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List of Experiments

1. Interfacing 4X4 matrix and 16X2 character LCD display to

microcontroller/microprocessor and writing a program to
display a pressed key.
2. Interfacing 4X4 matrix keyboard and 16X2 character LCD
display to microcontroller/microprocessor and writing a
program using RTOS for displaying a pressed key.
3. Writing a scheduler using RTOS for 4 tasks with priority.
4. Implement a semaphore for any given task switching using
RTOS on microcontroller board.
5. Implement a program for three different tasks in RTOS and
context switching between these three tasks.
6. Implement a program for creation of message mailbox in
RTOS and posting of message from one task and receiving the
message in another task.
7. Write a program using ISR based events for microcontroller /
microprocessor board using RTOS.
8. Write a program to implement I2C protocol for PCA 89XX
devices using 8051/89C51 microcontroller.
9. Implementation of USB protocol on PIC 18FXx series and
transferring data to PC.
10. Implementation of algorithm/program for the microcontroller
for low power modes.

Mrs. Surekha KS Mrs. Renuka

Staff Incharge Staff Incharge

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