Dental Study Guide Year 3 Plymouth 2010/11 Ms Fenella Fudge 3.6

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Study Guide
Year 3 Plymouth 2010/11

Ms Fenella Fudge 3.6

Study Guide


Ms Fudge, a 35 year old Lady, has attended your practice today complaining
of a discoloured upper right central incisor. This tooth was root filled 3 years
ago following trauma and has gradually discoloured. She is due to be married
in 6 weeks time and would like to have some treatment carried out prior to this
date. She is a regular attendee at the practice. Ms. Fudge is under the care
of her General Medical Practitioner for an overactive thyroid.

Relevant Medical and Social History

1. 35 years of age
2. Non-smoker
3. Diagnosed with hyperthyroidism 3 months ago.
4. Drinks approx 6 units of alcohol per week

1. Carbimazole

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Extra-oral Examination

1. Nil swelling, Trismus or Lymphadenopathy

2. Lips and soft tissue NAD
3. TMJ - NAD

Intra-oral Examination

1. Discoloured upper right central incisor

2. Root filled 3 years ago
3. Radiograph reveals a well condensed root filling with nil periapical
4. BPE 1 and O’Leary PIaque Index of 25%
5. Minimally restored dentition

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Learning Outcomes

By the end of the study period relating to this guide, the student should be
able to discuss:


 Thyroid Disease
 The aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis, management and dental
aspects of diseases of the thyroid gland:
o Hyperthyroidism
o Hypothyroidism
o Thyroiditis
o Neoplastic disease

 Drugs used in the management of:

o Thyroid Disease

Discoloured Teeth

 What are the causes of tooth discolouration?


 Technique
o Vital bleaching
 At home bleaching
 Provided professionally
 Over-the-counter preparations
 In-surgery bleaching
 Combination of both
o Non-vital bleaching
 Walking bleach technique
 Inside-outside technique
 What is the evidence for the efficiency of tooth bleaching?

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 Indications and contra-indications

 Materials
 Technique
 Advantages and disadvantages
 Efficacy


 Composite and porcelain laminate veneers

o Indications and contra-indications
o Technique
o Advantages and disadvantages
o Materials

Dental Materials

 The properties, mode of action, advantages, disadvantages and

potential side effects of the agents used for tooth bleaching and
o Hydrogen peroxide
o Carbamine peroxide
o Sodium perborate
o Phosphoric acid gel

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