Receipe 3

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Summer Crumble

3 Bramley apples, quartered, cored and finely chopped

2 punnets (small baskets, or pints) blackberries
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Small handful basil, chopped
5 heaping tablespoons sugar
4 heaping tablespoons flour
1/4 pound butter

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C or gas 6).

Put the fruit into the bowl with the balsamic vinegar, basil, and
2 tablespoons of sugar. Add a little more sugar if your
blackberries are a bit sour. Mix and put aside to marinate.

Using your fingers, rub together the flour, butter, and the rest of
the sugar (you can also do this in a food processor, just blitz
until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs). I prefer to do
this by hand as I like to end up with a nice rustic-looking
crumble? with some bits bigger than others.

Put the fruit into an ovenproof serving dish or into individual

dishes. Sprinkle the crumble mix over the fruit, making sure to
pile more into the middle of the dish. Bake it in the oven for
about 30 minutes, or until the middle of the crumble is evenly
golden and the fruit has started to bubble up around the edges.

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