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Atomic Size

1.) Factors affecting atomic radii

a.) Screening effect
- caused by mutual repulsion between electrons in the inner shell with those in the outer shell.
- Greater number of filled inner shells, the greater is the screening effect and the larger
is the atomic layer.
b.) Nuclear charge
- corresponds to the number of protons in the nucleus.
- the nuclear charge pulls all the electron closer to the nucleus and causes the atomic
size to decrease

2.) Therefore, effective nuclear charge=nuclear charge – screening effect

a.) Higher effective nuclear charge, smaller atomic size.
b.) Smaller effective nuclear charge, larger atomic size.

Explanation on atomic size increases going down a group.

Atomic size increases going down the group because the increase in the number of electron
shells between valence electrons and the nucleus and the increase in screening effect
(shielding) of outer electrons by the inner electrons. The increase of screening effect is larger
than the increase in nuclear charge. Therefore the effective nuclear charge decreases and
outermost shell electrons are held less tightly by the nucleus causing the atomic radius to

Explanation on atomic size decreases going across period.

Going across period 2 and 3, atomic size decreases due to the nuclear charge increases and
the number of electrons also increases. However, the screening effect remains about the same
as the electrons are added to the same quantum shell. As a result, the effective nuclear charge
increase, the valence electrons are pulled closer to the nucleus and the atomic size decreases.

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