Cse-316 - Computer Networks Homework 1

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CSE-316 -Computer Networks

HomeWork 1

1. Networks provide the benefits to the user. Is there any area where networks are not

2. What does negotiation mean while discussing network protocols?. Give example.

3. Data Transfer between 2 machines takes place in which Fashion?

4. Match the following functions with different layers of OSI model.(with reason)
a) Segmentation.
b) Provide security.
c) Error control.
d) Syntax and semantics
e) Multiplexing.

5. If the unit at the data link layer means a frame and the unit at the network level is
packet. Do frames encapsulate packets or packets encapsulate frames?

6. Find out the kinds of networks used in the campus. Describe them on following
aspects network type, topologies and the kind of transmission media?

7. Is an oil pipeline a simplex, half duplex or full duplex or none of the above system?

2nd march

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