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The highest reward for a man¶s toil is not what

he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.

If a window of opportunity appears,

don¶t pull down the shade.

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( brutal crime and a call for revenge :

On 15-08-2004, as our nation was celebrating its 57th

Independence Day, Dananjoy Chaterjee, was hung to death
by way of capital punishment for the brutal rape and
murder of a 14 year old girl in Kolkata. His conviction was
a matter of intense debate / agitation. On the one hand,
there was a call for retribution ± he had killed a
defenseless, powerless young girl. Her family needed a
sense of justice. On the other hand, human right
organisations demanded clemency, on the ground that no
one, not even the State, has the right to take away human
Topics / ³your windows of opportunity´ V

'What is the purpose of our penal law?

Why do we have capital punishment?
(What are the different forms of capital punishment?
)Capital punishment is necessary to ensure justice
prevails in our society and therefore, should be retained.
*Capital punishment violates human rights, and
therefore, should be banned.

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