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List of clearances required for Power Plant

1)Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum acknowledgement given by Ministry

of Commerce and Industry.

2)Memorandum of understanding to be signed with State Govt.

3) Land Acquisition for Power Plant, Ash Dyke, Dam site, colony, Coalhandling, cross country pipeline, coal conveyor
etc. which comprises offollowing type of lands

i. Govt land

ii. Private land

iii. Forest land

Procedure for Land Acquisition


Government land

a.Identify the land coming under project site

b.Meet the patwari of that particular village on which particularland is coming and then prepare Khasra Map indicating
variouslocation of the land

c.List the name of owners coming under that particular area based

on Khasra Mapping

d.After preparation of list of land owners a No Objection Certificate

is to be obtained from Local Gram Panchayat.

e.With all the above-mentioned information i.e. Khasra Map, Listof land Owners, NOC from Gram Panchayat, Land
Diversionapplication if forest or agricultural land is coming underconstruction.
f.With all the information sited above:- Local Government issueSection-4 Notification stating that so and so govt land is
to beacquired by the Project Owner and if any one of the land ownerhaving any sort of objection can write to them
with in 30 days ofdate of issue of Notification. If any objection is received with thetime frame specified by the govt.
than the issue shall bediscussed and resolved through public hearing.
g.Based on the evaluation cost of land required by the Owner (Nonforest and non Agricultural) and application fee for
diversion offorest or agricultural land, Govt decides the total amount to bepaid by the land user and request to
deposit the actual cost tothe govt.
h.Once the applicable fees is paid, govt issues Section 6 stating thegiven land is acquired by the ultimate user and issues
paymentcheques to various land owners who had sell their land.

i.Once section 6 is issued, the land is presumed to be under

custody of the Owner.

ii)Private Land
a)Acquisition of private land is similar to acquisition of Govt landand procedure indicated in sl no. a,b& c for acquisition
of govtland is same.
b)Further, after preparation of list of land owners, direct dealingwith the land owner with negotiations can be performed
topurchase the land.

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