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Adam and Eve: Things people do wrong that destroys relationship.

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Adam and Eve

our goal is to give direction to issues involving relationship. Adam and Eve is targetted at coaching
men and women, so that they can enjoy their relationship with their partners and also to coach
singles on how to make the decision involving the matter of the heart.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Things people do wrong that destroys relationship.
Femi Fasanya, 08037257479,

I accept the statement of Pastor Eric Obigho as true that ‘Man was
created first for relationship before responsibility.’ If all that
you do in life is carry out responsibilities without developing
relationships, you will end up a failure and your memory will fade
away when you die. Apart from your relationship with God (that is if
you are smart enough to accept that a Creator exists), the second
most vital relationship in your life is the person you will get
married/you are married too.

There are things that people do wrong that end up breaking these
vital relationship in their lives; my desire is that you will not make
the same mistake. There is a therefore a need for you to be
knowledgeable, because relationships don’t just succeed, it
requires the individuals involve in it to do things right. Here are five
things that I have over the years observe destroy relationships…
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Wrong use of words- Words are powerful; they have the ability to
▼ 2008 (3)
create and destroy. I believe strongly that a large number of
relationships that broke were because of the use of foul words by ▼ July (3)
either/both parties involved. One of the relationships I broke up Why ‘good’ women
with before I got married was because the lady in question used a
marry ‘bad’ men.
foul word on me that my ego couldn’t tolerate, so I moved on.
Things people do wrong that
destroys relationship....
Men are egocentric by nature, they can’t stand words by their
partners which are aimed at comparing them in a demeaning Don’t fall in love.
manner with another person and they can’t stand their partners
using authoritative words on them. While their female counterpart
About Me
can’t stand the use of insultive words.
femi fasanya
You need to learn to use your discretion; as a lady in being honest i have been actively involve in
to your partner about your past, you don’t go telling him that twenty coaching people on relationship
men had slept with you. I believe that some of the troubles issues for over 7yrs. my passion is to
between wives and their in-laws after marriage stems from the give direction to couples on how to
men they were dating not managing information about their develop sucessful relationship with 8/1/2008
Adam and Eve: Things people do wrong that destroys relationship. Page 2 of 4

families properly. their partners and also to coach

singles on the direction to take when
Premarital sex- Sheriff Shomade said, ‘There is nothing as it comes to the issue of the heart.
sweet as sexual intercourse (when it is done outside of the View my complete profile
confine of marriage) on the face of the earth, but it’s a
perilous slide to destruction.’ Every time you allow anyone have
the attention of your genital that you are not married to, you loose
something. One of the things you will loose is the foundation of a
successful relationship which is trust. I read a statistics once that
states that over 51% of couples who are divorced were sexually
involved with one another before marriage.

Sexual intercourse outside of the confine of marriage may look

harmless, but it’s really destructive in the long run on the
relationship that you are trying to keep. I will like to share with
every lady that will read this article this truth, men are likely to get
married to women that they trust in the area of sexual
intercourse than the ones that they have feelings people call
love for. I also want every lady involve in sexual intercourse to
prove me wrong, that if you stop allowing your partner from getting
sexually involve with you again, the relationship will naturally
disintegrate. When you allowed him to get sexually involved with
you, you shifted his attention from you to your genitals and permit
me to say this, most men love free non committed sex.

Being irresponsible- People want a partner that is responsible in

the area of productivity; we all are proud when we can say to
others how well our partners are doing. No one wants to
marry/stay with a leach after marriage.

One thing every man should know about women is, they hate their
man be a dependant. They hate it when their partner survive on
the good will of others instead of his own productivity; you find a
wife beaming with life when her man is hard working, though he
may not be rich yet.

I also feel I should write in the article that every singles ladies
should be productive; depending on a man to buy you things and
pay your bills is a sign of being irresponsible. Often a time men
leave will leave a relationship that they feel they are being
burdened in; you should work so that no man will be able to treat
you like a piece of furniture he paid for with his money.

What people hide- The statement Jesus made is true, he

said ‘There is nothing hidden under the heaven.’ What people
hide comes to hunt them and often times it destroys them.
Marriages have come to end when one of the party discover that
the person he/she is married to have a skeleton in their cupboard
that they didn’t reveal them until it came out. 8/1/2008
Adam and Eve: Things people do wrong that destroys relationship. Page 3 of 4

I heard the story of a man who discovered two days before his
wedding day that his fiancée has two children in the past
relationship she was involved in without mentioning it to him at any
time in the relationship. He walked out of the marriage

My question to you is; what are you hiding? My honest opinion is

that you discuss it with your partner as soon as possible before
he/she gets to hear about it from other places; the reason is
because people have a way of buttressing stories beyond what
actually happened.

Unforgiveness- The English adage that says, ‘To err is human,

to forgive divine’ is true. In relationship if either/both of don’t have
a forgiven heart, the relationship will naturally disintegrate.

In relationship, you will hurt and be hurt. Some times the hurt you
will get from your partner may be intentional and most of the times
it will not be intentional; if you have not developed a forgiving
nature, the pain you will experience may bring an end to your
relationship. If you’re given to keeping records of wrongs that are
done to you, you are preparing yourself for a failed relationship.

Posted by Adam and Eve at 3:25 PM


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