 m/s

Problem 11. Certain neutron stars are believed to be rotating at about 1 rev/s. If such a
star has a radius of 20 km, what must be its minimum mass so that material on its surface
remains in place during the rapid rotation? Ans. 4.74 kg

Problem 12. A rocket is accelerated to speed ! near Earth's surface, and it

then coasts upward. How much will be its velocity when it is far from Earth?


YF9.25 A flywheel with a radius of 0.300 m starts from rest and accelerates with a
constant angular acceleration of 0.600 rad/s . Compute the magnitude of the tangential
acceleration, the radial acceleration and the resultant acceleration of a point on its rim
at the start after it has turned through 60.0°
Ans. 0.180 m/s , 0, 0.180 m/s 0.180 m/s , 0.377 m/s , 0.418 m/s

YF9.43 Show that has units equivalent to joules.

YF9.44 An antique phonograph turntable has a kinetic energy of 0.0250 J when turning at
45.0 rev/min. What is the moment of inertial of the turntable about the rotation axis?
Ans. 2.25 kg.m
0.400 m ma I
0.200 kg


p.O b

Fig.1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3

YF9.37. (Fig. 1) Four small spheres, each of which you can regard as a point of mass
0.200 kg, are arranged in a square 0.400 m on a side and connected by light rods. Find the
moment of inertia of the system about an axis
through the center of the square, perpendicular to its plane (an axis through point O in
the figure)
bisecting two opposite sides of the square (an axis along the line AB in the figure)
that passes through the centers of the upper left and lower right spheres and through
point O Ans. 0.0640 kg.m , 0.0320 kg.m , 0.0320 kg.m

YF9.55* (Fig. 2) A thin, rectangular sheet of metal has mass and sides of length and
. Calculate the moment of inertia of the sheet for an axis that is perpendicular to the
plane of the sheet and that passes through one corner of the sheet. Ans.

YF9.85 (Fig. 3) The pulley in the diagram has radius R and a moment of inertia I. The
rope does not slip over the pulley, and the pulley spins on a frictionless axle. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between block A and the tabletop is . The system is
released from rest, and block B descends. Block A has mass and block B has a mass
. Use energy methods to calculate the speed of block B as a function of the distance
that it has descended. Ans.

YF10.17 (Fig. 3) A 2.00-kg textbook rests on a frictionless, horizontal surface. A cord

attached to the book passes over a pulley whose diameter is 0.150 m, to a hanging book

with mass 3.00 kg. The system is released from rest, and the books are observed to move
1.20 m in 0.800 s.
What is the tension in each part of the cord? Ans. 7.5 N, 18.2 N
What is the moment of inertia of the pulley about its rotation axis? Ans. 0.0160 kg.m

Fig. 4

YF10.19. A string is wrapped several times around the rim of a small hoop with radius
0.08000 m and mass 0.180 kg. If the free end of the string is held in place and the hoop is
released from rest, calculate
the tension in the string while the hoop descends as the string unwinds; Ans. 0.882 N
the time it takes the hoop to descend 0.750 m Ans. 0.553 s
the angular speed of the rotating hoop after it has descended 0.750 m Ans. 33.9

YF10.44 A solid wood door 1.00 m wide and 2.00 m high is hinged along one side and
has a total mass 40.0 kg. Initially open and at rest, the door is struck at its center by a
handful of sticky mud with mass 0.500 kg, traveling perpendicular to the door at 12.0 m/s
just before impact. Find the final angular speed of the door. Does the mud make a
significant contribution to the moment of inertia? Ans. 0.22 rad/s

Statics and Equilibrium

30 °

L/ 4

3L/ 4
2000 N
50 ° 30 °

Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig.7 Fig.8

SHM3.8 A uniform, 400 N beam is supported as shown in the Fig.5. Find the tension in
the tie rope and the force exerted on the beam by the pin at p.P
Ans. N, kN, °

Problem1. A shop sign weighing 245 N is supported by a uniform 155-N beam as shown
in the diagram (fig.6). Find the tension in the wire and the horizontal and vertical forces
exerted by the hinge on the beam. Ans. N N N

Problem 2. The force in Fig. 7 keeps the 6.40-kg block and the pulleys in equilibrium.
The pulleys have negligible mass and friction. Calculate the tension in the upper cable.
Ans. 71.68 N

Problem 3. In Fig.8, one end of a uniform beam that weighs 222 N is attached to a wall
with a hinge. The other end is supported by a wire.
Find the tension in the wire. Ans. 192.3 N
What are the horizontal and Ans. 96.15 N
vertical components of the hinge on the beam? Ans. 55.46 N

YF11.23 A circular steel wire 2.00 m long must stretch no more than 0.25 cm when a
tensile force of 400 N is applied to each end of the wire. What minimum diameter is
required for the wire? Ans. 1.4 mm


Problem 4. The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter consists of many fragments, once
hypothesized to have been a planet. If the center of mass of the asteroid belt is about 3
times farther from the Sun than the Earth is, how long would it have taken this
hypothetical planet to orbit the Sun? Ans. 5.196 yr

Problem 5. Comet Halley moves in an elongated elliptical orbit around the sun. At
perihelion (closest distance to Sun), the comet is 8.75 km from the sun; at aphelion
(farthest distance from Sun), the comet is 5.26 km from the sun. Find the period of
the comet. Ans. 76 yr

Problem 6. A meteor has a speed of 90.0 m/s when 800 km/ above the Earth. It is falling
vertically (ignore air resistance) and strikes a bed of sand in which it is brought to rest in
3.25 m.
(a) What is its speed just before striking the sand? Ans. 3.7 m/s
(b) How much work does the sand do to stop the meteor (mass=575 kg) ( -3.98 J)
(c) What is the average force exerted by the sand on the meteor? Ans. 1.23 N
(d) How much thermal energy is produced? Ans. 3.98 J

Problem 7. The Earth' s distance from the sun varies from 1.471 km to
1.521 km during the year. Determine the difference in
(a) potential energy Ans. -1.7 J
(b) the Earth' s kinetic energy Ans. 0.85 J
(c) the total energy between these extreme points. Ans. -0.85 J
Take the Sun to be at rest.

Problem 8. A NASA satellite has just observed an asteroid that is on a collision course
with the Earth. The asteroid has an estimated mass, based on its size, of 5 kg. It is
approaching the Earth on a head-on course with a velocity of 600 m/s relative to the
Earth and is now 5.0 km away. With what speed will it hit the Earth' s surface,
neglecting friction with the atmosphere? Ans. 11.17 km/s

Problem 9. Determine the escape velocity for the Moon. (That is the velocity necessary
s gravitational field forever.) Ans. 2.37 km/s
for a spacecraft to leave the Moon'

Problem 10. What would be the gravitational acceleration on Jupiter? Ans.24.8 m/s

Problem 11. Certain neutron stars are believed to be rotating at about 1 rev/s. If such a
star has a radius of 20 km, what must be its minimum mass so that material on its surface
remains in place during the rapid rotation? Ans. 4.74 kg

Problem 12. A rocket is accelerated to speed ! near Earth' s surface, and it

then coasts upward. How much will be its velocity when it is far from Earth?

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