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Dear Friend,

Indians in general but especially our group’s readers are willing to spend large sums on
education today. With the number of choices of career, lack of guidance on the right courses
to opt for, guidance on studying abroad, etc. students and parents are left confused.

Times Classifieds offers various platforms for such readers to choose courses that suit them
while providing institutes and advertisers and a host of media options to enable them to
grow their business.

One such ideal platform for you to showcase your offers is Education Forum – A special
section that is carried every Wednesday in Bombay Times.

This is a true value addition to our present offerings. The advertising details are as follows:

Rates for Bombay Times

No of Insertions 1 4 7 13 25
Rate (per sq. cm.) 300 250 225 200 150

Size options:
6.3 cm (width) x 5 cm (height)
6.3 cm (width) x 10 cm (height)

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