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106s. 2a REVISION DATE: 11 GS one one SAFETY DATA SHEET FM-200® 1, IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY/UNDERTAKING PRODUCT NAME: (CHEMICAL NAME: PARI Nos ro0z SUPPLIER Great Lakes (UK) Lod Tenax Read, Trafford Park Manchester M17 1WT United Kingdom ‘Tel: +44 (0)161 875 3058 Fax: +44 (0)161 875 3737 CONTACT PERSON: USA, BI Dorado: +1 870 862 S141 EMERGENCY TELEPHONES: +44 (0161 848 9797 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS EEC (EINECS) No. 207-079-2 CAS Nos 41-80.0 COMPOSITION COMMEN’ Contains: 1,11,28331eptattuoropmpane — Cnocentration >99% CAS No 43189.0 EC No:-207-079-2 No Risk symbols or Phrases 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Appearance: colouress gas ‘To the best of our knowledge, the properties ofthis material have not been fully ‘evaluared Contact with liquid or cold pas may cause frostbite Tas central nervous system effects Incases of severe exposure, nareosis may develop FIRST AID MEASURES, GENERAL Provide rest, yoarmth and fresh a. NOTE TO PHYSICIANS: treat by observation and supportive measures as indicated by ‘the patients condition ‘Note to Physicians: The use of epinephrine (adrenaline) is contraingicate inthe ‘meatment of overexposure to this product - INHALATION: Remove to fesh air. [fany breathing dificulty o disconafore develops or recurs bain redial attention INGESTIO’ Nor relevant 1765-Fz00 BEVSION DATE 11032008 SKI Immediately remove contaminated clothing Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water Frost bites must be treated by a physician. EYES: Rinse the eye with water immediaely: ‘Conaine to rinse for at leas 1S minutes Get medical tention if any discomfort continues FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: ‘This material is not flammable, Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING Cool containers exposed to flames with walcr unl well aller the ire is out PROCEDURES ‘Mowe container from fire area i ca be done without sk. HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION Fire or igh temporsturescreare: Toxic gases'vaporsifimes of: Carbon dioxide (CO2). PRODUCTS: Carton monoxide (CO) Fhuoides. PROTECTIVE MEASURESIN FIRE: Use self-contained breathing apparatus 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES PERSONAL PRECAUTION IN SPILL: Wear appropriate PPE Evacuate the area SPILL CLEANUP METHODS: Do not contaminate water sources or swe. Should be prevented from entering drains Allow the producto evaporate 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE USAGE PRECAUTIONS: ‘Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing, Wear gloves, overalls und eve protection. The work arc should be adequately ventilated. STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: Keep in cool, dry, ventilated storage and closed concainers. Pressurized concainer: Must not be exposed for temperatures above 30°C. 8, EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION INGREDIENT COMMENTS No exposure limits noted for ingreien(). PROCESS CONDITIONS: Use enginsering cols to rede air cortansinaton so pomissible expose level VENTILATION: Provide adequate general and local exhaust Venton. RESPIRATORS: Ur venbilation i insutTicien, suitable respiratory protection must be provided. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Neoprene. Breakthrough time is dependent on the characteristics of the brand of glove used, consul your supplier. Gloves should be replaced immediaely if signs of degradation are ubserve The applicable European standard ean be found in EN 374, EYE PROTECTION: Wear ful face visor or shield OTHER PROTECTION: Provide eyewash station and safety shower. Wear appropriate clothing to prevent any possiblity of skin contact, HYGIENIC WORK PRACTICES: ating, drinking and smoking shouldbe prohibited inthe work area. Store away from 7 076s. FuzW08 food and foodstuffs eviwaw pare rroiams Wark in accardance with good industrial praties ofthe chemical industry, 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE: ‘coLoUR: PHYSICAL DATA COMMENTS: BOILING POINT (°C interval: MELT/FREEZ, POINT CC, interval DENSITYISPECIFIC GRAVITY (gi VAPOUR DENSITY (air=1): ‘VAPOUR PRESSURE: SOLUBILITY VALUE (@/1g 120 20°C): PARTITION COW (log Pom: Gas Colours Non-fansmable 16 Pressures m1 1.46 (liquid) ‘Temperature (C): 604 58.8 prin 0026 2. (ealewlated value) ‘60mm 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY MATERIALS TO AVOI HAZARDOUS DECOMP. PRODUCTS: ‘Siuong alkalies, Strong oxidizing agents, Strong reducing agents. Powdered metal Fire or high temperatures create: Toxic gaces/rapours/fumes of Carbon dioxide (CO2). arhon monaxide (CO). Fluorides. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Toxicological data VOXICOLC SKIN: INFORMATION: ‘Acute toxicity. LCSO, Inalation, Rat. > 7200 mg/4n ‘Ames Test negative (Contact with Figuid form may cause frostbite 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION: [No data on possible environmental effects have been found 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS DISPOSAL METHODS: Disposal should be in accordance wih local, state or national lisation 14. (RANSPORT INFORMATION 35-6200 REVISION DATE 1102/2003 LAB FOR CONVEYANCE: UN No, ROAD: 3296 UK ROAD TRANSPORT CLASS: 22 ADR CLASS Naz 22 ADR CLASS: Division 2.2: Nonflanmable, norton gates. HAZARD No, (ADR): 20 Inet gas ADR CLASSIFICATION CODE 2A CEFICTECR) Nos 20G2a PROPER SHIPPING NAME I: HEEAELUOROPROPANE (REFRIGERANT RIDCLASSNoz 22 UN No. SEA: 5296 IMDG CLASS: 22 Ems No FOSV LUN No, AIRE 326 ICAO CLASS: 22 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION RISK PHRASES: Not classified SAFETY PHRASE: 5.21 When using do not smoke. Sl In case of fire andor explesion do not breathe fumes. ‘This safey sheets provided in compliance with the Safety Shoe's Directive (9V/1SS/EBC) as amended by 93/112/EC and 2001/58/EC BU DIRECTIVES: 16. OTHER FORMATION USER NOTES: ‘This material (or cach component) is Histed onthe following inventories EU- EINECS. US- TSCA Canada -NDSL. ‘Australia - AICS Japan - MITE Korea - FCI Chia REVISION COMMENTS: New Format Section 1, Change of address Section 8, Additonal information conceming hand protection Section 14, Amended to reflect curent regulations IssuED RY: Pad 2 REVISION DATE: 1 vo2s2008 REY. jo.REPL. SDS GENERATED: Revision 3 replaces version dated 22/08/2001 6s. azo SAFETY DATA SHEET STATUS: DISCLAIMER: RevIsION bare 1102/2008 Approved For sulety reusans tis IMPERATIVE tha! customers: 1 Ensure that all those within their contr who use he products are sapplicd with all relevant information coetained within the Material Safety Data Shecr and Technical Bullotin concerning the applications for which Unis produet is designed und way snsgructions ar warnings contained therein. 2 Consult Great Lakes Chemical Comoration hefore using oF sunplyine the product for any other application, The information contained herein is based on the presen sate of our knowledge and is untended to describe our products from she point of view of safety requirements. It should not therefore be construed us guaranteeing specific properties.

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