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Sender Channel Receiver

(Source) Medium (Consumer)

p   p 
@ Sender
@ Receiver
@ Medium
@ Message
@ Feedback
@ Message Initiator
M Credibility
ż Credibility of informal sources
ż Credibility of formal sources
ż Credibility of spokesperson and endorsers
ż Message credibility
ż Effect of time on source credibility: Sleeper
@ arget Audience
M Personal characteristics and comprehension
M Involvement and Congruency
M Mood
M Barriers to communication
ż Selective exposure to message
ż Psychological noise
@ Feedback- the receiver¶s response
M Advertising effectiveness research
M Media and message exposure measures
M Message attention and interpretation
M Message recall measures

@ Communications strategy
@ arget audience
@ Media strategy
@ Message strategies
M Involvement theory
Message structure and presentation

M Resonance
M Message framing
M One-sided Vs two-sided messages
M Comparative advertising
M Order effects
M Repetition
M Advertising appeals
M Fear
M Humor
M Abrasive advertising
M Audience participation

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