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Echezona Udeze

Final revised and original poem

English 232

Title: The stupid things that sway us on the breeze of portable house fans

The Blue dancer, she stands out from the same clad crowd

A world apart, like a severed limb

Now, I fucking hate the color blue but your bare shoulder …

But your bare shoulder… but your bare shoulder …

The smallest thing can send tremors that topple cities through your heart

I ask the woman in blue to forgive me for hating her dress

And beg to see her face …


I decided to include the original and the picture, I think the original works since I am referring to
a specific dancer, upper left of course.

Blue dancers, she stands out from the same clad crowd

A world apart, like a severed limb

Now, I fucking hate the color blue but your bare shoulder

Like eyes wide open to moon at night

Turning from me as if wrong itself

I ask the woman in blue to forgive me for hating her dress

And beg to see her face

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