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Scl),l1eid er

i:.F El e c Hie

• fest. d IiJ rati OIn is '90 mi mJltes.

• N atl:! re oftlile f'es.'I: Test is an obj,e etive te,st and has 70 qu.esti on s, Each qlu estion has 4 rasp onses. Stud,eflltsslh QIU I:d choose on e .ap pro pM ate resp onse to ea en q uestu on. More tlh an on e answe r 'fo r a questio n w-Quid be te rmed i nva I ie .

• ' Components of the Test: Test. Paper has 5 sections, In three secUons each q uesn on came's 1 rna rk and in the NlO se ctj on s each qu esti on cames :2 marks.

SecUon IDes'cripti on INIIIJIlmibell" of Ma,rks, Iper ! Total Malriks
QI1.I:estio'lills QI!iI'es,tion
A M athe matica I & 15, 2. I 30
Qu antirnlive Aptitude I
B General Engllish 15, 1 I '115
C Analytical & logical 15 2 30
Reasonin_g !
D Data Sufficie riley 8,; 10 1 i 10
I nterpr·t3:t.altion ,
E General Awareness 15 1 I ~5
Tetal 701 1100 Th iss ection ~s devoted to p rob I em so lv i!rlg _ It has questio IFIS based 0 n Rati 0 Pro po rtiorrs, Percenta,ges, Algebraic formulae'. Equations, Profit and Loss, Averages, Simple interest iii nd Co mpQlJ nd i nterest, Tl m e s pee d a rid dlsta n 00, N urne ri clog ic, Pmgre asians, Pro 03 oi I it.y, Perfli1l!,Jtations and Co mb i nations. QIUI estions a re con C€l'ptua I and th E:ly generally' do nat req u~ rei ntense co mp IUItation or recall of com IJI i catedexpressions.

This section on languag:e, tests candidates for pmfi'dency on verbal ability anc r'sading comprehension A candidate has to answer questions Of'll to antonyms, synonyms, making errors, number off errors, best fit for underlined phrases and fil[ll in the blanks The secne n a iso n as q uestl on s based 0 n pass a.ges

The sed on pri marily has q uestions 0 n log i cal reasoni ng and ve rba I reason i ng _ ThE! log~ca.~ reas,oning questions cemprse missing data, codes soMng, symbol-based problems, visualana.loglY matrixarrangeme,ots, table re,arrangement, selection criteria, Th ese cti on on v,el1bal reasom n 9 i ncludles statern ants and co n cl usions, s,y Ilogism sand analogy.

Data S ufficiie ncy& I nmrpretati on:

This secti 0 n corn prisss of q uestions an I nt.erprt!'tati 0 n af data, s uffici,ency of data and qU8ntitatnv,e comparison. Questions are usually of a.verage leve,l off diffioulty with sets based on Tabl as, Ch arts &: Graphs. Most of the q uesti ons do not requ i re much cal cu lafionand OOU ld be a rlswered by mere ObSeN8Ition_

GeneraE Awuelness.:

The q ues!i 0 n s a re based one urre nt Affa irs, S po rts, Bus i ness, Ban kj ng, Auto mobi les, Boo ,<,$, and Autno rs, E nte l1ain ment, and Polit~cs,

Sc~ ... neider

"'. Electric


(I)b-ec~ions for Que-sti()ns (U -15) OH)l)Se the appropriate response to 'these Questions

1. Last year Mr Gopi bought two scooters. This year he sold both of them for Rs 30,000 each. On one, he earned 20% prot it, and! 01'1 the other he made a 20% loss. What was his net profit or loss?

(A} He gained less than Rs 2000 (B) He gained more than Rs 2:0GO (C) He lost less than Rs 2000

(D) He lost more than Rs 2000

2. My ware h runs fast at the rate of 15 secon ds per hour. tf I have set my watch correctly at lG a, m. on Tuesday, what will be the time shown b-y the watch at 6 p.m. on Saturday?

(a) 6.16 p.rn.

(b) 6.30 p.m.

(c) 6.26 p.m.

(d} 5.34 p.m.

3. The cashier at a jeweller's shop reversed the digits in his mind while giving back thechange to a customer, hence ga YC the customer an incorrect amount back. Wh He closing the casb register at the end of the day, the cashier found a deficit of Rs 54. If the deficit is attributed to the Mistake mentioned, which of the following is the correct amOl]l1Jt of change to be given to the customer?

(a) 45


(c) 83

(d) [7

4. Daring tile testing of a drug, the r-esults were found to be 85% positive of the l st phase of 100 tests and 55% positive in the Znd phase oftests. Ifthe overall results were 75% positive. what was the total number of tests conducted in l st and 2nd phase?

(a) l60

\b) 156

(c) :150

(d) 220

5, Aarld B are two independent witnesses in a case. Th e prebsb i I ity th at A wi It speak the truth is 75% and that B will speak the rrutb is 80% the pet cent of chances they are likel.y to contradict are:

(a) 30%

(b) 35%

(c) 40%

6. The following chart shows the business mil' of different Business Units (13U) of an IT organization:

Security Services

lncome in JFM Quarter [n2005- (Rs Crore)


% Change from JFM Quarter 2002.



Business Unit

Hardware Services


Software Services


+ 198

Consulting Services


Sc~ .. neider

U-. Ele c c r lc

Which of the BU had the grealest income in JF,\I~ quarter in 2.00T!

(a] Consulting Services >( b) Secliri ty Sen ices (c) Software Serv ices (d) Hardware Servic es

7. At, llJumo,c-r is iacreased b:y .~ (}% end then reduced by 10%. After this operation, the number:

(0) Does not ~h8inge

f c) lncreases by 1 %

t J) J ncreases by O,~ ~o

(c) 1:5%


9. The figure below shows the network connecting cities, A, B. C. D. E end F, The arrows indicate permissible direction of travel. Vlhat is the naraber of distinct paths rrom A to F'?

[b) 10

(c) I I

(d) None of these

10. As the number of IIJ.Cllts manufactured mcreases from "",000 [06,000 [hie total COS[ of production increases from R_~ ~2000 lO ~h 30{lOCl. Assuming a. lin~ar relationship between the COST and. the number of urrits made.what \.'0'111 b~ the cost when 4500 unjts are produced:



~ d) 1:)000

J L T ea won.b Rs 1 ~.6 per kg and R.s l3 5 per kg are m i Ked with 3. th ird variety J n In e rat [0 I: l. 2. If the mixture is worth Its. 153 per k~ the price ofihe third variety per kg, Vi ill be

(~l Rs 169.50

(e) R5 175.:50

(.il Rs '80

l::!. The (engl~ of the iongest rod [hal can b~ placed in a roam, which IS 12 m long, <) rn broad and Ii: m nigh. IS'

(u) 17 m

(b) 19 m

(d) 13 m

i J. M an.oJ uses a tooth paste tube of .J{]~ gms 111 J month He brushes twice 11 day exce pt on Sun d Ll) S "" hen he brushes only once J day, If the first of JJIlUJ,y is }.<londllY. then what is his a\lerage usage LI"I grns'turn in January?

(d) l.l9

1-1. A singles reruns tcurnsmeru [S hvld, in which Jt) men parttemared. lf a player is dimlnO:lh!t1;]S soon 11;'; he loses a march, hm\ m!lny matches arc required 11) detcrm ine [he w inner"


c; Ele c t r l c

(b) 30

(d 31

~ :; .. From a grOLlp of 3 men and 4 worn en, a com it! ittae of th ree perseus are to he selected i n S~,H;1l a way til a[ ar least one woman b. selecred. In now many di ffen~n.~ ways can they be ~eltH::[€tl?

(a) 60

(b} 42

(c) 34

(d) 16


(D i reeelo n s fo r Q uestions 16- 20) [II the follow in g~w:m s each passage consists of sjx sen t~IlJC~. The I'i rse sensenee (S ~) <llll d UlJC si1!lt'h seneenee (S6) IUie given ~[1 the beg~[Illijn g. 'fbe m idd Lef®<1IJ r scnttelilJces ~Il each have been removed llilnlll [umbled lip. These are .Iabelelll p. Q. It !lind S.You are ~uired to I'i nd mit the ~ r~pe r sequ enee of ~he,ro II 'f sente aces i!! nd III <!irk accordingly (I nth e A nswer Sih eet,

s ~: A city tour organized by the airport got our next vote,

S6: "We call only grow ill height as most of our [and is reclaimed from the mud brought from nelghborlng countries". said Bernadene.

P: A bumboat ride through the Singapore River gave us avantage YIitW of the country , .So prized Possession 0 f skyscrapers in the central bus iness d istrict.

Q~ The tour is very pepular with transit passengers snd there are man)' such buses doing the roure.

R: We were greeted trtto an air-conditloned Volvo bus with a bottle of chilled water.

S: On rile drive through the' -rolonial heart' of the cit), our guide, B~1'1llldette. pointed out the Parliament House, Supreme Court and City Hall to us,

The P roper seq uence ShOlL 1 d. be:

lot} R S Q r

(b) P Q S R

(c) R Q S P

(d) P S Q R



S I: But Bhutan. is a curious mix of modern and the medieval,

S6· His licence plate' reads simpl, . BHUTA~·

P; h was nextto a speed limit sigrrS km an hour,

Q' Even [be king zips through in a navy blue Teyora larld Cruiser.

R: ~ noticed a rusty sign for (he Kit Kat chocolate bar and realized it was the on.!) advertisement T had seee.

S; Yet in the cities" most middle class people drive brand new Japanese cars.

The proper sequence should be.

fa) S Q R P {b} R P S Q

(q S P R o

{d) R. Q S P






S I: His usually fretful features composed, Javagal Srinath announced his retirement from international cricket.

S6: He finished with 236 wickets in 67 Tests and 315 in 229 One-day Internationals.

P: He had spent the early years of his 13-yea,career sitting out nine Tests when he wa. s fit his q uickest, being rem i nded 0 f everyth ing he was [lot.

Q: In a classic case of apprec iatrng a good thing when it is gone. the tributes poured i n for I nd ia > s most successful pace bowler after Kapil Dev,

R: Not aggressive enough. not a non-vegetarian, [lot an all-rounder.

S: Srinath soldiered on, whether wickets were flat or causes lost, as they often were when India toured,

The proper sequence should be:

(3) Q P R, S

(h) R S Q P

(c) Q S R P

(d) R P Q S


S I: However, the Jlcwcrindustry abo has its share ofthorns.

S6: Also, there are: not tax concessions fromthe government,

P: Most companies have to individuallyinvest in the transport, which is very costly.

Q: Then there are infrastructural bortlenecks=no refrigerated transport or retail chains, and warehouses to store the highly perisheble eommodity,

R: For orne. it is extremely fragmented and dominated by small players who don't have the finencial muscle to expand the business.

S; Ferns & Petals claims to be the only flower retailer with 1.1 multi-city presence in India.

The proper sequence shoul d be:

(a) Q S R P (b) R P Q S

(c) Q P R S

(d) R S Q P


S l: One could well be forgi v en F~)r momentarily confusing Spencer Plaza, Chennai, with a Dubai Shopping MalL

S6: Sensing that healrhcare plus tourism adds to big opportunldes, corporate hospitals, in

Cooperation with tour operators, are promoting India as a healthcare destination from the Middle East to Far East.

P: Having sariated their shopping instincts, many head back. not to 2L hotel, but to a hospital •. and to ailing relatives,

Q: Arabs pour in and out of trendy showrooms. laden with hags full of branded clothes, footwear and cosmetics,


lJ EI ec eric

R; U is a: scenario being rep I icsted across India,

S: For the-se are tourists with a differ~noe, attracted to 1 ndia for its cutting edge met! uca~ expertise more than its charms,

The proper seq lien ce should be:

(a) Q P S R (b) S R Q P

(c) Q R S P

(d) S P Q R

(Direetinas for Questions 21 - 23) lEaclru of fllc foiltowilllg three hems COn$il~t<"i (1(11 wOlrd in capital tette rs, followed by fouil" words (I r gro~ ps of words. Select Ulle word (I r grr(llll p of worrds tha~ ls fu rthest ~I} meanJimg to dile wQrdim capitarn letrers,

21. SAGE (a) Miser

{b) Fool

(c) Traitor

(d) Tyrant

22. FLEDGLING (a) AdveT3tI.ry

(b) Callow

(c) Social outcast (d) Experienced P£~()(1

23. ILLUSIVE (a) Not brilliant

(b) Not coherent

(c) Not deceptive (d) Not obvious

(Vi reetions 1'o,r Q~es~io ns 24 - 2ti) Each of ttl e foll[owi.lilg three item s consil~b ora wordim capital IDeUers, f~lIowed by .f®<Ill.r words!)F g,ru'u [!D\$of words. Seleet the word er grou, QfWOMS that is most similar ~n to the word ~I:I c3[!DHalldteFS.

24. fINESSE fa) Skill

(b) Softness

(c.) Charm

(d) Gist


17, PROCRASTrNATE (a) ~ nrfmidate

(b) Hum i liatc

(c) Predict . (d) Postpone

26. KNAVE {a) Novice

(b) Dishonest

(c) FlJluris:~ic {d} Trad moa I

(Direcsions for Qucst~OllS 2i- 30) Here y011!J have 3. short ~if:ls.~~ge writtea by a It AGtbor. Y Ott wlll f IIJd severalquesnons !:l'ased on th e r,assage. Yo u are lI"'eq u i 1'i~id1 to select you r answers based 0[1 U'H:l cont~lllts or ~Iruc passage and o,injoll of Ute autlll(lF olilly.

l was late bl oomer and a ~WilYS envied those people who stood out i rl high school. because 1 didn't, l learned early on, tho ugh, that it's essential to set yoursel f apart from the group, Life is one struggle after another to succeed, particularly when you're starting out lf your big-data is sitting at the bottom of a pile of junk mall, sometimes a distinctive approach will get. you. noticed. especially if the competition is fierce, Once, my partner Jerry and 1 asked the (dher freelance writers of a TV serial what characters they hated to write foil' the mo-st Everybooy SflLJ the same thing-e-they disliked writing for the minor characters because they felt rha; writing for them wouldn't heir them get other JOGs. Jerry and ~ decided that we would write scripts tor the In inor characters because that' ~ what was needed-and we needed to set curse lves apart, 1.r1 the first script Jerry and ~ wrote, a schoolgirl falls in love with a GOy in her class. The producers loved the story. And with that one script, Jerry and I were no longer just another comedy-writing team.

OJ 7 . The author is of the opin lOU that (a) One should be part ofthe group

(c) it is Important to do well in hlgb school

(b) on e s110 u Id be eli fferent from others

(d) one sbou I d heed to the adv ice of the sen iors



l1Elec t r i c

:! 8. The author had been

{a} lnto advertising business (c) a music director

(1:1) a comedy Vl'riter (J) a newsreader

29 .. According to the author

[a) One should be very meticulous ill preparing his bio-data (0) Competition in the job-market is very fierce

(c) One should follow a conservative approach in preparing his bio-data (d) One should try to get noticed by being innovative

30. Je!1)' and the author wrote scripts fm the minor [a) To realize their creative potential

(c) To establish a different image


(b) to earn more monel'

(d) because tbey did not have enough work


(Directions for Q'I.IeSliol1l,s 3] - 33) Tille fii~ufiegjven below eonsists of three circle.s, which represent the eandidates rOlf some posts of ilss·ist9lnts who are corn puter merate; whaha .... e knowledge' o:f 0rli~Je rules and l'egliliatiQn S j and wh 0 havea bac:h.e]or degree. Eaeh region i iii tile fig~.IIre 'is represented by a smaUled,eF. On the basis of above figl!Jre answer the folJowillg quesnons:


KnomGdg9 ofcflicQ rul!e 01100 r;ogur:llition~


31. Which letter represents the candidates who are computer literate and have knowledge of office. rules anti regulations but do not have bachelor degree?

(a) b (I)) c (c) d {d) f

32.. Whk~ leteer represents the candidates who are computer literate but neither have bachelor degree nor have know ~edge of o ffice, ru les and regulations?

(a) a (b) b (c) e (d) d

33. Which lener represents the candidates who are computer literate and have a bachelor degree but do not have knowledgecf office. rules and regulations?

(aj g (b) e (c)c (d)b

(UirediOiDS f{IF Ql.llestiolllS 34 - 45) Choose rhe correet response


34. Six persons At S, C. D, E and F are standing in 8J circle. B is. between D and C. A is between E and C. F is to the right of D.who is between A and F?

(a) B (b) C (c) D Cd) E

35. In a certain code SENIOR is coded as NZ1DJM. whiel'! word would be coded as XDODUZI in that code?




(d) SUSlrAJN

36. If water is. called food, food is called tree, tree is called sky, sky QS called wall, on which of the following grows a fro. it?

(a) Water (b) Tree (c) Wall (d) Sky

37. In the following number series how many 5s are preceded by 6 and not immediately followed by 8? 582568365535588356$2806583

(a) 1 (b) 2 . (c) 4 (d) 6


38. [Ill a row of ] 6 boys, when Sumit was shifted two places towards tile left, he became 7th from left end. What was h is earlier position front the right end of the row'.'

(a) 7th. (b) glll (c) 9th (d) 10th

39. How many triangles are there in the following figure?

(a) ~6

(b) 28 ;

(c) 32

(d) 34

40. Which two letters would come next AD E f I J K N 0 P --

la) QR (b) RS (Sl ST

(d) TV

41. A snail is ar the bottom of a 20 meters deep pit Each day the snail climbs 5 meters upwards. but at night it slides 4 meters back downwards. How many days does ,t take the snail to reach the top of the pit?

l a) 15 (b) ! 6 ( c) 17 t d) 1 a

4~, If P x q means is"P is brother of~·. and P + Q means "P is the father of 0" which of the following means, "C IS the nephew of D" .

( a) D x Z + C ( b) C >; Z + D ( c) 0 + C >( Z { d) Data inadequate

43. find out the missing number from the given series: 32,27, 3.0.19. '" 31. 26. 33

(a) 24 (b) 26 (c) 28 (d) ~O

44. If A is to the south of Band C is to the east of R in what direction is A with respect W C?

(a) South-East (b) South-West (c) North-East (d) North-West

45. A postman was returning EO the post office, which was in front of him to the south. When the post office' was ZOO metres away from him, he turned to the right and moved lOO metres to deliver the last letter



~'E!ec Hi c

at Ashiana, He then moved 50 metres in the same direction. turned to his left and mov·ecl20{l metres. How many metres was he away from the post office?

(l) 0 (2) 50 {3) 100



(Direcdoli'ls for Que.s~i.oliJs 46- .5~) lEaclii!of tbe plf(lbl,~'ffiS: comprises of!! q ueseinn foUowed by two statements labeled (I) and (2). Use theliie statemenb<!lIJld generle matbemaeleel :kl1owlcdgc (nllatIIHmmt~cal facts and other k~owledge Uke mamher' of Ii!O!lI1'S Ln aJ d!l!Y) to decide whether the sratemen ts an su ffi.cielU tQ allswe~ t~CHl q llestiOI!l. "flileii! m<'! rk. y~UI.r II nswersaeeerd in g to tile :following:

(a) If you can gel the answer from (l) A LONE but not from. (2) alone (b) lf'you can get the answer from (2) ALONE but not from (t) alone

(c) If you elm gel the answer from BOrn {l) and (2) TOGETHER btu not from {I) !done or (2) alone (d) If you CAt-.rN"OT gel the answer from (l ) and (2} TOGfl.-HER IJUt need more data.

46. How many ph i losophy books does Amar have in his personal U brary?

U) Arnar has four times. as many philosophy books as physics books.

(2) Arnar has 36 more philcsophy foooks than. physics books.

47. In a marketing research survey for a new service launched b'y a eel I u lar serv ices provider, did more th<m 60% respondents • Recommend' the service)

([) 6()% of the female respondents 'Liked' ~ile service and exactly one third of these would 'Recommend' the service.

(2:) Exactly 20 male respondents would . the services and they would make approx 30% of the population surveyed,

ML fn which year was Sheetal born?

( 1) Shalin], who is 3.5 years elder to Sheetal, was born in 1975

(2) Shefali, who is J.5 years youngerto Sheetal, is: now in high school

49. The latest hair-oil brand of a multinational FMCG company contains coconut oil, oleic acid and perfume. How much ofcoconut oil is pr-esent in its SOO ml bottle?

( I) The content (If' coconut 0 il ls equal to the content of oleic aci d

(2) By content, tile mix is 1/6 perfume and j ,/ 12 oleic add

50.1:>. T > 100')

(J) ?.J; =4


Sc~ ...•. n .. ei'd~r

G#'" E lee t r I e

(2} 4 -x = 0,01






I 16%






51. What is the ratio between male population of Slates A and B together and tile female population of these two States together respecti vely?

{a) 704: 507 (b) 507: 704 (c) 352: 507 (cI} 5'07: 352

52. Whal isjhe ratio between female population of State 'G' and the male population of State 'E' respectively?

(al 39: 40 (b) 40: 39 (c) 80: ] 17 (d) None Qft~ese

53" What is the total population ofSla~e 'F' (in lakhs)?

(a) ll,]4 (b) 8,58 (c) 6S2

(d) ]4,1]




.5""". Fernele population of State C is what percent of the toml population of [1:11111 State? (RouCided off to the nearest imeger)

ta~ 48 {b) 56 (c) 62 (d) 59

55. Approxirnajely whar is the average pcpulatica of'the given States (in lakhs)?

(:31) s.s {b) 10 (c) 4.6 (d) 56


56. reference to the CentrillJ Government programmes, 'C;o~dell Quadrangle i'roj'ect' aims 11~ the deve lopment of'

{u) .,!\~l"Way~ (b) Stare Roads tc) R~ral roads (d) H ign W4Y:;;

57. TRAI is concerned with:

lfl) Fit1e arts (b) Telecommunicsrion

(c) sport;

(d) medicine

58. .. A new look at life" is the brand logo of: (11) [CICI l.ife Insurance (b) Kotak Mahindra

(~) Tala AIG

{d) 5BI Lite

59. V!.lho is the ant} Tennis playerto win 1111 Grand Slams in the .'i1lm.e calendar season?

(a) Roo. laver {b) Ken Rosewa.1I (c) Roger Federer (d) Andre Agassi

60. SEt stands for:

(a) Southern i£conom ie Zone (b) (b) South Europe lone

{t} (c) S ret ial Ecoeom ic Zone (J) (d) Special Eastenil Zone

61. Alber the brk:'lIk up of the Soviet Union, WhLCh is the IEIir~est country in the world in terms of area?

(11) China (b) Canada. (c) Russi.a r.d) USA

62. ~rn the dreaded decease AIDS the letter ··D" stands For

(a) Defe-ct

(b) Direct

~} Deti c iency

rd) Dull

63. The An of Living Foundation is associated with

fd) lSKON

M. Wrnicrn counrry is lilt world's leading oil exporter and has the world-s largest oil reserves?

(a 1 [ran (b) Iraq (C) Sau.di Arabia (d) Jordan

65. Which term means independence nd ~,df-g(), .. ernmeru?

(a) Frccdrrm nf Pcluics (b) Suvcrl:'!ignt~ (c) Open Market (dj Territorialitv

66. All or'lh~ folJm~ ing arethought to be n~ga[i'.c effects of ~Iobill \\ arming [XC EPT: [a) Premature rnehing ofth,.: ice caps

(bJ \ rise in sea level

tel \Il,iorldwlde ri~~ in temperature {J) F r ~ 4 uent earthquakes



l1EI e c (ric

67. Wh~·ch of the follow ~ng is an international organization that deals with the global regulation offi"ee trade between nations?

(a:} North Atlantic Treaty Organ izations (b) Un uted N ations

(c) Organization ofP·etro~~y.rn Exporting Countries (d) World Trade Org;mizatL(m

68" Which of the follewing treatiesregulates access to nuclear weapons and techno logy? (a) The Montreal Protocol

( b) The Kyoto Protocol

( c) The N uclear Non- Proliferation Treaty

(d) The lnternational Covenant on C iviJ and Po litical R lghts

69. Ad line ., We understand your world" is associated with which bank?

(a) State Bank of lndia (b) HDFC Bank (c) ABN·AMRO

(d) UTI Bank


70. Which ls the only district in India mat has borders w ith 4 other lndian states '

(a) Udupi district (0) Trishur disrrict (c) Sonbhsdra District (d) Tanjavur d~sttiN


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