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Artificial Intelligence




S.No. Name of Programs
Date Signature Remarks
1. Simple examples of
list manipulation
2. Define functions  in
3. Write conditional
functions using lisp
4. Write functions for
input-output using
5. Write function of
iteration using lisp
6. Write function of
recursion using lisp

Experiment No.-1 
1. Simple examples of list manipulation functions:
1. Append

( append ‘(a) ‘(bc) )

Ans-> ( a b c ) 

2. Last

( last ‘( e f g h ) )

Ans-> ( h ) 

3. Member

( member ‘c  ‘( a b e c g h ) )

Ans-> ( c  g h ) 

4. Reverse

( reverse  ‘( a ( b c ) d ) )

Ans-> ( d ( b c ) a ) 

Experiment No.-2 

2. Defining function in Lisp:

( defun fun_name ( para1 para2 … )

( operator para1 para2 … ) )

1. For addition

( defun add ( a b )

( + a b ) ) 

2. For multiplication

( defun multiply ( a b )

( * a b ) ) 

Experiment No.-3

          3. Write conditional function using Lisp:

1. For two variables

( defun fun_name ( var1 var2 )

( cond ( ( > var1 var2 ) var1 )

( t var2 ) ) ) 

2. For three variables

( defun fun_name  ( var1 var2 var3 )

( cond  ( ( > var1 var2 )

( cond ( ( > var1 var3 ) var1 )

( t var3 ) ) )

                ( ( > var2 var3 ) var2 )

                 ( t var3 ) ) ) 



Experiment No.-4

4. Write functions for input-output using lisp

1. read

( + 5 (read) )

2. print

( print  “ hello lisp” )

3. princ

( princ  “hello mam” )

4. Area of circle using I/O  function

Experiment No.-5

  5. Write function of iteration using lisp: 

1. Iteration with do statement-

               ( do ( <var1 val1>  <var-update1> )

                        ( <var2 val2>  <var-update2> )



                         (<test>  <return-value>)


2. Iterative function of factorial-

( defun fact ( n )

      ( do ( ( count n ( - count 1 ) )

                 ( product n ( * product ( - count 1 ) )

               ( ( equal 0 count ) product ) ) )

 Experiment No.-6                                 

6. Write function of recursion using lisp:

o Recursive function of factorial

               ( defun fact ( n )

                    ( cond ( ( zerop n ) 1 )

                                 ( t ( * n ( fact ( - n 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) 



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