Poole BC March 2009

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APRIL 2008 – MARCH 2009

Kay English, Parking Services Manager

E-mail: k.English@poole.gov.uk
Telephone: 01202 262150


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Background

3.0 Part 6 Traffic Management Act 2004

4.0 Parking Policy and Strategy

5.0 Parking Restrictions

6.0 Parking Enforcement

7.0 Challenges, Representations and Appeals

8.0 Debt Recovery

9.0 Car Parks

10.0 Permit Administration

11.0 Training

12.0 Service Developments 2008 - 2009

13.0 Service Developments 2009 – 2010

14.0 Key Performance and Service Indicators

15.0 Financial and Statistical Information

16.0 Statistical Performance

17.0 Summary


1.1 This is Borough of Poole’s first Annual Report on the parking service. The
Traffic Management Act 2004, requires all local authorities to publish an
Annual Report on its Parking Service by 30 September 2009.

1.2 This Annual Report outlines the aims and objectives of the Council’s
parking service. It references the Council’s parking policies and sets out the
guidelines the Council follows in respect of the issue of Penalty Charge
Notices (parking tickets). The Annual Report also describes the existing
provision of car parks, on street parking controls, enforcement and parking
charges in the borough. It details the Council’s priorities, implementation and
how monitoring and review of the service will be undertaken in future.

1.3 Poole has many attractions with Britain’s best beaches, bustling Quay and
shopping centre. This attracts a high number of visitors to the area and
makes it a special place to live and work. Therefore parking enforcement
must have a strong customer focus to ensure visitors return year after year
maintaining the vitality of the town.

1.4 The borough has a population of 136,900 with a higher percentage of

people being over the age of 65 years. Vehicle ownership is high with over
45% of the population owning one car or van and a further 28% owning two
cars or more per household.

1.5 It is important to ensure parking facilities and accessibility are not only
adequate for residents but visitors also. Getting the balance right between
effective enforcement and maintaining a welcoming approach is not always
easy to achieve.


2.1 The responsibility for enforcement of parking regulations transferred to the

borough on 2 April 2002. This effectively gave the Council the power to
manage parking in a way that would achieve our transport aims, strengthen
enforcement and generate the resources to invest in sustainable transport
initiatives. Prior to this date enforcement of parking restrictions was
undertaken by the Police, but following the transfer of the traffic warden
Service, the Council was able to enforce parking restrictions through the issue
Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) under the Road Traffic Act 1991.

2.2 The parking service is responsible for the following key areas of
enforcement and other parking related functions:

• On street parking
• Off street parking through Council car parks
• Resident Parking
• Enforcement of parking regulations
• Processing of statutory notices and dealing with challenges,
Representations and appeals

• Recovery of parking debt through employment of bailiffs
• Permit administration
• Car park and parking meter maintenance
• Vehicle crime reduction working in partnership with the police
• Contributes to changes in parking policy and strategy

2.3 The introduction of Part 6 of the Traffic Management 2004 Act on 31

March 2008 changed the legal framework and in turn the way the parking
service was managed and operated. The following section outlines these
changes in more detail.


3.1 Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA), which came into effect
on 31 March 2008, replaced the Road Traffic Act 1991 (RTA) and changed
the way in which parking enforcement was delivered in the borough.

3.2 The TMA largely brought the powers of London and non-London
enforcement authorities in line in order to provide better consistency across
the country but at the same time allowing parking policies to suit local
circumstances. The TMA seeks to ensure a system that is fair to motorists as
well as effective in enforcing parking contraventions.

3.3 Some of the key changes that came into effect on 31 March 2008 are
outlined below:

• There are two levels of PCN depending on the type of contravention

(beach of parking restriction). The more serious contraventions such
as parking on double yellow lines, or parked in a disabled bay without
displaying a blue badge, attract a higher level of PCN, which is £70
(reduced to £35 if paid within 14 days). The less serious
contraventions such as not displaying a valid pay and display ticket or
being parked after the expiry of paid time attracts the lower PCN, which
is £50 (reduced to £25 if paid within 14 days).
• Parking attendants became Civil Enforcement Officers (CEO)
• A PCN can be posted if the CEO is prevented from issuing it as a result
of verbal and physical abuse, and if the driver drove away before the
PCN was issued.
• There is joint responsibility with the Police for the enforcement of
crossings e.g. pelican crossings and zig-zag markings.
• Representations against the issue of a PCN must be responded to
within 56 days of receipt.

3.4 To help the general public understand parking policies better, the TMA
placed a responsibility on Councils to publish parking policies and guidelines.
A copy of Borough of Poole’s parking and enforcement policies can be found
by following the links to parking on www.boroughofpoole.com. The
enforcement guidelines also includes a list of parking contraventions, PCN
levels and the circumstances under which we may consider cancelling a PCN.


4.1 Parking restrictions are in place for road safety and traffic flow purposes
and to provide on and off street parking facilities for residents, shoppers,
businesses and others. Charges are made for some of these services and
enforcement of regulations and controls are therefore required. This does not
mean we want to issue a high number of PCNs since the purpose of parking
enforcement is not aimed at generating income.

4.2 Controlling the supply and cost of car parking are effective ways of
encouraging the use of alternatives to the car, reducing congestion, noise and
pollution. In addition, managing the parking space in residential areas can
improve the quality of life for residents.

4.3 The parking service contributes to the wider transport aims and objectives
as detailed in the Council’s Local Transport Plan. Parking policies relating to
enforcement have also been devised in the context of the Council’s key
corporate objectives, which are:

• Revitalising the town centre

• Reducing Poole’s carbon footprint
• Meeting the needs of the ageing population
• Improving efficiency and effectiveness

4.4 We aim to meet these objectives by:

a) Providing adequate parking provision for residents and visitors

b) Balancing the demand for parking in order to enhance the viability and
attractiveness of the borough, reduce congestion, improve air quality
and health, and promote sustainable travel patterns and behaviours
c) Facilitating the movement of bus operators and emergency services by
ensuring they are not impeded by illegally parked vehicles
d) Meeting the needs of people with disabilities
e) Meeting the needs of cyclists and motorcyclists
f) Facilitating adequate loading and unloading facilities for businesses
and shops without causing congestion and delay to general traffic
g) Reducing long stay and commuter-based car parking

4.5 We want to provide a parking service that is fair, consistent and

proportional, in addition to well managed car parking facilities that are safe
and convenient providing adequate disabled parking bays that are close to

4.6 The Government has set out four key shared priorities that highway
authorities must achieve. Parking policy directly affects each of these shared
priorities in the following way:

• Safety: This includes maintaining and enhancing personal safety and

security in using on and off street parking facilities

• Accessibility: Providing short-stay parking in locations where use of a
car is the most appropriate means of transport e.g. to meet the needs
of those with mobility problems.
• Air Quality: Managing the cost and availability of parking encourages
use of more sustainable modes of transport other than the car
contributing to improvements in air quality.
• Congestion. Managing the cost and availability of parking encourages
the use of more sustainable modes of transport other than the car, and
reduces congestion.


5.1 Parking restrictions play an important part in helping to achieve the above
aims and objectives. Borough of Poole has the following restrictions in place:

• Stopping or waiting restrictions (clearways, yellow lines, school keep

clears etc)
• Resident parking permit areas only
• Restriction zone
• Pay and display parking
• Limited parking bays
• Bays designated for specific users such as disabled bays, loading and

5.2 The restrictions are introduced through Traffic Regulation Orders and are
communicated to motorists through road markings and/or signage, which
have been approved by the Department of Transport.

5.3 Restrictions may have been introduced as a result of a need identified by

local residents, ward members or other interested parties such as local
business groups, emergency services or bus operators.

5.4 When parking, motorists must read the nearby signage and ensure they
are aware of the restrictions in place and when restrictions apply. Where
parking bays are provided, vehicles should always be parked wholly within the
markings of that bay.

5.5 Information concerning parking and examples of road markings and

signage can be found in the Highway Code and in the Department for
Transport “Know Your Traffic Signs” booklet. These publications and other
useful information relating to parking can be found on the Department of
Transport’s website www.dft.gov.uk.


6.1 CEOs are responsible for issuing PCNs to vehicles that are parked in
contravention of the regulations. CEOs also assist the public in providing
advice on parking, inspect equipment such as pay and display machines,
report defective traffic signs and lines, and issue warning notices.

6.2 The number of PCNs issued from 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009 was
18,611. The number of PCNs issued between 1 April 2007 and 31 March
2008 was 19,567. The number of PCNs has fallen due to improved
compliance and better communication of the regulations.

6.3 CEOs are employed by Borough of Poole and trained to the highest
standard of customer service and legislation. The Council is an accredited
NVQ centre providing training not only to CEOs employed by the Council but
also for those working for Bournemouth and Christchurch Councils.

6.4 To help them carry out their duties, CEOs are equipped with the latest
handheld technology, cameras and mobile phones. Whilst performance of
CEOs is monitored, they are not set any targets regarding PCNs issued.
They are salaried employees of the Council who receive no performance
related bonuses, or other incentives.

6.5 There are 18 CEOs plus two senior CEOs, three supervisors and four
seasonal CEOs responsible for ensuring compliance with on and off street
parking regulations. Frequency of patrols by CEOs is largely dependent on
the area, with high congestion areas, key bus routes, resident parking areas
and traffic sensitive routes receiving a greater number of patrols. The
deployment of CEOs is sufficient to cover parking restrictions in the borough,
although priority is given to those areas where the most parking problems are
experienced such as the town centre.

6.6 Visits and patrols are not undertaken on specific days or times but instead
are varied to ensure greater compliance with the regulations. Where
compliance is high, enforcement is reduced and where there is poor
compliance, enforcement is increased.

6.7 In some areas residents have paid for a permit to park in a road close to
their home. There are also pay and display parking bays on street and in our
off street car parks. Naturally permit and ticket holders expect a level of
parking enforcement to take place and the number of patrols in these areas
reflects the needs of permit holders ensuring space is protected for them and
to the availability of pay and display spaces.

6.8 Some enforcement is carried out by CEOs on moped. Mopeds are used
by CEOs to enforce parking restrictions in the outer regions of the borough
and to provide a speedier response to operational “hot spots”. In the summer
CEOs use bicycles to assist with enforcement of the regulations around the

6.9 We do not operate a clamping and removal service. These activities are
carried out by some private companies on private land and on some housing
estates, which are not managed by the Council’s parking service. There are
currently no plans to introduce clamping or removal of vehicles that are
breaking the parking rules in relation to the highway and Council owned car

6.10 Parking enforcement is aimed at encouraging compliance with parking
controls. At the same time we need to be sufficiently flexible to ensure the
service can address specific problems or issues as they arise. Parking
enforcement is not managed in isolation but works with other sections of the
Council, and with outside partners to address a wide range of issues and
problems including parking outside schools and problems encountered by the
emergency services and bus operators.

6.11 CEOs visit every school at least once a month per term time to
encourage greater compliance with the regulations. Work has also taken
place to educate parents about the dangers of parking on zig-zags through a
series of slides shown in key locations in the borough such as doctor’s
surgeries. The “hard-hitting” campaign was run in school term times during
early part of 2009 and will continue into the autumn.

6.12 Blue Badges

a) The Blue Badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions

for disabled people with severe mobility problems who have difficulty using
public transport. The scheme is designed to help severely disabled people to
travel independently, either as a driver or passenger, by allowing them to park
close to their destination. Over 9,000 Blue Badges have been issued to
residents in Poole.

b) Details of the scheme, the concessions applicable and the responsibilities

of Blue Badge holders can be found in the Department of Transport’s
booklets, which can be obtained from Borough of Poole’s Adult Social
Services Commissioning team on telephone number 01202 633605 or by e-
mail bluebadges@poole.gov.uk.

c) The national scheme only applies to on-street parking. It does not apply to
off street car parks. However we provide free parking in all off street surface
car parks for tax-exempt vehicles, although payment is required in the multi
storey car parks. We review the provision of disabled spaces in all our car
parks and on street twice a year to ensure it meets the needs of Blue Badge

6.13 Abandoned and Untaxed Vehicles

a) We support the work of the Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) by

reporting untaxed vehicles. The CEOs report any untaxed vehicles that are
seen parked on the highway during the course of their patrols. Once an
enforcement notice has been issued a copy is left on the car and details are
sent to the local DVLA office so unpaid tax can be recovered. From April
2008 to March 2009 a total of 514 enforcement notices were issued by CEOs.

b) Environmental and Consumer Protection Services (ECPS) is responsible

for removing untaxed and abandoned vehicles. From April 2008 to March
2009 a total of 26 abandoned vehicles were removed.

6.15 Littering and Dog Fouling

CEOs report incidents of dog fouling and littering to ECPS so the appropriate
enforcement can be taken. A total of nine reports were made from April 2008
to 31 March 2009.

6.16 Signs and Lines

Signs and lines are needed to communicate the parking restrictions to every
motorist. Inevitably signs and lines become worn, damaged and sometimes
vandalised. A comprehensive review of signs and lines in the borough was
undertaken in 2007/2008. There is an on-going programme of maintenance
and repair to ensure signs and lines continue to be adequate for the purposes
of enforcement.

6.17 Air Quality

The Council monitors nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels at 19 different sites

throughout Poole. The graph below shows how levels of NO2 have fallen
over the past two years.


7.1 PCNs are disputed for a wide range of reasons so it is crucial that reliable
systems exist along with well-trained staff to deal with challenges,
representations and appeals received.

7.2 From 1 April 008 to 31 March 2009 there were 53 appeals made to the
Traffic Penalty Tribunal (TPT) and considered by an independent Parking
Adjudicator. The Parking Adjudicator allowed 20 appeals (i.e. in favour of the
motorist), and 26 were refused (i.e. in favour of the Council). The Council did
not contest seven appeals. This represents an appeal rate of only 0.28% of
all PCNs issued.

7.3 The process of considering challenges, representations and appeals is a

legal process. We must keep a full and accurate record of all challenges
made and responses given. This is the reason why all correspondence
(challenges, representations and appeals) must be in writing (by letter or e-

7.4 All challenges and Representations are thoroughly considered and each
case is decided upon its own individual merits. Extenuating or mitigating
circumstances are taken into account. We have discretion to cancel a PCN at
any point in the process. Policies for handling appeals and the way we
exercise our discretion is set out in the Cancellation Guidelines, which can be
obtained by following the parking links on www.boroughofpoole.com.

7.5 The team of parking officers who investigate and consider the challenges,
representations and appeals are highly trained in all aspects of parking and
associated legislation. Only authorised officers can cancel a PCN. Elected
members have no discretion in this respect and cannot influence the parking
officer’s decision to cancel a PCN.

7.6 To avoid allegations of inconsistency, favouritism or bribery, once a CEO

issues a PCN they do not have the discretion to cancel or withdraw it. If
someone wishes to dispute the PCN this must be done through the challenge
process, which is detailed on the PCN.

7.7 A flow chart detailing the statutory process and the various stages of
challenge, representation and Appeal can be found by visiting www.patrol-

7.8 Under the TMA we must respond to challenges and representations within
56 days of receipt. The table in section 14 of this report (page 19) provides
information on our response times at the various stages of the process. The
TPT collates information on appeals for all the authorities outside London.
Further information on this can be found by visiting www.patrol-uk.info or

7.9 We have a duty on behalf of Borough of Poole’s Council Tax payers to

ensure we recover outstanding debts in relation to PCNs. If a PCN remains
unpaid then we will register the debt at Northampton County Court so we can
take recovery action through the Council’s bailiff company.


8.1 We prefer to see matters relating to PCNs settled at an early stage of the
process either through payment or by way of a successful appeal rather than
having to resort to the use of these powers

8.2 When a PCN remains unpaid, the Council will ultimately instruct bailiffs to
recover the amount outstanding. The bailiff is also entitled to add their fees to
the amount due to the Council and can seize goods such as a vehicle, which
can then be sold at auction to cover the outstanding debt.

8.3 The Council’s bailiff recovered £44,000 on our behalf from 1 April 2008 to
31 March 2009.

8.4 Some PCNs are unrecoverable and as a result must be written off. Even
though we employ a bailiff to assist in recovering legitimate debt owed the
Borough, some warrants are returned to us as “unable to trace” or “no effects
to recover”. A warrant, which cannot be recovered upon, must be returned to
the Council.


9.1 We have over 40 on and off street car parks, including four multi storey
car parks. In all the parking provision is more than 8,000 parking spaces plus
more than 250 parking bays dedicated to Blue Badge holders. The list and
map showing the Council owned car parks in Poole and respective charges
can be found by visiting www.boroughofpoole.com and following the links to
parking. Alternatively a leaflet can be obtained from public counters or
provided by contacting 01202 262152.

9.2 Cost of car parking is set at a level that aims to strike a balance between
the Council’s transportation policies, the satisfaction of customers and
occupancy levels of the car parks. The income raised through car park
charges is an important source of revenue for the Council raising over £4m
per annum.

9.3 Nineteen of the Council’s car parks have been awarded “ParkMark”
status. These awards are given to car parks that have a low crime rate, and
where good management practices have been demonstrated. Accredited
assessors from Dorset Police and the British Parking Association inspect the
car parks before awarding ParkMark status. Further information on the
scheme can be found by contacting www.saferparking.com or

9.4 Car Park Machine Replacement

a) In February 2008, we replaced the car parking equipment in the following

multi storey car parks:

• Quay Visitors
• Shopping Centre 1 and 2
• High Street
• Dolphin Centre

b) New barriers were also installed in the following surface car parks:

• Sandbanks
• Sainsbury’s in Poole town centre

c) It was necessary to replace the equipment because of increasing

maintenance costs and unreliability of the old equipment. The new equipment
and machines are not only more reliable but are more accessible for
wheelchair users and offer motorists the option to pay by cash, debit and
credit card. They also provide a range of different language options in
addition to English, including French, Spanish and Polish.


10.1 The ever-growing demand on the kerb space and the highway means
that it is sometimes necessary to give priority to certain motorists. For
example resident parking permit schemes are designed to give priority
parking to residents so they are able to park close to their homes.

10.2 We issue over 23,000 permits and season tickets to accommodate the
needs of residents and those working in the borough. The following is a list of
resident parking schemes in the borough:

• Old town zone A

• Sterte zone B
• Civic Centre zone D, G and H
• Tudor Road zone F
• Park Lake Road/Kingland Road zone I
• County Gates zone K
• Hecford Park zone M
• Ashley Road zone N
• Baiter Park zone P

• Cardigan/Wills Road zone Q
• Benbow Crescent zone R
• Florence Road zone S
• Cinnamon Road zone T
• Seldown zone U
• Seldown Residents Home zone
• St Mary’s Road residents car park
• Green Road residents car park


11.1 The provision of a high quality parking service is dependent on the skills
and experience of the parking staff. From April 2008 to March 2009 a total of
£12,912 was spent on training for all parking staff covering issues such as:

• Customer services (NVQ and in house courses)

• Health and safety
• Conflict management
• Equalities and diversity
• Cultural awareness
• Motivation and team building
• Legislative training in TMA
• Train to Gain – maths and English


12.1 Traffic Management Act 2004

a) The most significant change for the parking service was the introduction of
the TMA on 31 March 2008. Prior to implementation and in the very early
stages after implementation, staff had to be trained in the new legislation and
in the use of new equipment. CEOs were allocated with new handhelds and
the parking IT system had to be upgraded to ensure it was TMA compliant. A
revision of stationery and Traffic Regulation Orders also had to be

12.2 RingGo

a) Mobile phone parking using debit and credit card was introduced on 4
August 2008, initially on a trial basis for six months. However following a
successful take-up of the new service, it was made permanent following a
procurement process that took place in February 2009.

b) A total of 4,500 customers used RingGo from 4 August 2008 to 31 March

2009 and is proving increasingly popular with motorists.

12.3 Pay on Foot Replacement Programme

a) As indicated in section 9 of this report, the parking equipment in the

borough’s multi storey car parks and barriers in two surface car parks was
replaced. ZEAG UK Ltd was the nominated contractor, appointed on 30
November 2008 following a procurement process to undertake the installation
of the new equipment.

b) This was a challenging, complex and technical project but the new
equipment was installed with minimum disruption to customers.


13.1 Traffic Management Act 2004 (additional powers)

The TMA is likely to provide local authorities additional powers such as

enforcement of moving traffic contraventions e.g. banned right turns. We will
continue to monitor progress with this and embrace any new powers granted
that will strengthen the Council’s overall transportation aims and objectives.

13.2 Enforcement of Dropped Footway and Double Parking

Recent changes in regulations allowed local authorities operating civil parking

enforcement to issue PCNs to vehicles parked across a dropped footway and
those that have double-parked i.e. parked 50cm from the kerb, without the
need for signage and changes to Traffic Regulation Orders. During the
course of 2009/2010, procedures will be put in place to begin enforcement of
these parking contraventions.

13.3 Three-year Parking Strategy

A review of the car parking charges and tariff structure for the next three-
years will be undertaken. In addition to new charges, the strategy will also
propose free parking in surface off-street car parks for Blue Badge holders, a

simpler hourly rate tariff, development of park and ride facilities, changes in
permit application process to include on-line applications. Implementation of
a three-year parking strategy, if approved, will commence in April 2010.

13.4 Bailiff Services

We currently employ one bailiff company to under take debt recovery of

unpaid PCNs. The existing contract is due to expire in March 2010 and
therefore staff within parking services will be working with colleagues in
Corporate Procurement to secure the services of two bailiff companies.

13.5 Replacement of Pay and Display Machines

A number of pay and display machines within the borough have now reached
the end of their serviceable life. This means they are increasingly unreliable
and require excessive maintenance. A replacement programme is scheduled
for February 2010 and a supplier for the new pay and display machines will be
appointed following a tendering exercise in December 2009.

13.6 Parking Administration

a) There is a small, dedicated team of parking officers responsible for the

consideration of challenges, representations and appeals. They also deal
with the permit administration. The team is currently located at the Civic
Centre but there are plans to integrate the team into the main stream parking
service based at St John’s House (subject to final approval). This will improve
communication and efficiency.

b) When the move takes place, all contact from customers must be either by
telephone or in writing (subject to approval). Only in exceptional
circumstances will personal visitors be seen. To accommodate this change,
the permit IT system will be upgraded, which will allow on-line permit
applications subject to ICT constraints.

13.7 Postal PCNs (Regulation 10 PCNs)

a) There is provision under the TMA, to issue PCNs by post when the CEO
has been prevented from issuing it through threats of violence. We can also
post PCNs when it has been issued but not given to the driver because the
vehicle drove away.

b) Following changes to the parking IT system and statutory notices PCNs will
be posted to the keeper of the vehicle.

13.8 Foreign Registered Vehicles

Procedures for recovering of outstanding debts in relation to foreign registered

vehicles will be introduced using a specialist company that has contacts in
other European countries. Through this company, it will be possible to trace
vehicle owners abroad and pursue outstanding PCNs.


The following table outlines the performance standards we aim to achieve

next year. It also details performance standards achieved from April 2009 to
March 2010:

Key Performance Standard Performance Achieved

Performance/Service 2009-2010 2008-2009
Overall recovery rate on 70% 73%
Error rate for PCNs 1% or less of all PCNs 1.5%
issued by CEOs issued
Response to informal 80% responded to *88.1%
challenges within 14 working days
of receipt
100% within 56 days
Response to 85% responded to *85%
representations within 21 working days
of receipt
100% within 56 days
Postal PCN 100% posted within 14 Not applicable
days of the
contravention occurring
Dispatch of Notice to 100% within six months 100%
Owner (except where from relevant date
Notice to Owner is PCN)
Referral by Parking No more than five Nil
Adjudicator for re-
Processing of permit Within 10 working days 100%
applications of receipt

*Information relating to performance levels achieved for 2008-2009 was determined through
sampling. Representation against immobilisation or removal is not applicable.


15.1 Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by the
Traffic Management Act 2004, requires local authorities in England to keep an
account of all parking income and expenditure relating to civil enforcement.

15.2 The requirement relates to income and expenditure associated with

PCNs and not that from pay and display or permit/season ticket issue.
However for completeness tables in 15.4 and 15.5 have provided this

15.3 Surplus money raised through on-street activity such as PCN income, is
used for meeting the costs of providing the service and/or used specifically for

highway or road improvements. Surplus funds raised through the provision of
off-street parking facilities are used to off-set the costs of providing services to
the public such as refuse collection, waste recycling, andstreet cleansing.
Without these surplus funds, those costs would have to be met through other
means such as Council Tax.

15.4 The following table outlines income and expenditure for on-street
activities for April 2008 – March 2009:

Financial year Financial year

(2008/09) (2007/08)
Income £ £

Pay & display/meters 295,799 277,101

Residents &visitors permits 102,217 86,304

Business permits N/A N/A
Other non-PCN income 18,012 19,350
PCN income 357,817 393,371
Clamping/removals income* N/A N/A
Total Income 773,845 776,126

Employees 605,958 536,547

Premises 10,087 7,650
Transport 28,784 31,133
Traffic Penalty Tribunal 6,235 6,839
TEC (Northampton) 5,400 2,700
Supplies & services 128,128 170,072
Contractor payments 62,338 2,996
Support costs 248,056 230,945
Depreciation/Impairment 1,451 9,190
Total Expenditure 1,096,437 998,072

Surplus (Deficit) (322,592) (221,946)


15.5 The following table outlines income and expenditure for off-street
activities from April 2008 to March 2009:

Financial year Financial year

(2008/09) (2007/08)
Income £ £

Pay & display/meters 3,586,377 3,635,703

Residents & visitors permits 494,137 451,153
Other non-PCN income 231,242 240,394
PCN income 171,783 205,270

Clamping/removals income* NA NA
Total Income 4,483,539 4,532,520

Employees 463,402 436,997

Premises 818,634 823,646
Transport 24,114 26,133
Traffic Penalty Tribunal 4,899 5,442
TEC (Northampton) 4,600 2,300
Supplies & services 147,602 319,193
Contractor payments 5,999 5,291
Support costs 376,498 328,371
Depreciation/impairment 1,355,264 312,654
Clamping/removals expenditure* NA NA
Total Expenditure 3,201,012 2,260,027

Surplus (Deficit) 1,282,527 2,272,493

There is a difference in the Depreciation/Impairment costs for Off Street parking between 2007/2008 and
2008/2009 due to a change in guidance received from CIPFA on how to account for these areas.

15.6 The following table provides the total on and off street parking income
and expenditure.

Income 5,257,384 5,308,646
Expenditure 4,297,449 3,258,099
Surplus (Deficit) 959,935 2,050,547


16.1 The following table shows the number of PCNs issued, the number of
challenges and representations received, those cancelled and written off as at
1 June 2009:

Category Total PCNs PCNs CCTV *

PCNs on Off Parking
street street
Number of higher level PCNs 7,034 6,629 405 NIL
Number of lower level PCNs issued 11,577 4,890 6,687 NIL
Number of PCNs paid 14,395 9,049 5,346 NIL

Number of PCNs paid at discount 12,603 ,911 4,692 NIL

Number of PCNs against which an 3,930 2,078 1,852 NIL

informal or formal representation
was made
Number of PCNs cancelled as a 1,979 921 1,058 NIL
result of an informal or formal
Number of PCNs written off for 282 166 116 NIL
other reasons (e.g. CEO error or
driver untraceable)
Number of vehicles immobilised * NIL NIL NIL NIL
Number of vehicles removed * NIL NIL NIL NIL
* The Borough of Poole did not carry out these activities in the year 2008/9

16.2 The following table shows the number of appeals received from 1 April
2008 to 31 March 2009:

Category Total PCNs PCNs CCTV *

PCNs on Off Parking
street street
Number of appeals to Adjudicators 47 33 14 NIL
Number of appeals refused (found *19 14 2 NIL
in the Council’s favour)
Number of appeals non-contested 4 2 2 NIL
Percentage of higher level PCNs 37.8% 35.6% 2.2% NIL
Percentage of lower level PCNs 61.3% 26.3% 35% NIL
Percentage of PCNs paid 77.3% 48.6% 28.7% NIL
Percentage of PCNs paid at 67.7% 42.5% 25.2% NIL
discount rate
Percentage of PCNs against which 21.1% 11.2% 9.9% NIL
an informal or formal representation
was made
Percentage of PCNs cancelled as a 10.6% 4.9% 5.7% NIL
result of an informal or formal
Percentage of PCNs written off for 1.5% 0.9% 0.6% NIL
other reasons (i.e. CEO error or
driver untraceable)
Percentage of appeals to 0.25% 0.18% 0.07% NIL
Percentage of appeals refused *40.4% 29.8% 10.6% NIL
Percentage of appeals non- 8.5% 4.25% 4.25% NIL
* The Borough of Poole did not carry out these activities in the year 2008/9. Please note that decisions are
pending for appeals.


17.1 The Annual Report is intended to provide information on:

a) Borough of Poole’s parking policies
b) Parking restrictions and why they are needed
c) Enforcement protocols
d) Procedures and statistics for appeals and debt recovery
e) Key parking activities during 2008/2009
f) Financial information on parking related activities for both on and off

17.2 The content of the Annual Report is by no means exhaustive but where
appropriate reference to websites has been given so further information can
be obtained.

17.3 For general enquiries relating to PCNs, including advice on how to

challenge, make a representation and appeal, and for permit enquiries, please
write to:

Parking Administration Section

PO Box 5038
BH15 2WG
Or email: parkingadministration@poole.gov.uk

Robert Pickernell
Acting Parking Services Manager
Transportation Services
St John’s House
Serpentine Road
BH15 2DX


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