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Personal Data

Name : Yogik Fibiyanto

Place, Date of brith : Temanggung, on August 03th 1988

Heigh / Weight : 168 / 69

Sex : Male

Marital Status : Single

Religion : Moslem

Address : Wokodono 05/01 Bulu, temanggung

Telephon Number : 0812 2731 9344

Educational Background

Elementary School : SD N 1 Wonosari, Bulu, Temanggung

Junior High School : SLTP Takhassus, Wonosobo

Senior High School : MAN 1, Temanggung

Hotel School : D1 Magistra Utama Hotel & Tourism Yogyakarta

Work and Related Experiences

1. Worked at Indraloka Restaurant and Home Stay as waiters for 1 years

2. Casual at HYATT Regency as waiters for 6 month

Related Skill

Good in English speaking and Writing in English

Good and knowledge about House Keeping Departement Operation

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