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Inpatts of the Northern Amhara regi, hari vadltonal pracoes persis, such 1s early mariage, abducion of gifs and women, and female genital mutiation, ‘Since 2007. Oxam Canada Ethiovia hes partnered wih the Organisation for Re- habiliation end Development in Amhara (ORDA) to work on a project enftiod [Breaking the Stence. This innovattve projec estabishes mutt-sizkenokder based ‘community groups which use conversations to breakdown harmful tradtional practises. By using community conversations and working wih community based ‘committees Oxiam Canada and ORDA heve used CIDA funting to signiicanty Increase the wel-being of women and gifs n the Nortrem Amhara region of Ethiopia, Inthe intl phases of Breaking the Silence, the selecion and thing of members of both formal and formal organisations tock place to provide them withthe tools necessary toact as community action group leaders. Conversations were then held win vilages to ty and build community awareness and dislogue on these issues. Ineach sub vilage, around 50-60 people attended these meetings every two weeks wit the trained faci- ‘elors. The frst discussion involved identfying relevantissues, Subsequent conversations focused on one particular subject wih the cim of clarifying \hy these issues are important. a community required further information on an issve, they invited resource people such as heath experts, trad tional leaders or government ofcials to actieve greater carly orto help resolve debates hhatarose during he sessions. Community conesatons use communication mates ranging fn dlaue, pocly and retve wring to ce plying end presentations fom ‘model clizens who have dernonsrled behavioural charges. Onoe the ham nature cfa ultra bol, non or pracoe has been estabished ‘community members draw up an acon plan stop the practves. The communities then oreete theirown bylaws which acts a community const- ‘on. Community members must adhere thove laws, or fae saesons passadby the commits. Thor are thematic communty based am nites whieh ere made up ofa vary ferent stakehoder engin fom regs acer, representatives fom women ac youth assoctons rnembers ofthe poice, heath warkes, ers and kebele adrnisaiors who togeheractas a community levelregulrybody, but also have inks with government irsiuions thathelp to enioroe anc legiize the bylaws. ln October 2008, Wurgessa and Gedo Ber Kebeles were sampled to evaluate the Bbc girs shorter impact of Breaking the Sloe. Gis and boys school attendance is now 80% Seek ec Co equa and fore ofvionce aganctwomensich as busin andrapahavebaene- (10) U 0,0} cuved. Adktonaly, communiiesiare now well aware ofthe nogaive consequences of berm rational pracces. Ber Kebeles since Breaking RRS ed ce in thicy ‘Oxfam Canada arei ORDA are now colaberaing with 2 network of government sectors led by the Women's Affairs Ofice to promote Breaking the ‘Sence. Oxlam Canada and ORDA are stiving to insituionalse the methodology used forthe project at he regional evel so other commurites, cen eam and benefit fom is achivernents. cs Page 05 “No one taked about HIV & AIDS, most of my fiends suffered and died without getting any support or recoaniton. We were stigmatized andignored.” Ato Yadessa, former chairperson & PLHIV Associaton member ‘Zewde Metre, ike many women in Gohalsion Town of Jarso Woreds fet she had no ather optons to support herself when she became @ com- ‘mercial sex worker. She worked for many years not knowing her health stats, stugging without communily, fnancialor medical suppart Then she \oited OPAR. “With CPAR’s help | was able to get access tothe medical suppor that | needed” she explained. Heving contracted HIV, she, fhe ‘hers inthe communiy faced stigmatization and isolation. Many ofthose iving wih HIVIAIDS in the community cid not have aocess to an-rerovi- ra treatment (ART), routine preventive health care, oreven the most basic needs of nutiious food and adequate shelter Zewde decided to make a change. She and siteen citer people ing wit HVIAIDS (PLHIV) formed an association in February 2007 to support ‘one another and improve ther Ivelitoods. And wih financial suppotffom CIDA through CPARS integrated development program called “Moving Beyond Hunger (MBHY they are dongjust thet ‘Atera caret marke! assessment end tairingby CPARin smal business suppot and startup (as wel as some seed capital) he PLHIV Associa- ‘on as established a niche in Jarso for is goods and services. "The Assocation ofers ciical suppot to ts members by oarng grains such es ‘wheat. This enables them to gonerate income and maximize prof withthe tention of mroving our vsnoods. This supports invaluable given ‘the immence impact of HV & AIDSin the corrmunity” says member ofthe PLHIV Assocation. "Newmembers those tesing posive for HIV) are welcomedinto the group, and care and suppatis provided fr teirfamiies 2s they cope wih the icait dagnosis. And many others suffering slenty have come out cfisolafon- the association has srenghened to 137 members in jas three years! In addition fo providing support forthe Association and its members, CPAR also alocated more then CDN $25,000 to srengthen the Woreda Heath Office for VCT Services and treatment of Opportunisc Infections (Os), As a result, he Woreda Heath Ofce now has vitd heath facies ‘and materes for VCTand ART, lab equipment, and esserial rugs. “The Associaton is curenty in the process of enquiring ha of iad fom Gohatsion Town Municipal o begin aim fatering aces, which wil pPovide anew sours ofincome for members. Through om rave the Associaton has also beon ableto secure pejectfurds andassstancss fromthe Woreda HIVIAIDS reversion and Contl Ofice(HPCO) and other NGOS. The gowng Assocation has made huge stiesin changing community atftudes towards PLHIV. As the durent cherwomen ofthe association putt: "The mare we get together 2s PLHVs the grater the chance b treak the sience on HIVIAIDS — and therefore the more preductve we wil bein ourcolectve efor" In this way, the assoriation is en- ‘uring ret bravo wornen ke Zonclo Mehret wll rover fol elone and helpless again. PMENT ENTERPRISES IDE is an ntematinal non proftorgarizalion which has the mission to create incor oppartunies fr poor rua households. IDE befeves that he vay forecuce povety and create wealth sto hep smahoter farmers use fei own resources (and. wate ior) io eam proft. We fous on ds- "upive innovebon in lchnologis, affordability, ovale addon to uneach human potnaland chango tho satus quo fr tho botirmant fal. With srral farmers comprising 70 percent of the works 2 bilfon poor people, business 2s usual not encugh. Fresh, ceive tirking on product and process design is required ib ransforn rural vehoods. IDEs unique approach i reused on several components, Fit wo design, dovolp, and casentinale alot, val ich micro rigaton toch nobgies (MITS) hat low smalnoer farmers to makea Fanstion fom rainfed sWbesterce agree to igated carrera ain, Concar- rently, DE focuses on developing and supporting private input supply chain fo ensure het smalhokir farmers have sustainable access to MIT, seeds. and friar IDE ako provides agicutual extension taring and suppor serves ip help farmers adootmorved faming sacs. Fi aly, we facate smallholder farrere accecs to oiput marks where they el tha goods. Esetished i Jy 2007, DE Etionia sone ol IDEs newest county pags. The eke D Oe een wie (CDAfunded Smalhodder Prosperity Infialive was established in September 2009 REEL ROU SRME IEEE 828 orn recaso fence of 1,000ralhoke rors by an average f Pen Tcecmte petra 92208 277u7 O80 year pated, Aboud he projet si very young, we have skedy stared raking an inpect nes ete a ee eeu ona’ (Gezahegne Gorfa is a smallholder farmer with 8 family members who lives in Becho: woreda. Prior to being inraducted to DE tachnolages, Gezahagne rd on rin fod farming, going ef wheat and peas. Dutng this te, he aso stereo grow veg ables usinga hand dug wel and bucket. However, desple fhe huge laboring, he was only able to eam 1400 Birr a year by farming this way. Gezahegne bought a ssxcion-orty read pump in December 2000 after speaking wih IDE fald oficar. ‘After paying for fhe pump and input supplies, his net income from the fst inigation season was 2400 Bir. He expects to be able to produce two vegetable crops per year in the future. With ths extra income, Gezahegne was able to fence his property, buy xa dothes for his chide, pay hi land tax and purchase enaugh fod te fad his family for he year ey

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