The Virtual Dimension of Our Connections

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If we look to all social networks we will see tremendous

amount of virtual connections among us: followers,

subscribers, friends...! It looks great!

But in the background seems that we only try to draw

attention on ourselves and that we have no time to read
what our dozens, hundreds, or even more friends,
followers, subscribers really write about!

As it is our egoism has grown to such extent that we

only 'swallow' what our virtual friends sending us in
form of links, written texts etc. having no time to
'digest' it within our mind and heart. For, there are such
a huge amount of texts, links and videos suply on virtual
friendships market! How do deal with all of this?

All that many of us are doing is to excange links, videos

etc. Some of us make use of all of these issues! All
depends what we are lookong for! It’s no doubt that
somewhere a real fiendship emerges.

The positive side of all of this is that we yet show that

we have a desire for connections between us.
According to it’s plane the Nature will take care for the
real connection among us: consciousness that we are all
just a single organs in One big Human Body and that we
need to unite.

The Nature looks on us as Her single organ that need to

be attached to Her body of Love, Beauty and Goodness
in the form of similarity with this Upper One that
created us.

This virtual dimension of our connections lead us to

another dimensionn of our relationships, much higher
than this one!

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