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Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary

results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations. Through the process of coaching,
clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life. In
each meeting or call, the Coach listens and contributes observations and questions. This
interaction creates clarity and moves the client into effective action.

Coaching accelerates progress by providing focus and awareness. It concentrates on where

you are now and what you are willing to do to get where you want to be in the future,
recognizing that results are a matter of your intentions, choices and actions. Supported by a
good Coach's efforts and the application of the coaching process, amazing things can happen.

Training is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of

skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviours to enhance the performance
of employees. It is team based, department based and group based which is for less people
and less duration of time.Training is more about behaviour like one as to deliver what is
being trained.

Coaching can be defined as an interaction aimed at helping one to define and then to achieve
goals. Coaching can help in improving ones performance and move towards greater success.
It is a team based.

Teaching is what is taught in class. There is no demarcation of knowledge only demarcation

of time.

When coaching is needed:

1. When new subordinates comes in any organisation and he needs some direction to
perform his work.

2. When any mistake is done by those who directly reports someone

3. When anyone need to give performance rectification.

How to do a coaching exercise:

Discussion and argument

on and argument

Active coaching

Give and take feedback

on and argument

Follow up
Discussion of an argument:
call the coachee make him/her sit down across the table and explain asking him or her telling
him the scope of improvement and not directly asking may be he or she be given better
assignment. Brainstorming and extra incentives are important in this.

1. Active coaching:
a. keep on making people understand why they need coaching . It requires observation
of 2-3 weeks
b. Communicate again after observation
c. Reask the agreement or commitment

How to construct an action plan:

It has three aspect:
a. Goal set
b. Time setting
c. Milestone for coachee

Action plan

Goal: to learn java

Timeline: by jan 5th 2011
Milestones Measures of success Review Date
Becomes proficient Complete: dec. 10th
in Use computer for basic work
computer Usage : dec. 15th
Becomes proficient in java Complete: dec. 12th
Use java for various use
Usage : dec. 18th
Demonstrate java to extra Development of new future Jan 5th 2011
works programme

2. Give and take feedback:

A feedback should always focus on improvement. One should talk good and then talk
something bad while giving feedback. This means that first praise them what they
know and them teach what they don’t know.
One should take only that much time gap in giving a feedback which is necessary to
process the information

3. Follow up:
This includes just observing people, a silent yet active observer.
it has two types:

A. Direct coaching
a. this is done when any person is new to the job and his performance is below
b. Instruction about do’s and donts
B. Supportive coaching
this is for average and above average performance

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