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Tanesha Brenno


Monty Mathis


In general, I would have to say that jails and prisons are there to protect innocent civilians

from being tormented by people who cannot live in society. When people break the law or hurt

someone, the other people need to feel protected and some sort of security knowing they cannot

do it again anytime soon. I find that if an alleged criminal is punished for their actions right from

the gitgo, they have a better chance of getting the help that they need in jail. There are many

programs being offered inside of jails and prisons these days. You can get your G.E.D for one,

which is a lot of the people’s problems; they don’t have the proper certificate to make something

of themselves. I know it is hard for the system to catch on to every scheme and crime but the big

ones like murder and abuse should be top priority, along with some others.

I think that the effectiveness of jails can go either way, there are good things and of

course there are going to be bad things. Some people who go to jail or prison for doing

something wrong, get out, not any better but possibly worse. The criminals are put together in

the same area and I am not so sure that it is a very good idea, I am sure there is no other way

around it but it does make things worse. Then you have the ones that get sentenced to ten to

fifteen years. When they get out they have no money, nowhere to go, and no companionship like

they did while they were in there. These kinds of people, in their own minds, believe that they

truly belong in there and that it is their home. I think that when someone commits a crime, it is

just a matter of time before they do it again or do something worse, not all people but a lot

cannot control themselves and will not accept any kind of counseling. Not everyone learns from

their mistakes and it could take either for them to take a life or rob a bank before someone

realizes that they should not be out in civilization, they do not deserve to be out there. Being

involved in this world is a privilege and if they cannot abide by our rules then they will not be

any part of it. I know that for a lot of the men, their problem is that they never had a father show

them right from wrong. I truly believe in most cases it takes two parents to raise a child and raise

a child right, not always but a lot of the time. A good friend of mine works corrections and says

he sees it every day. I mean don’t get me wrong it is a poor excuse to go and take a human life or

rape someone for instance, but it is kind of sad on many levels also.


Criminal Justice System; The Core (2006) Division of Thompson Learning. Pp 313-330

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