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The Horse

The horse is one of man’s friends in his relationship with animals, in war and in
piece, in toil and in pleasure.

He has a big, powerful body that can support great loads on his back or pull them
behind him in a cart. He has long, strong nimble legs that give him sustained speed
along any kind of path. He has acute senses that can spot danger ahead or around
him, and he has a docile disposition that can be harnessed by his master to carry
out different tasks.

He is a farm helper for agriculture and cattle raising, a trans port assistant whether
under saddle or before a cart, a fellow soldier in the dustiest battle field, an
accomplice hunter through the woods and slopes after a slippery fox, and a
fabulous actor in the circus, just to mention a few of this merits.

The horse has a long, elegant, arched neck with flying mane that ends in a noble
head with big eyes, large and small ears. His legs end in small hoofs that can take
hours of travel or work. He has a long, elegant tail.

Above all, he’s a loyal friend, great riders in history survived moments of peril
thanks to their horses. Both history and literature have told great stories of these
noble animals.

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