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SKinNY @ 21

Healthy weight range is between 101 and 136 pounds

Healthy (BMI) of 18.5 to 24.9.
Healthy waist to height ratio is under .50

RMR: resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the number of calories your body burns simply by living.
Current RMR 1340 (without activity)
Current RMR + Activity=1842

To lose 20 lbs in 9weeks must have daily deficit of 782 calories

**”Eat 582 less cals+Burn 200 cal s=782 cals deficit **
Formula: 1340 - I + O=D
I =Caloric intake ( eating less cals )
I = 582
O=Caloric outtak e(excersize burning more cals)
O= 200
D=Caloric Deficient
D = 782
(*Eat 758 calories daily*)
(*Burn 200 calories daily*)

Personal Heart Rate Zones

0 -100bpm Warm up
120- 140bpm Weight Management & Endurance Building
*140- 160bpm* Weight Loss & Improving Cardio Fitness
160- 400bpm Anaerobic. Don't stay here too long.

Personal Summary
Height: 5' 2"
BMI: 25.2
Waist to Height Ratio: 0.48
RMR: 1340
RMR + Activity = 1842
Cal Deficit: 782
Target Heart Rate: 100 to 150
Healthy Body Weight Range: 101 and 136
Current Weight: 138
Current Pant Size: 8
Desired Weight: 120
Desired Pant Size: 3
Weight to lose: 20
Weight Goal: Lose at least 2 pounds per week
Amount of Time: 9 weeks
Target Caloric Intake to Meet Weight Goal: 758
Target Caloric Burn to Meet Weight Goal: 200

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