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:Jgn 15 04 O1 5?

: 2l? 876 9571 P' 10
Jan.0?.01 0i:!?pr Frorr. ?'l?8 P l0 F-105

sjutr c t. f ._Y._c0NlitDuNtLl4 t
WI.R&K DRAFT:1t7104


'l'hc refinanciqg.kscriheal bt:low involw.t.rnly the $21/,0 nillion lotvt agrecnrcnt hetfscn
wfa ind M,rJ'!y Tlwt (wltich is bu
secwrd hv W'iW Trutt's 5o'6 inten:s' n So!'y'
.li'Vl. Srcn tei,lrncingtiln.r not funolw the tTU nitlion loanagr*nrnl bellrerln DolA
*d'M.l Pahliil;'l'rutt (vhic'h will he anradcd p,ltxtptt rb Faa I oJrhis Tenn Sheet).

'l'ra,r dion: 'l'lreexisting lotn ugrccm€nl helween BrlfA and MJ-ATV l rust
wilt bc anrcnded aad rhc cnlire $2il) nrillion outstandit4 trtrder
such loon fucility will be governcd by the ncw tenns sel lbrth

Ncn. I tcrcrr Jlitc: New annugl i-nterest rtle, comPoundcd qurrterly, payuhle quur-
rcrly in crrsb.r

Mltu, t:/: 5'h annivcrsary of closing of Music LLC tmnssction.

Sec1r. y/Colletcnt: BofA wilt rclcasc cxisring colloterul (inclrrting right to cause
MJ to cxcrcise his riglrru put sotly'Alv to Sony (drc "Sony
'ltur')) under tlp existing loan agrccrncnt. Rcplnce witb first
prioriry secrriry intererr in 100% ofthe Scrics A Cornmon In'
teresls of Music LLC.

Rigl1r o purchrsc: ln rhc cvcnr Bofa forcclosc:t on thc loan, GSCP will havc thc
righr ro prrclrase rlp Scrics A C,ornmon lnterc,st collaterrrlut
then fair mrrhet value.

Oth*n tighls und A$ sL'l lbfih in exisrirU loon documcutation, witlt addirionul
changes to be discts;ed. Botn shall havc no right to cause M'l
lo cxertise tlre SonY Put.

ConJ, iulr* to CloSinlil Closing oftlrc Music LLC transnction.

" CS(:I' ,,ifl rryork sirh Oot \ o|| MJ'ti h.'hltfto obroin o more thvtrt';thlc'.


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