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Table of Contents


Introduction ...................................................................... 1

I. The Commission on Human Rights .............................. 3

A. Legal Basis of the CHR as a National Human

Rights Institution ...................................................... 3

B. CHR Organizational Structure ..................................... 3

C. The Role of the CHR as a National Human

Rights Institution ...................................................... 4

C.1. Effective Performance of the Role of an

Independent NHRI ............................................ 5

D. The Powers and Functions of the CHR

Under the 1987 Constitution ...................................... 5

E. The Powers and Functions of the CHR

Under Special Laws .................................................. 6

E.1. Republic Act No. 7610 ....................................... 6

E.2. Republic Act No. 9344 ....................................... 8
E.3. Republic Act No. 9372 ....................................... 9
E.4. Republic Act No. 9745 ....................................... 10
E.5. Republic Act No. 9851 ....................................... 11
E.6. Republic Act No. 9710 ....................................... 12

II. Investigation Services ............................................... 15

A. Investigation and monitoring of human rights violations.. 15

B. CHR Organizational Structure in relation to

Investigation Services ............................................... 18

Table of Contents


B.1. Central Office ................................................... 18

B.2. CHR Organizational Structure at

the Regional Level............................................. 20

B.3. Regional Offices; Territorial Responsibilities .......... 21

III. The Role of the CHR Investigators ............................ 23

IV. Investigation and Case Management Process ............ 27

A. Case Activity Flowchart .............................................. 27

B. Case Management Process ......................................... 28

1. Complaints and Reports ........................................ 28

2. Docket and record of complaints and reports ............ 28

3. Initial evaluation to determine CHR jurisdiction ......... 31

4. Call the parties for a dialogue or preliminary

conference ........................................................ 32

5. Notice ................................................................ 32

6. Start of the investigation ...................................... 32

7. Investigation proper ............................................. 34

7.1. Investigation of cases involving women

and children .............................................. 35
7.2. Investigative monitoring of economic,
and cultural rights ..................................... 36

7.2.a. Investigative monitoring of demolition

and eviction incidents ....................... 38
Table of Contents


V. Post Investigation Activities ........................................... 40

A. Conclusions after Investigation ....................................... 40

8. Final Investigation Report ........................................... 40

B. CHR Resolution ............................................................. 41

9. Evaluation of Investigation Reports and Evidence;

Preparation of Case Resolution ................................... 41

10. Review and Approval of Case Resolution ..................... 41

11. Notice of Resolution to Parties ................................... 42

12. Appeal; motu proprio review of CHR

Regional Resolutions ................................................. 42

13. Commission En Banc Resolution on cases appealed

from CHR Regional Ofices, or subject to motu
proprio review ......................................................... 43

14. Official transmittal of CHR Resolution and case

records to competent fora......................................... 44

C. Monitoring the progress of investigation and status

of cases; consolidated and special reports ........................ 44

15. CHR Offices responsible in case monitoring ................. 44

D. Protection and other assistance to victims,

their families and witnesses ........................................... 45

16. Responsibility to ensure protection and assistance ....... 45

VI. Application of Alternative Disputes Resolution in
Certain human rights cases or issues ............................. 47

Table of Contents


VII. Human rights cases of special concerns ..................... 50

A. Handling cases involving violations of women’s rights ...... 50

B. Handling cases involving violations/abuses

against children .................................................... 52

VIII. Internal Reporting Requirements .............................. 56

The Martus-Based Executive Information System .............. 56


Appendix “A” (to be inputted later)

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