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Name : Mintih
Class : IX.6
Yore, there is a so called empire of Medang Kamulan governed by so called king of
Prabu Deity of savage Cengkar and like to eat human being. Every day the the king eat
a human being brought by Young Patih Jugul. Partly minimize from anxious people and
the fear evacuate on the quiet to other;dissimilar area.
In orchard of Medang Kawit there is a so called young fellow of Aji of miraculous
Saka, kindhearted and diligent. One day, Aji of Saka succeed to help a old father is
which is being slapped around by two robber people. Mr. old is which is finally lifted
by father by Aji of that Saka really refugee from Medang Kamulan. Hearing story of
about savageness of Prabu of Deity Cengkar, Aji of Saka intend to help people of
Medang Kamulan. imposedly is turban in head of Aji of Saka go to Medang Kamulan.
Transportation Journey go to Medang Kamulan is not smoothly, Aji Saka have time to
give battle during seven day seven night with devil penunggu forest, because Aji Saka
refuse made by slave by devil penunggu of during ten years before that diperbolehkan
melewati forest.
But his miracle blessing, Aji Saka succeed to evade from fire blast of the devil.
Momentary after Aji Saka pray, a fold ray yellow floodlight from sky punch forest
dweller devil at one blow wipe out it.
Aji Saka arrive at silent Medang Kamulan. In palace, irate Prabu Deity Cengkar
medium because Young Patih Jugul of arise victim do not to the the Prabu.
Bravely, Aji Saka face Prabu Deity Cengkar and surrender to be dined by the Prabu
with land;ground reward for the width of turban which using of.
Their moment is measuring land;ground of according to Aji Saka request, turban non-
stoped by a length so that the broadness exceed wide of empire Prabu Deity Cengkar.
Angry Prabu after knowing real Aji Saka intention is to terminate kelalimannya.
When Prabu Deity Cengkar in a rage, Aji Saka turban twine strength in body of is the
Prabu. Body Prabu Deity Cengkar thrown by Aji Saka and fall to south sea later;then
disappear swallowed by a wave.
Aji Saka later;then dinobatkan become king Medang Kamulan. He carry his father to
palace. fair Governance blessing and the wisdom, Aji Saka send Empire Medang
Kamulan to golden era, era of where calm life people, peaceful, secure and prosperous
and prosperous

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