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Never ignore a person who loves you, and cares for you.

One day you may wake up from your sleep and

realize that you've lost the moon while counting the stars.

I don't know where I stand with you and I don't know what I mean to you. All I do know is every time I
think of you all I want is to be with you...

Life stops when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing, love ends when you stop caring,
friendship ends when you stop sharing.

Some people are REAL. Some people are GOOD. Some people are FAKE. And some people are REAL
GOOD at being FAKE.

THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON... they really do. You may not understand it at the moment, but in time
it will all make sense to you!

Sometimes its better not to say anything, than to say how you truly feel and make things worse.

Sometimes we have to be away from the people we love, but that doesn't make us love them any less,
sometimes it makes us love them even more.

Life is short...LIVE IT, Love is rare...GRAB IT, Anger is bad...DUMP IT, Fear is awful... FACE IT, Memories
are sweet...CHERISH IT I am cute...ACCEPT IT

"Never expect, never assume, never ask and never demand. Just let it be. Because if it's meant to be, it
will happen just the way you want things to be"

When you really matter to someone, that person will always make time for you. No excuses, no lies, and
no broken promises.
..trust is like a mirror - once its broken, its never seen the same again and no matter how hard you try to
put it back together, the cracks will always show.

Two people who broke up could never be friends and if they are, they are either still in love or they
never were!

Don't beg me to stay unless you're going to stop giving me reason to leave.

we meet,, we click,, we fall,, we kiss,, we love,, we argue,, we cry,, we break,, we wish,, we want,, we
cant,, we regret !!!

one day u Will cry 4 me like i cried 4 u.

one day u will Miss me like i missed u.

one day u will want me but i wont want u.

I have cried over and over until i realized your just not worth it!

Sometimes breakup is not because you don't love them anymore...it might just be because you can't
handle it anymore.

is thinking...one day you will miss me and ask for me back. But by then I would have moved on and then
you will know how it all feels! </3


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