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c I, Ruhel Hussain, address: 284 Sherrad Road, Manor Park, London E12 6UF, was the holder of
299 share of Royel London College and duly sold all my shares to Dr. Mohammod Sirajul
Chowdhury. I do hereby affirm that I (299 shares) along with Mr. M. A. Hasnat (200 shares), Dr.
Mohammod Sirajul Chowdhury (200 shares) Zakir Hossain Parvaj (100 shares), Sadia Jahan
(100 shares) and Nasima Anwar (100 shares) was a shareholder of the college, which was duly
updated to Company House on 2nd April 2009 by Mr. M. A. Hasnat. I sold my 100 shares to Dr.
Mohammod Sirajul Chowdhury on 17th September 2009 and the rest on 14th December 2009 due
to arisen legal dispute occurred from breach of trust by M. A. Hasnat, Nasima Anwar and Zakir
Hussain Parvaj. I do support the legal proceedings taken against them by Dr. Mohammod Sirajul
Chowdhury in all regards.


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