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Leather Industry Development Institute
Footwear Manufacturing Technology Directorate

a   pply Quality Standards

Target group: Footwear Production (Level-III & IV)
cademic year: 2009/2010
Semester: I
Credit Hours: 2Hrs
Instructor: IF  DI

LEI OUTCOMES (Objectives)

t the end of the module the learner will be able to:

÷ Get the knowledge, attitudes and skills required in applying quality standards in footwear production activities.
÷ Gather quality information through discussion with customer and complete recording and documentation.
÷ ssess quality of received materials and causes of quality deviation.


1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................. (2hrs)
2. Assessment of quality of received articles.......................................................... (4hrs)
3. Assess every production works with respect to quality standards....................... (6hrs)
4. Studying causes of quality deviations.................................................................. (4hrs)
5. Recording information.......................................................................................... (4hrs)
6. Completing documentations of quality records................................................... (4hrs)

÷ eference Manual and eference ooks

Evaluation:-ssignments---------- (20%)
-ttendance------------ (10%)
-Mid Exam. ------------- (30%)
-Final Exam------------- (40%)

-Class begins on October 25, 2010 (ccccc 15c 2003)
-Class ends on February 11, 2011 (ccccc 4c 2003)
-Mid Examination on December 28, 2010 (ccccc18c2003)
-Final Examination on February 15, 2011 (ccccc8c 2003)



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