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Name _________________________ Date ________________

Topic: Identifying Prepositions

Directions: Underline all the prepositions the following sentences:

1. My little brother likes to hide in his toy box.

2. The ball rolled under the table.

3. Our new puppy likes to run beside me.

4. You have to wash your hands before you eat.

5. We went over the bridge in our new car.

6. The temperature yesterday was below zero!

7. I ran down the hill and rolled on the grass.

8. My sister ran past me to catch the school bus.

9. I always seem to daydream during class.

10. Tomorrow I get to eat dinner at my friend’s house.

11. I’ve loved animals since I was small.

12. I like my sandwiches with the crust cut off.

Name _________________________ Date ________________

Answer key:

1. My little brother likes to hide in his toy box.

2. The ball rolled under the table.

3. Our new puppy likes to run beside me.

4. You have to wash your hands before you eat.

5. We went over the bridge in our new car.

6. The temperature yesterday was below zero!

7. I ran down the hill and rolled on the grass.

8. My sister ran past me to catch the school bus.

9. I always seem to daydream during class.

10. Tomorrow I get to eat dinner at my friend’s house.

11. I’ve loved animals since I was small.

12. I like my sandwiches with the crust cut off.


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