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Appendix A

Interview guide
1. What are the key occupational areas working at Mobilink?
2. How would you go on describing your HR system, talking in terms of its
main divisions and the respective functions performed by them?
3. On a very basic note, how do you determine a vacant position?
4. What is your process of recruitment?
5. Do you prefer internal recruitment or external recruitment?
6. Do you pay specialists/consultancies to hire senior level people, as it is
very renowned these days as ‘head hunting’?
7. What tools you use to advertise for the job?
8. Employers don’t want to be swamped/bombarded with large number of
applications. Do u use any software or any other resource to scan
through them effectively?
9. What are your main sources for internal and external recruitment?
10.Elaborate us on the short listing criteria.
11.Briefly explain the step by step process of selection?
12.What kind of tests or other selection tools are used in your company?
13.Have you categorized the above mentioned tools for the assessment of
different job roles?
14.How do you finalize the selected candidate, i.e. by sending letters or
making phone calls?
15. Is there any post selection process that you follow?

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