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August 2010

Master of Computer Application (MCA) – Semester 2

MC0066 – OOPS using C++ – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0681 & B0715)
Assignment Set – 1 (40 Marks)

Answer all Questions Each Question carries FIVE Marks

Book ID: B0681

1. Describe the steps in compiling and executing a C++ program with programmatic

2. Describe the theory with programming examples the selection control statements in C++.

3. Given a RxC Matrix, A, i.e. R rows and C columns we define a Saddle-Point as

Saddle_Pt (A(i,j)) = A(i,j) is the minimum of Row i and the maximum of Col j.
-- 7 is Saddle_Pt. at position (3,1)
Write a program in C++ to check and print for saddle points in a matrix.

4. Describe and Demonstrate the concept of Pass by Value and Pass By Reference using
appropriate programming examples of your own.

Book ID: B0715

5. Describe the theory of Derivation and Inheritance.

6. Describe the Friend functions and friend classes with programming examples.

7. Illustrate with suitable examples various file handling methods in C++.

8. Explain the concept of class templates in C++ with some real time programming examples.
August 2010
Master of Computer Application (MCA) – Semester 2
MC0066 – OOPS using C++ – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0681 & B0715)
Assignment Set – 2 (40 Marks)

Answer all Questions Each Question carries FIVE Marks

Book ID: B0681

1. Explain the concept of constructors and destructors with suitable examples.

2. Describe the following:

a) Types of Inheritance
b) Objects and Pointers

3. Describe the theory behind Virtual Functions and Polymorphism along with suitable
programming examples for each.

4. Write a program in C++ for copying and printing the contents of files.

Book ID: B0715

5. Explain Class templates and function templates.

6. Discuss the theory of Exception specifications with suitable code snippets for each.

7. Explain the theory and applications of Sequence containers.

8. Write about the following with respect to:

A) Instance Diagrams B) Sequence Diagrams C) Collaboration Diagrams

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