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Database Management System

Oracle 8.x
Data Types
Char( size) : max( 255 character)
:Padded with spaces
Varchar(size): max(2000 char)
:not padded
Number(p,s): p=38 digits
s=125 zeros
Long: variable length char string up to 2GB
(Substring cannot be applied)
RAW:picture or images upto 255 bytes
Creating a Table

Create table <table name>(

Column name1 datatye(size),
Column name1 datatye(size));
Example of creating

SQL> create table emp(

Emp_no varchar(10),
Emp_name varchar(10));

Table created
Retrieving data from
(DML statements)
SQL> select *From < table Name>;

SQL> select < attribute list>

From < table list>;

SQL> select < attribute list>

From < table list>
Where <condition>;
SQL> select *from emp;

SQL> select emp_no, ename

From emp;

SQL> select emp_no, ename

From emp
Where deptno=5;
Order By function

Display the record in either

ascending or descending order.

DEFAULT: Ascending
Continue ……..
Select < attribute list>
From <table name>
Where < condition> (optional)
Order By attribute_name;
Default in ascending order.
Select < attribute list>
From <table name>
Where < condition> (optional)
Order By attribute_name desc;
SQL> select empno,ename
From emp
Where deptno=5
Order by empno;
Default Ascending

SQL> select empno,ename

From emp
Where deptno=5
Order by empno desc;
Delete Operation

SQL> delete from table name;

All record will be deleted.

SQL> delete from table name

Where condition;
Some records will be deleted.
SQL> delete from emp;
All record will be deleted.

SQL> delete from emp

where deptno=5;
All the employee records who
belongs to deptno 5 will be deleted.
Updating the contents
of table
SQL> update <table name>
set < column name=exp>, < column name=exp>;
All the record will be updated

SQL> update <table name>

set < column name=exp>, < column name=exp>
where <condition>;

Some of the records will be updated.

Alter table Statements
Used to change the definition of
the table
(DDL) Data Manipulation
SQL> alter table <table name>
add( column name datatype(size));
Add new column
SQL> alter table <table name>
Modify( column name Newdatatype(size));
Increase the size of an column
SQL> alter table emp
Add( bal_due number(10,2));
Add new column bal_due in EMP table.

SQL> alter table emp

Modify( bal_due number(14,2));
Increase the size of bal_due.
Can not do the followings by
Alter Table Statements
1. Change the table name
2. Rename the column
3. Drop column ( Only in Oracle
4. Decrease the size of column
( if data is present)
Drop Command
Remove the table and its
information from the database
SQL> drop table <table name>;

SQL> drop table emp;

Emp table will be removed from the

Describe Command
To see the description
of the table
SQL> describe <table name>;

SQL> desc <table name>;

SQL> desc emp;

Save and Run the file
SQL> Save <file name>;
Recently executed SQL statements will be
saved with .sql file extension.

SQL> run < file name>

Output with SQL statement.

SQL> @< file name>

Only output will generate.
Logical Operator

AND Operator
SQL> select <attribute list>
from <table name>
where condition1 and condition2;

SQL> select empno,ename

from emp
where deptno=5 and salary>5000;
OR Operator
SQL> select <attribute list>
from <table name>
where condition1 or condition2;

SQL> select empno,ename

from emp
where deptno=5 or deptno=2 ;
NOT Operator
SQL> select <attribute list>
from <table name>
where NOT( column name=‘value’);

SQL> select empno,ename

from emp
where NOT( deptno=5 or deptno=2 );
Range ( Between)
SQL> select < attribute list>
from <table name>
where column name between ( range);
SQL> select empno,ename
from emp
where salary between 1000 and 5000;
SQL> select empno,ename
from emp
where salary not between 1000 and 5000;
Pattern Matching
SQL> select <attribute list>
from <table name>
where column name like ‘s%’;
where column name like ‘sa%’;
where column name like ‘_s%’;
where column name like ‘_s_’;
SQL> select empno,ename
from emp
where ename like ‘a%’;
where ename like ‘as%’;
where ename like ‘_a%’;
where ename like ‘_a_’;
SQL> select <attribute list>
from <table name>
where column name IN(‘value’,’’);
where column name NOT IN(‘value’,’’);
SQL> select empno,ename
from emp
where ename IN (‘arun’,’tarun’);
where ename NOT IN (‘arun’,’tarun’);
Aggregate function
1. SUM
2. AVG
3. MIN
4. MAX
SQL> select aggregate_fun( column name)
from <table name>;
SQL> select sum(sal) from emp;
SQL> select avg(sal) from emp;
SQL> select min(sal) from emp;
SQL> select max(sal) from emp;
SQL> select count(empno) from emp;
Count the no. of values.
Group By and Having

Group By ( for making groups)

Having ( condition)
Group By and Having
SQL> select aggregate_function( column name)
from <table name>
group by <column name>
having <condition>;
SQL> select sum(salary),deptno
from emp
group by deptno
having salary>1000;
1. Column Level
( if apply on single column)

2. Table Level
( if apply on more than one column)
Table Level

SQL> create table emp(

empno varchar(10),
deptno number(2),
primary key( empno,deptno));
Column Level

SQL> create table emp(

empno varchar(10) primary key,
ename varchar(10),
salary number(10,2),
deptno number(2));
Additional Constraints
attribute value will not be NULL

attribute value will be unique but at
least one time it will accept null

SQL> create table emp(

empno varchar(10) NOT NULL,
ename varchar(10),
salary number(10,2),
deptno number(2));

SQL> create table emp(

empno varchar(10) UNIQUE,
ename varchar(10)
salary number(10,2)
deptno number(2));
Foreign Key
SQL> create table emp(
empno varchar(10) primary key,
ename varchar(10)
salary number(10,2)
deptno number(2)
foreign key (deptno) references
Check Constraints
SQL> create table emp(
empno varchar(10) primary key,
ename varchar(10)check (ename like ‘a
salary number(10,2),
deptno number(2));
Only ename starting with letter ‘a’ are
Default Constraints
SQL> create table emp(
empno varchar(10) primary key,
ename varchar(10),
salary number(10,2),
sex varchar(1) default ‘M’,
deptno number(2));
Adding constraints by
Alter Table Command

SQL> alter table emp

add primary key( empno);

SQL> alter table emp

Add foreign key (deptno) references dept(deptno);
Drop the Primary Key

SQL> Alter table emp

drop primary key;
Join Operation

1. Equi-join

2. Cartesian Product/ Cartesian


SQL> select *from emp,dept

Cartesian Product/ Cartesian Join

SQL> select *from emp,dept;

Emp(m) dept(n)
m,n are number of column in emp and dept
p,q are number of records in emp and dept

In result m+n number of columns and p*q

number of records .
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