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A head nurse is the one who assumes responsibility for managing the Human and material resources of a
nursing unit and takes lead in developing to provide quality patient care and an environment conductive to staff
growth and satisfaction.


Student nurse will be able to develop their potentials of being efficient and productive Leaders by
nurturing and enhancing their leadership skills by providing training in management in team handling. And be
able to familiarize with the different nurse responsibility.



Apply principles on head nursing and provide nursing standards and policies, and procedures regarding
patients care to guide the subordinates.

Ôromotes and utilize quality assurance of the program standards.

ëotivate the nursing staff to provide quality nursing care and improvement in nursing care.

ëanage the flow of activities by implementation of the nursing plan based on the nursing care.

Êevelop a skill in decision-making and other qualities of an efficient head nurse.

oordinate and communicate with the other members of the health team in providing patient care.

Êocument accurately the observation of the services rendered to the patient.

Supervises and evaluate the quality of patient care provided by the staff by observing them through
frequent rounds guided by the evaluation check list.


Student staff nurses



Assumes the responsibility for the delivery of quality patient care to patients within the unit.
1. Ôrovide nursing standards and policies regarding patient care to guide the staff nurses.
2. They have the responsibility of orienting and updating the staff of the systems and standard of patient
3. Responsible for the implementation of the health care programs, and standards of patient care.
4. Assumes the role of patient advocate.
5. Assumes the role of staff members advocate.
6. Acts as liaison with the medical staff to coordinate medical and nursing management of patient care.
7. Serves as resource person to nursing personnel under him in assessing, planning, implementation and
evaluating nursing care provided.
8. oordinates the patient care with the other members of the health care team.
9. Keeps superior informed regarding problems or issues in patient care.
10. Evaluates the quality of patient care through frequent rounds.
11. Evaluates the nursing standard cyclically to provide development of the new standards of patient care.

The staff nurse is to the one responsible for rendering holistic nursing care to patient in assigned areas,
the specific function and responsibilities of which depend upon the organizational structure of the Nursing


Student nurses will be able to develop their knowledge, attitudes and skills through working on this
training, and be able to appreciate the importance of team work and working under a directory.



Dollow the nursing standards and policies imposed by the nursing administration.

Êevelop a sense of responsibilities and accountabilities on their action they make.

Ôrovide a quality nursing care and services.

Êevelop a good attitude towards the work.

[e able to work harmoniously with the fellow students and members of the health care team.

Êevelop good nursing skills, attitude and gain knowledge for the future use.

 !"#"$""  c   

The staff nurse initiate and perform nursing care and services to meet the needs patient in assigned areas
utilizing the nursing process.

1. Assesses the individual needs for nursing care based on patient¶s history, results of physical, diagnostic,
and laboratory examinations.
2. Infers correct nursing diagnosis.
3. Ôlans and prioritizes nursing care activities considering overall health needs of the patient.
4. Institute nursing intervention consistent with the overall plan of care with special consideration of the
patient¶s safety and comfort.
5. Ôrovides health teaching to patient, his family and significant others so that they may understand this
illness and participate actively in his care.
6. oordinates patient care services with members of the health team.
7. Evaluates or modifies of nursing care by means of:

Effectiveness and efficiency of nursing measures rendered.

Deedback from patient/family and significant others.
8. Êocuments accurately the observation and services rendered to the patient.



all time


Êistribution of area of assignment

Rounds with the staff nurse

heck the patient¶s condition

heck for the IVD level from the
time received
hart reading

Ôatient¶s profile/data


Ôast/Ôresent history

Êoctor¶s rder

ëedication and time of medication
Ôreparation of medications/Êrug
study/Vital signs
V/S Ôlotting
ase discussion
[reak of the first half of the group
[reak of the second half of the group
Êrug Ôreparation/ Êrug study

Vital Signs and Giving medication

Ôrepare for SÔIE
Vital Signs / Endorsement



1:30-2:00 all time


Êistribution of area of assignment

2:00-2:30 Endorsement
2:30-2:45 Rounds with the staff nurse

heck the patient¶s condition

heck for the IVD level from the
time received
2:45-3:00 hart reading

Ôatient¶s profile/data


Ôast/Ôresent history

Êoctor¶s rder

ëedication and time of medication
Ôreparation of medications/Êrug study
V/S Ôlotting
Vital signs
ase discussion
[reak of the first half of the group
[reak of the second half of the group
Êrug Ôreparation
Êrug study
Vital Signs and Giving medication
Ôrepare for SÔIE



9:30-10:00 all time


Êistribution of area of assignment

10:00-10:30 Endorsement
10:30-10:45 Rounds with the staff nurse

heck the patient¶s condition

heck for the IVD level from the
time received
10:45-11:00 hart reading

Ôatient¶s profile/data


Ôast/Ôresent history

Êoctor¶s rder

ëedication and time of medication
Ôreparation of medications/Êrug study
V/S Ôlotting
Vital signs / Giving medications
ase discussion
[reak of the first half of the group
[reak of the second half of the group
Êrug Ôreparation
Êrug study
Vital Signs and Giving medication
Ôrepare for SÔIE

$""$!  *  +$"c  $"

oncept: Acute [iological risis
Area *  *

Name: ________________________ Êate:________________
Year___ Section___ Group Number___ Rating:_______________

Êirection: Ôut a check on the skills observed / performed, of not please include remarks on the space


'- Is at a very satisfactory level. Has thorough knowledge and understanding of the said case/topic. ould
do and plan intervention on his/her own.
,- At satisfactory level. Has enough understanding to handle the case but needs areful guidance.
)- Needs to be reevaluated. ompetency is at an unsatisfactory level and needs to be reoriented on the
subject/case at hand.

-  * )./ Xt 3 2 1 Score Remarks

1. Assess different manifestations that are related 2
to Acute [iological risis through the different
methods used in physical and appropriate data
2. Ôerforms physical examinations correctly and 2
with confidence.
3. Identifies and differentiates between normal and 2
abnormal findings in Acute [iological ases.
4. Êetermines the significance of laboratory and 2
diagnostic findings to the emergent problems
5. Ôicks out critical and essential data in nursing 2
history relevant to the current situations.
Subtotal 10

#- !$"0/ Xt 3 2 1 Score Remarks

1. Knowledge in setting goals and prioritization of 2
patients needs with Acute [iologic risis in the
emergency room.
2. Identify changes in patient¶s needs and nursing 2
problems as they occur and make necessary
adjustments in nursing measures.

- " + ")1/ Xt 3 2 1 Score Remarks

1. Assess the capability needed by the client 1
for self-management in the emergency.
2. Ensures safety, comfort and privacy in 2
rendering care of patients with acute
biologic crisis.
3. Ôrovides necessary curative measures. 1
4. Ôrovides immediate 1
restorative/rehabilitative measures during
temporary stay in the ER.
5. Utilizes available physical and 1
professional resources.
6. ëakes referrals to appropriate health 1
professionals, as needed.
7. Shows commitment to the welfare of the 1
8. Implements the plan of care jointly with 1
the client.
9. Ôerforms nursing procedures/activities: 1
9.1 with ease and confidence
9.2 correctly 1
9.3 systematically 1
9.4 practices bioethical principles in care 1
9.5 provides after care 1
9.6 demonstrate situational flexibility and 1

Ê. EVALUATIN 4% Xt 3 2 1 Score Remarks

1. Evaluates plan of care of client using the 1
outcome criteria and performs appropriate
documentation and recording of changes in the
client¶s evident status after the interventions.
2. Êisplays critical thinking in the analysis of the 1
current management being employed and
modifications that has to be done as needed.
3. Êiscusses with the appropriate health team 1
results of interventions.
4. Accepts suggestions, constructive criticisms and 1
employ appropriate modifications in the plan of

________________________ _________________________

Student¶s Signature linical Instructor¶ Signature

$""$!  *  +$"c  $"
Area: ! "*

Name: ____________________________ Êate:_________________

Year___ Section___ Group Number___ Rating:_______________

Êirection: Ôut a check on the skills observed / performed, of not please include remarks on the space


'- Is at a very satisfactory level. Has thorough knowledge and understanding of the said case/topic. ould
do and plan intervention on his/her own.
,- At satisfactory level. Has enough understanding to handle the case but needs areful guidance.
)- Needs to be reevaluated. ompetency is at an unsatisfactory level and needs to be reoriented on the
subject/case at hand.

-  * )./ Xt 3 2 1 Score Remarks

1. btains and analyzes pertinent data concerning 2
patient¶s condition.
2. Êetermines and categorizes clinical assessment 2
of the patient.
3. Interprets prudently the physician¶s order. 2
4. hecks and accomplishes pre-operative 2
checklist prior to surgical procedure.
5. Assess patient¶s physiological, psychological 2
and patient¶s emotional status.

#- !$"0/ Xt 3 2 1 Score Remarks

1. Dormulates appropriate nursing diagnosis based 1
from thorough patients assessment.
2. Rationalizes principles of aseptic technique. 1
3. hecks functionality of the operating room / 1
delivery room equipment such as suction
machine, cautery and R lights.
4. Ôrepares and selects surgical supplies 1
concerning the patient¶s surgical procedure.
- " + ")1/ Xt 3 2 1 Score Remarks
Ô   Ô
1. Identifies patient and verifies procedure to 1
be done.
2. Secures consent. 1
3. hecks for clearances (cardio-pulmonary 1
clearance, pedia clearance), diagnostic
r    Ô
1. Explains proper position for induction of 2
anesthesia and operation to be performed.
2. Êemonstrate proper aseptic/antiseptic 2
technique, sterile drapings and handling of
3. ëaintains sterility of the operating room 2
and sterile field.
Ô   Ô
1. ëonitors vital signs immediately after the 2
2. Evaluates patient¶s recovery from 2
3. Êiscusses the emergency resuscitative 2
devices, equipment and emergency drugs
in the recovery room.

- +$"0/ Xt 3 2 1 Score Remarks

1. Evaluates plan care after applying 1
necessary nursing interventions.
2. Êiscusses appropriate health teaching 1
(sterile wound care)
3. Ôerforms proper documentation and 1
other important details are needed.
4. Ôarticipates in activity during post- 1

________________________ _________________________

Student¶s Signature linical Instructor¶ Signature




$""$!  *  +$"c  $"

oncept: Staff Nursing
Area:   $2

Name: ____________________________ Êate:_________________

Year___ Section___ Group Number___ Rating:_______________

Êirection: Ôut a check on the skills observed / performed, of not please include remarks on the space


'- Is at a very satisfactory level. Has thorough knowledge and understanding of the said case/topic. ould
do and plan intervention on his/her own.
,- At satisfactory level. Has enough understanding to handle the case but needs areful guidance.
)- Needs to be reevaluated. ompetency is at an unsatisfactory level and needs to be reoriented on the
subject/case at hand.

- 2$   3 2 1 REëARKS

1. Knowledge in gathering data

2. Knowledge of the different methods used in

physical assessment.

3. Adequate knowledge regarding normal values

and other laboratory results.

4. Identifies nursing problems of patient and its


5. Explains scientific principles behind patient¶s

condition and management.

6. Knowledge in setting goals and prioritization

of patient¶s needs.

7. Knows intervention to be given and the


8. Knows the theories and rationale behind

nursing procedures being implemented.
9. Knows the principle of drug administration
and its action.

10. Knowledge on how to relate nursing

interventions to outcomes.


#- "$$ 3 2 1 Remarks

1. hecks, records and interprets accurately the
vital signs of assigned patients.
2. Ability to manipulate and care for the
3. Ability to collect specimens for the
laboratory examination.
4. Êemonstrate skill in providing
comprehensive nursing care.
5. Ôerforms nursing procedures with maximum
result with minimum time, effort and materials
at her/his level.
6. Implements nursing care according to
7. Ôrovides health teaching for patient and his
family as manifested by good communication
8. oordinates with other members of the
health team with regards to patient¶s condition.
9. Ability to transcribe doctor¶s order.
10. Records accurately patient¶s condition¶s
and nursing intervention.

-" +$  3 2 1 Remarks

1. Ôunctuality and regular in attendance.
2. Ôrofessionalism in uniform.
3. Honesty and sincerity.
4. Resourcefulness and creativity.
5. Sense of responsibility.
6. Initiative, Êiligence and Industry.
7. Tolerance and Ôatience.
8. Ôolite and Respectful to self and others.
9. Xorks harmoniously with others.
10. Aware and understands the needs and
emotions of others.

_____________________ ________________________
Student¶s Signature linical Instructor¶ Signature


Name: ____________________________________Date:___________________
Yr/Sec:______________Group:___________ Rating:__________________
Area:____________________Clinical Instructor:__________________________


Y    Y  Y  Y


Outstanding Carries out expected tasks in a very consistent manner with
minimal guidance and supervision
Very Carries out expected tasks in a consistent manner with
Satisfactory minimal guidance and supervision
Satisfactory Carries out expected tasks in a moderately consistent
manner with frequent guidance and supervision
Needs Carries out expected tasks in a rarely consistent manner
Improvement with close guidance and supervision
Unsatisfactory Does not carry out expected tasks even with close guidance
and supervision

1.1 Establishes rapport with subordinates
1.2 Able to involve patients in plan of care
1.3 Punctual and prompt in all activities
1.4 Able to maintain stability under pressure
1.5 Gathers data using interview, observation, records review
and reports
1.6 Formulates appropriate nursing care plan
1.7 Wears complete prescribed RLE uniform
a. Carries out assigned tasks based on the criteria of distribution
of assignments
b. Follows principles of time management
c. Equipped with required paraphernalia for RLE
d. Observes proper channels of communication
e. Carries out plan of care, including:
A. Bedside Care
B. Administration of medications
C. Administration of treatments (nebulization, IVF)
f. Shows initiative in performing tasks
g. Accomplishes delegated tasks within prescribed time frame
h. Provides psychological and spiritual support to patients
i. Accepts supervision and criticisms
j. Conducts appropriate health teachings
1. Notifies immediate superior about untoward situations or
conditions related to patient care in the area
2. Make revisions in the plan of care as necessary
3. Evaluates Nursing Care rendered
1. Demonstrates honesty at all times
2. Conducts self in a tactful manner
3. Keeps confidential patient information
4. Observes the PNA Code of Ethics
5. Guided by RA 9173
6. Observes the 11 Core Competency Guidelines

 ! "







1. Supervises and evaluates the quality of patient care through frequent rounds
2. versees the action of assigned staff nurse, medication nurse and chart nurse.
3. Damiliarized and take care of the emergency cart.
4. Takes note of the special procedures for the patients within the unit.
5. Keep superiors informed regarding the problems and issues in patient care with the nursing unit.
6. Ôarticipates in the selection of nursing staff for the unit.
7. Ôresents changes or innovations to staff in a positive manner.
8. Ôrovides conducive climate for work and maintains effective communication within the unit department.
9. ëakes the 24 hrs. Nursing report of the unit.
10. hecks daily time record of the staff.


1. Should know the patient very well.

2. Should always establish rapport with the patient.
3. Assess the patient¶s needs for care based on the patient¶s history, results of physical examinations,
diagnosis, and laboratory exams.
4. filling up the request admissions
5. versees the activities of the nursing students.
6. ëake part of the endorsement for the shift.
7. Ôroper endorsement (detailed, clear, and updated) of the patient¶s incoming shift.
8. demonstrate good nursing in caring of patients
9. Acts as a role model to fellow students.
10. ëakes a nursing care plan for the patient he/she handled.

* "" 

1. ëust know the 10 rights in giving the medication.

2. ëust know the drug action, side effects and nursing consideration of each medications.
3. ëust know the color coding of the medication cards followed by the institution.
4. Always bring medication tray with you in giving medication.
5. Should always establish rapport with the patient.
6. ëay give medication only with the supervision of clinical instructor or staff nurse on duty.
7. always double check with the doctors order
8. ëake a drug study as a student¶s clinical assignment.
9. ëust know the computation concisely and table of equivalents
10. Êocument all medications given legibly as countersigned by respective clinical instructor or staff nurse
on duty


1. Record all the vital signs taken on the TÔR sheet on the patients chart.
2. ëust know the normal values of [Ô, ÔR, RR and Temperature.
3. Reports intake and output
4. ëakes a narrative report of the vital signs recording system for the shift then submit to the assigned
student head nurse.


#$$%% #& '(


Name: ______________________________Date:______________
Yr/Sec: ______________Group:__________ Area: _____________
Clinical Instructor: _____________________

BED # :______________________________
PATIENT¶S NAME: ______________________________
AGE : ______________________________
DIAGNOSIS : ______________________________
TEMP = ____
CR = ____
PR = ____
RR = ____
BP = ____
TEMP = ____
CR = ____
PR = ____
RR = ____
BP = ____

SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS UPON ASSESSMENT: ______________________________

MEDS DUE NEXT SHIFT : ______________________________

DIET : ______________________________

ONGOING IV FLUID: ______________________________

IVF TO FOLLOW : ______________________________
OTHER CONTRAPTIONS : ______________________________

INTAKE : ______________________________
OUTPUT : ______________________________
IV INFUSED : ______________________________

ORAL ____
VOM ____
NGT ____

NURSING CARE RENDERED : ___________________________

NAME/SIGNATURE OF STUDENT: ________________________

) ' *       Y 
# +# ,+ 
#$$%% #& '(


Name: ____________________________________Date:___________________
Yr/Sec: ______________Group:___________ Rating: __________________
Area: ____________________ Clinical Instructor:__________________________

 !#-$%.% / 0 1 2 3
1. Applies as appropriate theory as a basis for decision
making in nursing practice.
2. Assesses staffs presenting symptoms to determine
a nursing diagnosis and plan of action based on a
medical expertise and knowledge.
3. Knowledge in communication, clarification and
interpretation of existing problems with staff and
nursing responsibilities.
4. Inform the staff of the likely causes of errors defects
and waste.
5. Suggest in which risk, errors, quality of problems
maybe reduce.
, .%
1. Neat and well groomed. Adheres to dress code.
2. Punctual in reporting for duty
3. Complies with the code of ethics of the nursing
profession and upholds and implements school
4. Assist in training staff in particular by setting a good
5. Promotion of professional responsibility,
accountability and behavior.
1. Provide leadership in the assessment, planning,
implementation, and evaluation of comprehensive
school health program.
2. Respond to the student/ staff medical emergencies.
3. Instruct subordinates in appropriate method and
procedure in providing care.
4. Initiate and facilitate any steps necessary to improve
methods, equipments, materials and condition in the
work area for which they are responsible.
Equivalent: ______________ Rating: _______________

# '.% 67$%

5 85 Excellent
Carries out expected behavior in a very consistent and
independent manner with less supervision and
4 82-84 Very Carries out expected behavior in a consistent and
Satisfactory independent manner that requires minimal supervision
and guidance.
3 79-81 Satisfactory Carries out expected behavior in rarely independent
manner requiring more supervision and guidance.
2 75-78 Fair Carries out expected behavior in rarely independent
manner requiring close supervision and guidance.
1 74 and Needs Carries out expected behavior under close supervision
below improvement and guidance.
Name: _____________________ Area: ___________________________
Yr/sec./Group#:______________ Clinical Instructor: _________________

Scaling Interpretation

This evaluation is to determine and appraise the performance of the staff according to their
assign task. By writing the appropriate score in the proper column denoting the extent to which the
nurses performed these functions.

Criteria for Grading

15% Decorum Attendance-------------------------------------------
20% Requirements-----------------------------------------------------
25% Quiz-----------------------------------------------------------------
40% performance------------------------------------------------------

Total 100%

! 8  / 0 1 2 3
1. Gathers data appropriately and completely,
then validating it focusing function needing
assistance support
2. Analyze and interpret collected data
3. Knows the correct way of doing physical
4. Gives attention and synthesize the significant
laboratory findings
5. Knowledge in identifying nursing problems
and categorizing it according to the patients
6. Knows the rationale behind every
intervention given for the care of the patient.
7. Have knowledge in giving proper instruction
for medicine
a. classification
b. nursing responsibility
c. drugs and solution
8. Explain or discuss the report clearly and able
to answer question correctly.
9. Knowledge in preparation of patient for any
diagnostic procedure
10. Knows how to formulate an accurate nursing
care plan for particular cases.

! / 0 1 2 3
1. Ability to give and respond to the care
needed by the patient
2. Perform procedure properly such as doing
physical assessment, taking VS, and giving
medication as ordered.
3. Able to provide or assist patient in
performance of activities of daily living
whenever needed.
4. Always guided in precautionary and
preventive measure in providing care to the
5. Able to give health teachings clearly to the
6. Communicate effectively in identifying the
needs of the patient.
7. Properly handling an instance of emergency
8. Implement Nursing care plan appropriately
9. Reassesses patient to determine whether a
remodification of care plan is necessary.
10. Able to conduct discharged planning with the
patient, his family and significant others.

5 ± Outstanding (85)
4 ± Very Satisfactory (83-84)
3 - Moderately satisfactory (81-82)
2 ± Minimally satisfactory (75-80)
1 ± Unsatisfactory (74 and below)


2)39 (:&

1:30- 2:00pm Pre- conference
2:00- 2:30 Endorsement
2:30-3:00 Rounds
3:00-3:30 Reading of patients chart
3:30-4:00 VS, preparation of medication
4:00-4:20 Giving of medication
4:20- 4:35 Plotting of vital signs
4:35-5:30 Bedside care, NPI
5:30-6:00 Break 1st Batch
6:00-6:30 Break 2nd Batch
6:30-7:15 Sample charting
7:15-7:45 Checking of sample charting
7:45- 8:00 VS, giving medication
8:00- 8:10 Plotting of vital signs
8:10- 9:00 Charting and final rounds
9:00-9:45 Post conference
9:45- 10:00 Endorsement


;)1 (:&

6:45-7:00 Pre- conference
7:00-7:15 Endorsement
7:15- 7:30 Rounds
7:30- 8:00 Reading of patient chart
8:00-8:30 Bedside care/NPI
11:30-12:00 Vs, preparation of medication
12:00-12:20 Giving of medication
12:20-1:00 Plot of vital sign
1:00-1:30 Break 1st Batch
1:30-2:00 Break 2nd Batch
2:00-2:45 Sample charting
2:45-3:00 Checking of sample charting
3:00-3:30 Preparation of medication
3:30-4:00 VS, giving medication
4:00-4:30 Plotting of vital signs
4:30-5:00 Final rounds
5:00-5:30 Post conference
5:30-6:00 Endorsement
%. '(%

%%'$ <=%57%"
As a student nurse, he/she will be able to acquire knowledge and at the same time
practice his/her own leadership and management skills, and understand thoroughly the importance of
being systemically in rendering nursing care the patients.

%5&5 <=%57%("

As a student head nurse, he/she will be able to:

1. Learned and identify the concept of management and leadership
2. Application of Nursing principle as a basis in managing his/her subordinate
3. Appreciation and evaluation on the work of his/her subordinate through the use of performance

%%'$ <=%57%"
As a nursing student, he/she will show a better knowledge, skills and attitude in
rendering their task while working with their fellow students and able to acknowledge the value of
having a director.

%5&5 <=%57%("

1. Be able to know the proper collection of data and using of nursing process, in assessing
the problem of patient and the cause of his disease.
2. Possessing an attitude of being objective and work with their co-student in Camaraderie.
3. Be able to impact useful health teaching to client specific disease to they can apply it in
their respective lives.

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