MFS Team Season V FULL: Update News

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MFS Team Season V FULL

! This time i present you our Season V server files.

Files are 99% bugless .
Please test and report bugs. !

Update News:

Season 5 Episode 4
Update 4:
Fixed Quest 3 - Client & Server - 100%
Skill Tree - 100%
BotPet - 100%
LorenMarket - 100%
Imperial Event - 100%
Double Goer Event - 100%
Added AntiDos to server - 100%
Making litle changes(fixes)
Added New Items - 100%
Database : MuOnline and SCFMuTeam are updated - 100%
SCFExDB Re-Fixed - 100%
Added MuMaker with new items - 100%
/item commands can be used by all rank GM's - 100%
ResetSystem Re-Tested - 100%

Update 3:
Exl Items - Fixed (Trade,Sell,Drop)
CashShop Items - Fixed
PVP Bug - Fixed
Crywolf Event - Fixed
SD Potion - Fixed
Elf Buff - Fixed
Jewel Rates - Fixed
Wings Rates - Fixed
Chaos Mix - Fixed
Skills - Fixed
Reset Command - Prefixed
BotPet - 100% working
Summoner - 100%
Chaos Castle 1 Player Reward - Fixed
Duel System - Prefixed
Added Flood Protection
Checked Anti-Hack protection
Quest's - 100% working
New Monsters Added
New Items added + Wings Level 4


GameServer - 10.03.96 - Cracked

GameServer_CS - 10.03.96 - Cracked
SCFExDB 10.03.96 - Cracked
Server Max Stats: 32 767
Moves from GS_CS to GS - 100% Fixed

Gameserver Crash Fixed:



! MFS Team Season 5 Server Files Working On: !


7 Ultimate 32 Bits, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bits, Windows Server 2003,

Windows Server 2008 !

! Warning use Hex Editor to edit Main.exe IP and Serial !

Server Files:
From MultiUpload
From Dox
From FileFront
From MegaUpload

1. Server Config:
ClientExeVersion = 1.07.08
ClientExeSerial = Mfsteamforeverrr

ClientExeVersion = 1.07.08
ClientExeSerial = Mfsteamforeverrr

2. Client Config:
main.exe HexEdit
Serial: Mfsteamforeverrr

Client Support Last Fixes for Episode 4

- Monsters (+All Monsters Kill)
- Maps
- Items
- Custom Items (that i worked on update 4)
Support 3d Camera

From MegaUpload
From Dox
From MultiUpload

What is new?
Open "Query Analyzer" and insert this script in MuOnline:

alter table memb_info add SCFWareVipCount int Not NULL default 0

After this add this script in MuOnline:


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ExtendedWarehouse] (

[AccountID] [varchar] (10) NOT NULL ,
[Items] [varbinary] (1920) NULL ,
[Money] [int] NULL ,
[EndUseDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[DbVersion] [tinyint] NULL ,
[pw] [smallint] NULL ,
[SCFExtWare] [int] NULL ,


After this add this other script in MuOnline:


if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[BotPet]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

drop table [dbo].[BotPet]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BotPet] (

[AccountID] [varchar] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[Name] [nvarchar] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[cLevel] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Class] [tinyint] NULL ,
[Experience] [bigint] NULL ,
[Power] [smallint] NULL ,
[Defense] [smallint] NULL ,
[Inventory] [varbinary] (1728) NULL ,
[MagicList] [varbinary] (180) NULL ,
[Life] [real] NOT NULL ,
[MaxLife] [real] NOT NULL ,
[Mana] [real] NOT NULL ,
[MaxMana] [real] NOT NULL ,
[MapNumber] [smallint] NULL ,
[MapPosX] [smallint] NULL ,
[MapPosY] [smallint] NULL ,
[CDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[BotLife] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotMaxLife] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotLvlUpDefense] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotLvlUpPower] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotLvlUpLife] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotLvlUpMana] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotLvlUpExp] [int] NOT NULL ,
[BotLvlUpMaxLevel] [int] NOT NULL

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