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Roll No. .............!..,.....

Total No. of Questions : 091 [Total Nn. of Pages: 02

l*ptv'(,tt. t'(kLdtt€(:ts4 yl0q . ( ('rvt
ll.TecK. (Sera{. - 3"r)
Paper ID : [AO4 52]
[Note : Please fill subject code antl paper ID on OMR]

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 60

Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section- A is Compulsory.
' 2) Attempt any Four questionsfrom Section- B.
3) Attempt any Tlvo questionsfrom Section- C.
Section - A
QI) Q0x2=20)
a) How many edgesaretherein a graphwith 10 verticeseachof degreesix?

b) Define the terms (i) Euler circuit (ii) Completegraph.

c) Give an exampleof a connectedgraph that has both a Hamilton cycle

and an Euler circuit.

d) What is the chromaticnumber'ofK, ,?

e) Define an equivalencerelation and give an exampleof the same.

0 Give an exampleof a finite group?

g) Show that {0} is an ideal in any ring R.

h) Define a quotientring and give an examplefor the same.

i) State(i) Absorptionlaw (ii) Idempotentlaw, in a Booleanalgebra.

j) Sn= 2n?
What is the generatingfunctionfor the sequence

R-876 nT.O.
Seciion- B
Q2) In a classof 60 boys,45 boys play cardsand 30 boys play carom.How many
boys play both games?How many plays cards only and how many plays

Q3) Solvethe recuffencerelationS(n) - 65 (n - 1) + 95 (n -2)= Jn+r.

Q4) Let R be the relation on the set of orderedpairs of positive iniegerssuchthat

(a, b)R (c, d) if and only if a + d = $ + c. Show that R is an equivalence

85) If H and K are two subgroupsof a group G, then show that H n K is also a
subgroupof G.

Q6) Let {8, +, ,'} is a Boolean algebra.For a e B, if x € B be such that

a+ x = 1 and a. x - 0, thbn showthat x= a'.Also showthat0' = 1 and 1' = 0.

Section - C
Q7) Show that every field is an integraldomain.

QS) Considerany connectedplanar graphG = (V E) havingR regions,V vertices

and E edges.Show that V + R - E = 2.

Q9) Use generatingfunctions to solve the recuffencerelation &k= ar_r+ Zun + 2k

with initial conditions&0= 4 and at= 12.


R-876 2

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