Blue Book

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' Miss _'Rat, Marries -the King of Rats

- - I

A:e~=:~:: :mqs~:::U =~

thinking hard, she declded that the 'Stm God wQtI1d

be the most suitable match far ,Mias, Rat ..

She went tQ, the Sun 'God anti saw -~ ""Ski' wfil ~on please marry my cha:tnnng_ ,aa~te.r ,aa~l make keF

_..;:-:p i")'" I

your wue,;.r- - I

The ,Silll ao(]f said '~~7"i"L.: '~,?,,'- 'NJI'~'~tttR ~at

~, ~,_.' ,. .~~~~ Jt"~~ ~~~t .J: ~~.

constdermg me a S'nita1>le matGli fax §YQUJ; __ t~_F"

But I am not the mast 'pewemul .. c '.We ~ ~. is-~e powenulfhan tEIe,'Ggn Qyet$h!ld'Qw'me~mahis Bl0.nds/~

$m Utte Mdtker lia~ wellt tta, tn· Rain IGad and .. atd". ~if~ 'WfD 'O)U fSleas€ m,a;rty my Cha.fllting daughterand mm ber J~wtfe~\t

111ft ~ @:014 ;~" 1i~'Thatlk ynul$ Madam, for , ~d~ me a swtab1~ match for your daugllmr.

Bu 1 am net; tae mt0sf powerful, 'The Wind God is, mlD~· ~0.mtl!ul fllirfnll.. Hf~<;Qan "blow myelcuds far away,"

, St:t th:~ ~et Flatt went to the Wind God and said, , .*~~ wru YGU plehs;1! marty my oharmmg daughter and

DJB..l(e Der ~fUl" _e 7" . .

Tn€ WiBId '(}ad said "Thank you, Madam, fbr

I ,(l0Dstd~ m~ a sU£mb]e match for your daughter. ~l1!It I mE filM the most powerful The Mountain IGod !s mara J):(l!J.weFfu1 than 1. He stands in my way and 1;:1 ," ps . e ... I itlow fWitb all myutight but I cannot remove bUn fjem nw wayv" ~-

So he Mother ',; t wen 'to be .M0UEitam 0 -, fjpU

said, "'Sir~ wJJI 1'-\ ' p' c r: e ~ aty'IlBfttlt - g " _fe,¥

and make her y01lT wIfe 1,'

Th M' - +\ .... 4,_, 'n~ ... -.4 .rr.A ,(, ~_,""",;1!,,, - - .,;f,...d"",..,...,.,

e 'oun~A ~uu. $.a.illu,Ij. '.LIU~~ .r~,; Jl';~~j,I" /.iQr

considering roe a 9tdta.t,le mazkch .fuJI" 1aw ;Sail_or.. I But 1 am not the mostpowerfitl. 1me: ~ 1m ~ is more powerful than L He SCAd bI' - f6n~n ' b~ at my sides and make bu:roow.s and limlre' , - J de my rocky body. ff


~ So the M,0fhe'r Rat lllelIt tbl, ih1: IBmg ;&f Rats atYd

i Saictdrt '11~~~I:m ,au ~~ ~ my c; '~i ·,Ga.l~ I

~B an' maice ner yC1U.f"~w.ue ~~ '~

~ The Rtirg IOf IRiats, 'said, uTm3" I wnt '

aDd s@ Wss. Rat w~ :tllamed to ~. flfng (1l Rata

• I ~ gpt'ealIlG ~~'_fj ~Q .MIi~ . r' ~

'.A" n mUt) farn.1W had tiu7ee- 801m,. They _\~e , oung i

". itd s_ng~ Blt1t ' ,ley '\VeJl7e all Vm)f ]~-. 111~Y "VJaI1,ted

m - [] ~ to 'P 'n~t, But th C J dld nat want to work to

_ i_ lP€llii _ *

One cit ' the tiuln~ satdto, them "I havre buried

" _ _ . -

S:Qll;i ' ,- J' ,- 'ur - fit !Ollr fl,eld.. DIg out the treasure and

sh:' .1"' - _0~~~'tl. i"

&:1. the J~"R d-'y t;tie ,oung men eager~v went to th~ itt aR_Q startled ,diggihg it. Theyworked hard for

I -' ',- rat 4J \ - . Th -!Y !dug each and every inch of the

, Jll d, but fm1.tnd no al1ywheJ1e.

The'l' '" It t~i tbYllr father and told him that they had. _ 'led to thld tb, treasure. The father said, "Never I!Jlifid. NIQW that ~ 6U ha,"~, e dug the field so welt let " us -0W t lYitb~0m, ."



Km~ ~.was' lib.".,:_[,e~ .. · '.{o~ ~~filg J.ttst atl.'cl,fab". 'D>~ m:@: was 1flutlQ~g a, verygr,and palace for

~~]'. T1Qe ~l,aJl f0 'fd\e lPalaee was· ready, J.t was aetieeB iWra1t a €,(!rfita.g~ at th ~lte o,f 1t1f.te structure would, ~ tlhl: ~,eabl1b~ air (he 'pa1aea

'Whet Ugaalle<d the awa,er ef the cottage. He '~l~pt :bis ~:tfBou1~ to Ith~ man and offered htrn a. ,1)1g pltiC'e f(i)r tits eettage .. But the man was very I stuib.lib:e>:Rl:-.

P-fc' 8'ala~ ·'~YoUF Majes~f please excuse me for turning c8.flJWD; ,.\I0UT offer, I love t:b:is cottage more than I love BW4e1f. . ere was, I born. Here have I lived all these

I .. )ki';ll' ~'itt 111 It: y>.i'c - d - I' "' ... : 'h t d'··· 'ItI

JeBr'S tiJ~' 11111 J' . .1!e", nere : ,0. ·')(\I·,1S".' '0 ne,


The IDn,g th,ou.ght 'tihal it w;m~~~ B,,' . ~ DB his :'

part to U8'e any; fC}l];:c~,. He sats tt8 J. 9' MmisteF, · the cottage ,staaad he17,e. When p,eetple9O-e' !kif ~fj palace, they wtlll 8:CjmJre TlIF s\l!Vl$e of ti>eau.~ .. Wk_ they see the C0'ttage t th6~ 'W£D -admtre: selitfre $1

JUs' . e."

L- flf* '~ laBg EJ;~. t4ttter-e was, ~lURg wAWD was ",el1f f(2)Jad _ 8' ~mnrR '~0~if_ 'Dlteija~ ~ W.8A~ U0 ~, htRtliJ,pl, ,ane l~fi0m '8 »t_blmlfaill ~t~jju.1JDe '~ltI ft ~Q~~g" ~eE

pi~ " was . s1l0Sft) ~e:efJJr~tFl"e pie~IKc.~l.

M - ~ ~ Gt m ~d fk0 '8!1IlE ,g~\(e it a I.misnmg 1!0tlUJa v.MtJJ lUtE! tb'msm. ~01UJ H@ s:t!bpl[)fn~l ib>aGKwaF€l,s, tE>0k$,g. a' ,me "ictti~e ~~ef~€ lim, I 0 see - 0W 4.t IttHDkea f'rtq'@~ a Cl~$tia.tMt're\ ne [((e'a0~Ul WW0Sj: bb.e edl,ge0f tthe hill,

~, sifi,'¢l~ -:jiJ ))~l. wlil& mas ~~g his she~p' On I'

'e mll~, ~~ " e ~g~ He ~Q1Xght that if the Kin;g _QVoo ~ - II} eve a ~$'tif h:e\~ould faill down tnto the w-:' -I eft iliet@w amuiL ,rtI~@. ~~ he ran itu 'llie picture .,M1€l 1fit1Jrc(e ~1t ~'Ih a BlawilBre1Vi tl):f bis stiek ..

~(f Iml:g ~s v;,'~~ oogr:y Wltlti '~@' b:0Y·, He rushed tt1jf),E ~fq .aQ;td €a~gAl1 hilll. Her a.n,gmty shouted, '~YOt1 ~ r _at ~e' Nr€)'U til€Uijl~? I wf11 kill yell. '"

The shepherd boy fell GO bis- knees hl.e'f0JPe ,- . e - I_.g I and said in a humble v;etce, ,I ai'r~ ~rease ~k 19uk .. If I had not done this~ y;~.1a wOl1Jlei ha~ ffl~em ~ and lost your U~e,.1';'

The Kin;g lo(§)kem };)aek ~Q{ ~.Q\ ~ll: b'OJ fQt savtng 'his lifB. ~Ile satGl t@ t1Jzte -ilCjlJ. q: - ~l\i Ii - i, __ f

used your ptesene.e Qf ~0, ~ wm~8; have ~y -c\ied~·' Then I e Rl~gr ttmG~ ltJte tl8~ ~tlM. ~ t<b ta~ palace and r~w81[<ift:Gl b_tm Mtil rl~ ,_t8."

LAtflJt, tUile mJ)~ was b: DMf~~t 0 ~ palBfle ,anti m 0':t!g)\\f f1JlJJPI itJhe11re ~~~ut1er &e ~~S~ €9f~ 0 ~ ~~ ~f a few ~eEWS, at! was ~,- E tmg ~trs ~~ MJ" i$.lI@;,.,

nee a: - ch ,Q)d ~, asked a weD-known arttst to ,mat h~r ~rumt. The ,~tst worked hard en the pmttili, for many days\< Whe,Il the portrait 'was ready. be bJ-v1rtec tfte ~ te ids· sfudiQ

The old t~fiIYl C~ to tl:le studio. 'She had her pet slQ-g wi1h1 her. Ske WJas, ·ery fbno ru the dog. She believed that f1 was· ~he dey-creej little animal In the world ..

1'bl1e lady shawed her; portsatt to the dog, "Look, 'f-€lmy tiarUng, ~fI she sa!t!. "here is your mistress .. " But ttr~ dog 'showeG' Jtl,o. rnterest,

1tte wealthy lady turned to the artist and satd, "] don't ~t this, pertratt. It does not look like me at all. ~oo my' clever ani-mal cannot recognize me in

-i>!1..i ' ."" 'It 1".

U;l~ p~" .. ~ .


The attt.was a man of worldly wisdom. He knew 'I

abmut trle sttallge' ways of wealthy people. SOl he did I nwt arg\Uir He slltlply IsQid, ~"Mada~ please come again t0m(-lfrCAJJ~ 1 Will ~e the portrait Look so real that J'IDtlF Tamy Will V8lag its taU and 'lick It, '"

The next day the l~dy v.JBlted tb~ stu -Q again", The dog wagged its tail and ran to 1tl~ Ji'P~ It li:ek~ It with great Interest,

TILe lady satd, "How w.ont1eFflH I HQUf gea.~ :," " . M)' Tomy likes the P ortratt a:taCll SB IlJ tiifli, IlIlte lt~ plCiBB0 Map it up. "J The artist aske~ for a t(U p~- _ s~

.... 4id tt nrlU'T"Irf1:

P,C'.U . - 1. - U.~.,1I'.U;oJ¥~

The artist had a he~ la. ~t Ii c' ~ 'K~ mad I rubbedthe p~t mfta a Jutm: wee~ of Ult{at Its ~ had made the dog iml€ i't

I T~ e!M rom a. ~"~ HtI~~·

III W:.~ ,,,, lit dy man named I{aroc11maL .l!IO.I',,",'l~_ dlIt" b w - ttilfeGl, 1 Q blUY '"} eel.- ,arnut. H" went

~(O'llt1!1t ~- ~~tid(i!)f' md ;"' -. 1t d. htm th . p11: 'of

1!JIlIJIlS:('))lU "t~

"Thr e rup·· eael~lt,'~ BaicsI iQb, '>!Ien:dI. ~

"Thr ,. r·Jpe I ? T 'It~I' ~e m ~ m., ttl II JJ ;«D rup es I" ,9..~Jd Karr6lrlhnna1'.

"If you go, a ]!JI~~r· ,~,,,,,,,,,~,,,

rup < " ~ ~~ iaJ:cl ~b: ' v. "17lt!lO'r.

A am Karotlifli'ilal,ai'Q ~(l) ~tl~ .I~, I, 1'f0lQJ

precious. I doni'lt Inlnd· Will'n~ I'

The ~ 100-~ .. i1J at §@ man ~y and SalID, -GQ awa.y, stuPid m ,w .. ft is really' flmny that you ~e' a gQat fQr a aG,~}

~1Vlll tyW oo~lo€':p rIma WIse mam if r saN tllat .. OUT Idog is a glDilt'l'1 ~ I ~]I RAJD: saw tbe rogue ~d went ~8f'~

.mtel' a wIDlej Wloihe:r rogue came to the Brahmin a.tJd SWL. j~~a m.almptlg~ learned Sw. I wonder why YOllI are ~ wlrgn you can ~eJ;y ;w;ell dele on this, l' py 0j Y.Q't1fti~ ~

l"h@ ~ said, '~"My goodness '! DOl you think @:Us' gam ts a pOFl;Y?~-'

" tSDt1_ght yeD were a learned Brahmin. But now J {Ui(t!JI~d fuat 'Y~Ou are a fathead who knows no I _~~C~ ~tWeefr a pony and a goat.t' eakl the rogue ,aaC!l waIlref! away.

Some time later the H"ral1mit1 was ~~~~ by I the third rogue.

The third rogue said., c;~cr$oi1 m0rni1t~, ttttW :priest: ..

Why have you sei1ectea. this M0nk@Y as yGUt f~aQ. I traveller ?n

Th-e Brahmin asked new0l;l:;ly, "ls OOS ~.Q donkey?"

.,iQf course, it Is," said tll'e l'm~g m a'iI a.~

Wben1lb;e' .111 mtm woo~ m tlre ., ~ m CI tbeEewar~~ ~11l,e rQm~» as#:ed :tdJi1l, .~J.8S' eJe Ql ~p i near the p:fjJtd ,,"

""~es4 Slf.' I:; rr~:plted title ~'.

,1 ..

U'Dld )rQql II'leK.a;t flle -D F ;~ me ~i;j

'~es :Sir. liilifil look 'at&~ . ~tn sa!Jd, iJm ~


tl'll' P - It. re "'tv~ lrt'l

L q. J .~ ~G. e. m. an ~Jl.ed Blld~ .. ~ . erul, ,.". ffom bis RfHlbIbnMr. ~~Qf.)iul()aft a blaH ~f rupees ORe

tbeusaEId m;R- tall¥! s.mEllsiG;i1 (;)1 iUs· d'alilgl1l'te17~ ~a.:FIiage. Cllly a few fi~ya dtfip' the ~ge~ Lamni.Nan~an asked ~~@ttamd ttD [le{Day Uu~ lean ..

J9al~l~ui satd, ~~I Will uep~ "evel~'y pte of yours, BlltI,t fClJUJ Httmw' ve~ ~n t17irat r am a poor man. I Wi1j R€ftif 8'0 I ~ e libm'@ 10 Fe~y Uhe loan,"

~_ sa!l:GI,'~[ tflc?Jt:lght you were an honest bllBm. 8\11'1 Q' " I feel iGlan l'WaH wrong in ll'l:Y judgement."

ljudllif _~~a sma, ~'Please' have patience, my dear ~1l'El. 1 Wib ly repay your loan. 1 am an honest

~daa 'said" uIf yon are reaUy an honest mea _- Ill'U sa:J'~ come with, me to the Kazfs court and sl. 'tlae lilaper;s s~g that you have mortgaged ,yeu:r NO;lJ,SH ttl m~ the loan."

Buddbiahaad said" '''rJJ!eEf: is R€) ~ {ill' ,gClbag 10 the C0'UT~L Please truJstm~ ame1 1 wit ~~a, ·rtlt~ [~~ as early as posslble,n

But Laxmtnand)an w8uld nat liS,mE tg, Bvd.~fbftQII"d.

He tnslsted that Budldht:ohan,eJ IDt1sfi gctl '\Vim tlim ml . the court and S.IgJ,1 fllae parpefs,. Ae~~· aBY,'" B\e ,~ea to take over the· house 0fB'u<ffdfh1.,c~~

Buddhfchand saw through tiliJJle e1dI lteSlp, bf LaxmJn an dan. Sa he "g,alia., "I dmn"t hav.ea wmrse t.e> I ride to the court U'

"I will- -'I c:rive- you- rm h~1 orse .. "'" -'dllAt 1011 ,,;,,If,;A 1i~I.,~It_- : JiwA.

, ,', . - IE)~' -~ r ', ,'! -':i "j.' _'I~,.I.-~- LUI L·;~ I I~. 9aLlUir ~iULa:m8_faF~.

'8It belongs to me," said ~an.

'"Who.m do the clothes I wear bei~ to iff aslmd Buddhlchand ..

," TIlley belong to me" saiH ~io

"And whom do the s'andatsr OJ;l Ill, ft!et Gmlq. \D,'"

asked Bud~d. -

~ The sandals mso belong to 1Oe.. ~~ sald ~t1an I in an offendtpg tone.

~ ADd wh<:;m doos me horse WlIi,', 1 roo@ to tb~ C9UttbellilEg to r asked BtidQffi&and"

"1lle bm:-se alS'o 0010. te ~... ~ aut


~an 'esdtecUy .. "The cap, the clothes, the ~ ~, a:mJ the hQf eare all rome.... • _. I j

. ,~ll tlle pmpleinthe~ laughed more and~o-:e Ii loudJr at ~;andan,~ The Kazi, too, stilled his ~

~~er WfIth ~ 'eulty.. Ev.eryb0dy in the court believed .~ _~&..... I~inan~a1l had g01l1.e' mad, He stood aghast I! ~ . tht M:aj,s @:flaugJaher. The KaZi, fmally. dismissed I theca .,

. ud ~harul tnetltbe ~nantJ,am a laughing stock ill th' ,e'oort~ thu'S, folle4fl. tile ,evjj plot oj ~datt.

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