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Many of urban problems including crimes that experience today result from an unbalanced
approach to development, where physical development has been given priority over spiritual,
cultural and social requirements. Therefore, safety in cities is now a global concern when crime in
cities is increasing. A safe city can be perceived as a sustainable city, where community can live in
more inclusive and secure environment. According to Federal Department Town and Country
Planning, safe city defined as ‘a city that is free from all physical, social and mental threats. The
environment is always in a preserved condition and will not create an environment that encourages
untoward incidents that disrupts harmony. Residents are always in a safe, harmonious, healthy and
happy.’ According to the United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice
Systems, Malaysia ranks 50 out of 60 countries in terms of total crime per capita which can be
classified among the lowest in the world with an average 100,000 people in the country. Root causes
of crime are linked to each other like economics, housing, health and the interaction of different
social groups. Thus, addressing safety issues will make cities more livable.


The emergence of safe city concept was started at the Safer Cities Programme 1996. The
programmes were aimed for addressing urban insecurity and contribute to the culture of crime
prevention. Local Authorities is believed to play a vital role in the development of community-wide
planning strategies for crime prevention, as they are in strategic position to initiate and coordinate
the programmes. Some strategies for a safer city also has been outlined by strengthening capacity to
address and reduce crime, promoting crime prevention initiatives, encouraging city networks for
experts exchange, preparing and implementing capacity building programmes and targeting three
main areas of prevention; actions aimed at group at risk, situational prevention and reform the
criminal justice system. Plus, the key to prevent crime is by having partnership between local
governments and other stakeholders as this may ultimately eliminate violence, crime and insecurity.

The root causes of crime were identified; economic, social, policing and justice, urban
planning and maintenance, substance abuse and crime. Economic identified as a factor due to the
increment poverty level in families because income would be significant in determining outcomes
and living conditions. In the light of social causes, ineffective parenting and socialization issues as key
contributing features in crime, where the most extreme example is child abuse and much of this
violence committed by parents and caregivers. Furthermore, it was discovered in 16 percent
responses to policing and justice in community safety survey such as not enough community policing
and police on the streets and non-accountable sentencing. While in the aspect of urban planning and
maintenance, some instances that lead to the crime are bad traffic planning, poor lighting, and
abandoned buildings.


NUR UYUN BT. AMAN (0530108)

Research has shown that the proper design of effective use of the built environment can
lead to a reduction in both, the opportunity for crimes and fear of crimes. Therefore, Crime
Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) seen as comprehensive approach to planning
and development that reduces opportunities to crimes, by emphasizing modifications to the physical
environment, complementing community based policing, neighbourhood watch and social
programs. CPTED can reduce crime through territoriality (fostering residents’ interaction and control
over their neighbourhood), surveillance (maximizing the ability to spot suspicious people and
activities), activity support (encouraging the use of public space), hierarchy of space (delineating
private space from public space), access control or target hardening (restricting entrance),
environment (a design or location decision considers the surrounding environment), also image and
maintenance (ensuring that a building or area is clean and well-maintained). There are numbers of
CPTED design principles for neighborhoods, houses, apartments, parking lot and garages, and also
public spaces. All principles mainly aim to increase surveillance by avoiding obstruction view to the
widen area by landscape, column or corner. It is to enhance awareness among residents to the
strangers within their compound.


i. Resistance from architects in the aspect of ideological and economical. This may due
to lack of experience or knowledge in regards to the CPTED concept.
ii. Resistance from builders in which economy still the main concern. To apply CPTED in
this developing country seems not worth in revenue when builders mostly aim for
profits. They must to maximize sellable land within their property. Other than that,
lack of knowledge and experience in handling this kind of design might put them in
risk if it is not succeed and do not attract buyers.
iii. Lack of interest from local government due to lack of guidelines, lack of skilled
people in handling this issue and somehow rather lack of organizational framework
in local authorities. As reported by FDTCP, until April 2006, only 70 percent at
average implementation done for all 38 Local Authorities. By the later report, up
until April 2007, only Shah Alam has implement 100 percent from all measures
outlined. Many would perceive CPTED needs special attention by special person and
what contributes to this problem is lack number of staff as the existing staffs in most
local authorities is facing abundance of works pertaining to their jurisdiction area.
iv. Resistance from some criminologists because of the scientific difficulties and the
scientific complexity. This is due to the lack of crime data concerning the exact
location of the crime, the low frequency of some important kinds of crime. The
comparative studies also seem difficult because of the large number of factors
involved. A simplified scientific rejection of CPTED as too closely linked to
behaviorist determinism - while the scientific relation between man’s environment
and behavior in reality is more related to probabilistic choice of conduct in different
cultures, different kinds of spatial settings.
v. There is a lot of money to be made on technical security gadgets and on guard 2
services, but so far not much money to be made for other parties involved in the
built environment. That is why planning tend to optimize resources at its maximum
for not wasting any part which therefore lead to so called crowded development.


NUR UYUN BT. AMAN (0530108)

It is must be realized that the prevention at the early stage of planning is really
essential and could give great impact in crime occurrences reduction. The division of
money should be in other way, where budgeting on built environment should be
allocated more than guard services.
vi. The state / national governments still often have a weak interest in CPTED maybe
because of financial issue and expertise.


Top Six Issues In the Country Today

42% Crime and Public Safety
12% Social and Moral Problems
9% Economy
7% Domestic Policies
4% Unemployment
4% Education
(Source: New Straits Times, September 18, 2004)

Many crime cases occur in our city and even increasing in recent years. Twenty years ago, if
someone was victim of a snatch, he or she can be considered it as bad luck. If it happens for the
second time, maybe he or she is the most unlucky person around. But today, so many people are the
second or third times victims. Not to forgotten, the pregnant woman who died from the fall, she is
the second times victim. A Malay girl that pinned down one of the snatch thieve was the 8 th victim of
the day. Rape and incest cases too had raised many folds compare to the past 20 years. So, how
would urban dwellers would have a peace living environment within their neighbourhood?

Property Crime At National Level (2002-2006)

Source: Planning Malaysia IV


NUR UYUN BT. AMAN (0530108)

One of the case studies published in The Star August 4 2009 is the Island Glades and Island
Park neighborhoods in Penang which have been facing rising numbers of crime cases over the last
year and mostly woman, children and elderly are the victims. They held a meeting and some
measures discussed were having dialogue with police and asking for more plainclothes policemen
patrol the area. Police have actually done multiple road blocks to help the situation but snatch
thefts, robberies as well as car and house break-ins are still happening. Two cases experienced by
the residents were shared together during the meeting and all were happening since last year:

i. A rider demanded an old man’s wallet and as he refused, the thief took out a parang and hit
the old man on top of the head. Luckily he still wears his helmet.
ii. Two men on a motorcycle stopped near to the victim and the pillion rider took out a parang
and put it next to the victim’s throat. The victim gave up his wallet which contained RM6000
as he had just returned from withdrawing money from the bank.

From the case above, the case alarming since last year and keep repeating until cause the
emergence of fear and worried among the residents. This might because those areas have been
targeted by certain people as the residents live in the neighborhood be able to possibly have more
or less stable income. By referring to the experience shared above, it shows that the crimes could
happen easily without worrying of other people or residents within the area. This can be
hypothesized that the area of Island Glades and Island Park constitute a number of places and design
that enable criminal to extend their behavior to do crime unto particular suspect of victim without
being realized by other person or maybe unable to catch them. The reasons behind this situation
might be because lack of design and tool that able to assist public to be aware and increase the level
of surveillance upon their territory. Furthermore, level of awareness to help other people in trouble
also still lacking in our society.

In addition, the cutting paper had

shown the rising index in crime
occurrence that cause worry to our
former Prime Minister. This can be
one of the slight indicators how
serious crime in our cities could be.
The issue of safety and crime are
everywhere and take place at
every walk of life in society. People
tend to feel fear and unsafe to
walk within cities and afraid of


NUR UYUN BT. AMAN (0530108)


Since 1990, the Safer Cities Initiatives have rested on the twin pillars of Crime Prevention
Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and Crime Prevention Through Social Development (CPSD).
This approach both involves the practical elements of designing a safe community and a strong
belief in social justice and the need to address the root causes of violence in our community. There
are four strategic objectives of the Safe Cities Initiatives that must be comprehended by planners:

i.Building safe communities through violence prevention – focuses on individuals as members of

the community and violence prevention initiatives.
ii.Building safe communities by caring for the vulnerable – identifies vulnerable groups in our
iii.Building safe communities by creating safe places – focuses on the environmental plan and
considers design options related to urban safety.
iv.Building safe communities by sharing successes – outlines the need to increase positive public
perception through effective communication.

For planners, in order to have a strong neighborhood plan, the process must be open and fair. At
the heart of neighborhood planning are four core values: communication, shared responsibility,
community interest, and consideration of costs. Thus, there are some initiatives should take place in
the neighborhood area to help in crime prevention ultimately reduce crime rates within the
compound. In order to build inclusive, safe and caring community, there is a need to support
community initiatives and facilitate new linkages that will address the root causes of crime through
violence prevention and tackle issues facing individuals including unemployment, sexual
exploitation, poverty and violence. The following are the initiatives that suggested in Crime
Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and must be applied by planners:

i. Environmental Design Initiatives

Segregation of Pedestrian Preparation of Bollards Control Landscape Crops Sharing Crime Information
Walkways and Motorways along Pedestrian through GIS Based
Walkways Mapping

It is also include Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and Revision of
Housing Arrangement Guidelines.


NUR UYUN BT. AMAN (0530108)

ii. Target Hardening

Police Booth Crime Reminder Safety Mirror Security Alarm


Cleaning Cluttered Motorcycle Locked Light Installation at Unobstructed Public

and Hidden Areas Parking Base Business Premises’ Pathways from
Walkways Public View

Plus, installation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and lighting crime targeted area also
included in target hardening.

iii. Social Activities / Society & Education / Public Awareness

Installation of lighting at side lanes, front and back yard by home owners
Preparation of community crime booklet by neighborhood society
Increase patrolling in housing area


Melbourne, Australia has been recognized as the safest city by WHO. Same goes to Adelaide.
Therefore, those cities can be the best example to be studied and get some lessons in terms of their
policies and implementation of safe city. From the very crucial aspect, the administration structure
of local government plays a major influence driving towards a safer city status. Both cities have a
dedicated staff to handle crime prevention activities.

The accreditation for a safe city by WHO has also encouraged positive effort by Melbourne
and Adelaide for international competitiveness. Both cities also applied CPTED into their planning
and building approval process. They applied the concept from an early stage of planning that they
believe will benefits them later. Another aspect that seems vital and should take as a lesson is the
partnership between the city and its police and citizen, and their various task forces and working
groups continuously examining and improving safety measures. Thereby promoting a bottom up
process of safe city measures from the public, police and other stakeholders themselves is better
rather than top down approach as this would likely made a meaningful impact on crime reduction


NUR UYUN BT. AMAN (0530108)

through wider ownership and action. By having all programmes, management dictates the need for
some form of auditing or monitoring, how well the programme has gone. So, public survey to
identify the perception on safety level needs to be conducted in regular basis as it will provide vital
information to specify which area has been improved through the programme.

With that, Malaysia may take Melbourne and Adelaide as good example to be followed in
order to attain success implementation of crime prevention towards safer city.


The seriousness of safety problem has forced governments and town planners to try and
curb criminals act by way of environmental planning. There are many reasons behind the occurring
crime in our cities. Apparently, not only value problems affect the increase of crime rates in cities
but form related problems also add to the intensity of crimes committed in the city. The main cause
of this problem is the constant increase in the population of the city. Apart from that, the existence
of ‘transition zone’ also adds to the increased number of crimes in cities. The transition zones
created with the emergence of suburbs. When the busy day ends and everyone goes back to their
suburban homes, the city is then left empty and vulnerable. It is during this isolated time that
criminals get the opportunity to get to work and transition zones are created.

Therefore, a safe city planning through Islamic perspective emphasis to certain structures as
a key to ensuring that a city is free from vices. The creation of safe city must essentially begin with
the manifestation of the most central part of a Muslim’s faith. That comes the importance of the
function of the mosque, the functionality of education and recreation center, control of
entertainment centers, and strong neighborhood. Those physical elements properly planned by
planners may help strengthen the moral value and spiritual aspect, which can generate good and
better social condition in an area. Thus, the quality of the people staying in a city determines
whether the city will be bad or good. The following quotation can be a base for planners in order to
plan a city safely accommodate the communities.

“The purpose of (building towns) is to have places for dwelling and shelter. Therefore, it is
necessary in this connection to see it that harmful things are kept away from towns by
protecting them against inroads by them and that useful features are introduced and all
conveniences are made available for them” (Ibn Khaldun)

A Safe City lies on its visions that free from violence such as destroying properties and lives,
free from destruction results from natural disaster, free from social and moral decay and also free
from indoor and outdoor accidents. It is clearly stated from Islamic point of view and since Islam is a
comprehensive, it accepted as nature to all human to live in safe. In addition, the scope of Safe City
implementation goes back to its original goal that is crime prevention in main towns and cities
throughout the country. Therefore, crime issues within urban area must be addressed thoroughly in 7
a way to assist crime prevention to achieve its goal and objectives. Those alternatives that been
introduced must be applied and research on enhancing safety situation must always take place in
local government in order to provide better living place for the community.


NUR UYUN BT. AMAN (0530108)


Federal Department Town and Country Planning. (2004). Program Bandar Selamat. Selangor : Safe
City Program Committee.

Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners. (2008). Planning Malaysia VI.

Khairiah Talha. (2004). Promoting Safe City Through Environmental Design.

Majdah Zawawi. (2008). Crime Prevention Through Safe City Planning: An Islamic Perspective. In
Azila Ahmad Sarkawi., & Alias Abdullah. (Eds.). Urban Planning; An Islamic Perspective. Shah
Alam: Arah Publications.

Rising Crime Rate Has Residents Living In Fear. (August 4, 2009). The Star.

Rose Ismail. (September 18, 2004). Company Is Good. New Straits Times, p. 6.

Vasudevan, V. (January 9, 2008). Rising Crime Index Has Abdullah Worried. New Straits Times.


NUR UYUN BT. AMAN (0530108)

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