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Jonathan J Tibbs

The Origins of the Monotheistic GOD and Cultures Pertaining to Him

There are many religious beliefs surrounding the origins of Monotheism, the

implemented practice of the faith of GOD. The key word in this phrase is omnipotent

GOD and not the practice of a polytheistic nature. The faith of one GOD is found in a

variety of religious practices including the Christian belief, the Muslim faith and the

Hebrew faith. All of which have a surprisingly similar belief system of GOD and the

events which entail their Holy books.

To understand the nature of God, one must believe in the fact of God which is the

scientific evidence that there is a supernatural, all-knowing perfect being who governs the

world. From this entity, life and matter came into balance through a symbiotic

relationship. Physics states you cannot create something from nothing, meaning matter

cannot come into existence without first having a great source of energy to create such a

matter into existence. It would have to be an intelligent, massive amount of energy to

create such life (energy = mass x the square velocity of light). In this I believe GOD is in

fact a pure intelligent powerful energy, the source of light, matter and all energy who is in

all things, the Alpha and the Omega.

“Indeed the very hairs on your head are all numbered.” Luke 12:17

The bible speaks of GOD as an all powerful entity knowing the very numbers of hairs

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upon ones head and speaking that an apple cannot fall from the tree without GOD

knowing of this occurrence. This biblical statement along with scientific fact backs my

theory of the origins of GOD, knowing energy is every aspect of nature from the creation

of matter to the kinetic energy (the energy of motion).

The principle in classical mechanics, E ∝ mv² ,was first developed by Gottfried and

Burnoulli who described kinetic energy as the ‘living force’ as theologins refer to God as

the ‘living GOD’ and his word ‘ the living word’. This same energy that created matter

and holds all of creation in a perfect balance. Meaning for life to exist on a planet there

would have to be an abundant supply of water and an accurate temperture to sustain

biological life among numerous other factors such as the symbolic relationship between

plants and animals concerning the Carbon Cycle. Also the same relationship we see with

the rotation of planets in the form of solar systems, which binds the sun and astronimical

objects together by gravity, a form of gravitational energy to kinetic energy.

“So GOD created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him: male and

female he created them.” Genesis 5:1

As God is a source of intelligent energy, as is man, he/she is made in the image of GOD,

as refers to scripture. The amount of energy generated in the human body is enormous

and the amount of intelligent energy generated in the human brain is around 25 percent of

the total energy of consumption to produce such things as human innovation, scientific

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technological advancement and understanding. An emotion, another form of energy, is

characterized by the release of energy from the body producing a variety of feelings from

anger to pleasure. I would imagine God would feel these same emotions, for the energy

that created this came from his place of origin. Science also states that energy cannot die,

but just changes form, as God cannot die, neither can man/woman. The energy that

creates us, all our being, our soul, goes on to live in another form in space and time.

As energy can create sound, GOD being all energy can speak through the creation of

sound as well. Many accounts in the bible, Old Testament, refer to God speaking to

prophets in an audible voice. God said to Moses,

"I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to

you. Say to the Israelites, 'The LORD, the God of your fathers--the God of Abraham, the

God of Isaac and the God of Jacob--has sent me to you.' This is my name forever, the

name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation” Exodus 3: 14-15

God’s pure source of power also has been referred to as being placed within the Ark of the

Covenant for the use of sacrifice to cleanse men/women from their sins. This occurred

before the death of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who was God’s sacrifice to the world. The Ark

of the Covenant was said to have a source of power, equal to that of radiation, which is a

form of light energy that would destroy anyone unworthy of its contact.

GOD is also said to be omnipresent, existing in the past, present and future. Holy books refer

to the existence of the heavens as a dimension created within the same time, but

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separate from earth. Science has the theory of parallel dimensions, four to be exact, which I

believe to be the past, present, future and the dimension of the heavens, all connected through

the fabric of time. Scientists discovered the phenomenon of black holes, which admit a

massive amount of radiation and not even light can escape. They have even found evidence

of past things by peering through these anomalies, such as the image of the cross of Christ.

There are many faiths that refer to the Monotheistic theme of ‘One GOD’. The first of these

is the Christian faith, which is sometimes referred to as Christendom, based around Jesus

Christ and his sacrifice for humanity. Christendom believes that Christ was 100 percent man

and 100 percent GOD, being divinely made from man and through the conception of the seed

of GOD through Mary. This strikes such controversy among other faiths of Monotheism

who hold GOD to the highest regard believing the Christ wasn’t to the level of GOD, but a

divine prophet sent to the world to speak the works of GOD. The term of savior is varied, but

growing in these other faiths.

“For GOD so loved the world that he gave is only begotten son that whosoever believes in

him shall not parish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Catholics differ from these churches created from the Protestant Reformation by having a

mediator between GOD and the people of the church. Through the Pope and his bishops, they

deliver thought and fundamental beliefs to clergy (priests) of the church who deliver

messages to the mass public. As in the same, the priest acts as a mediator between GOD and

his people by the professing of sins to be forgiven as to where most protestant churches

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believe that Christ is the mediator between GOD and man/woman. They, most protestants,

have the belief that through the death of Christ we have direct contact with both the son and

the father, who are separate, but one. The Catholic Church is based on what I call the ‘Saint

Factor’ , the honoring and praying to saints within the church including the mother Mary and

angels for strength and protection.

“Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women,

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us

sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

“Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the

wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou,

O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil

spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen”

The Islamic faith is another form of Monotheistic belief. This faith is mostly of people of

the arabic persuasion by calling the name of GOD in the terms of ALLAH, the [sole]

deity. The Islamic faith is separated in two main sectors called the Sunni Muslims and

Shea Muslims. First lets begin on the similarities of Islam and Christianity.

“You will certainly find the nearest in friendship to those who believe (to be) those who

say: ... We are Christians.” Koran 5:82

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“When the angels said, 'O Mary, ALLAH gives thee glad tidings of a son through a word

from HIM; his name shall be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, honored in this world and

in the next, and of those who are granted nearness to God; Koran 3:45

Both the Islamic and Christian faiths, radical extremism exempt, believe that Christ is the

Messiah, born of a virgin, through the seed of GOD to do his work on earth as in the

terms of being a great prophet. The details that differ are in the origins of the God-like

nature of Christ. Meaning Muslims would not accept any facts that would place Christ as

the equal to GOD, but as the lesser of the trinity.

Personally I believe one can say Christ is the Messiah, the seed of GOD, asking for his

death to cover your sins and it shall be done. Christ’s death being the ultimate purpose

for his existence on earth. As in the same, the details of Christ are typically used in terms

of how one chooses to honor ‘the son of man’. I do not believe any ill-will toward those

who wish to elevate Christ to GOD, for Christ was sent as a gift which GOD called his

‘only begotten son’. In this we are all children of GOD made in his image through the

seed of Abraham, yet not from the seed of GOD himself. So surely in this phrase you

would believe that what is of the father is passed down to the son.

Also from the seed of Abraham’s sons are born the separation of Islam from the

fundamental beliefs shared through Judaism and the Judeo-Christian belief. Through the

sacrifice of Abraham’s son (Isaac, in the terms of Christianity and Judaism) and Ishmael

in the belief of Islam. I find that such relevancy only applies in the terms of each belief

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system of peoples wanting to have their special place with GOD/ALLAH. I also don’t

find much importance in these details for the message was clear of the sacrifice of

Abraham concerning his son.

The basic difference of Islam from Christianity was from whom the message of GOD

was delivered to the people. The Hebrew people had practiced the faith of ‘One GOD’

and then there were those whom GOD considered to be pagan or in the terms of the bible

‘gentiles’ believing the multitude of gods (Polytheism). This does not apply to modern

day gentile beliefs such as Christianity, gentile meaning a multitude of nations outside the

seed of Israel. Such examples would of the Egyptian god system; Ra (son god), Geb

(earth god), Hathor (music god) and so on and so forth. This is also the same in the belief

system of the Greeks or now what is known as Greek Mythology.

“These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the

Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: 6 But go rather to the lost

sheep of the house of Israel.” Matthew 10:5-6

The Islamic belief system was brought to the people by a prophet named Mohammad

who taught the Omnipotent Monotheistic point of belief and the thoughts and practices of

the Hebrew people. He was a specific prophet in a specific age that brought faith to those

who believed in what the Koran would call ‘false gods’. Muhammad, unlike popular

opinion among those who would claim to be radicalized by Islam, spoke well of the

Christians and that of the Jews.

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"Abraham was indeed a paragon of virtue, obedient to ALLAH, ever inclined to HIM,

and he was not of those who set up equals with ALLAH; Ever grateful for HIS favors:

HE chose him and guided him to a straight path. And WE bestowed on him good in this

world, and in the Hereafter he will surely be among the righteous. And now WE have

sent revelation to thee, enjoining, 'Follow the way of Abraham who was ever inclined to

ALLAH and was not of those who set up equals to HIM.'"—Qur'an, Surah 16:121-124

The main difference between the two sectors of Muslims, Sunni and Shia, is who was

suppose to pick up the seat of leadership after the death of Muhammad. Sunni Muslims,

meaning one who follows the prophet, makes up 90 percent of all Islamic beliefs. These

Muslims feel that the leadership of Muhammad should be carried by those who were his

companions such as the twelve disciplines of Christ carried out the belief of Christianity

to the world. The Shia, meaning supportive party of the people, believe that after the

death of Muhammad the leadership should have been passed directly down to his

personal family, mainly his cousin/son in law Ali. Personally I feel that the power is in

the message and not the messenger, meaning as long as the story is told regardless from

whose mouth it comes.

The Third world faith that practices Monotheism is those from the seed of Abraham who

branched out to sustained Judaism, but also created Christianity as we know it today.

Judaism is the oldest world faith of Monotheism and the foundations of all religions

therefore linked together yet separated by the same chain.

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The practice of Judaism is based on the Torah. These are the same books that make up

the first five chapters of the bible; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,and

Deuteronomy. They are the basis for most of the teachings of Abraham who is the

common prophet in all monotheistic beliefs. Another book of Judiasm is the Tanakh,

meaning that which is read, which is considered to be the translation for the old testiment

in the bible.

What tightly ties Christianity and Judiasm together is the fundamental belief system of

the early laws and codes as to where the Muslim faiths also adhere. A main difference

between Judaism and Christianity is the knowledge of the savior whom GOD sent from

the seed of Abraham to be called ‘INRI’, an acronymn of latin meaning

IESVS·NAZARENVS·REX·IVDÆORVM, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of the Jews. As to

where Christians celebrate Christmas, the birth of our savior. The Jews celebrate

Hanukkah, the festival of lights, rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in

Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt. This revolt reassered the Jewish

religion, expanding the boundaries of the Land of Israel.

Another important holiday regonized by Christians and Mulisms, yet not celebrated is the

holy day of Passover. Passover is the representation of the story of Exodous of how the

Hebrews were freed from the land of Egypt by Moses, known as Musa a great prophet in

Islam who wrote the Ten Commandments. These laws of Moses, known in hebrew as

Aseret ha-Dibrot, are an outline in the old testament of the bible given to the people of

Israel of how they should conduct themselves toward others and their GOD.

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The key dispute between Christianity and Judaism is the same of Christianity and Islam,

yet somewhat different. As to where Muslims believe Christ was a divine prophet sent

from GOD, being the lesser of GOD, yet still not disputing the reason the Christ could be

the savior. As in the same, the Jews don’t believe Christ to be GOD, yet they also

dispute him being the savior of their people spoke of in prophecy. This I find ironic

because Judaism and Christianity are so closely linked from their origins, yet the

Christian faith sides more towards that of Islam concerning the most important fact of

salvation through Jesus Christ.

The Tanakh is composed of collections of writings that are ordered around its layout

known as the Midrash Rabbah. These writing state that the Hebrew messiah will appear

(Christ's birth) disappear (Christ’s death) and (appear again). The second coming of

Christ as spoke of in Islam and Christianity. It also indicated that the savior would be

crucified for our transgressions as the Christ was crucified.

The one piece of the puzzle that keeps most Jews from claiming the Christ as the Messiah

is all the prophecies have yet to be fulfilled concerning the Messiah’s coming. Yet as the

midrash so indicates the Christ would disappear and reappear making all the prophecies

concerning him not to be to date as yet.

"Your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted

on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey," popular perception places the color of this

donkey as white” Zechariah 9:9

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The theory of Monotheism is very similar in most cultures, varying from detail to details

and raising most global disputes and wars throughout the ages. One might say the devil

is in the details when it comes to religious practice.

From my experience and research on religions and scientific evidentiary support, I find

there is one GOD and there is one savior, Jesus Christ. Christ being the sacrifice and

bridge between GOD and man.

Secondly, I have also discovered many prophets specified to a specific people and some

who unite all people. However similarly these practices are in their origins, people

usually remain true to the practice of their fathers, those before them, believing their faith

is the greatest and willing to dispute it till the end.

In finding these facts one can determine the similarities and find the common bond of one

GOD and one savior. In this we can unite those whom are separated and bring balance

and peace.

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of light, tells you that it takes a huge amount of energy to

create matter...

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