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National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts

National Walkout and Day of Protest Against Tuition Fees

London, 23 November 2010

Tomorrow, 24th November 2010, we will see, once more, the students take the streets
in a National Walkout and Day of Protest Against Tuition Fees, called by the National
Campaign Against Fees and Cuts.

Over 20.000 young people across the country are predicted to attend localized
walkouts and demonstrations.

The event marks the beginning of an escalation of protesting actions against the
proposed cuts and in defence of education.

The NCAFC will continue to organise students and plan future actions in order to
defeat this constrictive governmental education agenda and, if necessary, bring down
the government, itself.

The next day of action will take place nationally on the 30th November 2010.

The National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts stands for the following principles:

• Free Education for all

• Oppose all cuts in education funding

• Oppose all cuts in EMA

• Denouncing and condemning all institutions that at present (or in future) ban,
sanction or try to intimidate their students and their students’ right to free
association and organisation, as well as all victimisation of collective or
individual students

• To support all non-violent forms of protest, specially school walkouts and

university occupations. The NCAFC is inclusively endorsing the ongoing
occupations at: School of African and Oriental Studies, University of West
England, University of Sussex, University of Plymouth, Royal Holloway and
Manchester Metropolitan University

Another national day of action is to be called on the day that Parliament votes on the
proposed measures.

As per previous press release, a large concentration of students will take place in
London, at Trafalgar Square, 12noon.

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Press Contact
For further information and high res. images please contact:
Joana Oliveira Pinto, Press Relations
+44 (0) 77 866 97 369
+44 (0) 20 320 62 084

NCAFC General Queries

+44 (0) 77 757 63 750
+44 (0) 77 928 43 030
+44 (0) 79 892 35 210

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