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function xor_reduce (arg : std_logic_vector )

return std_logic is
variable Upper, Lower : std_logic;
variable Half : integer;
variable BUS_int : std_logic_vector ( arg'length - 1 downto 0 );
variable Result : std_logic;
if (arg'LENGTH < 1) then -- In the case of a NULL range
Result := '0';
BUS_int := to_ux01 (arg);
if ( BUS_int'length = 1 ) then
Result := BUS_int ( BUS_int'left );
elsif ( BUS_int'length = 2 ) then
Result := BUS_int ( BUS_int'right ) xor BUS_int ( BUS_int'left);
Half := ( BUS_int'length + 1 ) / 2 + BUS_int'right;
Upper := xor_reduce ( BUS_int ( BUS_int'left downto Half ));
Lower := xor_reduce ( BUS_int ( Half - 1 downto BUS_int'right));
Result := Upper xor Lower;
end if;
end if;
return Result;

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