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Gay City

A M E R I C A’ S L A R G E S T C I R C U L AT I O N G AY A N D L E S B I A N N E W S P A P E R !


NOV. 24-DEC. 7, 2010
S E R V I N G G A Y, L E S B I A N , B I A N D T R A N S G E N D E R E D N E W Y O R K • W W W . G A Y C I T Y N E W S . C O M


White House,
Reid Pledge
Lame Duck
Repeal Vote

he White House, Senate Demo-
cratic leadership, and top advo-
cates for repealing the military’s
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy all moved
— in a series of statements on Novem-
ber 17— to signal that a vote on end-
ing the anti-gay ban will be held during
Congress’ lame duck session, sometime
in early December –– and that the repeal

measure would be part of the Pentagon’s
mammoth annual appropriations bill.
“During the work period following the

Going Legal in Russia

St. Petersburg holds first sanctioned gay pride demo
BY DOUG IRELAND in the Alexeyev v. Russia case, declar- But the gay contingent was hugely
ing that Moscow’s repeated bans on gay outnumbered by a highly organized

n an historic first for Russia, on Sat- pride marches and events were illegal. homophobic counterdemonstration
urday, November 20, activists in St. A jubilant Maria Efremenkova, a prin- that included more than 100 religious

Petersburg held the first-ever legal cipal organizer of Saturday’s successful extremists and skinheads. Some local
gay rights demonstration approved by demonstration, told Gay City News by radio stations played Christian Orthodox
authorities anywhere in that nation. telephone from St. Petersburg, Russia’s religious music during the demonstra-
The rally took place just one month second largest city, that “there were 15 tion, the Russian news agency Interfax
PEE-WEE HERMAN SHOW after the European Court of Human gay activists who were participants,” reported.
Rights (ECHR) issued a landmark ruling while a number of supporters looked on.
23 RUSSIA P. 32

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Saint Fred
Activist Goldhaber, first Harvey Milk
High School teacher, dies at 63

red Goldhaber, a gay activist for
almost 40 years and the founding
teacher at the Harvey Milk High
School in 1985, died of liver cancer on
November 15 at his home in Jersey City.
A native of Brooklyn, he was 63.
Goldhaber’s moving funeral at St.
Veronica’s Catholic Church on Christo-
pher Street on November 17 was attend-
ed by more than 200 people and brought
together the many strands of his life.
Those in attendance included his surviv-
ing partner Wilfredo Hinds, members of
the family in which he grew up, his com-
rades from the early liberationist Gay
Activists Alliance (GAA), his brothers in
the Gay Men’s Chorus where he sang

baritone for 30 years, and his students
from Harvey Milk — some now in their
40s —in tears over the man they knew as
“Mr. G,” who they say saved their lives. Fred Goldhaber in a 2010 photo.
I worked with Fred myself in the Coali-
tion for Lesbian and Gay Rights (CLGR) and, until this writing, I have never told a
in the 1970s and at the Institute for the soul. I loved him dearly and always will.
Protection of Lesbian and Gay Youth Liver cancer seems so cruel after all he’s
(later Hetrick-Martin), the home of Har- endured. Yet I feel sure he never bitched.
vey Milk High, in the 1980s, where I saw He took everything life threw with humor
what a sane, professional, and loving and gentleness.”
presence he was to a group of outcast Steve Ashkinazy, the first social work-
kids who knew so little acceptance or er at the Institute, recruited Fred to apply
respect outside of the refuge he provided. for the post as Harvey Milk’s first teacher.
Our leading social justice activists He said, “Fred had been my friend since
are often respected, admired, and even we were both students together in the
feared. Fred Goldhaber was beloved as Theater Department at Brooklyn Col-
he maintained a sunny disposition both lege in the 1960s, long before we worked
against anti-LGBT bigotry and in bat- together at the Harvey Milk School in the
tling the HIV that hit him in 1982 before ’80s and ’90s. Fred’s greatest pleasure
it had a name and brought him to the was to help people, the needier the bet-
brink of death more than once. ter. In doing so, he earned their love and
Lulu White, now a nurse and 40, respect.
attended the service with her classmate “Back at Brooklyn College, Fred ini-
from 1986, Finnegan, now a noted poet tially had trouble breaking into the
and 41. “I can’t think of a kinder, wiser inner clique of the most popular kids.
human being,” Lulu, whom Fred called They didn’t think he was cool enough,
“Miz Mad,” said. “He’s responsible for and didn’t want to take the time to get
a lot of what I accomplished and that I to know him better. Happily, Fred found
didn’t end dead on the streets.” a way to become very cool. He got a car.
“Mr. G kept me on, even though I was From then on he was invited to every-
homeless” said Finnegan, who credited thing. For the next two years, he became
Fred as “an inpiration” in his develop- the unofficial chauffeur for the whole
ment of his writing talents and in his group, never resting until he safely drove
study of German, a skill that enabled everybody home from those frequent late
him to live in Germany when he got night soirees in the far reaches of public
older. transit-deprived Brooklyn.”
“He encouraged me to use what was Joyce Hunter, the first director of
already there,” he said. “I didn’t get that social work at the Institute, hired Fred at
from anyone else.” Harvey Milk despite some strong politi-
Lulu wrote in an e-mail, “One day I cal disagreements between the two when
accidentally overheard the school faculty working together at CLGR. “He was a
talking about his diagnosis. I must have passionate activist, a great teacher, and
been 15. I ran to him, crying. He com-
forted me. He asked for my discretion 䉴 FRED, continued on p.34

ATRIPLA Important Safety Information and Indication

INDICATION •Have ever had seizures: Seizures have occurred in patients taking a
ATRIPLA® (efavirenz 600 mg/emtricitabine 200 mg/tenofovir disoproxil component of ATRIPLA, usually in those with a history of seizures. If you
fumarate [DF] 300 mg) is a prescription medication used alone as a have ever had seizures, or take medicine for seizures, your healthcare
complete regimen or with other medicines to treat HIV-1 infection in adults. provider may want to switch you to another medicine or monitor you.
ATRIPLA does not cure HIV-1 and has not been shown to prevent •Have ever had mental illness or use drugs or alcohol.
passing HIV-1 to others. The long-term effects of ATRIPLA are not known Contact your healthcare provider right away if you experience any
at this time. People taking ATRIPLA may still get infections that develop of the following serious or common side effects:
because the immune system is weak or other conditions that happen with
HIV-1 infection. Serious side effects associated with ATRIPLA:
Do not stop taking ATRIPLA unless directed by your healthcare •Severe depression, strange thoughts, or angry behavior have been
provider. See your healthcare provider regularly. reported by a small number of patients. Some patients have had thoughts
of suicide, and a few have actually committed suicide. These problems
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION may occur more often in patients who have had mental illness.
Contact your healthcare provider right away if you get the following •Kidney problems (including decline or failure of kidney function).
side effects or conditions associated with ATRIPLA: If you have had kidney problems, or take other medicines that may
• Nausea, vomiting, unusual muscle pain, and/or weakness. These cause kidney problems, your healthcare provider should do regular
may be signs of a buildup of acid in the blood (lactic acidosis), blood tests. Symptoms that may be related to kidney problems include
which is a serious medical condition. a high volume of urine, thirst, muscle pain, and muscle weakness.
• Light-colored stools, dark-colored urine, and/or if your skin or the •Other serious liver problems. Some patients have experienced
whites of your eyes turn yellow. These may be signs of serious serious liver problems, including liver failure resulting in transplantation
liver problems. or death. Most of these serious side effects occurred in patients with a
• If you have HIV-1 and hepatitis B virus (HBV), your liver disease chronic liver disease such as hepatitis infection, but there have also
may suddenly get worse if you stop taking ATRIPLA. been a few reports in patients without any existing liver disease.
Do not take ATRIPLA if you are taking the following medicines •Bone changes. Lab tests show changes in the bones of patients treated
because serious and life-threatening side effects may occur when with tenofovir DF, a component of ATRIPLA. Some HIV patients treated
taken together: Vascor® (bepridil), Propulsid® (cisapride), with tenofovir DF developed thinning of the bones (osteopenia), which
Versed (midazolam), Orap (pimozide), Halcion (triazolam),
® ® ® could lead to fractures. Also, bone pain and softening of the bone
or ergot medications (for example, Wigraine® and Cafergot®). (which may lead to fractures) may occur as a consequence of kidney
problems. If you have had bone problems in the past, your healthcare
In addition, ATRIPLA should not be taken with: provider may want to check your bones.
Combivir (lamivudine/zidovudine), EMTRIVA (emtricitabine), Epivir
® ® ®

or Epivir-HBV® (lamivudine), Epzicom® (abacavir sulfate/lamivudine), Common side effects:

SUSTIVA® (efavirenz), Trizivir® (abacavir sulfate/lamivudine/zidovudine), •Dizziness, headache, trouble sleeping, drowsiness, trouble
TRUVADA® (emtricitabine/tenofovir DF), or VIREAD® (tenofovir DF), concentrating, and/or unusual dreams. These side effects tend to
because they contain the same or similar active ingredients as ATRIPLA. go away after taking ATRIPLA for a few weeks. These symptoms may
ATRIPLA should not be used with HEPSERA (adefovir dipivoxil).
be more severe with the use of alcohol and/or mood-altering (street)
Vfend® (voriconazole) or REYATAZ® (atazanavir sulfate) with or without drugs. If you are dizzy, have trouble concentrating, and/or are drowsy,
Norvir® (ritonavir) should not be taken with ATRIPLA since they may avoid activities that may be dangerous, such as driving or operating
lose their effect and may also increase the chance of having side effects machinery.
from ATRIPLA. Fortovase® or Invirase® (saquinavir) should not be used •Rash is a common side effect that usually goes away without any
as the only protease inhibitor in combination with ATRIPLA. change in treatment, but may be serious in a small number of patients.
Taking ATRIPLA with St. John’s wort or products containing St. John’s wort •Other common side effects include: tiredness, upset stomach, vomiting,
is not recommended as it may cause decreased levels of ATRIPLA, gas, and diarrhea.
increased viral load, and possible resistance to ATRIPLA or
cross-resistance to other anti-HIV drugs. Other possible side effects:
This list of medicines is not complete. Discuss with your healthcare •Changes in body fat have been seen in some people taking anti-HIV-1
provider all prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, medicines. The cause and long-term health effects are not known.
or herbal supplements you are taking or plan to take. •Skin discoloration (small spots or freckles) may also happen.
Tell your healthcare provider if you: •If you notice any symptoms of infection, contact your healthcare
•Are pregnant: Women should not become pregnant while taking provider right away.
ATRIPLA and for 12 weeks after stopping ATRIPLA. Serious birth defects •Additional side effects are inflammation of the pancreas, allergic
have been seen in children of women treated during pregnancy with reaction (including swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat),
one of the medicines in ATRIPLA. Women must use a reliable form of shortness of breath, pain, stomach pain, weakness, and indigestion.
barrier contraception, such as a condom or diaphragm, even if they also
You should take ATRIPLA once daily on an empty stomach. Taking
use other methods of birth control, while on ATRIPLA and for 12 weeks
ATRIPLA at bedtime may make some side effects less bothersome.
after stopping ATRIPLA.
•Are breastfeeding: Women with HIV should not breastfeed ATRIPLA is one of several treatment options your doctor may consider.
because they can pass HIV through their milk to the baby. Also,
ATRIPLA may pass through breast milk and cause serious harm You are encouraged to report negative side effects
to the baby. of prescription drugs to the FDA.
•Have liver problems, including hepatitis B or C virus infection. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

Please see Patient Information on the following pages.

© 2010 Bristol-Myers Squibb & Gilead Sciences, LLC. All rights reserved. ATRIPLA is a
trademark of Bristol-Myers Squibb & Gilead Sciences, LLC. EMTRIVA, VIREAD, and
TRUVADA are trademarks of Gilead Sciences, Inc. SUSTIVA and REYATAZ are registered
trademarks of Bristol-Myers Squibb. All other trademarks are owned by third parties.

697US09AB07054/TR7174 10/10

“My entire HIV regimen

in one pill daily.
For me, that’s great.”
Phil li p
on ATRIPLA for 2 years

ATRIPLA is the #1 prescribed HIV regimen.*

•Only ATRIPLA combines 3 HIV medications in 1 pill daily.

• Proven to lower viral load to undetectable in approximately
7 out of 10 patients new to therapy, and also raise T-cell‡ (CD4+)
count to help control HIV through 3 years of a clinical study.§
•ATRIPLA does not cure HIV-1 and has not been shown to prevent
passing HIV-1 to others.

Selected Important Safety Information:

Some people who have taken medicine like ATRIPLA have developed
the following: a serious condition of acid buildup in the blood (lactic
acidosis), and serious liver problems (hepatotoxicity). For patients
with both HIV-1 and hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis may suddenly
worsen if ATRIPLA is discontinued.
Please see detailed and additional Important Safety Information,
including the bolded information to the left.

Defined as a viral load of less than 400 copies/mL.

Average increase of 312 cells/mm3.
In this study, 227 patients took the meds in ATRIPLA.

Patient model. Individual results may vary.

Your doctor may prescribe ATRIPLA alone

or with other HIV medications.
Talk to your doctor to see if ATRIPLA is right for you.

To learn more, visit

* Synovate Healthcare Data; US HIV Monitor, Q1 2010.

FDA-Approved Patient Labeling ATRIPLA® (efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate)

Patient Information
• Do not have any kind of sex without protection. Always practice safer sex by using a latex
ATRIPLA® (uh TRIP luh) Tablets or polyurethane condom or other barrier to reduce the chance of sexual contact with semen,
ALERT: Find out about medicines that should NOT be taken with ATRIPLA. vaginal secretions, or blood.
Please also read the section “MEDICINES YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE WITH ATRIPLA.” Who should not take ATRIPLA?
Generic name: efavirenz, emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (eh FAH vih renz, em tri SIT Together with your healthcare provider, you need to decide whether ATRIPLA is right for you.
uh bean and te NOE’ fo veer dye soe PROX il FYOU mar ate) Do not take ATRIPLA if you are allergic to ATRIPLA or any of its ingredients. The active ingredients
Read the Patient Information that comes with ATRIPLA® (efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil of ATRIPLA are efavirenz, emtricitabine, and tenofovir DF. See the end of this leaflet for a complete
fumarate) before you start taking it and each time you get a refill since there may be new list of ingredients.
information. This information does not take the place of talking to your healthcare provider about What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking ATRIPLA? Tell your healthcare
your medical condition or treatment. You should stay under a healthcare provider’s care when taking provider if you:
ATRIPLA. Do not change or stop your medicine without first talking with your healthcare • Are pregnant or planning to become pregnant (see “What should I avoid while taking
provider. Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you have any questions about ATRIPLA. ATRIPLA?”).
What is the most important information I should know about ATRIPLA? • Are breast-feeding (see “What should I avoid while taking ATRIPLA?”).
• Some people who have taken medicine like ATRIPLA (which contains nucleoside • Have kidney problems or are undergoing kidney dialysis treatment.
analogs) have developed a serious condition called lactic acidosis (buildup of an acid • Have bone problems.
in the blood). Lactic acidosis can be a medical emergency and may need to be treated in the
hospital. Call your healthcare provider right away if you get the following signs or • Have liver problems, including hepatitis B virus infection. Your healthcare provider may
symptoms of lactic acidosis: want to do tests to check your liver while you take ATRIPLA.
• You feel very weak or tired. • Have ever had mental illness or are using drugs or alcohol.
• You have unusual (not normal) muscle pain. • Have ever had seizures or are taking medicine for seizures.
• You have trouble breathing. What important information should I know about taking other medicines with ATRIPLA?
• You have stomach pain with nausea and vomiting. ATRIPLA may change the effect of other medicines, including the ones for HIV-1, and may
cause serious side effects. Your healthcare provider may change your other medicines or change
• You feel cold, especially in your arms and legs. their doses. Other medicines, including herbal products, may affect ATRIPLA. For this reason, it is
• You feel dizzy or lightheaded. very important to let all your healthcare providers and pharmacists know what medications, herbal
• You have a fast or irregular heartbeat. supplements, or vitamins you are taking.
• Some people who have taken medicines like ATRIPLA have developed serious liver MEDICINES YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE WITH ATRIPLA
problems called hepatotoxicity, with liver enlargement (hepatomegaly) and fat in the liver • The following medicines may cause serious and life-threatening side effects when taken
(steatosis). Call your healthcare provider right away if you get the following signs or with ATRIPLA. You should not take any of these medicines while taking ATRIPLA: Vascor
symptoms of liver problems: (bepridil), Propulsid (cisapride), Versed (midazolam), Orap (pimozide), Halcion (triazolam),
• Your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow (jaundice). ergot medications (for example, Wigraine and Cafergot).
• Your urine turns dark. • ATRIPLA also should not be used with Combivir (lamivudine/zidovudine), EMTRIVA, Epivir,
• Your bowel movements (stools) turn light in color. Epivir-HBV (lamivudine), Epzicom (abacavir sulfate/lamivudine), Trizivir (abacavir
• You don’t feel like eating food for several days or longer. sulfate/lamivudine/zidovudine), SUSTIVA, TRUVADA, or VIREAD.
• You feel sick to your stomach (nausea). • Vfend (voriconazole) should not be taken with ATRIPLA since it may lose its effect or may
• You have lower stomach area (abdominal) pain. increase the chance of having side effects from ATRIPLA.
• You may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or liver problems if you are female, very • Do not take St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), or products containing St. John’s
overweight (obese), or have been taking nucleoside analog-containing medicines, like wort with ATRIPLA. St. John’s wort is an herbal product sold as a dietary supplement. Talk
ATRIPLA, for a long time. with your healthcare provider if you are taking or are planning to take St. John’s wort. Taking
• If you also have hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and you stop taking ATRIPLA, you St. John’s wort may decrease ATRIPLA levels and lead to increased viral load and possible
may get a “flare-up” of your hepatitis. A “flare-up” is when the disease suddenly resistance to ATRIPLA or cross-resistance to other anti-HIV-1 drugs.
returns in a worse way than before. Patients with HBV who stop taking ATRIPLA need close • ATRIPLA should not be used with HEPSERA® (adefovir dipivoxil).
medical follow-up for several months, including medical exams and blood tests to check for It is also important to tell your healthcare provider if you are taking any of the following:
hepatitis that could be getting worse. ATRIPLA is not approved for the treatment of HBV, so • Fortovase, Invirase (saquinavir), Biaxin (clarithromycin), Noxafil (posaconazole), or
you must discuss your HBV therapy with your healthcare provider. Sporanox (itraconazole); these medicines may need to be replaced with another
What is ATRIPLA? medicine when taken with ATRIPLA.
ATRIPLA contains 3 medicines, SUSTIVA® (efavirenz), EMTRIVA® (emtricitabine) and VIREAD® • Calcium channel blockers such as Cardizem or Tiazac (diltiazem), Covera HS or Isoptin
(tenofovir disoproxil fumarate also called tenofovir DF) combined in one pill. EMTRIVA and VIREAD (verapamil) and others; Crixivan (indinavir), Selzentry (maraviroc); the immunosuppressant
are HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus) nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors medicines cyclosporine (Gengraf, Neoral, Sandimmune, and others), Prograf (tacrolimus), or
(NRTIs) and SUSTIVA is an HIV-1 non-nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI). Rapamune (sirolimus); Methadone; Mycobutin (rifabutin); Rifampin; cholesterol-lowering
VIREAD and EMTRIVA are the components of TRUVADA®. ATRIPLA can be used alone as a complete medicines such as Lipitor (atorvastatin), Pravachol (pravastatin sodium), and Zocor
regimen, or in combination with other anti-HIV-1 medicines to treat people with HIV-1 infection. (simvastatin); or Zoloft (sertraline); these medicines may need to have their dose
ATRIPLA is for adults age 18 and over. ATRIPLA has not been studied in children under age 18 or changed when taken with ATRIPLA.
adults over age 65. • Videx, Videx EC (didanosine); tenofovir DF (a component of ATRIPLA) may increase the
HIV infection destroys CD4+ T cells, which are important to the immune system. The immune system amount of didanosine in your blood, which could result in more side effects. You may need
helps fight infection. After a large number of T cells are destroyed, acquired immune deficiency to be monitored more carefully if you are taking ATRIPLA and didanosine together. Also, the
syndrome (AIDS) develops. dose of didanosine may need to be changed.
ATRIPLA helps block HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, a viral chemical in your body (enzyme) that is • Reyataz (atazanavir sulfate) or Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir); these medicines may increase the
needed for HIV-1 to multiply. ATRIPLA lowers the amount of HIV-1 in the blood (viral load). ATRIPLA amount of tenofovir DF (a component of ATRIPLA) in your blood, which could result in more
may also help to increase the number of T cells (CD4+ cells), allowing your immune system to side effects. Reyataz is not recommended with ATRIPLA. You may need to be monitored
improve. Lowering the amount of HIV-1 in the blood lowers the chance of death or infections that more carefully if you are taking ATRIPLA and Kaletra together. Also, the dose of Kaletra may
happen when your immune system is weak (opportunistic infections). need to be changed.
Does ATRIPLA cure HIV-1 or AIDS? • Medicine for seizures [for example, Dilantin (phenytoin), Tegretol (carbamazepine), or
ATRIPLA does not cure HIV-1 infection or AIDS. The long-term effects of ATRIPLA are not known phenobarbital]; your healthcare provider may want to switch you to another medicine or
at this time. People taking ATRIPLA may still get opportunistic infections or other conditions that check drug levels in your blood from time to time.
happen with HIV-1 infection. Opportunistic infections are infections that develop because the These are not all the medicines that may cause problems if you take ATRIPLA. Be sure to tell
immune system is weak. Some of these conditions are pneumonia, herpes virus infections, and your healthcare provider about all medicines that you take.
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infection. It is very important that you see your healthcare Keep a complete list of all the prescription and nonprescription medicines as well as any herbal
provider regularly while taking ATRIPLA. remedies that you are taking, how much you take, and how often you take them. Make a new list
Does ATRIPLA reduce the risk of passing HIV-1 to others? when medicines or herbal remedies are added or stopped, or if the dose changes. Give copies of
ATRIPLA has not been shown to lower your chance of passing HIV-1 to other people through this list to all of your healthcare providers and pharmacists every time you visit your healthcare
sexual contact, sharing needles, or being exposed to your blood. provider or fill a prescription. This will give your healthcare provider a complete picture of the
• Do not share needles or other injection equipment. medicines you use. Then he or she can decide the best approach for your situation.
• Do not share personal items that can have blood or body fluids on them, like
toothbrushes or razor blades.

ATRIPLA® (efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) ATRIPLA® (efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate)

How should I take ATRIPLA? • Changes in bone mineral density (thinning bones). Laboratory tests show changes in the
• Take the exact amount of ATRIPLA your healthcare provider prescribes. Never change the bones of patients treated with tenofovir DF, a component of ATRIPLA. Some HIV patients
dose on your own. Do not stop this medicine unless your healthcare provider tells you to stop. treated with tenofovir DF developed thinning of the bones (osteopenia) which could lead to
• You should take ATRIPLA on an empty stomach. fractures. If you have had bone problems in the past, your healthcare provider may need to
• Swallow ATRIPLA with water. do tests to check your bone mineral density or may prescribe medicines to help your bone
mineral density. Additionally, bone pain and softening of the bone (which may contribute to
• Taking ATRIPLA at bedtime may make some side effects less bothersome. fractures) may occur as a consequence of kidney problems.
• Do not miss a dose of ATRIPLA. If you forget to take ATRIPLA, take the missed dose right Common side effects:
away, unless it is almost time for your next dose. Do not double the next dose. Carry on with
your regular dosing schedule. If you need help in planning the best times to take your Patients may have dizziness, headache, trouble sleeping, drowsiness, trouble concentrating, and/or
medicine, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist. unusual dreams during treatment with ATRIPLA. These side effects may be reduced if you take
ATRIPLA at bedtime on an empty stomach. They also tend to go away after you have taken the
• If you believe you took more than the prescribed amount of ATRIPLA, contact your local medicine for a few weeks. If you have these common side effects, such as dizziness, it does not
poison control center or emergency room right away. mean that you will also have serious psychiatric problems, such as severe depression, strange
• Tell your healthcare provider if you start any new medicine or change how you take old ones. thoughts, or angry behavior. Tell your healthcare provider right away if any of these side effects
Your doses may need adjustment. continue or if they bother you. It is possible that these symptoms may be more severe if ATRIPLA is
• When your ATRIPLA supply starts to run low, get more from your healthcare provider or used with alcohol or mood altering (street) drugs.
pharmacy. This is very important because the amount of virus in your blood may increase if If you are dizzy, have trouble concentrating, or are drowsy, avoid activities that may be dangerous,
the medicine is stopped for even a short time. The virus may develop resistance to ATRIPLA such as driving or operating machinery.
and become harder to treat. Rash may be common. Rashes usually go away without any change in treatment. In a small number
• Your healthcare provider may want to do blood tests to check for certain side effects while of patients, rash may be serious. If you develop a rash, call your healthcare provider right away.
you take ATRIPLA. Other common side effects include tiredness, upset stomach, vomiting, gas, and diarrhea.
What should I avoid while taking ATRIPLA? Other possible side effects with ATRIPLA:
• Women should not become pregnant while taking ATRIPLA and for 12 weeks after • Changes in body fat. Changes in body fat develop in some patients taking anti-HIV-1
stopping it. Serious birth defects have been seen in the babies of animals and women medicine. These changes may include an increased amount of fat in the upper back and neck
treated with efavirenz (a component of ATRIPLA) during pregnancy. It is not known whether (“buffalo hump”), in the breasts, and around the trunk. Loss of fat from the legs, arms, and
efavirenz caused these defects. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you are face may also happen. The cause and long-term health effects of these fat changes are not
pregnant. Also talk with your healthcare provider if you want to become pregnant. known.
• Women should not rely only on hormone-based birth control, such as pills, injections, or • Skin discoloration (small spots or freckles) may also happen with ATRIPLA.
implants, because ATRIPLA may make these contraceptives ineffective. Women must use a
reliable form of barrier contraception, such as a condom or diaphragm, even if they also use • In some patients with advanced HIV infection (AIDS), signs and symptoms of inflammation
other methods of birth control. Efavirenz, a component of ATRIPLA, may remain in your blood from previous infections may occur soon after anti-HIV treatment is started. It is believed that
for a time after therapy is stopped. Therefore, you should continue to use contraceptive these symptoms are due to an improvement in the body’s immune response, enabling the
measures for 12 weeks after you stop taking ATRIPLA. body to fight infections that may have been present with no obvious symptoms. If you notice
any symptoms of infection, please inform your doctor immediately.
• Do not breast-feed if you are taking ATRIPLA. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention recommend that mothers with HIV not breast-feed because they can pass the HIV • Additional side effects are inflammation of the pancreas, allergic reaction (including swelling
through their milk to the baby. Also, ATRIPLA may pass through breast milk and cause serious of the face, lips, tongue, or throat), shortness of breath, pain, stomach pain, weakness and
harm to the baby. Talk with your healthcare provider if you are breast-feeding. You should indigestion.
stop breast-feeding or may need to use a different medicine. Tell your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you notice any side effects while taking ATRIPLA.
• Taking ATRIPLA with alcohol or other medicines causing similar side effects as ATRIPLA, such Contact your healthcare provider before stopping ATRIPLA because of side effects or for any other
as drowsiness, may increase those side effects. reason.
• Do not take any other medicines, including prescription and nonprescription medicines and This is not a complete list of side effects possible with ATRIPLA. Ask your healthcare provider or
herbal products, without checking with your healthcare provider. pharmacist for a more complete list of side effects of ATRIPLA and all the medicines you will take.
• Avoid doing things that can spread HIV-1 infection since ATRIPLA does not stop you from How do I store ATRIPLA?
passing the HIV-1 infection to others. • Keep ATRIPLA and all other medicines out of reach of children.
What are the possible side effects of ATRIPLA? • Store ATRIPLA at room temperature 77 °F (25 °C).
ATRIPLA may cause the following serious side effects: • Keep ATRIPLA in its original container and keep the container tightly closed.
• Lactic acidosis (buildup of an acid in the blood). Lactic acidosis can be a medical emergency • Do not keep medicine that is out of date or that you no longer need. If you throw any
and may need to be treated in the hospital. Call your healthcare provider right away if you medicines away make sure that children will not find them.
get signs of lactic acidosis. (See “What is the most important information I should know General information about ATRIPLA:
about ATRIPLA?”) Medicines are sometimes prescribed for conditions that are not mentioned in patient information
• Serious liver problems (hepatotoxicity), with liver enlargement (hepatomegaly) and fat in leaflets. Do not use ATRIPLA for a condition for which it was not prescribed. Do not give ATRIPLA to
the liver (steatosis). Call your healthcare provider right away if you get any signs of liver other people, even if they have the same symptoms you have. It may harm them.
problems. (See “What is the most important information I should know about ATRIPLA?”) This leaflet summarizes the most important information about ATRIPLA. If you would like more
• “Flare-ups” of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, in which the disease suddenly returns in information, talk with your healthcare provider. You can ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist
a worse way than before, can occur if you have HBV and you stop taking ATRIPLA. Your for information about ATRIPLA that is written for health professionals.
healthcare provider will monitor your condition for several months after stopping ATRIPLA if Do not use ATRIPLA if the seal over bottle opening is broken or missing.
you have both HIV-1 and HBV infection and may recommend treatment for your HBV. ATRIPLA What are the ingredients of ATRIPLA?
is not approved for the treatment of hepatitis B virus infection. If you have advanced liver Active Ingredients: efavirenz, emtricitabine, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
disease and stop treatment with ATRIPLA, the “flare-up” of hepatitis B may cause your liver
function to decline. Inactive Ingredients: croscarmellose sodium, hydroxypropyl cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose,
magnesium stearate, sodium lauryl sulfate. The film coating contains black iron oxide, polyethylene
• Serious psychiatric problems. A small number of patients may experience severe glycol, polyvinyl alcohol, red iron oxide, talc, and titanium dioxide.
depression, strange thoughts, or angry behavior while taking ATRIPLA. Some patients have
thoughts of suicide and a few have actually committed suicide. These problems may occur
more often in patients who have had mental illness. Contact your healthcare provider right
away if you think you are having these psychiatric symptoms, so your healthcare provider May 2010
can decide if you should continue to take ATRIPLA. ATRIPLA is a trademark of Bristol-Myers Squibb & Gilead Sciences, LLC. EMTRIVA, TRUVADA,
• Kidney problems (including decline or failure of kidney function). If you have had kidney HEPSERA and VIREAD are trademarks of Gilead Sciences, Inc. SUSTIVA is a trademark
problems in the past or take other medicines that can cause kidney problems, your of Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharma Company. Reyataz and Videx are trademarks of
healthcare provider should do regular blood tests to check your kidneys. Symptoms that may Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. Pravachol is a trademark of ER Squibb & Sons, LLC. Other
be related to kidney problems include a high volume of urine, thirst, muscle pain, and muscle brands listed are the trademarks of their respective owners.
• Other serious liver problems. Some patients have experienced serious liver problems
including liver failure resulting in transplantation or death. Most of these serious side effects
occurred in patients with a chronic liver disease such as hepatitis infection, but there have SF-B0001B1-05-10 21-937-GS-007 TR5827 May 2010
also been a few reports in patients without any existing liver disease.
24 NOV - 7 DEC 2010

8/ Military
Repeal Advocates Duel at NYC Center
Frank, Stachelberg, Capehart, and Socarides debate strategy, offer predictions
BY PAUL SCHINDLER ated by Richard Socarides, an ferent perspective. Raising the ten-month study that would not
attorney who served as Presi- evening’s first quibble — with publish findings until a month

s advocates for repeal- dent Bill Clinton’s top advisor “the predicate” of Socarides’ after midterm elections, with no
ing the military’s Don’t on LGBT issues through much question — Stachelberg said guarantee that the lame duck
Ask, Don’t Tell policy of the second half of his admin- repeal is closer than it has ever congressional session would
head toward a potential end- istration. Socarides has been been and asserted that had not already have wrapped, was
game in the lame duck session outspoken and widely quoted in advocates been amenable ear- another example of the admin-
of the US Senate, a forum at his view that the current admin- lier in the administration to istration’s “long-term plan to
New York’s LGBT Community istration has dragged its feet on the sort of Pentagon study that delay.”
Center offered fresh insights as gay issues, especially Don’t Ask, ended up being undertaken in Stachelberg, even while
well as critical disagreements — Don’t Tell — to the detriment of the spring of 2010, “we’d be fur- acknowledging that she and
largely framed, in polite fashion, the prospects for progress and ther along now.” her colleagues at CAP were ner-
as “quibbles” — over the Obama the president’s own political for- Capehart also argued that the vous about how the Pentagon
administration’s pace of taking tunes — and he began the eve- administration’s movement on study would turn out, said it is
up the issue, the military’s deci- ning by asking “why did he wait the issue has essentially been now clear that its findings will


sion to launch a major study of so long” to push for repeal. —to borrow words Stachelberg be “potentially the rocket fuel,
the question earlier this year, The question afforded an later used — “slow and steady.” the engine” for repeal. She held
and the president’s decision opening for Frank, a former He said he had knowledge of two up the November 11 Washing-
not to make use of executive senior research fellow at the Oval Office meetings in 2009 ton Post with its top left column
authority to suspend the policy Dr. Nathaniel Frank said that should repeal Palm Center, a University of when Obama told Gates, “We’re scoop that cited two sources
in advance of congressional language be approved by the US Senate in California, Santa Barbara think going to get rid of this policy,” who had reviewed a draft of the
action. the next several weeks, success would come tank that studies gender, sexu- on one occasion terming it “un- Pentagon report due December
The 90-minute discussion in spite of “a bad plan” by the Obama admin- ality, and the military, to lay out American.” The Senate Armed 1, which the newspaper said
held on November 11, Vet- istration. his central thesis — that the Services Committee testimony showed that repeal would entail
eran’s Day, included one testy president’s “silence has been by Gates and Admiral Michael “only minimal and isolated inci-
exchange, when Dr. Nathaniel to take executive action and very loud at certain points,” Mullen, the chair of the Joint dents of risk to the current war
Frank, a leading repeal advocate therefore “undercut” it. while his defense secretary, Chiefs of Staff, in which the two effort.”
and author of “Unfriendly Fire: For the most part, the eve- Robert Gates,” for much of the said Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was Frank replied that those
How the Gay Ban Undermines ning generated more light than past two years, has pursued an no longer defensible, was “land- findings were “better than we
the Military and Weakens Amer- heat — and also signaled quali- effort “to kick the issue down mark,” Capehart said. thought,” but that with less
ica,” complained that fellow fied optimism about the poten- the road.” Saying he agreed that than eight weeks before the new
panelist Jonathan Capehart, a tial for success that everyone, Capehart and Winnie Obama’s movement on repeal Congress, with a Republican-led
journalist who is a member of to a greater or lesser extent, Stachelberg, a senior staff mem- had been “slow,” but ques- House of Representatives, takes
the Washington Post editorial seemed to believe had increased ber at the Center for American tioning how it could be termed office, the report “may be too
board, “didn’t understand” the just over the previous few days. Progress, a liberal, Washington- “steady,” Frank said that the
“strategy” of calling on Obama The discussion was moder- based think tank, offered a dif- Pentagon’s decision to pursue a 䉴 DEBATE, continued on p.13

䉴 DADT, from p.1 It is likely no accident that was approved by the House Thanksgiving. I will work hard sina; Phil Schiliro, its director
the statements from Reid and of Representatives the same to overcome the filibuster so that of legislative affairs; Chris Kang,
Thanksgiving holidays, I will the White House, coupled with month. Keeping the language in Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is repealed a special presidential assistant
bring the Defense Authoriza- a meeting senior administra- the budget measure is the only and the NDAA –– which is criti- for legislative affairs; and Brian
tion bill to the floor, including a tion and Senate aides held viable route to success –– strip- cal to our national security and Bond, the out gay deputy direc-
repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” with repeal advocates, came ping repeal out of the larger bill the well-being of our troops –– is tor of the White House Office of
Senator Harry Reid, the Demo- on November 17. One day ear- would require 60 votes if consid- adopted.” Public Engagement. Others in
cratic majority leader, said in a lier, according to Foreign Policy ered on the Senate floor, while Earlier the same evening, attendance were David Krone,
written statement. magazine, Levin told report- winning approval of a stand- Servicemembers Legal Defense Reid’s chief of staff, and Serena
White House spokesman Shin ers that he aims to get both alone measure could be defeat- Network, the Human Rights Hoy, his senior counsel.
Inouye, meanwhile, issued a the budget measure and repeal ed by a mere 41 senators. Campaign, and the Center for At that meeting, Inouye said,
statement saying that President voted on before year-end, but Efforts by Reid and Levin to American Progress (CAP) issued advocates pressed the urgency
Barack Obama had phoned did not rule out taking up the win approval for the full budget a joint statement that represen- of moving forward on a repeal
Senator Carl Levin, the Michi- two issues separately. bill, however, were stymied in tatives from their organizations vote during the lame duck, a
gan Democrat who heads up “I’m trying to get both done. September, when every Repub- had just concluded a meeting message the president had “pre-
the Armed Services Committee, And if I can’t get both done, I lican and two Democrats suc- with high ranking officials from viously conveyed… directly to
“to reiterate his commitment want to get one of them done,” ceeded in blocking debate. Ari- the White House and the Sen- Senator Reid.”
on keeping the repeal of Don’t Levin was quoted as saying of zona Senator John McCain, a ate leadership at which they The big question facing repeal
Ask, Don’t Tell in the National his determination to secure pas- staunch foe of repealing Don’t were told that Obama and Reid advocates is whether enough
Defense Authorization Act, and sage of the annual appropria- Ask, Don’t Tell, had threatened “are committed to moving for- of the Republicans who voted
the need for the Senate to pass tions measure, which has been a filibuster. ward on repeal” by bringing the to block consideration of the
this legislation during the lame approved every year for the past Late in the evening on Novem- budget bill, with the Don’t Ask, defense budget bill in Septem-
duck.” According to Inouye, over 48. ber 17, Levin issued a state- Don’t Tell language intact, to a ber would change their position
the previous week, the White In May, Levin was success- ment saying, “I welcome Sena- vote in December. in the lame duck session. In a
House had reached out to “doz- ful in winning support in his tor Reid’s announcement that According to that release, the November 9 press call, CAP’s
ens of senators from both sides committee for a budget bill that he will bring up the National meeting included White House
of the aisle” on this issue. includes repeal language, which Defense Authorization Act after deputy chief of staff Jim Mes- 䉴 DADT, continued on p.9

䉴 DADT, from p.8 for Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell to McCain —

told a group of reporters that the Work-
Winnie Stachelberg noted that a num- ing Group had conducted a “good and
ber of GOP senators had explained their healthy” review of the existing personnel
resistance to holding a vote in September policy.
by saying a special Pentagon Working A November 17 story from the Wash-
Group had not yet completed its study of ington Post quoted spokesmen for GOP
how repeal would affect the military. Senators Richard Lugar of Indiana and
That report is now due November 30, Susan Collins of Maine saying that their
and the Washington Post two weeks ago bosses would support moving forward
–– on Veteran’s Day –– cited two sources with a vote on the defense authorization
who had reviewed a draft of it and said bill if Reid could guarantee acceptable
it concluded that repeal, in the newspa- terms for taking up amendments dur-
per’s words, would entail “only minimal ing the floor debate. Republicans com-
and isolated incidents of risk to the cur- plained in September that the proposed
rent war effort.” rules for debate then precluded sufficient
Just days before the Post’s story on consideration of floor amendments.
the draft report, Defense Secretary Rob- Similar reports have surfaced regard-
ert Gates, who had testified in February ing other potential GOP supporters of
that the current policy could no longer repeal, though precisely what terms for
be defended, for the first time endorsed debate would be acceptable remains the
congressional action before the end of critical unknown in the equation. On
2010. November 18, Connecticut Independent
On November 23, Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman, a
reported that in response to a letter from leading repeal advocate, voiced confi-
McCain urging that the Study Group dence that there were 60 votes to move
mission be expanded to include con- the repeal issue forward.
sideration of “whether the DADT policy As the lame duck session opened
should be changed” — and not simply last week amidst widespread specula-
how to implement repeal — Gates, on tion over how the repeal issue would
October 25, responded, “It is not part be handled, if at all, one of the oddest
of the Working Group’s mandate to ask developments was a statement from
Servicemembers the broad question of the Palm Center, a University of Cali-
whether they think DADT should be fornia, Santa Barbara think tank that
repealed, which, in effect, would amount last year aggressively insisted on the
to a referendum.” president’s legal authority to end the
Levin, in his statement the evening of policy’s enforcement through execu-
November 17, said Reid should bring up tive order.
a vote after his committee has a chance On November 15, Palm issued a
to hold hearings on the report the first statement on behalf of OutServe, a
week of December. network of approximately 1,000 active- Studios to three-bedroom homes from $625k
Hearings by the Armed Services Com- duty anonymous service members,
mittee would likely play a decisive role in and Knights Out, an organization of
Priced from $879 per square foot
how the repeal debate roles out — espe- West Point alumni, staff, and faculty
· Spacious, Beautifully · Private Storage Units
cially since the service chiefs of the Army, who support repeal, saying while they
Navy, Air Force, and Marines could be continue to press for a vote on ending Landscaped, Private · Balconies & Rooftop
called to testify. Signals sent by those the policy during the lame duck ses- Courtyard Cabanas with Select Units
chiefs have to date been mixed, though sion, “we respectfully urge Congress · Fitness Center · Full Service Building
the most recent news on that score is to pass the FY 2011 National Defense
positive. Authorization Act to fund the aircraft,
The same weekend that Gates advo- weapons, combat vehicles, ammuni-
cated quick action on repeal, the new tion, and promised pay-raises for all
Marine commandant, General James troops, whether or not the repeal of
Amos, cast doubts on the wisdom of a Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is included.”
change by saying, “This is not a social The apparent willingness of these
thing. This is combat effectiveness.” groups to concede the question of
Amos’ statement drew a rebuke from whether repeal must be included in
Admiral Michael Mullen, the chair of any budget vote angered Dan Choi,
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for taking what the former National Guard lieutenant
should be an internal policy debate into who is among the most visible public
the public. faces of the repeal effort. In a post on
The National Journal, on November his Twitter page, Choi, a West Point
22, quoted Admiral Gary Roughead, graduate, wrote, “I no longer support
the Navy chief of staff, as saying, after a or claim membership in Knights Out
review of the Pentagon Working Group or OutServe.”
draft report, “I think the survey, without On November 17, the Palm Cen-
question, was the most expansive survey ter shifted the focus of its posture on
of the American military that’s ever been the lame duck session, responding to
undertaken. I think the work that has Levin’s musings about breaking the
been done is extraordinary.” Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell language out of
The following day, according to Stars the appropriations bill by accusing Wendy Triffon 212.732.0372 |
the Air Force chief of staff — who like ing hostage” in order to force Levin to THE SPONSOR. FILE NO. CD08-0664. ALL DIMENSIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS DESCRIBED HEREIN ARE APPROXIMATE. PLEASE CONSULT THE OFFERING
Roughead had earlier signaled support scrap repeal.
24 NOV - 7 DEC 2010

10/ Crime
Juror Journalism on the Rise 14 DAYS
In a celebrity and Internet age, defendants’ 12 peers may speak out 14 NIGHTS

s attorneys questioned
prospective jurors in the COMEDY
Jeromie Cancel murder Come Fly With Her
trial, one admitted to searching Direct from London’s West End, Pam
Google for information on the case Ann returns to New York City for Thanks-
during a break. Then a second giving week to present her brand new
said she had done the same thing. comedy show, “Pam Ann: High Alert,”
Michael Alperstein, Cancel’s Glamorous, hilarious, and outrageous,
attorney, told the panel that they Pucci-clad Pam, the alter-ego of Austra-
could not research the case if they lian comedian Caroline Reid, has toured
were selected. He turned to the with Cher and crewed private jets for Elton


nearly 100 people in a Manhattan John. She takes passengers on a raucous
courtroom and asked, “Is there journey from security check-in to boarding
anybody out there who wants to to, hopefully, landing. Joe’s Pub, inside
write a book about their experi- the Public Theater, 425 Lafayette St.,
ence as a juror?” D. Graham Burnett wrote a book subsequent Eric Zaccar, seen here with Kevin Spacey at the opening night party for the Broadway play “Moon btwn. E. Fourth St. & Astor Pl. Nov.
Only a reporter at the rear of the to his service as a juror in the 2000 murder for the Misbegotten,” is a playwright who served on the 2007 jury that convicted Anthony Fortu- 26-27, 9:30 p.m.; Tickets are $30 at joes-
courtroom who covered an earlier trial of Eric Carolina. nato of hate crime manslaughter and has written a screenplay based on the events in that case. or 212-967-7555. For table reser-
Alperstein trial got the joke. vations, guaranteeing a seat, call 212-539-
In 2000, Alperstein represented time it took to empanel a jury. charges. to the spot where he saw them 8778. Table service includes a two-drink or
Eric Carolina, who was charged New York juries were seques- Zaccar, a playwright, could earlier and announced his regret $10 food minimum.
with the 1998 murder of Fitzroy tered when those deliberations accurately be characterized as a over the verdict. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Green, a gay man. He won an occurred. The jury considered participant in the modern celeb- “I’m never going to feel good
acquittal after arguing that Caro- the power of the government that rity culture. One of his websites, about this,” Zaccar said then. Instinct Mag’s
lina was defending himself from a had separated them from their, is littered with “Not one person on that jury Recent Cover Boy
sexual assault when he stabbed families. Burnett told them that photos of him posed with celeb- believed that it was a hate crime.” Comedian Scott Nevins, who can be
Green 25 times. “true justice, final justice, abso- rities and famous actors. Zaccar Zaccar quickly renounced his seen on TruTV’s “The Smoking Gun Pres-
D. Graham Burnett, a history lute justice, belongs to God.” was interviewed by the Asso- vote for a guilty verdict and wrote ents,” offers an evening of sidesplitting
professor at Princeton University, Burnett, who declined to com- ciated Press in 1987 when he Jill Konviser, the judge in the insider Hollywood gossip, anecdotes
was the foreman on that jury. He ment for this story, was quoting attended the trial of New York case, saying, “I never, at any time, about his family, and tales of his time as
wrote “A Trial by Jury,” a 2002 comments made earlier in delib- City subway shooter Bernhard believed, stated, or wanted to a Miss Kentucky Pageant judge. Laurie
book, that described the trial. His erations by two other jurors. Goetz and in 1998 when Big vote that Anthony Fortunato was Beechman Theatre, West Bank Café,
portrait of the judge, the attor- Before announcing the acquit- Apple cabbies went on strike. He guilty of manslaughter two, much 407 W. 42nd St., 7:30 p.m. Tickets are
neys, the jurors, and the proceed- tal, they wrote in a note to the has appeared on Howard Stern’s less a hate crime.” $20, with a $15 food & drink minimum.
ings was not flattering. judge, “We the jury wish it to be radio show. Following the trial, Zaccar Reservations at 212-695-6909.
Such “juror journalism,” or known to the open court that we Zaccar was the subject of a had ongoing email communica- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
jurors writing books or selling feel most strongly that the strict 1991 New York Times profile tion with Gay City News that was
information about trials, has application of the law to the facts when he was employed part time occasionally angry on both sides. THEATER
been the subject of at least 20 law established by the evidence in at a city housing agency and His film is scheduled to begin pro- A Breakout
review articles since 1993. While this case does not lead to a truly authored a play that skewered duction in 2011. Production
commenters feel it might dimin- just verdict.” that agency as ineffective and There is no evidence that juror The Amoralists present the New
ish the credibility of the courts The Carolina case is not the wasteful. He wrote the script at journalists damage the courts York premiere of “Ghosts in the Cotton-
or damage the fairness of trials, only recent gay case that pro- work. other than showing legal sausage woods,” written and directed by Adam
none has shown evidence of that. duced an example of “juror jour- “Mr. Zaccar wrote the play on being made. Rapp,” which examines how the eve-
Though rare, juror journalism nalism.” the city’s time, using the city’s “[T]he American jury is an insti- ning of a terrible storm, during which
mostly happens in high profile Eric Zaccar, the jury fore- computers,” the Times wrote. “He tution whose importance is well- a single mother and her younger son
cases. man in the 2007 trial of Anthony printed it on the city’s printers known but whose operations are await the arrival of her older son, who
While those called for jury Fortunato, has since written a and ran off 40 copies on the city’s little understood,” Sarah N. Conde has broken out of prison, changes life for
duty try to appear interested screenplay that presents the now copiers.” wrote in a 2006 article in the all involved. Theatre 80 St. Marks, 80
in doing their civic duty, many 24-year-old Fortunato as a sym- At the 2007 trial, the Fox jury Georgetown Journal of Legal Eth- St. Marks Pl., btwn. First & Second
are reluctant to serve and try to pathetic character. In the screen- delivered a verdict first, and as ics. “These books have the ability Aves. Thu. – Sat., Mon., 8 p.m.; Sun.,
avoid being picked. The two who play, the foreman, named Eric, is four reporters waited outside of to shed light on juror delibera- 3 p.m. through Dec. 6. Tickets are $40;
Googled the case likely did so in the narrator and a heroic figure Brooklyn Supreme Court to catch tions... If damage has been done, $20 for students at or 212-
the hopes of getting booted from who is battling for justice for For- Fox jurors for comment, Zaccar it is to the appearance of justice... 388-0388.
the panel. A few jurors may have tunato. happened to walk by. A Times Ultimately, in the absence of evi- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
an agenda that is not easily dis- Fortunato was tried with John reporter began to approach him dence showing particular damage
covered during voir dire, the pre- Fox, now 23, in the 2006 hate only to be told by other reporters to a defendant, juries should be GALLERY
trial process of screening poten- crime killing of Michael Sandy, “Wrong jury, wrong jury.” Zaccar encouraged to speak — whether Think Again
tial jury members. a 29-year-old gay man. The two describes that scene in “Without to reveal wrongdoing in the court, So you think you’re not a hater or
“A Trial by Jury” won both crit- had separate juries. Fortunato Hate,” his screenplay. explain what goes on in the jury racist or judgmental? Think again. And
ical praise and some reviews that was convicted on a manslaugh- When the Fortunato jury deliv- room, or simply to tell the story here’s the real kicker. It’s even funny.
were less kind. The book reveals ter charge, and Fox was convicted ered its verdict, reporters did not that comes so naturally from the
jurors who were frustrated by the on manslaughter and robbery have to look for Zaccar. He came rhythm of a trial.” 䉴 NOV 26, continued on p.12

Jeromie Cancel Guilty on

Second-Degree Murder
Jury quickly dispatches “extreme
emotional disturbance” claim
BY DUNCAN OSBORNE the influence of an extreme emotional dis-
turbance when he strangled the 19-year-

Manhattan jury took less than a old to death, but the jury clearly rejected
day to convict Jeromie Cancel in that argument. Michael Alperstein, Can-
the 2008 killing of Kevin Pravia, a cel’s attorney, implied that his client’s
gay college student. emotional state was caused by a gay sex
“Jeromie Cancel committed a cold- act between Cancel and Pravia.
blooded and senseless murder of a young Alperstein called a psychiatrist and
man,” Cyrus Vance, the Manhattan dis- a psychologist who testified to Cancel’s
trict attorney, said in a written statement. troubled history, but neither witness said
“Evidence presented at this trial revealed he was compelled by an extreme emotional
that the defendant took a perverse pride disturbance during the crime.
in this crime, and it is my hope that this Cancel met Pravia near Union Square
verdict brings a measure of comfort to Park early in the morning on August 30,
the family of the victim. I would like to 2008. The two went to Pravia’s West 15th
thank the prosecutors and investigators Street apartment, where the murder
for their work on this case, and the mem- occurred. Cancel’s accounts of the incident
bers of the jury for bringing this criminal varied, but he consistently admitted to kill-
to justice.” ing Pravia.
The trial opened on November 4 Steven Nuzzi, the prosecutor in the case,
and the jury began deliberating late on argued that Cancel killed Pravia in the
November 17, broke for the day, and course of robbing him. The jury adopted
found the 24-year-old Cancel guilty of that view.
second-degree murder, the one charge Cancel will be sentenced on December
he faced, before 11 a.m. on November 18. 10 and could get as much as 25-years-to-
The defense said that Cancel was under life.

Gay Panic Hinted at in

Cancel Defense
Testimony elicited about “behavior that he
sees as worse than homicide”
BY DUNCAN OSBORNE ent killed Pravia, only the level of culpa-
bility that the state alleged. Alperstein’s

he defense in the Jeromie Cancel burden was to prove the affirmative
trial asked a Manhattan jury to defense he mounted by a preponderance
find the 24-year-old guilty of first- of the evidence –– instead of the higher
degree manslaughter, saying that Cancel legal standard of beyond a reasonable
was influenced by an extreme emotional doubt. Such defenses must provide an
disturbance when he strangled Kevin
Pravia to death in 2008. “A person who is
explanation for that emotional state that
mentally ill and acts under the influence In both his closing argument and
of his mental illness doesn’t bear the when questioning witnesses, Alperstein
same responsibility as a rational think- implied that a gay sex act explained

ing person,” said Michael Alperstein, Cancel’s actions. “Somebody told Detec- MUSIC EXECUTIVE PRODUCED
Cancel’s attorney, during his November tive Russo that Kevin liked rough sex,”


17 closing argument. Alperstein told the jury on November 17. WRITTEN AND
Cancel was charged with one second- Rocco Russo, a detective in Chelsea’s
degree murder count, but he offered an Tenth Precinct, led the investigation into
extreme emotional disturbance defense the murder.
that says that he was in that condition Alperstein elicited testimony show- LINCOLN SQUARE 12 E WALK® 13
2ND AVE. & 32ND ST.
when he killed Pravia and did not have ing that semen and amylase, a secretion 1-888-AMC4FUN 800-FANDANGO #775 1-888-AMC4FUN 800-FANDANGO #2708 777-FILM #597 1-888-AMC4FUN
the legally required state of mind to be found in saliva, were on Pravia’s penis, LISTINGS FOR 64TH AND 2ND ORPHEUM 7 WEST 34TH STREET 14 BATTERY PARK STADIUM 11 AND AT
found guilty of murder. that Cancel’s DNA was on a bottle next SHOWTIMES 800-FANDANGO #626 1-888-AMC4FUN 1-888-AMC4FUN 800-FANDANGO #629 NEAR YOU
Cancel’s attorney did not challenge
the prosecution’s assertion that his cli- 䉴 PRAVIA, continued on p.29
24 NOV - 7 DEC 2010

12/ Legal
New Thrusts at DOMA 14 NIGHTS
In wake of 2003 sodomy win, legal advocates target their challenges 䉴 NOV 26, from p.10

BY ARTHUR S. LEONARD After Lawrence, LGBT rights Now that’s just wrong — though art-
litigation groups — the Gay & ist Michael Mut doesn’t think so. He

n the seven years since the Lesbian Advocates & Defend- wants people to laugh at their dark side.
US Supreme Court threw ers (GLAD), Lambda Legal, Mut’s show “I Hate Hating” features
out the nation’s remain- and the American Civil Liber- photographs of people from all walks of
ing sodomy laws in its historic ties Union (ACLU) among them life holding signs filled with hate-filled
Lawrence v. Texas ruling, a — crafted a new strategy for text, racial slurs, unkind judgments and
significant legal trend, one attacking DOMA. Individuals the like. The catch is that they’re totally
that has emerged slowly and, who had actually married and mismatched. An obese man might hold a
for most of that period, qui- been denied some federal right sign that reads, “I’m bulimic.” Or a Chris-
etly, is now bearing tangible or benefit as a result of DOMA tian might hold a sign that says, “Christ
fruit, at least at the federal would file suit — represented Killer.” You’ll laugh, but the cynical
district court level — the cur- by one of the public interest images will also make you realize you’re
rent assault by LGBT public law firms — contesting the “correcting” them in your head with the
interest law firms on the US constitutionality of DOMA as automatic judgments ready at the tip of
Defense of Marriage Act. applied to their claim. your tongue. Michael Mut Gallery, 97
The actual legal precedent Litigants would not launch a Ave. C, btwn. Sixth & Seventh Sts..
established by Lawrence was broadside challenge to DOMA Exhibition runs through Dec. 11. For
based on the holding that a arguing that it was unconsti- more information, visit michaelmutgal-
state may not attach crimi- tutional on its face, but rather
nal penalties to consensual, narrowly target their claims ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
private homosexual conduct based on specific applications
between adults because such of the law. Significantly, that
intimate conduct falls within
the sphere of liberty protected
under the Due Process Clause
new litigation would focus
on Section 3 of DOMA, which
denies legal marriages federal FAMILY
of the 14th Amendment. The recognition. Not Just
language of the ruling, howev- The first fruits of this strat- Bubblegum
er, also included passages not egy were harvested in Boston “Pinkalicious,” a musical based on the
strictly related to the court’s this past summer in Gill v. popular children’s book of the same name
finding — dicta, in legal jargon Office of Personnel Manage- by Elizabeth Kann and Victoria Kann, is

— suggesting that it is also ment, a lawsuit brought by about a little girl who can’t stop eating
improper for the government GLAD, and in a companion pink cupcakes despite warnings from her
to place significant obstacles case filed by the Massachu- parents –– an indulgence lands her at the
in the way of adult intimate setts Office of Attorney Gener- doctor’s office with Pinkititis, an affliction
familial relationships. Attorney General Eric Holder is defending DOMA against a host of new, targeted constitutional al, challenging several specific that turns her guess what color from head
The implications of Law- challenges. instances in which Massachu- to toe. Teresa K. Pond directs, with book,
rence now form a significant setts’ ability to accord equal and lyrics by Elizabeth Kann and Victoria
thrust in the push against itself state any policy justifi- of morality; protecting state treatment to same-sex mar - Kann, music, lyrics, and orchestrations
DOMA. cation for either the federal sovereignty and democratic riages — in programs admin- by John Gregor, and choreography by
Early challenges to DOMA’s government or any state to self-gover nance; and pr e- istered jointly by the state and Dax Valdes. Theatre at Saint Peter’s,
constitutionality — waged refuse to recognize same-sex serving scarce governmental federal governments — had 619 Lexington Ave. at 54th St., enter
resources in terms of public been curtailed by federal poli- through the Citicorp Center. Sat.,
spousal and family benefits. cies required by DOMA. Sun., 1 p.m. through Dec. 5. Tickets are
In the early tests, all mount- In his rulings in the two $29.50-$49.50 at pinkaliciousthemusical.
Litigants would not launch a broadside ed in private litigation rather cases, Judge Joseph Tauro, com or 212-579-0528.
challenge to DOMA; their suits would than by the leading advocacy a veteran federal trial judge ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
groups, federal judges reacted appointed to the bench by
focus on Section 3 of DOMA. dismissively, finding that the President Richard Nixon,

between its enactment in 1996 marriages lawfully contracted

law need merely survive the
most undemanding rationality
test. In each case, one or more
found that the unequal treat-
ment required by DOMA was
not justified and that the law THEATER
and the Lawrence ruling in in jurisdictions that authorize of the four justifications artic- improperly invaded the sover- Is He Rich Like
mid-2003 — were all unsuc- them. However, in the stat- ulated in the legislative history eignty of Massachusetts. Me?
cessful. The statute provides ute’s legislative history, based were deemed sufficient. The Justice Department has In “Who’s Your Daddy?,” Steven
that no state is required to on congressional committee Challenges filed by couples appealed that ruling to the Fales (“Confessions of a Mormon Boy”)
recognize same-sex marriages reports, four reasons are laid who were not actually mar - 1st Circuit Court of Appeals. searches for his Greek great-grandfather
contracted in another state out: advancing the govern- ried were tossed out on the The parties agreed to stay the who was long ago deported, lost, and
(Section 2), and that no fed- ment’s interest in defending grounds of standing — an judge’s orders pending appeal. forgotten, while fighting in the Utah
eral law may be interpreted to and nurturing the institu- unmarried couple could state Buoyed by this initial suc- court system, as a non-custodial parent,
recognize same-sex marriages tion of traditional heterosex- no tangible harm from either cess, LGBT rights organiza- for visitation rights to his two children.
(Section 3). ual marriage; advancing and the federal government or that
DOMA’s language does not defending traditional notions of any state. 䉴 DOMA, continued on p.28 䉴 NOV 28, continued on p.14

䉴 DEBATE, from p.8 Tell in response to troop shortages. The

challenge of waging war in both Afghani-
little, too late.” He noted that 22 previous stan and Iraq has led the Pentagon to lift
studies, including a number carried out other recruiting restrictions.
by the Department of Defense, could have Frank repeated an argument that he
conveyed precisely the same message to and others have made since the early days
Obama, Gates, Mullen, and Congress. of the Obama administration — that the
Asked whether she believed that the president could have issued a stop-loss
language spelling out a roadmap for repeal order regarding gay and lesbian troops
already passed by the House as part of and that the seamlessness of that change
the Pentagon’s annual appropriations bill would have quieted naysayers in the Pen-
would be approved by the lame duck Sen- tagon and in Congress. Statutory repeal is
ate, which convenes next week, Stachel- the preferred goal, he agreed, but he said
berg said, “I do.” the experience under a stop-loss would
Capehart, who the evening before had make a favorable vote in Congress easier to
been part of a Los Angeles panel that achieve.
included Dr. Aaron Belkin, the Palm Cen- No attorney he has spoken to, Frank
ter’s director, said Belkin, though voicing said, disputed the president’s authority to
uncertainty about what will happen in take such action.
the Senate, expressed the view that pros- Stachelberg responded that even as
pects had improved, given signals from CAP’s president, former Clinton White
the administration in recent days — par- House chief of staff John Podesta, called
ticularly Gates’ endorsement of efforts by for a stop-loss order, attorneys at the orga-
Senate Democrats to wrap up the repeal nization were uncertain about the presi-
debate before the New Year. dent’s authority to suspend the policy.
Frank said he had not spoken to any- Obama’s lawyers, she said, believed he
one in Washington who was confident could not do so.
that repeal would succeed during the Frank acknowledged that he and oth-
lame duck session, but then conceded ers at the Palm Center, where he was when
that Stachelberg was just such a per- he first began aggressively pushing that
son. He acknowledged that the events of approach, didn’t necessarily think the
the previous few days were positive. president would agree to a stop-loss, but
Stachelberg said that the recent federal felt advocating for one was the best way to
district court victory in a lawsuit against keep repeal pressure on the White House.
the anti-gay ban brought by the Log Cabin “That’s what got this going,” he said.
Republicans — which temporarily led to a Frank showed his exasperation with
suspension of the policy last month — “is others he clearly felt were not helpful in
unbelievably helpful to us.” prodding administration action, spe-
“The Pentagon hates a lack of clarity,” cifically challenging Capehart for having
she said, arguing that in raising the spec- written that executive action by Obama
Metropolitan Community Church of New York
ter of federal courts deciding the issue, the
military has more incentive to grab control
was not the right course toward repeal.
“You didn’t understand the strategy,
ServicesSocial Spiritual
of the issue by setting and agreeing to the and you were undercutting the strategy,” A church of lesbian,
and Sylvia Rivera

gay, bisexual
terms for repeal. Frank told Capehart, who appeared put Food Pantry and transgender
people. Open to all.
The most important factor that will off by the suggestion that as a journalist
determine whether the lame duck session he had an obligation to follow the lead of
succeeds, Stachelberg said, is “whether the one faction of advocates. He asked Frank
Republicans have what they believe is an why he had never called him to explain the Advocating
Marriage Equality and
open process” for proposing amendments strategy the Palm Center group was push- Transgender Rights
to the overall budget bill. The tight reins ing.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tried All the panelists agreed that if the effort The Reverend Pat Bumgardner, Pastor
to keep on the amendment process dur- to move repeal now “goes up in flames,” Weekly Sunday Services: 9 am (Traditional), 11 am (Celebration)
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repeal opponents succeeded in blocking advance the issue, and that all executive 446 West 36th St. bet. 9th & 10th Ave. NY, NY 10018
floor debate on the spending bill — provid- branch options will have to be put on the 212-629-7440 website: email:
ed top Republicans with the ammunition table.
to keep their members in line, preventing Somewhat cryptically, Capehart said
Democrats from moving forward. that even if Reid fails to get a vote on the Beverage Delivery to Your Home or Office
“It’s a question of how the majority lead- budget bill with repeal language intact,
Over 2,000 Conventional, Unique and Hard to Find Varieties!
er handles it,” Stachelberg said. there are other options advocates have in
The most contentious issue of the eve- the lame duck session. Asked by Gay City
ning was a debate over the president’s
unwillingness to invoke wartime “stop-
News to spell those out, Capehart said that
was a topic he would write about should
loss” authority to suspend Don’t Ask, Don’t the time come when it becomes relevant. READER SPECIAL!
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24 NOV - 7 DEC 2010

14/ Performance
Getting Laid by Tim Miller 14 DAYS
Citizen Artist hazards bold new territory at PS122 14 NIGHTS
BY WILLIAM J. MANN again and again — to stick it up 䉴 NOV 28, from p.12
your you know what — got me

ailed for their humor really interested to explore all When a conjuring goes awry, Fales finds
and passion, Tim Mill- these forbidden and judged plac- himself in a leather bar confronted by the
er’s performances have es we experience as gay folks. shared demons of an unexpected neme-
delighted and emboldened audi- And away we go. It’s the magic sis. Tonight, Fales, directed by Mark Fin-
ences all over the world. “Lay of of solo performance! ley, presents a staged reading to benefit
the Land” is his saucy, sharp- the non-profit Abingdon Theatre, 312
knifed look at the State of the WJM: How do people in other W. 36th St., first fl., 7 p.m. Tickets are
Queer Union. states relate to this Prop 8 mate- $50 at or 212-868-4444, or
This newest of his acclaimed rial? $60 (cash) at the door.
solo pieces is a fierce and funny TM: Prop 8 called out the larg- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
examination of citizenship, the est day of national gay protests
marriage equality battles, and in US history — 300 cities in all CABARET
who eats and who gets eaten. 50 states — so I think people all A Down-Under
“Lay of the Land” is framed by over the country are invested in Treat
a No on Prop 8 protest in down- this most visible struggle. Australian vocalist David Campbell,
town LA, and shines spotlights I think from the Iowa judges the youngest artist ever to headline the
on Abraham and his gay son being removed from office to iconic cabaret venue Rainbow & Star,
Isaac, who are spread out on Tim Miller explores his relationship to the Bear on the California flag and other incendiary topics Maine removing marriage equal- who has also appeared in New York at
a ’70s suburban LA Formica at PS 122, December 1-11. ity at the ballot box veto, it is Carnegie Hall, in Sondheim’s “Saturday
kitchen; the LA Courthouse as it the same basic principle of dis- Night,” in “Babes in Arms” in City Cen-
explodes in pink jury summons his Australian partner, Alistair TIM MILLER respecting the humanity of gay ter’s “Encores!” series, and in “South
that call queer identity to judg- McCartney. “Lay of the Land” folks. They don’t want us to feel Pacific,” performs material from his new
ment; and a fantasy about the I caught up with Tim Miller P.S. 122 welcome in our own homes, our CD, “On Broadway,” at Feinstein’s at
Statue of Liberty getting a Heim- while he was performing in Tal- 150 First Ave. at Ninth St. own country. Loews Regency, 540 Park Ave. at
lich Maneuver to help America lahassee — as Miller called it, Dec. 1- 11 “Lay of the Land” is all about 61st St. Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 10:30 p.m.
finally clear the homophobic “the panhandle of the American Wed.-Sat. at 7:30 p.m. the emotional and political The cover charge is $30-$50, with a $25
gristle choking her out of her frying pan” — to talk equality $20; $15 for students & seniors wreckage of these post-Prop 8 food and drink minimum. For reserva- or 212-352-3101
throat. and the lay of the land. moments. When I performed the tions, visit Feinsteinsatloewsregency.
When the show took its bows piece in Florida, the Prop 8 situ- com or call 212-339-4095.
in California, the Los Angeles WILLIAM J. MANN: “Lay of ation was immediately relatable ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Times offered up full-throated the Land” is a wonderful title. fuel that sends you on the jour- to what they went through on
praise: “Miller’s ‘Lay of the Land’ What does it mean to you? ney? Election Day with Amendment COMEDY
enters territory as exhilarating TIM MILLER: I am super TM: Right after election day 2 there, which monstrously took No Turkeys Here
as it is meaningful. Miller lays excited about this brand new 2008, when Prop 8 passed and away not only marriage rights In the waning hours of Thanksgiv-
out his unapologetically ren- piece. I think it is my funniest took away marriage equality in but anything that remotely ing weekend, Brad Loekle goes for the
egade viewpoint with exemplary show, for sure, but also my kink- California, a quarter of a million acknowledged relationships laughs in his Sunday night “Electroshock
economy and sardonic humor. iest, strongest, and most topi- of us marched in hundreds of between gay couples, and wrote Therapy Comedy Hour,” this week fea-
The final apotheosis stands high cal. “Lay of the Land” is a lay in cities in all 50 states to protest that bigotry into their State Con- turing BET’s Yamaneika, “Electroshock”
in Miller’s canon, which, together all kinds of ways — a sex-assig- what had just happened with stitution. creator Adam Sank from NBC’s “Last
with the overarching relevance, nation, a queer citizenship map, these electoral hate crimes in Comic Standing,” and Chris Doucette
makes ‘Lay of the Land’ a vivid, and of course a narrative ballad California, Florida, Arizona, and WJM: Your new show is so from “Hot Gay Comics.” Therapy Bar,
must-see achievement.” with a recurrent refrain — my Arkansas. intimately connected with what 348 W. 52nd St., 10 p.m. No cover
No stranger to controversy — favorite way-down-the-list defini- I was marching with 20,000 is currently going on in queer charge and $7 cosmos all night.
he was one of the notorious NEA tion for “lay!” of my closest personal friends America — the ongoing mar- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
4, the four performance artists I travel constantly performing in LA, including with many gay riage equality battles, the early
stripped of their National Endow- my shows, and this performance couples who got married in our 2009 California Supreme Court
ment for the Arts grants in the
early ’90s due to a firestorm over
their content, who took their case
careens from my sexy misadven-
tures performing in 45 states, to
marriage equality street protests,
much too short summer of love.
A gay couple next to me was car-
rying a huge blown-up poster of
upholding Prop 8, the unjust
military discharge of Lieutenant
Dan Choi, the terrible defense of
all the way to the US Supreme to the electoral assaults on gay their California marriage license. DOMA and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Jackie-50
Court — Miller’s performances folks all over the country, to my An SUV drove by, and someone by Obama’s Department of Jus- B r o a d w a y ’s J a c k i e H o f f m a n ,
have been at the center of the life as a grade-school flag moni- shouted, “You can stick that tice. What is all this like for you acclaimed for her hysterical scene-
culture wars, the fight against tor — or, as I was called at my marriage license where the sun on stage? stealing performances in “ Hairspray,”
AIDS, and the struggle for les- school, “fag monitor” — to chok- don’t shine.” TM: It’s totally exciting and “Xanadu,” and currently as Grandma
bian and gay civil rights for the ing on cheap meat caught in my This lovely traditional fam- scary performing in the middle of in “The Addams Family,” presents her
past 20 years. throat when I was a ten-year-old ily values sentiment — hurled the frying pan’s sizzle. The piece all-new solo show “Jackie Five-Oh!: A
But all that pales by com- gay boy. “Lay of the Land” frisk- from a passing SUV fueled on feels really strong and is very Celebration of Jackie Hoffman’s First
parison to what Miller says is ily gets at that feeling of gay folks the blood of 400,000 people who much the piece I would want to 50th Birthday” at Joe’s Pub, inside
“the fight of my life” as he tries being perpetually on trial, on the have died in Iraq— made me be performing at this juicy time. the Public Theater, 425 Lafayette St.,
to claim his equal rights as an ballot, and on the menu! remember that I have always It’s an auspicious time to be btwn. E. Fourth St. & Astor Pl. Nov.
American citizen in the most been curious about that expres- doing a show that has a section 29, Dec. 6, 13, 24, 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 31,
intimate of places — his commit- WJM: How did you start work sion “where the sun don’t shine.”
ted relationship of 15 years with on this piece? What is the crucial This signal our culture sends us 䉴 MILLER, continued on p.15 䉴 NOV 29, continued on p.21


Friends & Enemies

“Elf” is a delightful old-fashioned musical,
while “Personal Enemy” feels its age
Al Hirschfeld Theatre

hen it comes to the holidays, 302 W. 45th St. -Peter Debruge, THE VILLAGE VOICE
my outlook has long been Through Jan. 2
more Charles Addams than Tue., Thu. at 7 p.m.;
Charles Dickens, and I generally greet the Fri.-Sun. at 8 p.m.
Wed. at 2 p.m.; Sat., Sun. at 3 p.m.
announcement of a new “holiday enter-
tainment” with an acerbic, “God save us,
Or 212-239-6200
Dickens dealt with darker subjects and PERSONAL ENEMY
imperfect characters in Christmas books, 59 E. 59th St.
but contemporary holiday tales are too Through Nov. 28
often bland, overly cheerful affairs leav- Tue. Wed., Sun. at 7:15 p.m.
ing me feeling as if someone had spiked Fri.-Sat. at 8:15 p.m.
the eggnog with ipecac — the one excep- Sat., Sun. at 2:15 pm
tion being the fine Broadway production $35;
of “White Christmas,” an adult story I had Or 212-279-4200
hoped would return this year.
Instead, we got “Elf,” and I’m happy to
say it’s a delight. I never had seen the 2003 and a way to reconnect with his family.
movie on which it’s based, and I only mar- Christmas is threatened. Crises are
ginally knew the story, but it’s a classic averted. And everything ends happily as
“fish out of water plot.” In this case, the fish romantic snow falls.
is Buddy, an orphaned human who’s been The reason “Elf” works is that it has
raised as an elf in Santaland and finds attempted to do one thing — entertain.
himself at a loss when he returns to New Playwrights Tomas Meehan and Bob Mar-
York to find his curmudgeonly real father, tin, who temper the jokes and the silliness
who happens to be a children’s book editor
in desperate need of a holiday blockbuster 䉴 ELF, continued on p.38

䉴 MILLER, from p.14 WJM: You and your Australian partner,

Alistair McCartney, have been the poster
about my relationship to the California couple for gay bi-national partner immi-
Bear on our state flag! And a questioning gration rights for more than a decade.
section about when it will really be time to Where are things now?
burn our state and national flags for their TM: Sadly, there has been no change
violations against our humanity. we can believe in at all. Gay American
So much is happening every day. Dur- citizens with partners from other countries
ing my run in New York, Prop H8 will be are offered no rights in the US. Our life in
having its hearing in the federal 9th Cir- this country is always hanging by a thread
cuit Court of Appeals! Even as I put Prop since we never know how long we will be
H8 on trial in my show, it will be on trial in able to stay in the US without these basic
the court just beneath the Supremes! rights that gay couples have in every West-
ern nation except the US. Alistair is cur-
WJM: Speaking of timeliness, what rently on a short-term work visa.
was it like having the Prop 8 California Couples like Alistair and me are still
Supreme Court decision looming dur- offered three scenarios in Obama’s Ameri-
ing the premiere performances in LA in ca in 2010 — your partner is deported, you
2009? break up, or you both leave the country
TM: It was very stressful waiting for and make a life in a more civilized nation
the Prop 8 decision. The audiences in Los than America. Not very pleasant options
Angeles were really alive and charged. It for someone who performs with a copy of
was like surfing on a tsunami. I was won- the US Constitution in his cargo shorts!
dering what I was going to do if the Cali- Fortunately Alistair has passports from
fornia Supremes had released their likely two countries — Australia and the UK —
hideous decision during the run. The ter- that give gay people and their partners
rible decision came after I had closed the
show, so the next week became protest
immigration rights, and either country
would welcome me as his partner. EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENTS START FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3
week. I must have clocked in 30 miles! All
those protests after the Prop 8 decision WJM: You have been through so many BROADWAY & 68TH ST. 888/AMC-4FUN 23RD ST. BET. 7TH & 8TH AVES. 888/CLVW TIX 3RD AVE. AT 11TH ST. 888/AMC-4FUN
were hard on the feet. Sprained my ankle,
so I had to limp onto the plane for Talla-
battles around LGBT civil rights. You are
MOBILE USERS: For Showtimes - Text PHILLIP With Your ZIP CODE To 43KIX (43549)
hassee in June. 䉴 MILLER, continued on p.16
24 NOV - 7 DEC 2010

16/ Film
Gay Bars
Jim Carrey pours out all his manic antics on a worthy cause — Ewan McGregor
BY GARY M. KRAMER I LOVE YOU PHILLIP MORRIS ette, are sweet, but their dis-
Directed by Glenn Ficarra and creet sex scenes are primarily

fter multiple distribu- John Requa use to hang jokes on. It’s funny
tion delays and rumors Roadside Attractions when the couple finally get
about the excision of Opens Dec. 3 some alone time and declare,
“graphic homosexual sex” AMC Village 7, 66 Third Ave. “Enough romance — let’s
scenes, “I Love You Phillip at 11th St. fuck!” In contrast, when Phillip
Morris” finally arrives in the- AMC Lincoln Square, 1998 spits rather than swallows Ste-
aters. The big question: Is Broadway at 68th St. ven’s semen after an off-screen
the film worth the wait? The Chelsea Clearview Cinemas, blowjob, it is merely tasteless.
260 W. 23rd St.
answer, for the most part, is “I Love You Phillip Morris”
yes. focuses mostly focuses on Ste-
This queer — as in odd, as spots Phillip Morris and falls ven’s love for Phillip, but when
in gay — comedy is based on for him instantly. Their love, he lies to his lover and secretly
the strange but true story of it seems, is “destiny.” Steven implicates him in his crimes, it
Steven Russell (Jim Carrey), successfully manipulates the becomes tough to sympathize
a con man who goes to great system to exchange love letters with the con man. Just as our
lengths to keep his lover — the with Phillip and later get him to attitudes are hardening, how-
Phillip Morris of the title (Ewan share his cell. The lovers com- ever, the film sucker-punches
McGregor) — happy. mit to sharing the rest of their viewers, as well as Phillip, with
Just like its hero, this wild- lives together. an unexpected reveal that will
ly uneven film tries especially Once the men are released, likely change minds.
hard to please. A politically they find a house together, but The manipulation at the
incorrect comedy, a gay love Steven supports their domestic film’s heart may be madden-
story, a character study, and happiness by secretly continu- ing, but it serves the story well.
a Jim Carrey vehicle all in one, ing his extravagant cons. When What makes “I Love You Phil-

the film shouldn’t work, but he is sent back to jail, Steven lip Morris” work is that it suc-
somehow it does. orchestrates an escape, which cumbs to its own crazy, Ste-
“I Love You Phillip Morris” begins a pattern of conning, ven-ish logic — in a way that
opens with Steven as a young going to jail, and escaping, allows it to effectively explore
boy being told he is adopted. something that in time makes issues of truth and fidelity in
As he grows up, he decides Phillip weary of all his lying. For Ewan McGregor and Jim Carrey, happiness is a warm cell. gay relationships. Steven never
that becoming a cop is the best “I Love You Phillip Morris” is cheats on Phillip, and has a
way to find his birth mother, a fantastic — as in unbeliev- make viewers feel complicit has shown a penchant for surprisingly healthy relation-
but discovers he is better at able, as in terrific — story, and in his deceit. Carrey, with his nudity in several other films, ship with his ex-wife. He may
manipulating the law from the directors Glenn Ficarra and smarmy charm and outsized keeps his clothes on, which not be honest, but in his own
criminal side. He is spurred to John Requa (of “Bad Santa” personality, is terrific in a role will disappoint viewers hoping fashion is true to those he
lead a life of fraud and crime. fame) tell it nimbly. The various tailor -made for his talents. for a big gay sex scene between loves.
Steven divorces his God- comedic elements — from slap- Steven is an admirable, if not the leads. The “graphic sex” These tender sentiments
loving wife (Leslie Mann) after stick moments and sight gags lovable, criminal willing to risk reportedly edited out of the help the film rise above its run-
coming out, moves to South to wordplay and double enten- all for his beloved. film’s first ten minutes was set ning dick jokes and a gay ste-
Beach, and finds a hunky boy- dres — work because they are That said, if viewers don’t before Phillip is introduced. reotype or two. The filmmakers
friend (Rodrigo Santoro), with delivered at fever pitch. like the actor’s manic antics, “I The revised scene, in the print ask audiences to laugh both at
whom he acquires two cute Carrey is encouraged to Love You Phillip Morris” could screened for this review, was and with these larger-than-life
dogs. Steven’s lesson from act unhinged throughout — feel like a prison sentence. not particularly adventurous. characters. A strong perfor -
all this? “Being gay is really throwing himself down escala- Carrey is front and center for The relationship between mance from Carrey and a cred-
expensive.” He initiates a series tors with gleeful abandon, for the whole film, and he neither Steven and Phillip is touch- itable assist from McGregor
of “slip and fall” lawsuits to example. When he scams his gives up nor lets up. ing at times — especially when allow this to happen.
reap insurance windfalls, and way into a high paying job, his M c G r e g o r, w h o i s a d o r - they are separated — but their “I Love You Phillip Morris”
eventually lands in jail. expression is priceless, creat- able here, is given far too little romance is not the plot. Their will certainly polarize audienc-
During a prison fight, Steven ing one of the moments that screen time. The actor, who kisses, often shown in silhou- es, but it deserves to be seen.

䉴 MILLER, from p.15 like Mickee Faust in Tallahas- dents in full uniform. They just know who your audience is! It the East Village over the past 30
see. wouldn’t leave, and my stereo- also shows that this country is years. He will also conduct a per-
also someone that travels the US Here’s an example of real typing went into overdrive and I changing — especially its young formance workshop Dec. 4-12;
as much as anyone I know. What vision: I was performing recently thought they were going to beat people— and the lay of the land details at
do you glean as you survey the in Lubbock at Texas Tech. Lub- me up. But then one of them is shifting before our eyes. Tim Miller can be reached at
lay of the land? bock — so those Lubbock folk asked me how could they as mil- William J.
TM: I have had so many constantly tell you — is the sec- itary officers next year help dis- For a video preview of “Lay of Mann is the author, most recently,
amazing, hopeful, and surpris- ond most conservative city in mantle Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in the Land,” visit of the novel “Object of Desire” and
ing experiences — whether per- the US after Provo, Utah. After their units! These young officers watch?v=EYrH-PKJPnA. Follow- also “How To Be a Movie Star:
forming at a Baptist University my performance at Texas Tech have more vision and courage ing the Dec. 3 performance, Miller Elizabeth Taylor in Hollywood.”
in North Carolina or in a shared in Lubbock, I found myself sur- than our president. will moderate a discussion on how He can be reached at www.wil-
queer and disability arts center rounded by some ROTC stu- It definitely shows you never queer spaces have transformed

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Patient Information
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through their breast milk.
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s HERBALSUPPLEMENTS This leaflet gives you the most important information about ISENTRESS.
when you get a new medicine. ISENTRESS that is written for health professionals.
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Take ISENTRESS exactly as your doctor has prescribed. The recommended Active ingredient:%ACHlLM COATEDTABLETCONTAINSMGOFRALTEGRAVIR
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All rights reserved. 530ATENT.OS53      )3. #/.

14 DAYS With Him In Spirit

14 NIGHTS Dead lover teaches married man that safety is not everything
䉴 NOV 29, from p.14
7 p.m. Tickets are $30 ($40 on Dec. 31) at

I or 212-967-7555. For table n an extraordinary, award-
reservations, guaranteeing a seat, call winning Peruvian film,
212-539-8778. Table service includes a “Undertow,” Miguel (Cristian
two-drink or $10 food minimum. Mercado) tries to balance his
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ marriage to his very pregnant
wife, Mariela (Tatiana Astengo),
with a clandestine romance with

TUE.NOV.30 Santiago (Manolo Cardona), a
gay painter and photographer.
When Santiago pushes
200 Years of Gay his lover to come out, Miguel
Men’s Songs resists, saying he doesn’t want
The New York Festival of Songs and to hurt his wife and family or


artistic director Steven Blier and asso- upset his close-knit commu-
ciate director Michael Barrett present nity. When Santiago dies in an
“Manning The Canon: Songs of Gay Life,” underwater accident, his spirit
two centuries of songs by and about gay remains in limbo and his ghost
men. From the German lied represented appears to Miguel, but no one
by Franz Schubert’s “Der Gondelfahrer” else. Miguel now has what he Manolo Cardona (left) and Christian Mercado in Javier Fuentes-León’s “Undertow.”
(set to a text by his roommate and prob- wants — the security of his
able lover Johann Mayrhofer) to John home life and a loving relation- in which Miguel lives. When you their love and intimacy. How did
Wallowitch’s hilarious cabaret song ship with Santiago. Directed by Javier Fuentes-León are gay and/ or coming out, it’s you work with them on the char-
“Bruce,” filled with fashion tips for a Miguel’s selfishness — in In Spanish, with English subtitles what society imprints on us. I acters?
befuddled drag queen, “Manning the wanting to hang on to his wife The Film Collaborative needed that counterpoint and to JF-L: We never sat and talked
Canon” is a musical portrait of life, love, and his lover as long as pos- Opens Nov. 26 show why the prejudices come about homosexuality and being
lust, and loss in the world of gay men. sible — soon backfires, and he Cinema Village, 22 E. 12th St. from the people who are closest gay. I didn’t take them to gay
The evening also includes selections by finds himself the object of anti- to him and whom he admires. bars — we weren’t creating an
Berg, Bernstein, Blitzstein, Bolcom, Brit- gay rumors and prejudice. The [villagers] are calling him to urban behavior. We were telling
ten, Coleman, de Blasio, de Falla, Griffes, Writer and director Javier be a good member of society, but a love story that happened to be
Lutvak, Porter, Poulenc, Saint-Saëns, Szy- Fuentes-León deftly explores the sound and rumbling of the the film is questioning — What between two men. If viewers only
manowski, and Tchaikovsky. The program masculinity and sexuality in water. is a good member of society? I see the passion and sex, the love
is presented by tenor Scott Murphree, “Undertow.” On the phone believe that is being authentic story won’t come across. Manolo
baritone Jesse Blumberg, baritone Mat- from Peru, the filmmaker spoke GMK: You use magical real- and yourself. If you hide who you said he would do the sex scenes,
thew Worth, bass Matt Boehler, and Blier about creating the emotional ism very effectively. Why did you are, there is frustration; the price but emphasized it’s important to
on piano. Merkin Concert Hall, 129 pull of his film. rely on the narrative device of a is quite big. make this love come across. He
W. 67th St. Nov. 30 & Dec. 2, 8 p.m. ghost? and Cristian were conscious of
Tickets are $40-$55; $15 for students at GARY M. KRAMER: One of JF-L: The way ghosts are seen GMK: “Undertow” also what we needed to achieve. The the most striking elements in in Latin America is different than addresses issues of masculinity/ love and the tenderness weren’t
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ your very beautiful film is how in “Ghost,” the movie. That is machismo and what it means to in the dialogue, but they did a
you incorporate all the natural why there are no special effects be a man. Can you discuss this great job.
Wilde, Ginsberg & elements — water, wind, earth, — Santiago is there the same concept?
de Mare through sand, and fire, in a way he was before he drowned — JF-L: I think that this whole GMK: Why did you dedicate
Master pianist Anthony de Mare candle. Was that deliberate? but only for Miguel’s eyes. I like machismo has rooted itself so the film “a mis viejos” — to my
holds a concert celebrating the release JAVIER FUENTES-LEÓN: I the idea that Santiago’s death deeply in Latin American soci- parents, my old folks?
of his new CD, “Speak!: The Speaking- tried to use the elements to inten- gives Miguel a new beginning. It’s ety that it has done everyone a JF-L: They are an amazing
Singing Pianist.” The program will sify the story. Water is a crucial a bittersweet irony. We know the disservice. It not only has hurt support in my life. I studied med-
include Frederic Rzewksi’s “De Profun- element in the film. Not only for best of both worlds will not be men, but women even more. I icine and graduated from med
dis” and Jerome Kitzke’s “Sunflower the plot — drowning, rebirth, real and all-consuming — it’s a play with those stereotypes — school before I went to the US
Sutra,” both written for de Mare based and ceremony — but also when fantasy that lasts for a moment. that men should play soccer, for film. My parents are not in
on texts by Oscar Wilde and Allen Gins- Mariela’s water breaks. So I ref- It’s educational; Miguel realizes sit in bars and drink, and tell the arts. In the world I grew up
berg. De Mare will also perform works erence water a lot. The title of the what his life would or could have dirty jokes, and women should in, film was a crazy adventure,
by Laurie Anderson and Derek Bermel. film also refers to the currents — been if he was openly gay. be passive and cook and watch so when I made that change,
Le Poisson Rouge, 158 Bleecker St., not just the ocean, but the pull soap operas. I don’t think every- they were supportive where oth-
btwn. Sullivan & Thompson Sts., 7:30 of the characters. The candle GMK: Your film addresses ele- one is that way, but it’s been ers may not have been. They
p.m. Tickets are $20; $15 for students at represents Santiago, the light of ments of shame, respect, and rooted in our culture for years. were my allies, and also when his Miguel’s life. responsibility, as Miguel is seen I wanted to make fun of those I came out — so I owe a lot to
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ I never wrote about the wind, as a pillar of the community, ideas and question what it is them.
but when I arrived in the town then ostracized when his affair to be a man. Is it dependent on It’s such a personal story, but
Feinstein at Home where we filmed, it was a windy with Santiago is discovered. sexual orientation? The idea that not autobiographical. I’m not a
for the Holidays day. The progression of inten- What prompted your sending if you are gay, you are less of a father, fisherman, nor did I lose
Michael Feinstein, who has long sity of the wind and sand mir- these messages? man is ridiculous! anyone I loved — thank God! —
carried the torch for the Great American rors the intensity of Miguel’s JF-L: I needed to balance not but it expresses my views about
conflict. We incorporated it into only my point of view but also GMK: The lead actors are ter- coming out and being out.
䉴 NOV 30, continued on p.22 the story. The same is true with the point of view of the society rific together — you really feel Maybe it’s corny.
24 NOV - 7 DEC 2010

22/ Theater
Female Trouble 14 DAYS
“Women” on the verge of a fabulous musical 14 NIGHTS
BY DAVID KENNERLEY note of comic frenzy. Benanti 䉴 NOV 30, from p.21
grabs hold of the show’s most

he day before I saw the challenging song, “Model Behav- Songbook, presents “Swing in the Holi-
new musical version of ior,” leaving breathless phone days,” a collection of seasonal favorites,
Pedro Almodóvar’s manic messages for Pepa detailing her classic standards, and songs that pay
cult classic “Women on the predicament, and nails it. tribute to Broadway legend Jerry Her-
Verge of a Nervous Breakdown,” Believe it or not, the film’s fre- man, who celebrates his 80th birthday
I watched the DVD of the quirky netic story has, by degrees, been in 2011. Feinstein’s longtime musical
film. (I admit I’m a fan — I own a streamlined and clarified. The director John Oddo leads a 12-piece
deluxe boxed set of his work.) taxi driver (Danny Burstein) has band. Feinstein’s at Loews Regency,
Premiering in 1988, the work been elevated to part-time nar- 540 Park Ave. at 61st St. Tue.-Thu.,
was nominated for a Best For- rator, extolling the allure of a 8:30 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 8 & 10:30 p.m.
eign Language Film Oscar and hedonistic post-Franco Madrid (and two shows on Dec. 30 & 30;
made the out gay Spanish direc- and the merits of being just a tad only one show on Dec. 25 & 25, and

tor an instant global celebrity, an crazy. His cab, made of a metal a Mon. show, 8:30 p.m. on Dec. 27).
edgy cinematic force impossible framework, is a marvel as it The cover charge is $95-$250, with a $40
to ignore. careens around the stage. food and drink minimum (a small number
The appeal of this over-the- Patti LuPone and Sherie Rene Scott in the stage adaptation of Pedro Almodóvar’s classic The subplot about the hunky of seats are available with a $40 cover,
top, caustic comedy is not easy “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown.” terrorist — we actually get to see and no minimum). For reservations, visit
to pin down. The plot, about him in the stage version, which or call
the entwined lives of hotheaded WOMEN ON THE VERGE OF ode to love gone astray. explains why Candela falls for 212-339-4095.
women wronged by men, is twist- As the philandering Ivan, Brian him so hard — is resolved more ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
ed to the point of farce. Charac- Lincoln Center Theater Production Stokes Mitchell, an ideal leading satisfyingly than in the film. Ref-
ters are tormented, neurotic, dra- Belasco Theatre man in “Kiss Me Kate” and “Man erences to Fellini’s “8 ½,” a key
ma-driven, and, come to think of
it, not all that likable.
Almodóvar’s distinctive visual
111 W. 44th St.
Through Jan. 23
Tue.-Sat. at 8 p.m.
of La Mancha,” is a powerhouse,
but his booming baritone is too
big for this show.
inspiration for Almodóvar, have
been dialed down.
As if the plot and performances MUSIC
style is a profusion of disorienting Wed., Sat. at 2 p.m. While some might fault Jus- and score weren’t head-spinning Celebrating Our
close-ups, erratic cuts, and over- Sun. at 3 p.m. tin Guarini’s performance as enough, the inventive, hyperki- Sounds
saturated hues. Rational logic, $36.50-$126.50; strained (he plays Lucia’s bum- netic set (by Michael Yeargan) The annual OUTmusic Awards cel-
like the telephone angrily jetti- bling son), his vocals are impres- seems hopped up on Red Bull. ebrates 20 years of music history in an
soned by the central character, sive. The former “American Idol” Whizzing, intricate projections awards ceremony hosted by comedians
Pepa, is out the window. Oddly ceedings. runner-up has virtually no track propel the thrills even further, Julie Goldman, Jonny McGovern, and
enough, it all worked. The large cast is a mish-mash record onstage, and his mere though at times they prove dis- Tammy Peay and with a special appear-
As I screened the film for the of serviceable to spectacular, with presence alongside such Broad- tracting. ance by Dr. Carol Channing. This year’s
first time in years, I wondered individuals’ styles at odds with way greats only adds to our If any message can be gleaned honorees include Melissa Etheridge
how Jeffrey Lane (book) and one another. Although the action amusement. from “Women on the Verge,” it’s (Lifetime Achievement Award); Sheryl
David Yazbek (score) could pos- is set in Madrid in 1987, accents The strongest portrayal by far that life is messy and unpredict- Lee Ralph (Pillar Award); activist Wayne
sibly fashion a coherent musical are all over the map. Normally is from Laura Benanti, who daz- able and you should just roll with Besen, who combats right-wing myths
with this quivering material. How this would be a big drawback, zled opposite LuPone in “Gypsy.” it, grabbing whatever fleeting about “curing” gays (Visionary Award);
could director Bartlett Sher cap- but the randomness actually fits As Pepa’s paranoid gal pal Can- pleasures you can. In this eccen- Chely Wright (Vanguard Award); Syl-
ture Almodóvar’s unique aesthet- the show’s eccentric conceit. dela, on the run after hooking up tric jumble of a show, the plea- vester (a posthumous OUTmusic Icon
ic, tone, and characters without As the frazzled Pepa, who is with a swarthy guy who turns out sures are not conventional, but Award); Cyndi Lauper (Person of the Year
lapsing into cold caricature, or jilted by her longtime lover Ivan to be a Shiite terrorist (Luis Sal- they can be found if you simply Award); Randy Jones of the Village Peo-
worse, utter chaos? via phone answering machine, gado), she strikes just the right let yourself go. ple (Heritage Award); and Paula ‘Sticks’
Truth is, they don’t quite pull Sherie Rene Scott (“Everyday Hampton (OUTMusic Living Legend
it off. “Women on the Verge” is on Rapture”), like her character, Award). This year’s event is scheduled
the verge of excellence, but falls seems to be finding her footing. on World AIDS Day to bring attention the
short. It’s not until late in Act I, when increasing number of homeless youth
Much has been written in the she concocts a Valium-laced gaz- becoming infected. Town Hall, 123 W.
press about the bone-headed pacho meant for Ivan, that Scott 43rd St., 8 p.m. Ticket are $35-$65 at
decision to skip an out-of-town hits her stride. “I’m tired of being For information on
tryout. Previews were delayed to good,” she says. We nod our the evening, visit
work out technical kinks. The- understanding. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
atergoers were skipping out at After her legendary star turn
intermission. The buzz was so as Momma Rose in “Gypsy,” it’s ACTIVISM
bad that the production was hard to accept Patti LuPone in a Out of the
reworked right up until open- supporting role. She plays Lucia, Darkness
ing night. Apparently, the finale the cast-off wife of Ivan who Families living with and affected
was deleted, and the Act II musi- already had a nervous break- by HIV/ AIDS, service and community

cal number hailing Madrid was down (resulting in a 19-year organizations, clergy, and performers
cut-and-pasted to the top of the sanitarium stay) and is headed come together for a candlelight vigil, a
show. A smart move, for it deliv- for another. LuPone does get her procession, and a reading of the names
ers a heady burst of power and turn, so to speak, belting out Nikka Graff Lanzarone, Laura Benanti, and Justin Guarini in the stage adaptation of Pedro Alm-
nicely sets the tone for the pro- “Invisible,” a stinging, sonorous odóvar’s classic “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown.” 䉴 DEC 1, continued on p.28

Dear Guys who like Guys

and girls who liKe Girls,
We’re into that in Phi lly. in fact, we
have a place affectionately referred
to as the gayborhood. So come hang out
with us and bring your favorite guy
or girl. It’ll be fabulous.

Paul Reubens as Pee-wee Herman and Jesse Garcia as Sergio the handyman.


Get your history straight

Child’s Play P.S.
and your nightlife gay.
Pee-wee, in ode to arrested development, Book your stay at
hurls zingers cloaked in innocence

y first clue that “The Pee-Wee 124 W. 43rd St.
Herman Show” is far from your Through Jan. 2
typical Broadway fare present- Tue., Sun. at 7 p.m.
ed itself even before I entered the the- Wed.-Sat. at 8 p.m.
ater. Giddy young fans, gay and straight, Sat., Sun. at 2 p.m.
snapped photos in front of the enormous
Or 212-239-6200
murals depicting a grinning Pee-wee and
his zany playhouse pals. Some wore out-
landish outfits and hairstyles. Bow ties TV program, we are urged to “scream
were in abundance. Inside, the line for real loud” when somebody utters the
the memorabilia stand was long; the line not-so-secret word of the day.
for the bar even longer. Over and over again.
Was I at a Broadway show, a “Rocky Nearly all our favorite characters have
Horror” revival, or a Backstreet Boys come to play. The anthropomorphic
reunion concert? One thing was for sure puppets, created by the masterful Basil
— I should’ve braved the bar line and Twist, are charmingly awesome. There’s
downed a double Lime Rickey before the Chairry, Pee-wee’s comfy seat; Pterri, the
lights dimmed. wise-cracking pterodactyl; Globey, who’s
That’s because the whimsical, quick to point out locales on himself; and
deranged show, a super-charged reboot Knucklehead, the back-talking bully.
of the popular, Emmy-winning kids’ TV The Magic Screen, who whips around
program from the 1980s created by Paul the stage with astonishing alacrity, is a
Reubens, is an exceedingly silly experi- technical marvel.
ence that relies heavily on the nostalgia The 58-year old Reubens, a tad long
factor. in the tooth to play the shrill-voiced,
And, heaven help us, audience partici- manic man-child, isn’t the only oldster
pation. reprising a role originated some 30 years
First off, Pee-wee, sporting his trade- ago. John Paragon returns as Jambi the
mark trim, too-short gray suit (prefigur- Genie, John Moody as Mailman Mike,
ing Thom Browne by two decades) and and Lynne Marie Stewart as the high-
red bow tie, beckons us “boys and girls” to haired Miss Yvonne — especially jar-
stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. If ring given her rep as “the most beautiful
you’re a jaded heathen like me and haven’t woman in Puppetland.”
done this as a grown-up, it’s a surreal, Others in the cast include Phil
unsettling exercise, especially the “under LaMarr (“Mad TV”) as Cowboy Curtis,
God” part. And the disingenuous “with lib- Lance Roberts as King of Cartoons,
erty and justice for all” part. But I digress… and Jesse Garcia as a newcomer, Ser-
The familiar, candy-colored playhouse gio the handyman.
set (by David Korins) receives wilder
applause than Reubens does. As in the 䉴 PEE-WEE, continued on p.34

INDICATION: REYATAZ is a prescription medicine used in combination with other medicines

to treat people who are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). REYATAZ has
been studied in a 48-week trial in patients who have taken anti-HIV medicines and a 96-week
trial in patients who have never taken anti-HIV medicines.
REYATAZ does not cure HIV or lower your chance of passing HIV to others.
Do not take REYATAZ if you are taking the following medicines due to potential for Wedn
serious, life-threatening side effects or death: Versed® (midazolam) when taken by mouth, esda y
Halcion® (triazolam), ergot medicines (dihydroergotamine, ergonovine, ergotamine, and
methylergonovine such as Cafergot®, Migranal®, D.H.E. 45®, ergotrate maleate, Methergine®, Ma ry
birthd ’s
and others), Propulsid® (cisapride), or Orap® (pimozide).
Do not take REYATAZ with the following medicines due to potential for serious
side effects: Camptosar® (irinotecan), Crixivan® (indinavir), Mevacor® (lovastatin),
Zocor® (simvastatin), Uroxatral® (alfuzosin), or Revatio® (sildenafil).
Do not take REYATAZ with the following medicines as they may lower the amount of
REYATAZ in your blood, which may lead to increased HIV viral load and resistance to
pa rty
REYATAZ or other anti-HIV medicines: rifampin (also known as Rimactane®, Rifadin®,
Rifater®, or Rifamate®), St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum)-containing products, or
Viramune® (nevirapine).
Serevent Diskus® (salmeterol) and Advair® (salmeterol with fluticasone) are not recommended

Thursda y
Do not take Vfend® (voriconazole) if you are taking REYATAZ and Norvir® (ritonavir).
The above lists of medicines are not complete. Taking REYATAZ with some other medicines
may require your therapy to be monitored more closely or may require a change in dose
or dose schedule of REYATAZ or the other medicine. Discuss with your healthcare provider all 5:30
C h oi r e
prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamin and herbal supplements, or other health
preparations you are taking or plan to take.

Tell your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, planning to become
pregnant or breast-feed, or if you have end-stage kidney disease managed with hemodialysis
or severe liver dysfunction.
Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any side effects, symptoms, or conditions,
including the following:
• Mild rash (redness and itching) without other symptoms sometimes occurs in patients taking
REYATAZ, most often in the first few weeks after the medicine is started, and usually goes away
within 2 weeks with no change in treatment. Bu y new
• Severe rash has occurred in a small number of patients taking REYATAZ. This type of rash is
associated with other symptoms that could be serious and potentially cause death. If you
develop a rash with any of the following symptoms, stop using REYATAZ and call
your healthcare provider right away:
for Latish
– Shortness of breath
– General ill-feeling or “flu-like”
– Conjunctivitis (red or inflamed eyes,
like “pink-eye”) a
symptoms – Blisters
– Fever – Mouth sores
– Muscle or joint aches – Swelling of your face
• Yellowing of the skin and/or eyes may occur due to increases in bilirubin levels
in the blood (bilirubin is made by the liver).
• A change in the way your heart beats may occur. You may feel
dizzy or lightheaded. These could be symptoms of a heart problem.
• Diabetes and high blood sugar may occur in patients taking
protease inhibitor medicines like REYATAZ. Some patients
may need changes in their diabetes medicine.
• If you have liver disease, including hepatitis B or C, it may
get worse when you take anti-HIV medicines like REYATAZ.
• Kidney stones have been reported in patients taking REYATAZ.
Signs or symptoms of kidney stones include pain in your side,
blood in your urine, and pain when you urinate.
• Some patients with hemophilia have increased bleeding problems
with protease inhibitor medicines like REYATAZ.
• Changes in body fat have been seen in some patients taking anti-HIV medicines.
Fight HIV your way.
The cause and long-term effects are not known at this time.
• Gallbladder disorders (including gallstones and gallbladder inflammation) have been
reported in patients taking REYATAZ.
Other common side effects of REYATAZ taken with other anti-HIV medicines include: nausea;
headache; stomach pain; vomiting; diarrhea; depression; fever; dizziness; trouble sleeping;
numbness, tingling, or burning of hands or feet; and muscle pain.
You should take REYATAZ once daily with food (a meal or snack). Swallow the capsules whole; do
not open the capsules. You should take REYATAZ and your other anti-HIV medicines exactly as
instructed by your healthcare provider.
Please see Important Patient Information
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. about REYATAZ on the adjacent pages.
Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

how you spend your time is up to you.

Individual results may vary.

Once-daily REYATAZ can help fight your HIV.

REYATAZ, a protease inhibitor (PI), in HIV combination therapy:
◆ Can help lower your viral load and raise your T-cell (CD4+ cell) count
Find out if you can save on REYATAZ.
◆ Has a low chance of diarrhea (shown in clinical trials)
Call 1-888-281-8981 or visit
— REYATAZ in combination therapy had a 1%-3% rate of moderate-to-severe diarrhea in adults for details.
◆ Is taken once a day with a snack or meal
Subject to terms and conditions. Restrictions apply.
REYATAZ is one of several treatment options your doctor may consider.
Do not take REYATAZ if you are allergic to REYATAZ or to any of its ingredients.
Ask your healthcare team about REYATAZ
REYATAZ does not cure HIV and has not been shown to reduce the risk of passing HIV to others.

REYATAZ is a registered trademark of Bristol-Myers Squibb.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
and not of Bristol-Myers Squibb.
© 2010 Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ 08543 U.S.A.
687US10AB06412 06/10

FDA-Approved Patient Labeling REYATAZ® (atazanavir sulfate)

Patient Information
How should I take REYATAZ?
REYATAZ® (RAY-ah-taz) t Take REYATAZ once every day exactly as instructed by your healthcare
(generic name = atazanavir sulfate) provider. Your healthcare provider will prescribe the amount of REYATAZ
Capsules that is right for you.
ALERT: Find out about medicines that should NOT be taken with REYATAZ. is 300 mg once daily with 100 mg of NORVIR® (ritonavir) once daily
Read the section “What important information should I know about taking REYATAZ taken with food. For adults who are unable to tolerate ritonavir, 400 mg
with other medicines?” (two 200-mg capsules) once daily (without NORVIR®) taken with food
Read the Patient Information that comes with REYATAZ before you start using it is recommended.
and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This leaflet provides  t 'PSBEVMUTXIPIBWFUBLFOBOUJ)*7NFEJDJOFTJOUIFQBTU UIFVTVBM
a summary about REYATAZ and does not include everything there is to know dose is 300 mg plus 100 mg of NORVIR® (ritonavir) once daily taken
about your medicine. This information does not take the place of talking with your with food.
healthcare provider about your medical condition or treatment. t :PVS EPTF XJMM EFQFOE PO ZPVS MJWFS GVODUJPO BOE PO UIF PUIFS BOUJ)*7
What is REYATAZ? medicines that you are taking. REYATAZ is always used with other anti-HIV
REYATAZ is a prescription medicine used with other anti-HIV medicines to treat medicines. If you are taking REYATAZ with SUSTIVA® (efavirenz) or with
people who are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is the VIREAD® (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate), you should also be taking NORVIR®
virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). REYATAZ is a (ritonavir).
type of anti-HIV medicine called a protease inhibitor. HIV infection destroys CD4+ t Always take REYATAZ with food (a meal or snack) to help it work better.
(T) cells, which are important to the immune system. The immune system helps Swallow the capsules whole. Do not open the capsules. Take REYATAZ at
fight infection. After a large number of (T) cells are destroyed, AIDS develops. the same time each day.
REYATAZ helps to block HIV protease, an enzyme that is needed for the HIV t If you are taking antacids or didanosine (VIDEX® or VIDEX® EC), take
virus to multiply. REYATAZ may lower the amount of HIV in your blood, help your REYATAZ 2 hours before or 1 hour after these medicines.
body keep its supply of CD4+ (T) cells, and reduce the risk of death and illness
associated with HIV. t If you are taking medicines for indigestion, heartburn, or ulcers
such as AXID® (nizatidine), PEPCID AC® (famotidine), TAGAMET®
Does REYATAZ cure HIV or AIDS? (cimetidine), ZANTAC® (ranitidine), AcipHex® (rabeprazole), NEXIUM®
REYATAZ does not cure HIV infection or AIDS. At present there is no cure for (esomeprazole), PREVACID® (lansoprazole), PRILOSEC® (omeprazole),
HIV infection. People taking REYATAZ may still get opportunistic infections or other or PROTONIX® (pantoprazole), talk to your healthcare provider.
conditions that happen with HIV infection. Opportunistic infections are infections t D  o not change your dose or stop taking REYATAZ without first talking
that develop because the immune system is weak. Some of these conditions are with your healthcare provider. It is important to stay under a healthcare
pneumonia, herpes virus infections, and Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) provider’s care while taking REYATAZ.
infections. It is very important that you see your healthcare provider regularly
while taking REYATAZ. t  hen your supply of REYATAZ starts to run low, get more from your
healthcare provider or pharmacy. It is important not to run out of REYATAZ.
REYATAZ does not lower your chance of passing HIV to other people through The amount of HIV in your blood may increase if the medicine is stopped for
sexual contact, sharing needles, or being exposed to your blood. For your even a short time.
health and the health of others, it is important to always practice safer sex by
using a latex or polyurethane condom or other barrier to lower the chance of sexual t If you miss a dose of REYATAZ, take it as soon as possible and then take
contact with semen, vaginal secretions, or blood. Never use or share dirty needles. your next scheduled dose at its regular time. If, however, it is within 6 hours
of your next dose, do not take the missed dose. Wait and take the next dose
Who should not take REYATAZ? at the regular time. Do not double the next dose. It is important that you
Do not take REYATAZ if you: do not miss any doses of REYATAZ or your other anti-HIV medicines.
t a re taking certain medicines. (See “What important information should I t If you take more than the prescribed dose of REYATAZ, call your
know about taking REYATAZ with other medicines?”) Serious life-threatening healthcare provider or poison control center right away.
side effects or death may happen. Before you take REYATAZ, tell your Can children take REYATAZ?
healthcare provider about all medicines you are taking or planning to take. Dosing recommendations are available for children 6 years of age and older for
These include other prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, REYATAZ Capsules. Dosing recommendations are not available for children from
and herbal supplements. 3 months to less than 6 years of age. REYATAZ should not be used in babies under
t a re allergic to REYATAZ or to any of its ingredients. The active ingredient the age of 3 months.
is atazanavir sulfate. See the end of this leaflet for a complete list of
ingredients in REYATAZ. Tell your healthcare provider if you think you have What are the possible side effects of REYATAZ?
had an allergic reaction to any of these ingredients. The following list of side effects is not complete. Report any new or continuing
symptoms to your healthcare provider. If you have questions about side effects,
What should I tell my healthcare provider before I take REYATAZ? ask your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider may be able to help you
Tell your healthcare provider: manage these side effects.
t If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. It is not known if The following side effects have been reported with REYATAZ:
REYATAZ can harm your unborn baby. Pregnant women have experienced t mild rash (redness and itching) without other symptoms sometimes occurs
serious side effects when taking REYATAZ with other HIV medicines called in patients taking REYATAZ, most often in the first few weeks after the
nucleoside analogues. You and your healthcare provider will need to decide medicine is started. Rashes usually go away within 2 weeks with no change
if REYATAZ is right for you. If you use REYATAZ while you are pregnant, talk in treatment. Tell your healthcare provider if rash occurs.
to your healthcare provider about the Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry. t s evere rash: In a small number of patients, a rash can develop that is
t If you are breast-feeding. You should not breast-feed if you are HIV-positive associated with other symptoms which could be serious and potentially
because of the chance of passing HIV to your baby. Also, it is not known if cause death.
REYATAZ can pass into your breast milk and if it can harm your baby. If you If you develop a rash with any of the following symptoms stop using
are a woman who has or will have a baby, talk with your healthcare provider REYATAZ and call your healthcare provider right away:
about the best way to feed your baby.  t TIPSUOFTTPGCSFBUI
t If you have liver problems or are infected with the hepatitis B or C virus.  t HFOFSBMJMMGFFMJOHPSiGMVMJLFwTZNQUPNT
See “What are the possible side effects of REYATAZ?”  t GFWFS
t If you have end stage kidney disease managed with hemodialysis.  t NVTDMFPSKPJOUBDIFT
t If you have diabetes. See “What are the possible side effects of REYATAZ?”  t DPOKVODUJWJUJT SFEPSJOGMBNFEFZFT MJLFiQJOLFZFw

t If you have hemophilia. See “What are the possible side effects of  t CMJTUFST
t  bout all the medicines you take including prescription and nonprescription
medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Keep a list of your medicines t y ellowing of the skin or eyes. These effects may be due to increases
with you to show your healthcare provider. For more information, see “What in bilirubin levels in the blood (bilirubin is made by the liver). Call your
important information should I know about taking REYATAZ with other healthcare provider if your skin or the white part of your eyes turn yellow.
medicines?” and “Who should not take REYATAZ?” Some medicines can Although these effects may not be damaging to your liver, skin, or eyes, it is
cause serious side effects if taken with REYATAZ. important to tell your healthcare provider promptly if they occur.

REYATAZ® (atazanavir sulfate) REYATAZ® (atazanavir sulfate)

t a change in the way your heart beats (heart rhythm change). Call your t  FEJDJOFTGPSBCOPSNBMIFBSUSIZUIN$03%"30/&® (amiodarone), lidocaine,
healthcare provider right away if you get dizzy or lightheaded. These could quinidine (also known as CARDIOQUIN® 26*/*%&9®, and others).
be symptoms of a heart problem. t .:$0#65*/® (rifabutin, an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis).
t d iabetes and high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) sometimes happen in t #613&/&9®  46#65&9®  46#090/&®, (buprenorphine or buprenorphine/
patients taking protease inhibitor medicines like REYATAZ. Some patients naloxone, used to treat pain and addiction to narcotic painkillers).
had diabetes before taking protease inhibitors while others did not. Some t 7"4$03® (bepridil, used for chest pain).
patients may need changes in their diabetes medicine. t $06."%*/® (warfarin).
t if you have liver disease including hepatitis B or C, your liver disease may t 5SJDZDMJD BOUJEFQSFTTBOUT TVDI BT &-"7*-® (amitriptyline), NORPRAMIN®
get worse when you take anti-HIV medicines like REYATAZ. (desipramine), SINEQUAN® (doxepin), SURMONTIL® (trimipramine),
t k idney stones have been reported in patients taking REYATAZ. If you TOFRANIL® (imipramine), or VIVACTIL® (protriptyline).
develop signs or symptoms of kidney stones (pain in your side, blood in your t .FEJDJOFTUPQSFWFOUPSHBOUSBOTQMBOUSFKFDUJPO4"/%*..6/&® or NEORAL®
urine, pain when you urinate) tell your healthcare provider promptly. (cyclosporin), RAPAMUNE® (sirolimus), or PROGRAF® (tacrolimus).
t s ome patients with hemophilia have increased bleeding problems with t 5IFBOUJEFQSFTTBOUUSB[PEPOF %&4:3&-® and others).
protease inhibitors like REYATAZ. t 'MVUJDBTPOFQSPQJPOBUF '-0/"4&®, FLOVENT®), given by nose or inhaled to
t c hanges in body fat. These changes may include an increased amount of treat allergic symptoms or asthma. Your doctor may choose not to keep you
fat in the upper back and neck (“buffalo hump”), breast, and around the on fluticasone, especially if you are also taking NORVIR®.
trunk. Loss of fat from the legs, arms, and face may also happen. The cause t $PMDIJDJOF $0-$3:4®), used to prevent or treat gout or treat familial
and long-term health effects of these conditions are not known at this time. Mediterranean fever.
Other common side effects of REYATAZ taken with other anti-HIV medicines
include nausea; headache; stomach pain; vomiting; diarrhea; depression; fever; The following medicines may require a change in the dose or dose schedule
dizziness; trouble sleeping; numbness, tingling, or burning of hands or feet; and of either REYATAZ or the other medicine:
muscle pain. t */7*3"4&® (saquinavir).
Gallbladder disorders (which may include gallstones and gallbladder t /037*3® (ritonavir).
inflammation) have been reported in patients taking REYATAZ. t 4645*7"® (efavirenz).
What important information should I know about taking REYATAZ with other t "OUBDJETPSCVGGFSFENFEJDJOFT
medicines? t 7*%&9® (didanosine).
Do not take REYATAZ if you take the following medicines (not all brands may t 7*3&"%® (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate).
be listed; tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take). t .:$0#65*/® (rifabutin).
REYATAZ may cause serious, life-threatening side effects or death when t $BMDJVN DIBOOFM CMPDLFST TVDI BT $"3%*;&.® or TIAZAC® (diltiazem),
used with these medicines. COVERA-HS® or ISOPTIN SR® (verapamil) and others.
methylergonovine such as CAFERGOT®, MIGRANAL®, D.H.E. 45®, ergotrate t .FEJDJOFT GPS JOEJHFTUJPO  IFBSUCVSO  PS VMDFST TVDI BT "9*%® (nizatidine),
maleate, METHERGINE®, and others (used for migraine headaches). PEPCID AC® (famotidine), TAGAMET® (cimetidine), or ZANTAC® (ranitidine).
t 03"1® (pimozide, used for Tourette’s disorder). Talk to your healthcare provider about choosing an effective method of
t 13016-4*%® (cisapride, used for certain stomach problems). contraception. REYATAZ may affect the safety and effectiveness of hormonal
t 5SJB[PMBN BMTPLOPXOBT)"-$*0/® (used for insomnia). contraceptives such as birth control pills or the contraceptive patch. Hormonal
t .JEB[PMBN  BMTP LOPXO BT 7&34&%® (used for sedation), when taken by contraceptives do not prevent the spread of HIV to others.
mouth. Remember:
Do not take the following medicines with REYATAZ because of possible 1. Know all the medicines you take.
serious side effects: 2. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take.
t $".1504"3® (irinotecan, used for cancer). 3. Do not start a new medicine without talking to your healthcare provider.
 #PUI 3&:"5"; BOE $3*9*7"/ How should I store REYATAZ?
sometimes cause increased levels of bilirubin in the blood.

t Cholesterol-lowering medicines MEVACOR® (lovastatin) or ZOCOR® (simvastatin). Do not store this medicine in a damp place such as a bathroom medicine
t 6309"53"-® (alfuzosin, used to treat benign enlargement of the prostate). cabinet or near the kitchen sink.
t 3&7"5*0® (sildenafil, used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension). t ,FFQZPVSNFEJDJOFJOBUJHIUMZDMPTFEDPOUBJOFS
Do not take the following medicines with REYATAZ because they may lower t ,FFQBMMNFEJDJOFTPVUPGUIFSFBDIPGDIJMESFOBOEQFUTBUBMMUJNFT%POPU
the amount of REYATAZ in your blood. This may lead to an increased HIV viral keep medicine that is out of date or that you no longer need. Dispose of
load. Resistance to REYATAZ or cross-resistance to other HIV medicines may unused medicines through community take-back disposal programs when
EFWFMPQ available or place REYATAZ in an unrecognizable, closed container in the
t 3JGBNQJO BMTPLOPXOBT3*."$5"/&®, RIFADIN®, RIFATER®, or RIFAMATE®, household trash.
used for tuberculosis). General information about REYATAZ
t 4U+PIOTXPSU(Hypericum perforatum), an herbal product sold as a dietary This medicine was prescribed for your particular condition. Do not use REYATAZ
TVQQMFNFOU PSQSPEVDUTDPOUBJOJOH4U+PIOTXPSU for another condition. Do not give REYATAZ to other people, even if they have the
t 7*3".6/&® (nevirapine, used for HIV infection). same symptoms you have. It may harm them. Keep REYATAZ and all medicines
The following medicines are not recommended with REYATAZ: out of the reach of children and pets.
t 4&3&7&/5%*4,64® (salmeterol) and ADVAIR® (salmeterol with fluticasone), This summary does not include everything there is to know about REYATAZ.
used to treat asthma, emphysema/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Medicines are sometimes prescribed for conditions that are not mentioned in
also known as COPD. patient information leaflets. Remember no written summary can replace careful
Do not take the following medicine if you are taking REYATAZ and NORVIR® discussion with your healthcare provider. If you would like more information, talk
t 7'&/%® (voriconazole). What are the ingredients in REYATAZ?
The following medicines may require your healthcare provider to monitor Active Ingredient: atazanavir sulfate
your therapy more closely (for some medicines a change in the dose or dose Inactive Ingredients: Crospovidone, lactose monohydrate (milk sugar),
schedule may be needed): magnesium stearate, gelatin, FD&C Blue #2, and titanium dioxide.
t $*"-*4® (tadalafil), LEVITRA® (vardenafil), or VIAGRA® (sildenafil), used to
treat erectile dysfunction. REYATAZ may increase the chances of serious 7*%&9® and REYATAZ® are registered trademarks of Bristol-Myers Squibb
side effects that can happen with CIALIS, LEVITRA, or VIAGRA. Do not use Company. COUMADIN® and SUSTIVA® are registered trademarks of Bristol-Myers
healthcare provider tells you it is okay. and Company. Other brands listed are the trademarks of their respective owners
t "%$*3$"® (tadalafil) or TRACLEER® (bosentan), used to treat pulmonary and are not trademarks of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company.
arterial hypertension.
t -*1*503® (atorvastatin) or CRESTOR® (rosuvastatin). There is an increased 1SJODFUPO /+64"
chance of serious side effects if you take REYATAZ with this cholesterol-
lowering medicine. 1246226A7 F1-B0001B-04-10 Rev April 2010
24 NOV - 7 DEC 2010

28/ Legal
䉴 DOMA, from p.12

tions have filed additional

ognized here. As in the Mas-
sachusetts and Connecticut
suits, the plaintiff in Windsor
In both the Connecticut and
New York lawsuits, plaintiffs
argue that the grounds artic-
nel Management, however,
defied the judge’s ruling and
instructed the insurance com-
lawsuits. Early in November,
GLAD filed suit in the US Dis-
trict Court in Connecticut on
v. United States is arguing
that the unequal treatment
mandated by DOMA regarding
ulated in the 1996 congres-
sional report are insufficient
for this purpose, and that
pany not to process Golinski’s
application. Lambda brought
the case to the US District
behalf of same-sex couples her inheritance from her wife the additional arguments the Court in San Francisco, where 䉴 DEC 1, from p.22
who had married in Connecti- is unconstitutional and can- Justice Department made in oral arguments will be held on
cut, Vermont, and New Hamp- not be justified. the Massachusetts case — all December 17. of those who have died of AIDS. The
shir e, challenging federal Eric Schneider man, just rejected by Judge Tauro —are In a brief filed on Novem- American Run for the End of AIDS, Gay
agency employers’ refusal to elected New York’s attorney equally lacking. ber 8, Lambda argues that Men’s Health Crisis, and the Interna-
extend family coverage to new general, has indicated a will- The Obama administration the court can enforce Judge tional AIDS Prevention Initiative ACT
same-sex spouses and the ingness to join the Massa- Justice Department’s argu- Kozinski’s order without rul- UP New York, AXIOS (Eastern Ortho-
Social Security Administra- chusetts case, but he could ments center on the conten- ing on the constitutionality dox LGBT Christians), the Keith Haring
tion’s denial of spousal ben- also file an amicus brief in the tion that DOMA represented of DOMA, but also maintains Foundation, Latinos/as Unidos de New
the federal government’s effort that should the court decide York, SAGE (Services and Advocacy for
to stake out a neutral stance it must confront that issue, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender
on the hotly contested issue DOMA is unconstitutional. Elders), and Silent Voices United, Inc.
The telling point is that the denial of same-sex marriage and to
achieve uniformity in federal
The telling point in all four
of these cases is that the
host “Out of the Darkness.” Candles
will be lit at 6 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran
of same-sex marriage couples’ law and policy by having the denial of the benefits same- Church of Manhattan, 164 W. 100th
same definition of marriage sex marriage couples claim St. at Amsterdam Ave., and partici-
benefits claim has no rational apply throughout the country. has no rational connection pants will walk from there to Advent
connection with the DOJ’s But DOMA is hardly neu- with the reasons the Justice Lutheran Church/ Broadway United
tral; it places the federal gov- Department advances for Church of Christ, 2504 Broadway
reasons in defending DOMA. ernment on the anti-same- upholding DOMA. Indeed, it at 93rd St. There, names will be
sex-marriage side in the is hard to know what impor - read from 6:30-7 p.m., after which a
debate, and it is hard to argue tant federal policy is served World AIDS Day Gathering will feature
that achieving uniformity in by denying equal treatment Reverend Heidi Neumark, the Broad-
efits. One of the plaintiffs in Windsor case, or even com- federal law is an important to married, tax-paying, lawful way UCC Church Choir, Reverend Elise
Pedersen v. Office of Person- mence litigation on behalf of goal, since significant issues residents — in some cases, Brown, Walter Manley, Deni Bonet, Tif-
nel Management was denied a the State Tax Department, regarding age of marriage, the long-time federal employ- fany Simone, Janique Clarke, Francisco
survivor annuity under a pri- which has explained its ability to marry cousins, and ees — just because they have Roque, Cathy Marino-Thomas, Carmen
vate employer’s benefit plan, inability to follow the practice other requirements vary wide- spouses of the same-sex. and Luis Garay, Reverend James Camp-
the employer asserting that of other state agencies in rec- ly from state to state. Of course, it is long past bell, Reverend Travis Winckler, Emily
the plan would lose its pre- ognizing same-sex spouses A fourth case, this one on time for Congress to rethink Brown, Deacon Terence Franklin, Tiah
ferred tax status under federal because New York tax laws the West Coast, is also part of DOMA, but pending repeal Legacy Carrera, and Brent Nicholson
law if the benefit were to be are intertwined with the fed- the new litigation mix. Lambda legislation lacks suf ficient Earle. A reception follows at 8:30.
extended, again due to DOMA. eral code. Certainly the argu- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
It will be interesting to see ment could be made, as it
whether the attorneys gen- was made in Massachusetts, Framing AIDS 2010
eral of Connecticut, Vermont, that the application of DOMA For the sixth consecutive year,
and New Hampshire will be to restrict New York’s recog- DOMA is hardly neutral; it places QMAD, Queens Media Arts Develop-
inspired by the example of nition of same-sex couples ment, presents “Framing AIDS,” the
Massachusetts AG Martha under its tax laws is a viola- the federal government on borough’s annual Observance of World
Coakley to file suits vindicat- tion of its sovereignty. the anti-same-sex-marriage AIDS Day Through The Arts. The three-
ing their states’ authority to These challenges to week multidisciplinary-cultural event
extend equal treatment to DOMA proceed under the side in the debate. consists of an art exhibition, film screen-
same-sex couples. 5th Amendment of the Bill ings, online media projects, and commu-
Meanwhile in New York, the of Rights, commonly known nity outreach programs to raise aware-
ACLU’s LGBT Rights Project as the Due Process Clause, ness of the epidemic. The art exhibition,
and the New York Civil Liber- which the Supreme Court has titled “Absence” — curated by media
ties Union have filed suit on held binds the federal govern- Legal is pursuing the claim of support to move forward at artist Hector Canonge, who also helms
behalf of a woman seeking a ment to the “equal protec- a California woman to include present. So the matter falls the monthly Cinemarosa queer film
refund from the federal gov- tion of the laws” requirement her wife in her federal employ- to the courts, and the ques- series in Queens — features the work
ernment of the substantial tax expressly imposed on state er’s health insurance program. tions of the day are: Will the of local artists exploring how society
payment made by the estate governments under the 14th Karen Golinski, who works new strategy of chipping away has distanced itself from the concerns,
of her deceased wife — a pay- Amendment. as a staff attorney at the 9th at DOMA in narrowly focused fears, and active awareness regarding
ment that would not have The thrust of the post- Circuit Court of Appeals, won as-applied attacks eventu- AIDS. (Queens Museum of Art, Flush-
been required had their Cana- Lawrence argument is that an internal grievance proce- ally result in a definitive dec- ing Meadows Corona Park, Dec.
dian marriage been recognized unequal tr eatment on the dure ruling from Chief Judge laration of unconstitutional- 1-19; opening reception, Dec. 1, 5-8
by the Internal Revenue Ser- basis of sexual orientation Alex Kozinski, appointed to ity from the Supreme Court, p.m.; closing event and artists’ talk,
vice, which declined to do so mandates heightened scruti- the court by President Ron- relieving Congress of the task Dec. 19, 5-7 p.m.). Film screenings
citing DOMA. ny by the court, which means ald Reagan. Kozinski avoided of heavy lifting? Or might an take place Dec. 4, 2-5 p.m., Jack-
Although New York State the challenged policy should the question of DOMA’s con- accumulating body of suc- son Heights branch of the Queens
does not authorize same-sex be struck down unless it sig- stitutionality by employing an cessful trial court decisions Library, 35-51 81 St. The afternoon
marriages within the state, a nificantly advances an impor- alternative interpretive route spark a congressional back- includes Jean Carlomusto’s documentary
growing body of case law and tant government policy inter- involving enforcement of the lash, thrusting the infamous “Sex in an Epidemic” (2009), a poignant
executive decisions provides est — instead of merely sur - 9th Circuit’s internal non-dis- Federal Marriage Amendment account of the safer sex movement in
that such marriages fr om mounting some easier test of crimination policy. back onto the public stage?
other jurisdictions are rec- being rational. The federal Office of Person- Only time will tell. 䉴 DEC 1, continued on p.32

䉴 PURCHASE, from p.11 led Pravia on to get into the apartment

to rob him or neither of those things may
to Pravia’s bed, and that Cancel’s shirt have happened. “It doesn’t matter, it
was found in the victim’s apartment. doesn’t affect your verdict,” he said. “You
Cancel’s DNA was not found on Pravia’s don’t have to be unanimous about what
body. happened in that apartment.”
Cancel met Pravia near Union Square In at least one of his statements, Can-
Park early in the morning on August 30, cel said Pravia fell asleep. He began to
2008. The two went to Pravia’s West 15th rob him and then decided to kill him.
Street apartment, where Cancel killed Nuzzi argued that Pravia was awake
the 19-year-old gay college student. Can- when Cancel killed him. Cancel stuffed
cel’s accounts of the incident varied, but a shopping bag down Pravia’s throat
he consistently admitted to killing Pra- and turned up the volume of a TV to
via. muffle the sound. “The real reason he
The prosecution argued that this was got that plastic bag was to stop Kevin
a robbery gone wrong. Pravia from making noise, from cry-
Alperstein called a psychiatrist and ing out,” Nuzzi said. He quoted Cancel
a psychologist who testified to Cancel’s saying, “I lifted the volume of the TV so
troubled history, but neither witness Jeromie Cancel was convicted in the killing of gay college student Kevin Pravia in 2008. nobody could hear me.”
said he was compelled by an extreme Nuzzi also attacked the extreme
emotional disturbance during the crime. “The key is you have to ask the question: attorney. emotional disturbance defense, say-
However, the psychiatrist, Dr. Lawrence Why, why did Jeromie Cancel kill Kevin Cancel gave ten statements, includ- ing Cancel’s side did not overcome the
Siegel, testified, “There is some indication Pravia?” Alperstein said. “There’s no ing one written and two videotaped, burden of proving its case by a prepon-
based on the evidence that there may other explanation. If it was not his men- to police and the Manhattan district derance of the evidence. “There’s not
have been sexual contact between them, tal illness then why did he do it?” attorney in which he confessed to the a single bit, not a single shred of evi-
but he doesn’t recall that,” referring to The prosecution, with its mountain of killing. In addition to the DNA evidence dence... that the defendant acted under
Cancel. Siegel also said, “It’s also possi- evidence, told the jury that all they need- in Pravia’s apartment, a neighbor saw extreme emotional disturbance,” the
ble that he may have engaged in behav- ed to decide was that Cancel meant to Cancel leave there. The cell phone he prosecutor said. “The defense is asking
ior that he sees as worse than homicide.” kill Pravia. “The evidence that the defen- stole from Pravia was recovered by you to assume that happened based on
Alperstein was forced to argue that dant intentionally killed Kevin Pravia police, and an employee of the store no evidence at all... It was a simple inten-
without a clear motive or unambiguous on August 30, 2008 is overwhelming,” that bought the phone from Cancel tional murder through and through.”
evidence concerning his client’s state of said Steven Nuzzi, an assistant district identified him. In the end, the prosecutor’s argument
mind during the killing, the jury would attorney who prosecuted the case with Nuzzi told the jury that the two men won out, and the jury returned a quick
have to find the reason on their own. Jessica Troy, also an assistant district may have had sex or Cancel may have murder-two guilty verdict.


der women at high risk for infec- taking their medication every day. tor in the trials and co-wrote the tial effectiveness of pre-exposure works to empower people living
Big News — tion, in the US, Brazil, Ecuador, One factor that is likely to tem- NEJM article. “For more than 15 prophylaxis gives us great hope with HIV and AIDS, urged govern-
Maybe — on HIV Peru, South Africa, and Thailand, per reactions to the study, however, years, the rate of new infections in that effective biomedical interven- ment agencies to “waste no time
Prevention participated in a study by the Pre- is that the 43.8 percent improve- the US has been stuck at about 56 tions are possible,” said Marjorie in assessing the ability of Pre-
A November 23 report out of exposure Prophylaxis Initiative ment has a wide confidence inter- thousand per year; globally, there J. Hill, PhD, chief executive officer Exposure Prophylaxis to slow the
the New England Journal of Medi- (iPrEX). val. Expected improvements could are more than 2.5 million new of Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC). HIV/AIDS epidemic.” However,
cine (NEJM) is showing significant, NEJM reports that HIV infec- be as great as 63 percent or as HIV infections per year. There has “Meanwhile, we know that by it “strongly” urged negative gay
though nothing close to absolute, tions in the half of the group tak- little as 15 percent. been no downward movement far the most effective prevention and bisexual men not to attempt a
protection from HIV transmission ing Truvada were 43.8 percent In the US, the two participating in this number; which has meant technologies remain condoms and pre-exposure course of treatment
through the daily use of Truvada, lower than among those taking trial sites were the San Francisco that we desperately needed a new lubricant, and clean needles.” on their own by securing Truvada
a single pill combining two drugs, a placebo. Over a median period Department of Public Health and approach. Today’s announcement The Truvada trials employed a from friends who are positive.
tenofovir (TDF) and emtricitabine of 1.2 years, 100 of those on the Fenway Health in Boston. marks a tremendous step forward number of key risk reduction strat- The group also noted the many
(FTC), that is currently used in the placebo became infected versus “We had reached a plateau — it’s now possible that within egies, including intensive safer sex unanswered questions about the
treatment of existing HIV infec- 64 of those on the treatment. The in preventing the transmission the next few years, we can signifi- counseling, frequent HIV testing, “real-world delivery” of such a
tions. study also found that infection of HIV,” said Dr. Kenneth Mayer, cantly reduce the number of new condom availability, and treatment prevention approach, highlighting
Approximately 2,500 gay and rates were lower among those on Fenway’s medical research direc- infections.” of sexually transmitted diseases.
bisexual men, as well as transgen- Truvada who were consistent in tor, who was a principal investiga- “This study demonstrating par- Project Inform, a group that 䉴 BRIEFS, continued on p.30


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24 NOV - 7 DEC 2010

30/ News
䉴 BRIEFS, from p.29 during next week’s special September 18. In his veto blocking traffic. governor’s court.” we’re hoping that it’s in
PUBLISHER & CO-FOUNDER session of the Legislature. message, the governor In an interview with Barry was encour- the final budget he’s pre-
JOHN W. SUTTER in particular the risk that According to Sean pegged the cost of such Gay City News on October aged by Paterson’s new senting at special session. a costly drug intervention Barry, executive director of a cap at $20 million, at 1, Paterson voiced frus- flexibility on the ques- We look forward to his
ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER & CO-FOUNDER could widen already yawn- VOCAL New York (Voices least in the first year, and tration that the legislative tion of the cap’s cost, proposal and are hoping
ing gaps between affluent Of Community Activists said given the fiscal crisis sponsors, who he said and said the governor that this will happen.”
societies and those strug- & Leaders), the governor facing the state, he could refused entreaties ear- told him he didn’t “care Glick was less concilia-
gling to contain HIV epi- telephoned him at the end not approve new expendi- lier this year to help find if the mayor is pissed off tory in her response. demics in their midst. of last week to say that as tures not offset elsewhere a way to pay for the bill, about it.” Mayor Michael “We’ve been down
ASSOCIATE EDITOR Earlier this year, a part of a deficit reduction in the budget. had “teed the issue up to Bloomberg led the effort this road before,” she said.
Duncan Osborne study among heterosexual plan he will send to the At that time, Barry, who make me the bad guy.” to convince Paterson to “All of a sudden, the gov-
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS women in South Africa Legislature when they with other advocates had In that interview, the veto the measure, citing ernor doesn’t care about
Christopher Byrne (Theater), Susie Day, found that a 1 percent convene on November spent months in discus- governor suggested that estimates by his adminis- the money. He doesn’t
Doug Ireland (International), Brian McCormick tenofovir gel reduced 29, he was prepared to sions with administration the federal government’s tration that it would cost care who he upsets. All
(Dance), Dean P. Wrzeszcz
HIV transmission 39 per- cover the cost of limit- officials, charged, “His reimbursement of more the city and the state $15 this happened before the
Betsy Andrews, Seth J. Bookey,
cent when compared to ing rents of clients of the budget folks found savings than two-thirds of $1.06 million each per year. veto.”
Anthony M.Brown, Kelly Jean Cogswell, a control group taking an city’s HIV/ AIDS Services that offset most of the billion in Medicaid costs Bloomberg also argued Saying it’s unclear to
Dean Daderko, Tate Dougherty, Andres Duque, inactive placebo gel. That Administration (HASA) costs. To say $20 million is — against which the that “an expensive prec- her whether the governor
Michael Ehrhardt, Steve Erickson, Nick Feitel,
Jim Fouratt, Joe Fyfe, Deborah Garwood, trial, too, emphasized the who receive assistance an act of bad faith.” state budget had imposed edent” was being created ”is looking for a signal”
Erasmo Guerra, Emily Harney, Andrey Henkin, importance of consistent to live in privately-owned Advocates insist the contingency spending by the legislation. “No from legislative leaders,
Frank Holiday, Andy Humm, James Jorden, Brendan condom use. housing at 30 percent of measure would be cost- cuts — provides a vehicle other population in receipt she described Paterson’s
Keane, David Kennerley, Gary M. Kramer, Arthur S.
Leonard, Rachael Liberman, The iPrEx study was their income. neutral or actually save for funding the rental of public assistance in 11th hour interest in mov-
Michael T. Luongo, Lawrence D. Mass, sponsored by the US VOCAL was until money, with reduced assistance. private housing has their ing on the rent cap issue
Winnie McCroy, Eileen McDermott,
Gregory Montreuil, Ioannis Mookas, Carrie Moyer,
National Institutes of recently known as the emergency shelter costs Paterson also sug- rent contribution capped as “surreal.”
Stephen Mueller, Christopher Murray, Health through a grant to New York City AIDS Hous- and less need for emer- gested he was open to at 30 percent of house- “He is the governor,”
David Noh, Wayne Northcross, Lori Ortiz, the Gladstone Institutes, ing Network, and has gency room visits by those re-examining the cost hold income,” a memo Glick said. “We are ready
Pauline Park, Sheila Pepe, John Reed,
Nathan Riley, Andrew Robinson, Gerard Robinson, a non-profit independent spearheaded efforts to who lose their homes. A estimates of the bill. that came out of the may- to look at and, if it’s fea-
Chris Schmidt, Sarah D. Schulman, research organization affil- allow HASA clients liv- study by the finance staff Since that time, how- or’s office argued. HASA sible, fight for a proposal.”
Jason Victor Serinus, Linda Shapiro, iated with the University of ing in private housing to at the City Council, which ever, there has been no rent cap legislation, it She complained, however,
David Shengold, Gus Solomons Jr., David Spiher,
Drew B. Straub, Stefen Styrsky, Jerry Tallmer, California at San Francisco. benefit from the same is on record in support of public progress on the claimed, would create the that Paterson “has always
Stefanos Tsigrimanis, Kathleen Warnock, The Bill & Melinda Gates rental cap that applies to the bill, pegged first-year issue, and on November first housing entitlement taken pot shots” at ideas
Benjamin Weinthal, Lee Ann Westover,
James Withers, Kai Wright, Susan Yung
Foundation provided addi- those living in public and costs at about $4 mil- 9, 18 protesters, includ- “based solely on medical that her colleagues and
tional support. congregate care housing. lion, mainly in start-up ing Duane and executive diagnosis” — an asser- advocates have put for-
Mark Hasselberger
The federal Centers for Advocates note that many expenditures that would directors or senior staff tion particularly galling to ward for breaking the log-
Disease Control and Pre- of the city’s housing assis- fall away in subsequent from ten city AIDS servic- supporters of the cap who jam.
Jamie Paakkonen vention recently announced tance programs, including years. es and advocacy organiza- point to numerous other Still, Glick said she
findings from a 21-city all housing support fund- West Village Assem- tions, were arrested after rent limitations for public “would be interested in
FRANCESCO REGINI study that showed that ed with federal dollars, blywoman Deborah Glick, snarling traffic on Lower assistance clients. talking to the governor,” nearly one in five gay and limit rents to 30 percent who with Chelsea Sena- Broadway in a die-in. Barry said that Gover- and is waiting to get a
bisexual men are infected of residents’ income. tor Tom Duane is a lead Barry was clearly nor-Elect Andrew Cuomo’s return phone call from him.
with HIV, with half of them They also point out sponsor of the rent cap buoyed to hear directly recent endorsement of a One troubling aspect
COLIN GREGORY unaware of their status. that without such assis- bill, noted that the margin from the governor last mid-year budget adjust- of Paterson’s stated goal
tance, this group of HASA of passage in her chamber week, but also noted the ment would give the gov- of getting the rent cap
ALLISON GREAKER Paterson’s clients pay up to 70 per- fell well short of the two- frustrations he and oth- ernor “wind at his back” to done is the fact that his
Last Stab at cent of their income on thirds needed for a veto ers have experienced in get his overall plan enact- official November 23 30 Percent rent and are left with just override. extended negotiations ed next week, and argued announcement of next
JULIO TUMBACO Rent Cap? $12 a day to live on. The veto led to a press since the Senate and that a cap price tag of $4 week’s session did not In the latest round of a Legislation imposing conference attended by Assembly completed their million, if that number mention the issue in a
ROBERT LUCARELLI four-year struggle to cap a cap passed the Legisla- numerous state and city work on the bill in the were agreed upon, “isn’t ten-point itemization of rents on more than 10,000 ture earlier this year, but officials as well as advo- spring. going to be the deal killer.” the “full agenda” to be
Please call (212) 229-1890 for city public assistance in a move that stung many cates, where the governor “From our perspective, Responding to news taken up along with his
advertising rates and availability.
clients living with AIDS, who have worked on the was harshly criticized, Deborah Glick and Tom of the governor’s outreach plan to close an estimated
BUSINESS MANAGER / CONTROLLER Governor David Paterson issue at least dating to as well as to a series of Duane and both houses to Barry, Mark Furnish, $315 million deficit.
VERA MUSA personally reached out the waning days of former street protests, at which of the Legislature have a spokesman for Duane, The governor’s office
NATIONAL DISPLAY ADVERTISING to a leading advocate on Governor George Pataki’s demonstrators outside clearly indicated their said, “Senator Duane is did not respond to a
Rivendell Media / 212.242.6863 November 19 to say he administration, Paterson his Midtown Manhattan commitment,” he said, happy to hear that the gov- request for comment by
Web master hoped to finish the job vetoed the measure on office were arrested for “so the ball is really in the ernor is including this, and press time.
Arturo Jimenez

Gay City News, The Newspaper Serving Gay and Lesbian NYC, is
publishedby Community Media, LLC. Send all inquiries to: Gay City News,
145 Sixth Ave., First Fl., NYC 10013 Phone: 646.452.2500 Written
permission of the publisher must be obtained before any of the contents
of this paper, in part or whole, can be reproduced or redistributed. All
contents (c) 2010 Gay City News.
KEEP UP THE GOOD so early in life. THEY ASKED WHAT? question are you straight?
WORK I’m also extremely pleased to hear Anthony J Raiola
Gay City News is a registered trademark how far he’s come and how much stron- November 13, 2010 Staten Island
of Community Media, LLC. October 27, 2010 ger, smarter, and confident he’s become To the Editor:
John W. Sutter, President
Fax: 646.452.2501; To the Editor: as a result. Pride doesn’t come easy, Is there really a question such as that CORRECTION: In “Dysfunction Undoes
Thanks to Marquese Andrew Jones but it sounds like he’s got it — and on any form that needs to be completed Lenny” (November 10-23), Gay City News
Subscriptions: for sharing such a deeply personal, well- then some. He should keep up the good to be in the armed forces? Are you gay? incorrectly reported that 2010 is the centenary
26 issues, $90.00 written and inspirational story (“Why We work!” (“Supreme Court Refuses to Lift Stay on of composer and conductor Leonard Bern-
(c)2010 Gay City News. Wore Purple,” Oct. 27-Nov. 9). I’m very Lawrence Everett Forbes DADT Injunction,” by Paul Schindler, post- stein’s birth. In fact, he was born in 1918. 2010
All rights reserved.
sorry he had to deal with such ignorance Long Island ed online Nov. 12). If so, is there also the marks two decades since his death.
24 NOV - 7 DEC 2010

Perspective /31
To New York Gay Men: Freaked Out? Take Care

n the last several months, quences of gay men’s lightning City News, “It Has to Be Said,” the scabs off of barely-healed reach out for support and help
a steady drumbeat of anti- rod status in the current culture is linked in the online version of wounds. from those who love you or one
gay attacks — personal, wars. this story at Gay men of New York: Rec- of the many counseling centers
political, and symbolic — has Especially here in New York, Schulman makes the case for the ognize that we live in times of or practitioners who competently
unnerved the gay community gay men exist in an oddly ways in which kids who go on to extraordinary change in how we and sensitively provide care to our
across the nation. ambiguous social position — as become gay adults are shunned are viewed and in the ways we community. Don’t pretend noth-
In New York, City Council both an empowered and respect- in their families for perform- can live our lives. That is great ing’s happening or that is doesn’t
Speaker Christine Quinn rightly ed subculture and in a crucible of pq
ing gender roles differently than in many ways, but please don’t really effect you.
called the Bronx bias attacks of sometimes harsh cultural conflict. expected. That sense of rejection, ignore how the tabloid coverage, A client recently discussed
three men suspected of being As much as we feel rightly com-
she argues, follows us into adult- water-cooler conversations, and reading about Tyler Clementi’s
gay “horrible and unforgivable,” fortable holding hands walking pq death in the newspaper and
while Mayor Michael Bloomberg down many streets of Chelsea expressed sadness at that des-
called humiliated Rutgers stu- or Fort Greene or Washington
pq perate act. But the client never
dent Tyler Clementi’s suicide, “a Heights, each one of us remains Taking care of ourselves emotionally made the seemingly obvious and
Meanwhile, defeated Repub-
subconsciously wary, knowing
the possibility, however remote,
becomes a necessary act of important connection to his own
lived experience as an adolescent
lican gubernatorial candidate of winding up on the cover of the resistance, resilience, and health. completely isolated from his fam-
Carl Paladino’s ridiculous yet Post following some atrocity. ily and peers for fear of rejection
unretracted comments about It’s important that we all drag or attack. When the parallel was
gay men’s be-Speedoed antics at this subconscious awareness hood, impacting the quality and sheer incidence of targeting can pointed out to him, his realiza-
pride parades set a new low for of our vulnerability into the depth of our relationships. take a real toll on us emotionally. tion was to say in stunned tones,
an already inflammatory public light so that we can deal with it. These forces go largely unno- Talk about the impact on you “That truly could have been me.”
figure —and cost him any real There is probably no gay man in ticed and remain submerged of these events with your loved When that realization hits,
shot at victory. New York who didn’t feel endan- in the vast majority of gay men. ones, other gay men, and sophis- it carries a powerful emotional
As mental health practitio- gered growing up, subject to the This is why, when so much neg- ticated, caring allies. As much as punch. Sometimes it ain’t easy
ners working with the gay com- taunts or the threats of social ative energy is focused on us, you play the “teacher” role with being a queen. Take care of
munity, we applaud the vigor- and familial isolation and exile, as now, taking care of ourselves family or ill-informed others, yourselves, take care of each
ous response to these demon- whether physical or emotional. emotionally becomes a neces- make sure you are getting plenty other.
strations of intolerance and Playwright and public intel- sary act of resistance, resilience, of nourishment from people who
ignorance, both on the part of lectual Sarah Schulman’s ter- and health. understand the full complex- Shane Spicer, MD, a psychia-
gay men and our beloved allies. rific recent book, “Ties That Even the remarkable “It Gets ity of how wonderful and scary it trist and Christopher Murray,
But we feel it is vitally important Bind” (, dis- Better” viral video series, while remains to be a gay person these LCSW, a psychotherapist, are
to add to the condemnation of cusses familial homophobia with an extraordinary expression of days. both in private practice in Man-
anti-gay violence, discrimina- remarkable insight and laser- love for the next generation of gay If you become preoccupied hattan. You can contact them at
tion, and hate speech a warn- sharp focus. (Doug Ireland’s people, stirs up tremendously with the incessant onslaught of or
ing about the emotional conse- November 12, 2009 review in Gay difficult emotions and may tear troubling and frightening news,


In Kentucky At the Breeder’s Cup


arlier this m o n t h , I changed, kind of. like me. And despite herself, exactly ask after my girlfriend struction, with its long dark
went back to Louisville As in most of the US, the she liked me. of 17 years, but she did button halls nearly deserted until a
for the first time in 13 state of LGBT folks in Ken- Then there’s my mother. her lip, and because I did, too, slew of visitors arrived for the
years. My mother still lives tucky varies from region to When my cousin picked me we passed our visit together Breeders Cup at Churchill
there, as well as my father, his region, city to city, and house up at the airport, she told me in a relative truce. We went Downs. What synchronicity. I
second wife, and my oldest to house. In Louisville, one she’d been lecturing the old through pictures, and like the ate a hamburger at the Dairy
sister’s family. My other sister teenage girl I met, lured into dame to be more accepting or, pro reporter I am, I asked lead- Queen and huddled in bed. My
came in from Colorado with the ROTC by promises of rock- failing that, bite her tongue. ing questions and let her chat- girlfriend emailed me a post-
her husband and kid. climbing trips, passed a semes- “I don’t know how I’d feel if ter about whatever crossed her election article celebrating the
I set the “reunion” as far as ter or two arguing with her one of my kids had made that mind until she approached a victories of “out” politicians,
possible from the landmine colonel, defending gays in the choice, but you still have to dangerous subject. including Jim Gray, who was
holidays of Thanksgiving and military and women’s rights. love them and welcome them It was what I was there for elected mayor of Lexington. I
Christmas — when every- Across town, another young into your house. And their — to visit parents aging at an was glad things were changing
thing’s supposed to be so hap- girl spent several weeks cir - companions, too. They’re your accelerating rate. To show my in the state, even if not in time
py-family and lovey-dovey that culating a petition to preserve kids, even if you don’t agree face. Which is the literal truth, for an exile like me.
people all over the country Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and with their lifestyles.” especially for my mother, who The visit with my father was
have to get drunk to stand the she’s not even in the ROTC She meant it kindly, but I can’t stand the rest of me, in calm. When I was done smil-
sight of each other, and more yet. She wears bits and pieces would have tur ned around particular the rebellious brain ing and nodding to almost
than one gun goes off before of her brother’s uniform, and and headed home right then, packed with a lesbian lifetime. every surviving relation in
you get to the pie. I wasn’t the two do drills when they’re if I hadn’t taken half a Xanax. I stayed at a hotel the first Kentucky and the neighbor -
going to give them a queer to bored. She’s my niece, and Still, whatever she said to my few nights where the lobby was
aim at — even if things have everybody says she’s exactly mother worked. Mom didn’t deluxe and the rest under con- 䉴 KENTUCKY, continued on p.34

䉴 RUSSIA, from p.1 our actions, and another dozen

“These fanatics screamed

homophobic insults at us and
supporters who come from time
to time.”
After the visibility of Satur-
chanted religious songs and
slogans, threw eggs at us, and
finally tore down our posters,
banners, and rainbow flags, at
day’s successful demonstration,
Efremenkova said, Equality
St. Petersburg’s plans include
launching its own website, now
䉴 DEC 1, from p.28
which point we ended the dem- in preparation, and “recruiting
onstration after about 40 min- new people to join us. We want the US, and Dan Wolman’s feature film
utes,” Efremenkova said. to recruit you, as Harvey Milk “Tied Hands,” (2006) the story of a sen-
She noted her disappoint- used to say,” she noted with a sitive and complex relationship between
ment that police did a wholly chuckle. an Israeli mother and her ailing HIV son.
inadequate job of protecting the There are no public actions The online media projects will be

gay activists from the violent planned in St. Petersburg for launched Dec. 1 at
counter -demonstrators. The the winter months —“You know For complete information on QMAD’s
40-some police present were that our winters are very cold!,” programs, visit
outnumbered by more than two Efremenkova said. The next big ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
to one by the homophobic dem- focus for Equality St. Petersburg
onstrators. Despite the success of Saturday’s rally, gay rights activists (above) were greatly outnumbered by will be the third annual Slavic COMEDY
“The police explained to us anti-gay protesters, including religious extremists and also skinheads, who eventually broke up Gay Pride march to be held That Sanking
they weren’t expecting so many the event. there next June 26. Feeling
of them,” Efremenkova said. Slavic Gay Pride was founded In what he’s billing as a celebration
“But that is no excuse for not in November 2008 by Alexeyev of the first night of Hanukkah, come-
following Russian law and pro- and his colleagues in the Mos- dian Adam Sank, who has appeared on
tecting our right to free speech.” cow Pride committee in col- NBC’s “Last Comic Standing,” truTV’s
In another first, the gay activ- laboration with activists from “Smoking Gun Presents: World’s Dumb-
ists’ rally received coverage on Gay Belarus, the LGBT group in est Criminals,” and Here-TV’s “Hot Gay
local St. Petersburg TV stations, that former Soviet republic, the Comics,” presents episode two of “That
which are government con- Belarusian Initiative for Sexual Sank Show,” in which he will be joined
trolled. and Gender Equality, and the by Ali Wong, voted SF Weekly’s Best
“Although most media cover- LGBT Rights Committee of the Comedian of 2009; Scott Ryan from
age focused on the egg-throwing Belarusian Green Party. Here TV’s “Hot Gay Comics;” and vocal-
by the homophobes,” Efremen- The first Slavic Pride was held ist Racgek Bytera. It would be a shanda
kova told Gay City News, “the in Moscow — and broken up by if you missed it! Bar-Tini Ultra Lounge,
impact of breaking the silence police — at the time a delegation 642 Tenth Ave., btwn. 45th & 46th St.

on homosexuality cannot be of Belarusian gay activists trav- There is no cover charge.
overestimated. Seeing strong, eled to the Russian capital dur- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
proud gay people speaking out ing the Eurovision song contest,
and standing up for themselves a popular annual event televised
and declaring they want the
same human rights as everyone
else inspires many people —
nection with a gay rights dem-
onstration at which 12 activists
of Supervisors in San Fran-
cisco and assassinated by a
all over Europe.
This year’s Slavic Pride took
place in the Belarusian capi- FILM
especially those gays in the clos- were arrested. (For a profile of homophobic ex-colleague from tal of Minsk, but was violent- Down Home
et and young people struggling Nikolai Alexeyev and his work, that body. The film was com- ly crushed by police in that Trouble
with creating their own identity see this reporter’s June 24, mercially released in Russia. authoritarian country, with a NewFest, New York’s annual June
in a homophobic society — to 2010 article, “Moscow’s Man of “It was after seeing ‘Milk’ dozen activists arrested. LGBT film festival, and 92Y Tribeca pres-
know they are not alone.” Action, which is linked in the that I decided I had to do some- “We will come out for Slavic ent a new film from director John G.
The demonstration was also online version of this story.) thing,” Efremenkova told me, Pride even if we don’t get per- Young (“Parallel Sons,” “The Reception”).
extensively covered on Echo “Nikolai was terribly impor- saying she next began contact- mission to hold it!” Efremenko- In “Rivers Wash Over Me,” a gay New
Moscovy, a popular independent tant in helping organizing our ing people who could form the va declared of the scheduled St. York City teen faces devastating chal-
radio station heard throughout group,” Efremenkova told this nucleus of a new, militant activ- Petersburg version next sum- lenges when he’s sent to live with family
the country. reporter. “His example and his ist organization. “Some I’d met mer. in the South. Racial and sexual politics
“Most Russian gays are in the experiences in gay organizing in discussions after an LGBT She said that the ECHR rul- take their toll on a family and, ultimately,
closet, so visibility and coming were inspiring and invaluable film festival, others I knew from ing that bans on Moscow Pride a community, in this drama about com-
out are our path to a brighter lessons for us.” a Day Against HIV we’d held in were illegal was “definitely a big ing to terms with oneself against terrible
future of freedom and our day in Alexeyev told Gay City News December 2009, and some I influence” on the decision by St. odds. Young will conduct a post-screen-
the sun,” Efremenkova empha- that at that February meeting, “I met through social networking Petersburg authorities to grant ing Q&A. 92Y Tribeca, 200 Hudson St.,
sized. related our five years of experi- on the Internet,” she said. permission for Saturday’s dem- btwn. Vestry & Debrosses Sts., just
The gay rights rally was orga- ence and struggle around Mos- After pulling that group onstration. below Canal St., 7:30 p.m. Admission
nized by Equality St. Petersburg, cow Pride and told them we’d t o g e t h e r, E f r e m e n k o v a Just as important, Alexeyev is $12.
a fledgling direct action group of support whatever they do. But explained, “it was after our pointed out, were two October ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
lesbians and gays founded in I told them, ‘You have to choose meeting with Nikolai Alexeyev federal district court decisions
February with the help of Niko- your own way to fight for your that I was inspired to organize in St. Petersburg invalidating PERFORMANCE
lai Alexeyev, the courageous rights,’ and I reassured them the first St. Petersburg Gay that city’s prohibition on gay Ebenezer en
young Moscow lawyer who has that they had the right to decide Pride, which we chose to have pride demonstrations. Español
been the lead organizer of the for themselves what they want- on June 26 this year to com- “The city has very smart law- Charles Rice-González’s “Los Nutcrack-
banned Moscow Gay Prides and ed to do.” memorate the Stonewall Rebel- yers, and adding those district ers: A Christmas Carajo,” directed by Jorge
the founder of, the The soft-spoken Efremen- lion, of course.” That event, court decisions to the ECHR Merced, interweaves two holiday classics,
gay human rights news web- kova traces her own decision to however, was banned by the city ruling, they saw they could be in “The Nutcracker” and “A Christmas Carol,”
site that has been the principal become a gay activist to seeing authorities. a world of trouble if they didn’t and creates a queer Latino play about a
catalyst for modern Russian gay the film “Milk,” which starred “Now,” she said, “we have a grant permission for Saturday’s gay couple who go on a psychedelic trip
organizing. Alexeyev was in St. Sean Penn as the gay activist core group of about ten people
Petersburg at that time in con- who was elected to the Board who participate in every one of 䉴 RUSSIA, continued on p.33 䉴 DEC 2, continued on p.33

14 DAYS 䉴 RUSSIA, from p.32

demonstration,” Alexeyev said.

䉴 DEC 2, from p.32
“The city did not even appeal
those court judgments against
St. Petersburg is one of Rus-
sia’s great tourist destinations,
through their lives one Christmas Eve. with such well-known attrac-
The arguing between Carlos and Gabriel, tions as its network of canals,
together for almost 15 years, reaches the the immense art collection in
queer heavens from which comes a ghet- the Hermitage, and the sump-
to thug/ diva spirit to guide them. The tuous Winter Palace of the for-
Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance mer czars, the seizure of which
(BAAD!), 841 Barretto St., btwn. capped the October 1917 Revo-
Garrison & Lafayette Aves., Hunts lution that brought the Bolshe-
Point. Dec. 2-4, 8-11, 8 p.m. Tickets are viks to power. It has historically
$20-$25 at BronxAcademyOfArtsAnd- been considered the most Euro- or 718-842-5223. pean city in Russia ever since it
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ became the country’s “window
to the West” during the reign of
Peter the Great. Even during

SAT.DEC.4 Soviet rule, St. Petersburg prided
itself on its reputation as cultur-
ally cosmopolitan and more lib-
AIDS and Human eral than other Russian cities. Among those gay activists on hand in St. Petersburg on November 20 was Moscow-based Nikolai Alexeyev (in tie and stocking cap).
Rights The sort of unfavorable glob-
The links between fighting AIDS al publicity provoked by the is not based on Russian law, and does not. I can’t even imagine September 29 article, “Glob-
and the ongoing struggles to win full repeated bans on gay pride cel- could be considered applicable the blast at him when the Euro- al Outcry Frees Russian Gay
dignity and human rights for the LGBT ebrations in Moscow by its ultra- to the kind of unauthorized gay pean Court gives its decision in Leader.”)
community and those living with HIV homophobic former mayor, Yuri public actions Alexeyev has orga- this case. And this case is also Just back from St. Peters-
is the focus of a Bronx AIDS Services Luzhkov, is clearly at odds with nized for the last five years. pending with the UN Human burg, Alexeyev spoke to Gay
(BAS) World AIDS Day Conference. St. Petersburg’s efforts to contin- And on November 22, the Rights Committee.” City News via cell phone early on
“Many Stories… One Voice: The ue luring Western tourists. That daily Kommersant quoted Rus- Reuters reported it had been November 22 as he was heading
Ongoing Struggle for Human Rights” factor undoubtedly played into sia’s top magistrate, Constitu- told by a member of Medvedev’s to yet another court hearing —
is a day of workshops that looks at the city’s calculation in granting tional Court Chief Justice Val- administration that Zorkin’s the first in his legal challenge
domestic violence and HIV violence, Equality St. Petersburg permis- ery Zorkin, telling a law forum proposal would most likely not to Moscow’s ban on a demon-
the role of faith communities, parent- sion to demonstrate. in St. Petersburg this past be approved by the Kremlin. “I stration he and his colleagues
ing, ageing and AIDS, and the persis- At the end of September, after weekend, “Russia, if it wishes, do not think we are developing planned outside of the Moscow
tence of homophobia, transphobia, 18 years as Moscow’s mayor, may withdraw from the juris- backwards just yet,” he told Reu- office of the Council of Europe
and bullying. BAS’ GoGirl! Theatrical during which the notoriously diction of the European Court ters on condition of anonymity. early this month in support of
Troupe will perform, and continental corrupt Luzhkov and his wife of Human Rights.” But the success of Equal- their victory at the ECHR.
breakfast and lunch will be served. became billionaires, he was fired Zorkin added that the ity St. Petersburg in winning “This ban was particularly
Fordham University, 441 E. Ford- by Russian President Dmitri right of recourse to the Euro- the right to demonstrate is a outrageous and discriminatory
ham Rd., McGinley Center Faculty Medvedev as he became mired in pean Court could be seen as clear vindication of the young because the Moscow authorities
Lounge, second fl., on the portion yet another ethical scandal. The “encouraging those in Russia Moscow lawyer’s two-pronged had authorized a large homopho-
of the campus opposite the Botan- new mayor, Sergei Sobyanin, a who want any excuse” to side- strategy — a series of militant bic demonstration in the very
ical Gardens, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. For loyalist of Russia’s strongman step their own courts at home. direct actions, including civil same place protesting the ECHR’s
more information, contact 718-295- prime minister, Vladimir Putin, To cut off Russians from the disobedience, in defiance of the ruling,” Alexeyev said.
5605, x.263 or communityservices@ was appointed by Medvedev and European Court, the Russian more than 200 bans on gay Every one of these pro-gay Collaborating organiza- approved by the Moscow City government would have to pull events in Russia in the last five efforts in Russia is crucial, from
tions include the Black Leadership Council last month. out of the 47-member Council years, which have raised the the perspective of activists there.
Commission on AIDS, the Bronx Pride Gay City News asked Alexeyev of Europe, which it joined in visibility of Russian gays and “People in many countries
Center, the Council for Senior Centers if, given his win at the ECHR, 1996 — a move which would their human rights struggle, fol- made this first legal gay rights
and Services of NYC, the Gay and Les- there had yet been any indica- severely damage its relations lowed by a long and patient fight demonstration here possible,”
bian Anti-Violence Project, and the tion of the new mayor’s attitude with Western Europe. in the courts using Russia’s Equality St. Petersburg’s Efre-
LGBT Community Center. toward gays or Moscow Pride. Alexeyev responded to Zor- own laws, constitution, and the menkova told this reporter. “Gay
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ “Sobyanin has never publicly kin’s comments by saying, in international treaties which it Pride means the whole history
expressed his views on homo- an e-mail, “This is not the first has signed to hold authorities which has gone before in all the
PERFORMANCE sexuality, and so far there has attack of the head of the Consti- accountable and to expand free- countries in which homosexual-
Pride Flying High been absolutely no reaction on tutional Court of Russia against dom of speech and assembly. ity was once a crime. It’s easier
The Youth Pride Chorus, whose the part of city authorities to the the European Court. His ‘argu- In the course of his intrepid for us to speak out because of
amazing “It Gets Better” video (youtube. ECHR decision,” he responded. ments’ are senseless. fight, Alexeyev has been arrest- what the world’s LGBT commu-
com/watch?v=F9tSmwqpWQM) has But on November 16, the news “It’s worth noting that the ed countless times, and, in nity preceded us in doing. But
gotten nearly 90,000 hits, raises the website published a Constitutional Court managed the most bizarre government it’s such a long struggle...”
roof in its December show “Flying.” The letter penned by Moscow’s pros- to make a decision supporting harassment aimed at him, in
show will include electrifying dance, ecutor general, Yury Semin, the law which bans propaganda September, he was subjected The full text of the European
cutting-edge spoken word, and hits by demanding that police crack of homosexuality to minors in to a frightening 72-hour ordeal Court of Human Rights historic
Sarah McLachlan, the Rolling Stones, down on opposition groups plan- one region of Russia. While this in which he was kidnapped, decision in “Alexeyev v. Russia,”
and Queen, among many. The Kitchen, ning unsanctioned rallies, with regional law clearly contradicts drugged, and intimidated by in English, is online at tinyurl.
512 W. 19th St., 6 & 8 p.m. Tickets are authorities bringing charges as the Constitution, his Court con- Putin’s security forces in an com/3az2sdf. Doug Ireland can
$20-$45 at soon as organizers announce firmed it does not. While it obvi- attempt to get him to withdraw be reached through his blog,
their plans. Human rights advo- ously contradicts the European the ECHR lawsuit he only weeks DIRELAND, at http://direland.
䉴 DEC 4, continued on p.34 cates say that Semin’s proposal Convention, his Court said it later won. (See this reporter’s

䉴 FRED, from p.3

a wonderful role model for the

kids,” she said.
Richard Goldhaber, Fred’s
brother, said in his eulogy that
Fred was “my hero” and “saved
lives, saved people.”
䉴 DEC 4, from p.33
Fred taught at tough Wingate
High School in Flatbush for 17 NIGHTLIFE
years, and Richard recalled his Positively Moving

brother taking his entire class 208 Dance @ The Center pres-
to see “The Nutcracker Suite” ents “Poz Dance” in conjunction with
in Manhattan and paying for it World AIDS Day. DJ Gant Johnson
out of his own pocket, saying Fred Goldhaber (in foreground, with glasses holding book), with fellow members of the New York City Gay Men’s Chorus at a 2008 appearance at provides the music. LGBT Commu-
he “wanted to show them that the Columbus Circle Barnes & Noble. nity Center, 208 W. 13th St., 9 p.m.
there’s another life out there” Admission is $10; free with GMHC ID
beyond the experience of their zap against Adam Wallinsky, a died, said that Fred was part of almost looked better than me!” card. Presented in cooperation with
neighborhood. former aide to Bobby Kennedy a small group of activists in the Vaiselberg wrote. “That five, Strength-
Joe Kennedy, who worked who wrote a virulently anti-gay early 1980s who organized a minutes was one of his fondest, and tribes.
alongside Fred at GAA in 1971, diatribe in the Daily News in watchdog group called the Gay memories.”
wrote, “As a public school teach- 1977. The group chartered a Media Alliance, which was a Fred’s nephew, Mark Gold- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
er in the 1970s, Fred could have bus for 50 activists to go up to precursor of the Gay and Lesbi- haber, wrote that after his ill-
been fired if his identity as a gay Scarsdale for the action. Fear- an Alliance Against Defamation. nesses forced him to leave
activist were revealed.” Fear-
ing that the driver might bail
out on the civil disobedient par-
ing that the driver might bail
out on the civil disobedience
participants, Fred and his then
Howie Vaiselberg, a fel-
low chorus member, does
Cher impersonations, where
teaching, Fred “became a New
York Civil Court mediator at the
Manhattan and Brooklyn Medi- PERFORMANCE
ticipants, Fred marched in the partner R. Paul Martin used he dresses as the legend and ation Center and a peer media- Henry VIII Had
Christopher Street Liberation their car to strategically block scares a “fake” Cher off the tor at Bailey House,” a Village Time to Write
Day Pride March “with a sign the bus from taking off with- stage. One night the “fake” residence for people with AIDS. Music
identifying himself as a NYC out them after the demonstra- Cher didn’t show up, and short, Father Tom Orions, another fel- My Lord Chamberlain’s Consort,
public school teacher — and a tion, “a courageous and clever bearded Fred, who really want- low chorus member who led the an ensemble that includes Ruth
paper bag over his head so as move,” Kennedy wrote. ed to play Sonny, stepped into service, said, “He knew how to set Cunningham, soprano, Renaissance
not to get fired.” Wayne Sunday, another GAA the role, boas and all. “Before people free. Fred, remember us to flute, and recorder; Pat O’Brien, lute
Kennedy also recalled a GAA vet who was with Fred when he you knew it, he was Cher! He God who you know so well.” and cittern; Andy Rutherford, lute;
Lisa Terry, viol and vielle; and Mar-
cia Young, soprano and harp, pres-
䉴 PEE-WEE, from p.23 sion of the Earth, inquiring, “Is it in a porn theater for indecent one off-handed allusion is made ent “A Renaissance Christmas.” The
just me or is it getting warmer?” exposure and, years later, from about the incident, like the letter performance includes four centuries
Pee-wee’s corny, retro-hip (His question is ignored.) a second scandal over wheth- he receives signed by “Lou from of seasonal music from England and
brand of humor feels fresh as Slyly mocking the issue of er a cache of vintage, mostly prison.” the Continent, including works by
ever. Hidden among the barrage teen sex, Pee-wee shows off his homoerotic materials contained The script, by Reubens and William Byrd, King Henry VIII, and
of mostly funny but throwaway “abstinence ring,” which he images of underage individuals Bill Steinkellner, is fraught with Michael Praetorius, and excerpts
jokes is a wisp of a plot concern- claims protects him from carnal in sexual situations. (The latter naughty double entendres. Pee- from Playford’s “Dancing Master. ”
ing Pee-wee’s desire to fly and to sin. There was even a spin on a charges were eventually dropped, wee is awestruck by the Fire- Madison Avenue Presbyterian
have the playhouse rewired for line from “Whatever Happened and it’s funny how the harmless fighter’s “huge hose.” Mailman Church, 921 Madison Ave. at 73rd
Internet service. At unpredict- to Baby Jane?” solo porn theater incident had Mike compliments Pee-wee’s St., 3 p.m. Admission is $15; $10 for
able intervals, a screen descends The cleverest bit is when Pee- already derailed his career for a “cute package.” students & seniors at the door. Chil-
to show a kitschy video. Natu- wee finally connects online, after decade, while a drunken, coked- In the middle of the 90-min- dren under 12 admitted free.
rally, there’s a vintage Penny a lengthy series of dial-up buzz- up Charlie Sheen, found naked ute, intermissionless show, ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
cartoon. es and squawks, and instantly after abusing a female prosti- one especially raucous, fist-
It would be easy to dismiss becomes a viral demon obsessed tute and trashing his Plaza Hotel pumping gentleman in a goofy Light Opera’s Best
these shenanigans as puerile with social networking and col- room, was welcomed back to his getup was escorted by secu- The New York Gilbert & Sullivan Play-
puffery, but if you listen closely, lecting friends. “You already have TV show with open arms.) rity from the theater. The guy ers, America’s foremost G&S ensemble,
a few jokes touch a nerve. When friends here,” says Chairry with And if you think “The Pee-wee beside me kept texting with continues its season with “The Yeomen
Pee-wee discovers his mail has a sigh. Herman Show,” directed by Alex his annoying, glowing phone. of the Guard,” or “The Merryman and
been opened, Mailman Mike For those in the know, the Timbers, is afraid to poke fun Normally I’d insist he stop, but His Maid,” considered the most operatic
deadpans, “It makes us all safer, show also celebrates Reubens’ at Reubens’, er, bad stroke of given the hi-jinks onstage and in the oeurve. Set in the Tower of London
Pee-wee.” Jambi does an impres- comeback after his 1991 arrest luck, you’re wrong. More than off, I just let it go. during the turbulent reign of Henry the
Eighth, this is the story of a gallant pris-
oner falsely accused, two girls who love
䉴 KENTUCKY, from p.31 you agree with that?” When it meant. out of him and can’t leave the him, and an out of work itinerant jester.
both shook their heads no, Queerish boys were more house. The company performs under the artistic
ing states, I went to stay with a heterosexual romance was reticent. And with cause. When That’s the world we live in, and music direction of Albert Bergeret.
an old classmate who wasn’t at born. one kid from a troubled fam- moving forward, sideways, and Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway at
all put off by reconnecting with I talked politics with her ily came out as bi, his family back. 95th St., 5 p.m. Tickets are $60-$80 (half
a big dyke. She has one for a husband, who teaches social gave him a lot of crap. A cou- price for children under 12) at nygasp.
sister-in-law, in fact, and tells studies at a high school for ple days later, he disappeared In 2009, at least 22 people org. The season continues with “The
a queer -themed story about “at risk” kids. He said the girls from school and hadn’t been in the United States were mur- Mikado,” set in a fictitious Japanese
bonding with her husband- were incredibly open, going heard from since. Maybe the dered for being LGBT. Most town full of colorful characters — three
to-be at a Presbyterian youth around arm in arm, declaring school was blamed for putting were transwomen. Four out little maids from school, a wandering
event. After some homopho- they were lesbians, partly to those notions in his head, and of five were people of color. minstrel, a hilariously corrupt public
bic kid mouthed off, the two provoke, partly to experiment they sent him somewhere else. November 20 was the T rans-
exchanged glances, asking, “Do without knowing entirely what Maybe he got the crap beat gender Day of Remembrance. 䉴 DEC 5, continued on p.36

DEADLINE WEDNESDAY 5:00PM MAIL 145 SIXTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10013 TEL 646-452-2485 FAX 212.229.2790


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Aussie Power in the Pit 14 DAYS

Magnifica Magnani, Lenny’s legacy, a tiny classic 14 NIGHTS
䉴 DEC 5, from p.34
BY DAVID NOH screaming ‘Chita! Chita!’ from ably, we followed Elton and
every corner. She’d be like, ‘My Lady Gaga. I’d always wanted official, and a Lord High Executioner

f you look over to stage left people are here!’ She’s maybe one, and during rehearsals, I (Dec. 29, Jan. 1-23 p.m.; Dec. 30, 8
during “American Idiot,” you the greatest performer I’ve ever approached Billie Joe and asked p.m.; Dec. 31, 7 p.m.); “Trial By Jury,”
will see a very cool-looking worked with, such a genuine him if he knew of a good tattoo an over-the-top send-up of the legal
female on keyboards who hap- triple threat and so gracious artist. He looked at me like, ‘Are system, with a lecherous judge, an
pens to be the show’s music and generous — and very little you serious?,’ as he’s covered in all-male jury, a gold digging plaintiff, a
director. ego. Just enough of ego which them, and said as a matter of self professed cad of a defendant, and
Her name is Carmel Dean, makes her the performer she fact his personal guy was com- a sleazy lawyer turning the courtroom
whom I first met ten years ago is, but it’s about sharing herself ing over that night to do one of upside down (Mar. 20, 5p.m.); and
when she was accompanist to with everybody, and she never the band members. So I got it “G&S Sing-Along,” which allows the
a fellow Australian cabaret per- forgets where she came from — that night, and we celebrated audience to join in (May 22, 5 p.m.).
former, Trevor Ashley, at Don’t the chorus — and treats every- with champagne!” ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Tell Mama. She was amazingly one accordingly.” The tat itself? The coolest vin-
talented back then, but even It has not escaped Dean tage Aussie matchbox with a
I couldn’t have envisioned the
amazing career she’s had in the
decade since.
that “there are not that many
women orchestra conductors.
The image of one is a white man
1940s redheaded chick on the
Where Have All the
I met her again at Angus in tails in the pit with a baton. A n any consideration of the
McIndoe, next door to the St. Carmel Dean has performed cabaret and is a lot of people mention this to me, greatest film actresses of the Old Songs Gone?
James, where the hit musical composer, but her current claim to fame is as and I don’t know of any other past century — Lillian Gish, The New York Choral Society opens
plays, and she told me how she musical director and keyboardist at “Ameri- lesbian conductors. I’m actu- Katharine Hepburn, Vivien its 52nd season with a holiday cel-
got involved with “Idiot”: Com- can Idiot.” ally technically bi, because I’ve Leigh, Ingrid Bergman, Simone ebration featuring Peter Yarrow and
poser “Tom Kitt I met very brief- always had boyfriends, since my Signoret, Jeanne Moreau — Noel Paul Stookey from the iconic folk
ly at a concert. We had mutual in Perth, and he came into first at 19, who totally broke my Anna Magnani holds a special trio Peter, Paul & Mary. Led by Robert
friends and knew each other’s rehearsal one day and said, ‘You heart. It’s a cliché, but true — I place for the sheer life-loving De Cormier, the singers join the Choral
work — and he called me out of gotta listen to this CD.’ It was fall in love with the person, and magnetism she brought to every Society in traditional holiday carols as
the blue and said he was work- Green Day’s ‘Dookie,’ which we have had great relationships role, consummately delivering well as their newly recorded version
ing on this untitled punk project all became obsessed by. I told with men and women. joy to the viewer. She’s at her of “‘Twas the Night Before Christ-
using the music of Green Day’s Billie Joe that story and he got “I met my first girlfriend at irrepressible best in “The Pas- mas.” Yarrow and Stookey also per-
“American Idiot,” which Michael a big kick out of it. Heath was 22, and I called my parents in sionate Thief” (1960), which Lin- form a collection of their time-honored
Mann was directing. They were a great guy and, oh yeah, you Perth and told them. My Mom coln Center’s Film Society (Wal- classics, including “This Land is Your
putting together a reading of could see the talent, but more said the greatest thing: ‘As long ter Reade Theater, 65th St. near Land,” “Weave Me The Sunshine,”
just the music without any stag- than anything the charm. All as you’re happy, it’s fine with Amsterdam Ave., and, of course, “Puff, The Magic
ing. Green Day came to it and the girls had crushes on him, us,’ and they’ve been supportive is showing on November 26 and Dragon.” The evening will close with
loved everything even at that and I knew one who had made in whatever choices I’ve made 30, in tribute to Italian screen- Yarrow and Stookey’s new arrange-
early stage and said, ‘Go ahead.’ out with him one night and, — very lucky because so many writer Suso Cecchi d’Amico. ment of “Auld Lang Syne,” performed
“The next workshop didn’t boy, was she the luckiest!” people don’t have that. I’m with Magnani plays Gioia, a bom- in tribute to the late Mary Travers.
happen for another six months, Explaining the path of her an amazing woman now, she’s bastic actress who endures Stern Auditorium at Carnegie Hall,
but then we had choreography career, Dean said it grew out of in the business but behind the the most disastrous Roman 881 Seventh Ave. at 57th St., 8 p.m.
by Steven Hoggett and Green “the smartest thing I ever did. I scenes. I had met her before, New Year’s Eve in which she’s Tickets are $40-$150 at,
Day loved it, and have been was in the NYU graduate school but we hooked up at the Tonys, dumped by fake friends, duped, or 212-247-7800.
from day one completely sup- program and one of my advisors so thank you, Antoinette Perry!” by a sexy hustler (a young, ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
portive. They’ve really embraced was William Finn, who taught Dean’s true ambition is to devastating Ben Gazzara), and
this crossover of genres and lyrics. One of the first days, I compose: “I mean, I went to even thrown into jail. None of
opened up their world to us and
likewise us to them. [Frontman]
Billie Joe Armstrong’s wife Adri-
told him I loved his work — bor-
derline crazy fan stalkerish —
but if he ever needed anyone
grad school for that, but it’s
crazy and wonderful that a
music direction career evolved
this gets her down for long, and
from her first scene, hilariously
dressed as an ancient Roman PERFORMANCE
enne has been married to him to help him with anything, I’d so quickly, and I haven’t been matron shrieking “Miracolo!” Simply Boobra
since they were in their 20s, love to do it. And that started able to figure out how to do both while filming a tawdry Cinecit- Emcee Sweetie hosts Dirty Mar-
and they have these two gor- it because it was through him at once. Although the show is tà biblical epic, she thoroughly tini, Taylor Mac, Darlinda Just Darlin-
geous kids, and she said this is that I was at Great Barrington up, there are always under - delights and, of course, breaks da, Clams Casino, and Viva DeConcini
the most exciting thing they’ve with Finn’s ‘Spelling Bee’ that study rehearsals and new cast your heart. Watching her antics and her incredible seven-piece band
ever done. How can that be true summer I met Tom Kitt, who auditions or somebody’s sick. — entering a party with star- in a burlesque tribute to Barbra Stre-
after countless Grammies and called me to do ‘Idiot.’ I’ve been I’ll probably have to take a break tling blonde hair someone says isand. Joe’s Pub, inside the Public
amazing experiences all over really lucky.” from directing to write a Broad- makes her look like Kim Novak, Theater, 425 Lafayette St. , btwn.
the world? But I guess there’s Dean also music-directed way show. I have a couple of chanting “Chachacha” — and E. Fourth St. & Astor Pl., 11:30
something so special about the shows for Chita Rivera, with ideas and am not afraid to write sudden explosions, there will be p.m. Tickets are $12 at
Broadway community and put- whom she went on several melody. I love Sondheim, but a permanent smile on your face or 212-967-7555, or $15 at the door.
ting on a show. You become Atlantis gay cruises: “The most love a good, singable tune, too.” — especially when she deliv- For table reservations, guaranteeing
part of a family. fun I’ve ever had in my life — Whatever happens, Dean ers choice putdowns to bother- a seat, call 212-539-8778. Table ser-
“I’d always loved Green Day, and talk about feeling like roy- has an eternal souvenir from some creatures: “There are four vice includes a two-drink or $10 food
and every time I heard them I alty — when you walked into the show, her first tattoo: “I got compass points. Choose one minimum.
was reminded of Heath Led- the dining room with Chita, it in LA, when Green Day invit- and start walking!,” or “Listen ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
ger because we were in a high everyone would literally stop ed us to perform with them on
school production together and clink-clink their glasses, the Grammies and, unbeliev- 䉴 IN THE NOH, continued on p.39 䉴 14 DAYS, continued on p.39

The path to your first home.
The State of New York Mortgage Agency (SONYMA)
Roberto Alagna and Elena Garanca perform with the Opera Orchestra of New York under the baton of Alberto Veronesi, offers first-time homebuyers:
the company’s musical director-designate.


OONY welcomes new leader; Met brings ‡1RILQDQFLQJDGGRQV
back “Carmen,” dares “Il Trovatore”
BY ELI JACOBSON Almaguer blustered too much as Alfio,
but Dunn’s pupil Krysty Swann was a For more information, call
1-800-382-HOME (4663)
pera composers like to take their voluptuous Lola.
audiences to glamorous exotic Veronesi showed virtuosic control or visit
places. Thanks to Verdi, Mass- of orchestral color and texture, but in
enet, and Bizet, I’ve recently had a tour “Calvélleria,” the singers and conductor
of Spain — through the eyes and ears of seemed in disagreement over tempos.
a true Italian and two Frenchmen. “La Navarraise” showed more prepara-
Opera Orchestra of New York present- tion with all the singers keeping careful
ed its first full concert opera since 2008, watch on their scores and the conduc-
introducing new musical director-des- tor. “Navarraise,” however, is not as inde-
ignate Alberto Veronesi on October 25. structible as “Calvélleria,” and despite
Veronesi conducted a double bill of Mas- some charming incidental music, the
cagni’s familiar “Calvélleria Rusticana” central dramatic passages are second-
paired with Massenet’s 1894 rarity, “La drawer Massenet.
Navarraise.” The story is basically an updated
The works have a common thread — Judith and Holofernes reset during
“La Navarraise” was written for the vola- Spain’s Carlist wars. Anita, a woman of
tile Emma Calvé, a famous Santuzza and Navarre, offers to kill the enemy leader
Carmen. Massenet dipped a manicured in exchange for a dowry. Her violent act
Gallic toe into the stormy waters of veris- results in the loss of her lover’s life and
mo — the one-act opera was nicknamed her own sanity. The role needs a dement-
“Calvélleria Espagnola.” ed diva to put it over. Elena Garanca,
In honor of Veronesi’s arrival, a con- currently marketing her blonde, blue-
stellation of stars made OONY debuts. eyed self as opera’s leading Latin spitfire
Roberto Alagna took the tenor lead in with her new CD “Habanera,” is anything
both operas, but one wonders how much but that.
he rehearsed the Mascagni opera. He In a role without a major aria, Garan-
was the only soloist reading a score, ca’s creamy homogenous tone again
despite having sung the role onstage pleased. But her lack of verbal profile
quite recently. In fresh refulgent voice, and coloration kept the dramatic tem-
Alagna’s tendency to sing slightly sharp perature below the boiling point — the
can translate into brilliant squillo in the insane hysterical laughter that ends the
theater. A moving final aria — finally off opera was omitted. Alagna’s authentic
book — made up for earlier vagaries. French delivery and commitment could
Maria Guleghina’s imposing dark tone not take up the slack, as his role is sub-
and powerful brooding presence made sidiary.
for an effective Santuzza despite a lack Ildar Abdrazakov sang impressively
of chest tones and a few flat high notes. as the General. Despite high-level musi-
Seventy-nine-year-old mezzo Mignon cianship all around, one could see why
Dunn as Mamma Lucia wielded some “Calvélleria” has kept the stage while
good upper middle notes and declaimed
the rest with old pro authority. Carlos 䉴 SPAIN, continued on p.39
24 NOV - 7 DEC 2010

38/ Theater
䉴 ELF, from p.15 cloying. On stage nearly the
entire time, Arcelus holds the
with some real heart, demon- show together very well. Amy
strate that even working with a Spanger plays Jovie, the girl
formula, they can find fresh and Buddy falls in love with. Initial-
funny things that appeal to both ly, she is creeped out by Buddy,
kids and adults — though kids but ultimately this hard-bitten
under 8 probably won’t be ready New Yorker falls hard for the
for the two-and-a-half hours. new guy in town — and Span-
Matthew Sklar’s music is ger does it very well. Her great

bright, bubbly, and very “tune- comic number in the second
ful.” Chad Beguelin’s lyrics are act, “Never Fall in Love,” shows
more contemporary; one rhyme off her amazing voice.
with “Beth Israel” made me Other cast standouts are Sebastian Arcelus and the cast of “Elf,” which plays the Hirschfeld through January 2.
laugh out loud. Beth Leavel, as the editor’s wife
The show has been given a and Buddy’s stepmother, and complaining “Nobody Cares political outcasts including America.” The Fallout Theatre
top-notch production. Casey George Wendt, who does a turn About Santa,” or the happy end- homosexuals. Osborne, primar- from London, though, is mak-
Nicholaw’s direction keeps as Santa, bookending the show. ing, which is completely over ily known for his searing play ing a point of presenting “Per-
everything moving and the The tireless ensemble is terrific, the top and hilarious. “Look Back in Anger,” exploring sonal Enemy” for the first time
humor and energy high, and playing everything from midget Sometimes delightful enter- the disaffected and unhappy uncut and as written as part of
his choreography is fun and elves to harried office workers tainment is its own reason and after World War II, attempted to the Brits Off Broadway Series at
witty. David Rockwell’s set — and dancing up a storm all its own reward. “Elf” only plays bring some of that rage into this 59E59. They might better have
is a children’s book come to the time. through January 2, so if you play, but it falls flat. saved their energies.
life, particularly the scenes in The show is unapologeti- miss it, hope there’s a return To contemporary audiences, David Aula’s direction does
Rockefeller Center and Macy’s. cally a throwback, but the sort next year. the subject is well-worn, and absolutely nothing with the
Gregg Barnes’ contemporary that works at the holidays. the story of a family torn apart play, and the cast, though

costumes are terrific, and his “Elf” throws in all the seasonal bscurity often has its by a gay son and the McCarthy earnest, is not really up to the
elf costumes are an explosion of tropes — ice-skating, the Herald reasons as well. “Per- dragnet has been told much challenge. They can’t really
color and whimsy. Square Macy’s, and a miracu- sonal Enemy,” written better. The overly talky script be blamed. This is an imma-
The cast is wonderful. Sebas- lous denouement. There are by John Osborne and Anthony cries out for cutting and focus, ture work whose power comes
tian Arcelus as Buddy man- also priceless moments, like a Creighton in 1953, deals with and it pales against contempo- nowhere close to that of the pol-
ages the nearly impossible feat chorus of Santas in a Chinese McCarthyism and the fear and rary political drama, notably itics that inspired it. Its obscu-
of being innocent without being restaurant on Christmas Eve loathing it directed toward the current revival of “Angels in rity is well-deserved.

䉴 IN THE NOH, from p.36 “Lucky to Be Me,” and made an

14 DAYS horseface, if you sunk any lower

you’d strike oil.”
ideal Tony to Kelli O’Hara’s “West
Side Story” Maria. An absolutely
splendiferous-looking Shequida

䉴 14 DAYS, from p.36
ity Opera threw open
its doors to our commu-
nity on November 6 with
regaled the queer crowd after-
wards with her trademark high
notes and low jokes.

“Glitter and Be Gay,” a festive he tenth annual Mahin-
event in connection with the con- dra Indo-American Arts

FRI.DEC.10. cert “Lucky to Be Me: The Music
of Leonard Bernstein.” After sit-
ting dutifully through the largely
Council Film Festival
brought bracing creative energy
and color to Chelsea at the SVA
Heartbreak & Other classical first half (which could Theater, which was awash with
Homo Driftwood have used surtitles, as much of fascinating Indian film person-
Longtime New York Jay Blotcher, the music was decidedly unfa- alities and offered a non-stop
who now lives further up the Hudson, miliar, even sung in English), open bar during the screenings.
reads from his essay of homo heart- we were treated to Bernstein’s I loved the closing night feature,
break, “When Calvin Met Hobbes,” Broadway work, which had the Dilip Mehta’s delightful “Cooking
which appears in a new anthology of effect of igniting fires under every with Stella,” which zeroed in on
first-person gay writing, “I’m from Drift- seat. the tricky relationship between a Donna Murphy was a highlight of the Broadway music portion of the November 6 “Glitter and Be
wood.” The anthology emerged out of a Donna Murphy walked away diplomatic couple and the hired Gay” event honoring Leonard Bernstein.
website launched last year by Nathan with much of it, redeeming her- help, namely their chef (Seema
Manske of Driftwood, Texas. Manske self after her unimaginative Biswas) who teaches her boss Although our own Steve Erick- pletely insensitive guys we were
will also read from his writing tonight. bucktoothed stridency as Lotte man how to cook New Delhi- son did not care for it, Lena Dun- besotted by — living in the very
LGBT Community Center, 208 W. Lenya in the execrable “Love/ style while hilariously padding ham’s “Tiny Furniture” is such hope —and friends who could be
13th St., 6:30-9:30 p.m. This event is Musik.” She sang “100 Easy her salary. a special film in my opinion that as annoying as they were neces-
free and refreshments will be served. Ways to Lose a Man,” which she I also caught Sanjoy Nag’s I want to add my three cents. I sary?
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ now owns as surely as Roz Rus- “Memories in March,” which found it a real chick flick in the “Tiny Furniture” features all
sell ever did. During the eve- dealt with a bereaved mother rarest but best sense of the word, of these, with perfect pitch and
MUSIC ning’s inescapable highlight, the (Deepti Naval) discovering that a small classic that nails a cer- timing and a star-making perfor-
Spiritual Roots of “Tonight” quartet from “West Side her dead son was gay, still quite tain segment of Manhattan life, mance by the irresistible Jemima
Hope Story,” she stalked onstage as bold subject matter for Indian particularly 20-somethings, cast Kirke, all beautifully shot on a
To open its 18th concert season, Anita (a role she must have died cinema. adrift after college, as we all were Canon EOS 7D HDSLR camera
the Empire City Men’s Chorus, a gay to play), sang sizzlingly about her Both Biswas and Naval (who at that age. with such elegance that many
men’s ensemble dedicated to the per- “kicks,” and then struck a high told me she is directing a feature The kids depicted here are as other filmmakers are rushing to
formance of classical music, presents diva pose, hand on hip, back to with more gay content) were in privileged as those in “The Social do the same.
“Better Day A Comin’: Songs Of Hope the audience. attendance, and it was startling Network,” but where those char- Small wonder that achingly
From The Gospel & Spiritual Tradi- Christine Ebersole was to note how young and glamor- acters were almost uniformly young Dunham has already
tions,” celebrating works with Afri- charming as the female cabbie in ous they looked, after ruthlessly odious, these are really endear- been signed up by HBO.
can-American and Appalachian roots. “On the Town”(opposite a fetch- shedding themselves of all van- ing, all the more so for their foi-
The program features guest artists ingly cornpone Michael Urie), ity to play their older charac- bles. Remember those nowhere Contact David Noh at Inthe-
including the Will Buthod Trio, soprano but could definitely have used ters. (Hey, Hollywood girls: when jobs we all had to take at some and check out his
Diana Solomon-Glover, and the Young a stylist. Cheyenne Jackson (no these actresses were worried, point, undiminished sibling new blog at http://nohway.
Men’s Division of the Brooklyn Youth surprise) was swoon-inducing on their foreheads actually moved!) rivalry, remote parents, com-
Chorus Academy. Church of the
Blessed Sacrament, 152 W. 71st
St., 8 p.m. Also, on Dec. 14, 8 p.m., 䉴 SPAIN, from p.37 more grainy than suave. intelligence as Leonora. Her Boots”) presented at the New
at Church of St. Ann & the Holy Conductor Edward Gardner, un-italianate tone, however, Victory Theater in a Gotham
Trinity, 157 Montague St. at Clinton “Navarraise” seems stuck in the the hottest stick waver in Brit- is too bright and shallow, her Chamber Opera and Tectonic
St., Brooklyn Heights. Tickets are past. ain right now, made an uneven best qualities wasted in this Theatre Project co-production,
$20-$30 at Garanca brought her Car- but promising debut, mixing purely vocal role. Marcelo Alva- in association with Blind Sum-
or the door. A portion of the proceeds men back to the Metropolitan good ideas with shaky execu- rez as Manrico was mellifluous mit Theatre.
will benefit the Trevor Project, which Opera with last year’s promis- tion. Richard Eyre’s produc- in cantilena but punchy in the Moises Kaufman’s produc-
maintains a hotline to counsel LGBTQ ing new Don José, Brandon tion was improved by the deci- heroic passages, the tone los- tion retold the Perrault fairy
youth at risk for suicide. Jovanovich. Garanca’s cat- sion to keep Carmen and Don ing center. tale with childlike humor and
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ eyed reserve suits Carmen, José downstage left and off the Željko Lucic has a genu- fantasy executed with adult
but her tone seemed one size turntable for the final tableau. ine Verdi baritone but one sophistication.
The Impossible too small and rather soprano The medieval Spain of Ver- too thick and booming for the Conductor Neal Goren
Dreamboat in timbre. Jovanovich was di’s “Il Trovatore” (reset in a high-lying legato of “Il Balen.” understood the flamenco and
Steven Reineke leads the New York often dramatically stolid, with Goya-inspired 19th century by Marianne Cornetti’s Azucena Spanish art song qualities of
Pops in a celebration of the season with stiffness creeping into his high director David McVicar) seems revealed a brilliant top register Montsalvatge’s witty, angular
a program of timeless carols and holiday notes. I am impressed with his an alternate universe to the but lacked biting chest tones. score. A young cast augmented
favorites, featuring Tony Award-winner stylish French diction and soft veristic operas discussed above. Cornetti’s gypsy looked too by a bevy of delightful puppets
Brian Stokes Mitchell. Renowned for his singing in the lyrical music, Caruso said that all you need blandly maternal for her fero- enlivened every moment.
rich and commanding baritone, Mitchell but the tone became fragile for “Il Trovatore” are the four cious stage business. May I suggest Gotham
(“Kiss Me, Kate!,” “Man of La Mancha,” and recessed in dramatic pas- greatest singers in the world. Conductor Marco Armiliato Chamber Opera revive this in
and “Ragtime”) was dubbed Broadway’s sages. The talented quartet the Met was attentive to the singers’ repertory with their production
“last leading man” by the New York Nicole Cabell’s lush, soft- wielded for this revival’s open- needs while keeping the show of Respighi’s “La Bella Dor -
Times. Carnegie Hall, 881 Seventh centered tone was stretched ing night seemed better suited moving. mente nel Bosco”? Opera-lov-
Ave. at 57th St. Dec. 10-11, 8 p.m. by the outspoken climaxes of to verismo or French opera. A true taste of Spain was ing children and adults would
Tickets are $33-$106 at the box office or Micaela’s third-act aria. John Patricia Racette, singing with provided by Xavier Montsalvat- be as deeply in their debt as the
calling 212-247-7800. More information Relyea’s Escamillo sang out of increasing ease over a cold, ge’s one-hour children’s opera opera’s poor Miller is to his dap-
䉴 JUMP, continued on p.39
at the side of his mouth in a tone evinced dramatic and musical “El Gato con Botas” (“Puss in per cat.

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