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Hebrew School Project Ideas

Have kids act out Parshat HaShavuah plays and skits

Using cut out letters, ask children to arrange them to create words.

Make maps of Israel out of different colors of play dough.

Have students make and decorate genealogies from the Tanakh

Create a project focus for the entire school year. Include an activity relating to the
topic each week.

Eg. Shabbat:

Decorate Shabbat boxes where they can put all materials.

Have each student write each blessing, and laminate the pages.

Bake Challah

Make Havdallah candles out of sheets of beeswax

Decorate Challah covers

Teach Shabbat songs, and have students create dances to go with them.

Make boxes filled with Besamim

Decorate Kiddush cups

Hold a family Shabbat near the end of the year, so students can show parents
everything that they have learned.

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