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Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4

MB0036 – Strategic Management & Business Policy

3 Credits (60 Marks)
(BKID : B0854)
Assignment Set- 1
60 Marks

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1. Explain the different circumstances under which a suitable growth strategy

should be selected by any company to improve its performance (i.e., intensive,
integrative or diversification growth). You may select an example of your choice
to substantiate your views (10 marks).

2. What are the components of a good Business Plan and briefly explain the
importance of each.(10 marks).

3. You wish to start a new venture to manufacture auto components. Explain

different stages in the process of starting this new business.(10 marks).

4. Explain the process of due Diligence and why it is necessary.(10 marks).

5. Is Corporate Social Responsibility necessary and how does it benefit a

company and its shareholders? (10 marks).

6. Distinguish between a Financial Investor and a Strategic Investor explaining the

role they play in a Company. (10 marks).
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4
MB0036 – Strategic Management & Business Policy
3 Credits (60 Marks)
( BKID: B0854)
Assignment Set- 2

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1. What is the purpose of a Business Plan? Explain the features of the

component of the Plan dealing with the Company and its product
description.(10 marks)

2. Write short notes on : a) sales projections b) importance of creativity in

Business. (10 marks).

3. What factors are to be taken into account in a crisis communications

strategy?(10 marks).

4. What elements should be included in a Marketing Plan under Due Diligence

while seeking investment in for your Company? (10 marks).

5. Distinguish between Joint Ventures and Licensing, explaining the relative

advantages and disadvantages of each.(10 marks).

6. You wish to commercialize your invention. What factors would you weigh in
choosing an appropriate course? (10 marks).

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