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Israel Matzav

Democratic Presidential candidate Barack

Hussein Obama's official web site has provided seemingly unlimited blogging space for
anti-Semites of every race, color and creed to spit their venom about Israel and
Jews. Doug Ross has discovered yet another blog on Obama's official web site that
explains how the 'Jewish lobby' works. The blog has been around since at least April.
NO LOBBY IS FEARED MORE or catered to by politicians than the Jewish Lobby. If a
politician does not play ball with the Jewish Lobby, he will not get elected, or re-elected,
and he will either be smeared or ignored by the Jewish-owned major media.
All Jewish lobbies and organizations are interconnected and there are hundreds upon
hundreds of them. The leaders of the numerous Jewish Lobby Groups go to the same
synagogues, country clubs, and share the same Jewish investment bankers. And this
inter-connectedness extends to the Jews who run the Federal Reserve Bank, US
Homeland Security, and the US State Department.
In other words, “Jews stick together.” Americans must know how extremely powerful
the Jewish Lobby is and how it operates to undermine America’s interests both at home
and abroad. At home - by corrupting America’s political system, and abroad - by
dictating American Foreign Policy against America’s best interests.
Do I need to quote more? Do I need to post any of the disgusting posters about the "Jew
Senator Lieberman" to convince you all that something is seriously wrong here? 'Change
you can believe in? Looks more like more of the same old thing to me.

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