Green Book

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fOre: ..


1 e. Jt Safn:pal ~~l~(fQ~

UluHitfBi(tfl .

Ja~m Fetll;;Jl1l!tiS

O,·tle,: _.,dJ .. ':.,. Y .. t~.,,\,.rl'o .... ,§i.'.'~.' ~~f.~.tD.'. ®l.'_ ·~~ •. '~~m ..•. i,; ef.nt,.~ .. ·'·~.".'. ~~' S~, ·~n~: 'I:)6liUl~, $lld, ~ ot,~Dld Ml'tl ,t:.~ ,~, -\tQ' !~O:p ,0 '"t~"

tilel~wa:ct ~lO' ~fid' ,Stqj;pPl\:t\lSl~a.elr rttlett ,~t~ ·tt ~_ f'


not 'pOcSSib'~e' tbr :tbe f£~~ t~: 11~P" ~1U,t. &:ad~~~c

.After S~1~ tbWlt~1 ,~e .. o:f rit! ""Wo;g3 ~t(l;c~. MI, JJBl ' (}o:mptt'!i~ 'm"E:~" m'C~U1,~t ~~'@.l' jiUrtlt.·W~.~~ ;t a~ \~tltt"fJi((~lg- " up," 'lie· ~w~ tlPf .8.110 '\}~~el!lt :dp~r.a,'Q, ,die [rfj~:tt~t11) Icr4:: ~t1t(e.~ ,

,.".kl• 'r~" lJ!!:t" ,~ .. ,"",:\~,~, A"~""\:VX~':iI$~' t.;4ULI~~i,-iIi,IL!. m~e '~~'~~}:!Il~1~{~~~~~t~, __ ,

The, otber f~og,sa1tll '1 ·W!;l, ·iblijfI ;s~.m~.'--_,. t "h~~ ,I S{}~~~Ie~e~;itt\g '~o/1U 11ap~1 .&~tt~l,,$aye ':1iti,e~"

So: be: l~l'lt n~;, S,~tlill~~'~iS' lOr.m-',':;;-~eB~·· ~U;Rl;t2;', . . I the nttlk.·tim9.:~ :i~rt'l~ :tt 'lI~to; b:~\',"i .. ,~ $' _ ilIitRe!, ': the 'frQ~l !~lledl 'f~ ,'0;11, 'mkle' p~ ,(1$ ~UJit~ ·.1 '~elJe~

i 0- 11.-"'''' O·~7 "~';;;1""""""h,'1 :.:II-'!I':T,!'ii'"

I . ",I~·~:~.. '..-~,.~ ~ .b~~~·;~~~~~I,_



~ I

hyam and Ram were good frteads. ,On~ day' "e)r . were passing through a forest. 'On thejrwaY41 tlleJ aw a bear coming towards them. Shy~ ran antd

eltmbed up a nearby tree. Ram did n~t knaw the' ''SJdll of climbing a tree. But he showed pr$eFl~e of tmnd.

I fie bad heard that "Mldanf.baals de not bun d~ b«d~ , I So be lay down still "an the gtound. He clctsed HiS ~es and held baCik, liis bF-eat~ 1he lilgarerune 't£) ~~ He sniffed~sl face. RetbruIglilt that the man ~ dea€t He we1lit :aw.-~.

When: tlH~ t»,ear was iQ,ut 01 iSf~14 '~am el1lOOlhgcd down tlrte wee. He went t(), ~ amtl as~edf ~~t d1lfa 'I

~ 1!,., ':J.,-n "'.1:' 1,:1 :- .. "" Y' n.'HT."A:~·1" an Dm"".,.1 't'!!~~ .... r"'~ U't,'j"3

' U.J£; veal"' ~ .lr.a~ ll.[1.:.U ~. '~~. ~ 'fF iJ!>~' ",'l,;;[m..lIl.Dl!lS~ -tn.~,

I tal1ml ru,e ti9. k~E away; &Q.ll1 ,a s~lfiSE: ~Jti 1Ik'e "Q~. '

A~mHmlmrS!4~~ I'

One dayan fdof-maker b,' a do:. I,' ' ..

an idol of a godd'e5.9 00 a deb c ,i,~ •. 'vas a beautiful piece of exeeD,em: W!~lv

donkey was loaded"th 't11e td:_ L As tbe do,I along the road. many people em tCte way ...... ""', __ ._"""14,'

. admire the jdoL Some peop'le ,.,,' ed ttl ,f' "


The stupid donJiq thought tha an tne admiral'" "

and F~pect Wl$e for binI. ·So. he p,. ·,lI aWp .

, the ,nnd(jJ~ of the Foad aIld tr~ to bray 100 r, '6ooflg I words and aettons of his mastec faJIedl tel ~'-. 'e ~ ,rT' '. '

to k~ep quiet and m:nV1:: OR... A mast t:b# mas~ ~ Imn hard wtth his sffck~ TI:t€ b~ throoJ)l:oo . @ ,~ pride out or We d.Q:nkey~ He,' .' ~~ M hts~~5 ana walked on Icluti_fuj]~.

eo I.T., ,.....,. "31"""-,@ . -i ·f.o01'~lt~~Ih:7 ""611'11

~ .~ ~~ ~V~. _yl~~~"":7::' JL~l

Th'e mer at thatp - t 'WaS deep its

The ,eu' -ded har:d 'b -Jl b:~

u t . ',' " hfs axe ... He as '~Iery sad ..

-1l!t<:f1~"J1;...1"'" messeneer of d '.S. .. rX[ILr ",,~,C;I,

L·~ . .Jf" U~ ~JI,~~~) 'OJ ~ ~. t::JJL

- .

,k pi,' 'n Wm. ~.eonf>, - ,(fn)". J --

1 Wtu;r axe." __ aid ': - cury - -,- ~ ~ I ,

- . carne . 'U of the mer an m<e '10:1 ":§i".~,] d.

t ' . tb '/I" U ~ T .. Tb.e

" !~. ji""""'!iIn" 4 ..... ~"'~ U· "'

.. '~ 1 ~1II1 1~~ ~J!- ...


r .... \ 1: • c e ,I·c. I~ • '!It ". f '-;,. ,

I[f" I It \a' 'it' !t_ ~'.JJ' _ ......



.~ ~ail .~~ Q s~m~ j~~ ~ ~ .~~ ~. ~~~~~ ~t

.ijllP :me and. :Ck~k-:rozr·

. ~ mJ' b'ea:iJ aDJ_d,' j

,fitiQl'~ ~·I~

_- c_ -r_'. .

.. -I

O-~ ne tlay a .s~pJleJtcfJ -QY fe:lt :v~ hlll;ely 10 ltl;:e .' l~e . .He 't1~)EI m bavft!' fun. S:a he-8be~~d I r~~ J"W~lf'" Waifl Heli !'r~

~f! 'taJ"tB:eva m tHe R~iJhou~gar,~ heard the 'hll-''!sOti~ fm- heip~ Thq .~ tnBtrwoill and ran Do . Delp' m;eh~j( ,~fl hm shee.p~ 'W11,Ie:Q th~y came 'to the I -Sfldt~ ~ EB£J1 nat,nflrttee ,a:tly s,tgtl of a wolf.

Ute' 'faaneF6 asked tbebO¥~ ~l.Wasn"t it you who 'oFteft frer' heiD' ~g

Th'e 001 Jaagtl'etiandsal(i,"1 was Just havlng some I .l)n~ 'fher~ itlllD' wolf her,e~,Go ,away ~ '"

~e fa_rmer:s sat'd angry woms to' the boy and went mva,.

-'eD ,ae! ttu~ ~tJ.o.Y pmqed the same trickand annoyed fhefaJi.l1JeJ31 0n'~o ag~ .. -

A few days later, a wn1f teaII," - _ . "£be 9'1 .. ~Petra I boy climbed up a. tree and s~ted fOlr ~. ~_I!O'

I help came.E¥erybodJ tlJOt.!ght -: 'gt

playmg his JO~~

I The wolf killed ~y of' es ' eep.

felt, orry for his, s siN. jolte

, oI€l-we.maa ma£ltttrls, S~a11lt,e:o Ei:elNcl~i1fhe w.enlM ,- w~lCd w_e g)pl'~ JS~~m -as h"ex: c:rG.u~k stalted cwb~g~ 1lh -,- ~lle WQ1!11bt 11\1~hlS"l~ 'ijae S,~aJi1,ts" as well and ask

- ~ J~m.,~ ,I ~ cl,~$ '~0~ •

~e se"· ~ts ¢)l,i!l, f}01 like tel get LIp ,ear~y in the IlU2)~., NU 1dtt@' It '" ae ~ey were tbinkh1g: wIl,at Ite do ts, Haya Iengt:, a;m:ctllJ1ilQistW1:be€l sleep in Iilae rnorntng,

(fame a ' ~cs,~tYant said to the other, "Let 'us kUll tiRe ooek.lf1fthere is' no uoc~,. therewill p,e no crowing. ,If ': ~e ,8, no QrolVit1rg; the' rmstrese won't wake up I eatfllJ' in 'lite mo.mtnrg., -If she d~oes not wake u~ early

lliI ffffile 'liJj);~i none wITl dtstnrb our quiet sleep.'

~e ~tl;u~r s~ant 'agfeed.. So the next day they ~Ied rtaae' ,ccocC:!k., IN(j\V' 1! there was no cock, the old w:~ W0,~ld ,met bow tlse exact tune. She would , •• U,f) ~eJ1 if!a!'ntr L~anr before. Once she was out sf 'eF ,e"!, slle waalGl E"f)"B ,let her servants remain in


e ~ok wasg,QFte~ B.,~t the Ie:~ants had -a harder "me I_.~, tlftdr0Fe~

K1l13 \vas ~qfond ~~ ··tatrng fFeslifish_. ·011,e 'day ',,;d7l$e 'was a stQt1l1, in' the sea. Fishe:n~tlen cQllIe

I not gEJ !1f9 sea tn; oa"teh flea SQ. th~· \Vij.$ no fresb &sit f'ortbe ItQjg,~ The' I~gamrO\UlJned ,S l]lg,. 't~~d ~!r {Ae pws,€)n \\f;h1Q&ro~ught hlm ,B fresb Bsh oonthat


Q)ne flDelf' a:Shen:n~ ventUJ7~a to brmg a fisb froID 'W,", SAol~£111" sea, fl~ £E1Oilt, 'the ·1lsi:l1.andWel1t to tile palace, Tile palaG,e §~s st:olpped htm at th,egate:.They t:oo,k, b:in1 ~. tbte ,Kltlg\sMltUstei.

Tr.te Mtwst@r said to th-ij' ftsJien:l1an~ ~101 shall allow yau to ~ 'ttl tilt lting-., But you shall .give we half of ... ~~@ ~. ·d +1,..'t -'. su O_~t fmm h 1-' .~. The ftshen -, -.-,- -d'-,-"'"

'«.it ~- -_ ,_--~ . _ t:.u8!' _ Y _ '_. g; _ _ u,'~ __ _ _,-00._, _ ~ ll rrnan Ild

nGt hke tl1ts pTopasaJ. But stU] he accepted it.

'1:h€ ~8ilaJ7ds fuen took the fisherman to the Kirrug. 1lt"e ftSi;htem1Gm g:a'Ve me fisb to the K.fl.lg,. The Kingwas ¥er)f mueh.'e'd 'With 'the ftshermanand said, 'Tell m~ \W1_~t '(ie~~ you want .and you shall have It." The ,flSh~an sma., '"'I10UT Majesty" I want fiftywhip lashes ,an, lU}l' ~mla.c;lf~l11ls ts Uie tlnly reward 1 expect. t" The s~ <ie~d oftbte '6sH,ermBn surprised everybody,

However. fifty light lashes "I


~~ ~CD0)j=' man le'(~kea: very much worried, Now, a wiS8' mam was s:fruiiding by- He took the man astde. H~ wLliJls;~eFletl a W0ttG of adVit36 into his ears.


Tn,€ ~aI'Gler ,a5ked'~ ~"\f~s1,J'Qhnny?U

J1~~f' a~d lp a stern. volee, '~Willl you please shave

, , .. " .. K~r.~~)j't my t~h':i<Ulh"a '.

Tli~ 1b~~lDer :~w tht;OLJgh thegamev Btrt he politely sateL ""1I ~ 'S1J!P,ely lao S0~, young master. ,.

T'h,.~'\Jjlt~@t th€l1put a piece ofeloth around.Johnny's sfo6ttlders.;.. H:@ 'rust) applied soap on his face. Then, he ; ge-cbusy with SHUIle" other work.

13 ... The' 'oJJlkey and his Shadow .

I~' b - -,- bir -, I 'IL.' .. Was. It"?-t .s.'tl~:e .... .r d .... a."Y._.A.,' .... t.T' avell ..• er .. 'il·_~d ~.' d.O.'.nk. ;,ey, tOI carry him across the dusty road to: thenext town,

The' donkey was lazy, He stopped every now and then.

So his maeter walked behind and :flQgged theanimaJ ' to keep, him moving on.

f\t noon, they stopped on the 'way terest. 1'he t~rnveIle:r sat in the shadowof the donkey for there I was ]1'" other shade there.

It was very hot and the donkey's maste-r was also,

I Vf!\ty much ~ed., He, too]! wanted to sit in the sHade Gf ,h,is dQnkey,. So he said to the traveller, "7ne dQ~y , is ndne and therefore his shadow" LOn, :i5 ~ 1{w birred the dortkeyhimBeif. You said nothing ab'o~tlt hiS $h,ado'i!., S~ lletme sit m the shade of my' donkey.l'

The tnlve1lefi saiQ', ~1 tI,aV'@! . _ "~t!I tibea3A 'f.IfJJI IfW the da"Y. It is roy ng'bt ',(1) use me shal'~, tta,~ .' '

, the wbole ~.Yb~ .I€afit~ sep~1* ttie ~dQ. ~" the donJ£q:) can ~Q;tl ~"..

~le the' _l&1Jlen ware ~ '. ~'.i!iaI

and .. ·ld~ ram ~-Ht' ~ agray

shoo~ ~th ~;£~

!t ~ ~.\ItV ~I ~ ~ IftD"ll"

0- ne day- two boys were gomgalong a road, They ;saw a nut on' the ground. Both of them ran quicld,Y to pick ft up:. One boy picked it up. The other bOLf &ai,d. "It 'is my nut because I was the mst to see fi:.,"'~'

"It is mme," said the boy who was holding it, "~'De'ca:use I was the first to pick it up."

dust then a tall boy carne there, He said 'to tl:e} bays",w,Gtve me the nut, I'll settle your quarrel."

The taU boy took the nut. He cracked the nut 'am.a I , separated its .hard sbell into two, partsv He gal'@' ~ll@ ; . part OJ the shell to one boy and said, "'Ttri$; Ital! is~ i YQurs\ .. ~' Hie g9iV'e the other part to the otlier bb~ anti i

I -_ -_ '- -'

s~td ~~. half is yours."

"Phen tffile tall boy popped the frutt-seed mta :m"a I tIloutnan.s, said'T1JUi!, .remaintng is miIie for helgW(t§U

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