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OMG- Editor in Chief- Experienced with 2 newspaper, this being the third.

BJ- Senior Editor- most experienced

3- Senior Correspondent cum editor (Girl)- 1 year old employee- promotion n salary hike within 9

4- Reporter (Irfan) (Joined after completing Internship with the Newspaper)

5-Editor (Ravi)-6 Months old employee

6- Sub- (Aditya) Editor- 1 year old

BJ being the most neutral among all and it leads the supplement newspaper which consists of 4
pages, published every Monday and Friday

Rest are the team members


BJ: Priya, what happened about the celeb fest in the city?? Did you cover the story???

Priya: answering phone (thank a lot, thank for ur support), you will find your interview tomorrow.

Yes BJ…????

BJ: What’s the status abt the celeb fest in the city happening tonight at Marriot??

Priya: I had a word with the event manager, and he will connect me the guest at 8:30..

BJ: Ok, but that would be too late a, Ravi needs to edit the copy and send for publishing at 9…

Priya: Yeah, I know, but I’m afraid if he can reschedule it.


Ravi: these news are so annoying mate.. Sometime I feel like quitting journalism due this gregarious
and so very regular canny behaviour of our society.

Adi: (with strange and sarcastic laugh) what’s wrong now?? Your education will restrict you to find
any other job, so better stick to it.

Ravi: Yeah yeah I know.. what are you upto?

Adi: my favourite.. political Gimmick

Ravi: I wonder how a person on Indian Soil can enjoy that pit of mud man..

Adi: the same way, you hate your job dude. Ha ha

Ravi: I guess BJ called me..

Ravi: ye, sir.. what’s the scene??

BJ: stop calling me SIR.. Scene is, you may have to stay here in office to edit the final copy of the
celeb fest, which needs to be published tomorrow. However, we will receive the raw little late as we
expected. So, I hope you won’t mind.

Ravi.: Common SIR, not again.. Please. It’ Weed-end for me. In any case, if I mind staying, I hope you
would mind keeping me in for long?:-)

BJ: Absolutely NO kid.. you will be sharing a ride after we both check the front page ok??

Ravi: No options??

BJ: You, know, I dn’t give options

Irfan: hey, m bak.. had a tedious task to tackle kids and especially questioning them.

BJ: dude, report in 15 minutes, make ASAP and give it to ADI for editing. We are short of time.

Irfan: YO. YO

Priya: Irfan??

Irfan: Yeah..

Priya: Can you come here darling???

Irfan: Sure, wait a sec

Priya: (Slowly, as if she is conspiring) I want you to do me a favour.. ok??

Irfan: Do I need to drop you down somewhere? Or anything better than that?

Priya: yeah. I will just brief you about a questionnaire and OMG wants that to be printed tomorrow,

Irfan: oh ghosh!! You busy with something else or what?

Priya: Yeah, I need to go out and I sought that permission with OMG yester evening itself.

OMG: Priya?? Be IN for a while.

Priya: Yes Sir

Priya to Irfan: I’ll be back darling. Wait. Ok. 2 min

Priya: Yes, SIR???

OMG: whats the status of Celeb fest??

Priya: I guess, Irfan would take it on my behalf. Will that do? And Ravi will edit the final copy?

OMG: Why not you? Where are you going? I think you have enough of time left!

Priya: Sir today is Thursday, I need to attend a function and I informed you yesterday itself. Sir, you
remember? We planned for a coffee and we rescheduled it on Sunday evening because of this
function. You forgot??

OMG: Coffee? Are u sure? today?? I thought it was on Sunday? I did not remember of postponing.

Priya: I really can’t miss this party sir. Please? An, moreover, we will be going for a ride and coffee on
Sunday, the off the day. Rest day.

OMG: Are you sure, Irfan could handle this?? If no, then give it to BJ.

Priya: sure sir, I will consult BJ for the same. And thanks a lot sir, you have been so nice to me

OMG: it’s ok. Enjoy your party and I don’t want any pending work other than the Celeb survey. Ok

Priya: rest is al done sir. I will probably leave after briefing Irfan. And once again, thanks a lot sir, it’s
been really sweet of you.

OMG: Now, go, enjoy your party, and ask BJ to see me.
Priya: Sure Sir, bye, Good night, Take care.

Priya to BJ: BJ, sir wanna SEE you.. Mr perfectionist ;-)

BJ: Now? Where are you upto?

Priya: I will leave in a while

BJ: surprisingly! Where? Why? Celeb scene done??? Did you question those guys?

Priya: Irfan would handle that BJ. I have had a discussion with OMG for the same and Ravi will edit
the copy.

BJ: Are you sure??

Priya: Off course. You know I m sincere enough to not keep any work and any column pending!

BJ: ok ok.. but why you going early? It’s a matter of only 45 min.

Priya: It’s urgent BJ. By the way, OMG is waiting for you! Bubye.. Take care

BJ: Bye.. (not willing to say though)

BJ to OMG: Yes SIR

OMG: WHats the status? How many pages and stories for tomorrow’s supplement??

BJ: I have sent the entire report with final editing in the shared folder. You were busy so did not feel
like informing you.

OMG: Ok, I will check it. By the way, just take care of the celeb story. It is important, and that will
occupy the half of the front page.

BJ: Sir, if this is important then priya should handle this, rather than handing It over to irfan.

OMG: (ignoring the view) may be, but I want irfan to learn and grasp things as soon as possible. He
will open up.

BJ: that is correct but,

Prompting in bet

OMG: and you take care of the editing part after the copy from Ravi.

BJ: ok. (not willing to accept)

OMG: so, that’s it. Send me the final status after the rough copy of all the pages and designing stuff
BJ: sure sir

Ravi: did you see that adi??

Adi: yeah, I have just found the statement of Lalu yadav over the recent railway budget

Ravi: you and your politics dude! Come out of it. I m talking abt our office mate!

Adi: what??? I was engrossed in editing the 3rd page

Ravi: this girl is too hot to be fooled man

Adi: dnt confuse me dude. You saying that girl as a hot chick?? Or trying to call her too smart??

Ravi: stop it and finish your work. She escaped from work so smartly and me and irfan were left as
victims and you bloody don’t care.

Adi: do you have any options?

Ravi: options? Options? What options mate?? Everybody asks the same thing!! If no options are
available then you should not maintain ethics and go against morals right??? Angrily

Adi: Morals? Ethics? What have been reading these days dude??? Do you want me to explain the
meaning of these big words? Enjoy your work dude and stop cribbing these nonsense. In funny tone

Ravi: yeah anyways…

Sudden call from Priya

Priya: So, you got to know the questions right?

Irfan: yeah. But I have not done anything that before, you know I m so new to all these and that is
why I have taken the education beat instead of this big big celebrities and all stuff

Priya: its ok darling.. you will learn things this way. And moreover, you have experienced ravi
alongside you. Right ravi???

Ravi: experienced?? Well..

Priya: Ravi, you will have to take care of the editing completely and ask BJ for help ok

Irfan: how long will it take to interview the person? And secondly, whom do I need to interview?

Priya: The event manager, Sonam Kapoor, Abhay deol, and Amit trivedi.. and it wil take only 30-45
minutes to t get the basic details and talking stuffs. ohk
Irfan: What the heck man.. No No No. absolutely no.. I won’t do that. Infact I won’t be able to yaar..

Ravi: Priya, can’t you take it on your own.

Priya: I would love but…

Anyways, irfan be cool and calm, these people are nice and being celebrity, everybody is polite and

Priya to Ravi: I hope you would handle this for me, thanks a lot.

Ravi left….

Irfan: I am afraid if I get fumbled up with some wring questions and all.

Priya: it will be fine darling. And once you do that, you will be one page number 1. You always
wanted your friends to find you over there right??? So, go ahead and it will be fine. Ok?? Time to
leave, I am getting late yaar. Need to rush….

Irfan: ok. I will call the person in 5 minutes sharp at 8 : 30.. ohk??

Priya: that’s like a good boy.  and give me a text after you reach home, and m so so thankful to you
for these gestures.

Bye, take care, c ya..

Irfan: BJ sir??

BJ: yeah,

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